ARC Portable Generator: Setup & Operation

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so let's go over a little bit about how the arc generator works on the front right here is the inlet this is where all the air gets pulled into the generator this is the exhaust ducts on the sides as you can see here and on the back is where you make all your connections alright we are outside and i will show you how to set up and start and run the arc turbo generator so here she is right here we're gonna set her up on a nice flat surface now the generator comes with wired with two units you've got your control terminal so we're gonna set it up right here and uh your power leads there they are right there so we're gonna line it up with some holes that are already pre-drilled in the in the base right here so we're going to line it up on the on the circles right here i'm going to grab a uh four m6 bolts and these bolts come together with the package so there's nothing you need to worry about so now the generator is fully fastened to the base okay that's what i want to do now that has been fully connected to the to the base where we're going to test the unit it's time to hook up the fuel lines very simple i've got a little fuel tank on the side right here this line right here this is the return and we're gonna plug in the four millimeter return line into the return connector right there toggling a little bit make sure we got good connection and this is the fuel supply the fuel supply we're going to hook up to the port labeled pump again we're gonna plug it in make sure we got a good connection all right the next step is to fill up the tank a little bit with extra fuel so what i got right here is good old diesel with five percent turbo oil that's a great mixture for the engine and the last bit of the process is to of course connect your power lines the arc generator comes with a red and a black line for power and ground so what i have on the bottom here is my uh load setup it consists of six coils each coil is rated at about two kilowatts of power at 50 volts so right now i have two coils hooked up so that's about four kilowatts at 50 volts and we're gonna hook up these two lines it's very easy i'm going to take off the nuts and this is my ground and hook up the ground right here washer nut so now we're ready to start the arc generator and in order to do that it's very simple we click the main power button we wait for everything to boot up after that we set the idle switch up and it will say ready and then you take the throttle knob and you set it to maximum and then back down to minimum and the turbine will start so so [Music] [Music] so so [Music] okay so now the turbine will perform its cooling mode it's going to engage the starter and and get and uh enter the cooling air through the front so that the engine pulls down and after everything finished cooling down you're going to be able to just turn it up [Music] and this is it that is how the arc microturbine generator works today i just took it up to uh half of its power capability but as you can see it's a very simple system to operate and uh i am certain that they're going to be many great applications for such a compact turbo generator
Channel: FusionFlight
Views: 112,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EZo85LIN5tY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 7sec (367 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 11 2022
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