Arc Furnace Ruby Gemstones DIY - Huge Rubies and Giveaway! - ElementalMaker

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hey what's going on guys welcome back to the elemental maker today Oh freakin so as we just previously did on a video we've made a little bit of synthetic Ruby using that neat little oxy propane torch but as you can see I got a couple graphite rods here you might be able to figure out why I did mention it in the video that I'm gonna try to an arc a little arc furnace to try to make some synthetic Ruby so I got a bunch of carbon gouging rods and just in a very weak solution and nitric acid just etched the copper right off of them so left with pure graphite pretty cheap holla I'll drop a link in the description where I found these because I was looking for a source for a while happened to find them on Amazon pretty inexpensive and you get like 50 of them so solid deal there but more importantly look at this old beast just found it two days ago on a facebook marketplace for $25 it's in rough shape but it's a lincoln ac/dc arc welder 225 amp AC 125 amp DC now this is an old industrial powerhouse these things go for a couple hundred bucks all day and I guess the guy just didn't really know what he had and you know it's in rough shape he didn't have a plug to test it but these things are super robust so the only issue was some jackass had a totally flattened and bent the prong so they would fit another type of 220 outlet instead of Bryant buying the proper cord and and doing that sort of thing ya know like the most respectable people would yeah he's all bent and this one flattened so I took the vise grip to these and kind of rebounded this one his best possible and straighten these suckers out and it actually freakin works let me fire it up real quick lots of juice for those carbon arcs already gave it a quick little test did not kill my breaker oh yeah [ __ ] ground clamp shorted across alright I got to figure out a more novel solution of storing my my clamps maybe make a couple insulated holders for on top of the tombstone just that ain't gonna work too well got the breaker reset there we go made in Cleveland Ohio Pusa weird places [Music] got the stinger in the ground clamp off the body of the welder this stuff so that's good but let me fire a quick dark you guys can see it I don't have my welding goggles I'm just using these oxy-acetylene sheets with just a tiny slit of light so I don't burn out my retinas even that's probably not enough so I'm not looking directly at it when I strike an arc I can only pray this is not going to fry my camera this is gonna be a bright arc [Music] alright I got it set to Midway of the current which is 120 amps [Music] that's kind of terrifying it's like holding a jigs of Jacob's Ladder in your hand [Music] holy [ __ ] that's a little more powerful than the oxy propane [Music] the chromium and aluminum oxide mix [Music] let's try to spark her up trying to put myself in the dick [Music] holy freakin [ __ ] [Music] that was terrifying I think I was literally just liquefying the crucible I don't know if I even touched it oh yeah I definitely got some wonder if it'll turn into a ruby looks like there might be a couple little bits of Ruby in there it's fast holy [ __ ] it's glowing bright as hell look how cool [Music] we got Ruby that freaking quick let's give that another go I'm going to zoom the camera out so it doesn't destroy my sensor is being all zoomed in it'll probably melt my sensor that's actually developing some nice color in there I'm pretty impressed [Music] holy [ __ ] that is so unbelievably [Music] I'm probably gonna get a nice sunburn on my face the the amount of energy this it's just this I mean you think an oxy propane flame is hot or an oxy-acetylene this is just you're like you're reaching start temperatures I mean holy [ __ ] I think that's gonna be a nice little Ruby we got there that was a much quicker success than Ozzie anticipating I wish the color was showing up a little better on camera because it looks really pretty dark on camera it's definitely a bit more pink to the human eye they fluoresce beautifully but there's still a little bit dark and I wonder if that's due to carbon actually making it in through the arc from the rods and diffusing into the Ruby but then again this is white-hot so it imagine any carbon is immediately converted into carbon dioxide could be wrong enough it might be able to diffuse into the crystal structure and not get oxidized but either way holy [ __ ] now fly trick arc is a way to go if you're trying to make Ruby at home unbelievably easy I mean given the fact that you have a some sort of arc welder and some gouging rods just strip the copper off them you're good to go just don't electrocute yourself because you have two large exposed let roads that that's a recipe for disaster around some people now I was originally planning on doing this with a homemade arc welder so I got these two microwave oven transformers rewound the secondaries on them and it puts out about 24 volts AC at some ridiculous current but the fact that I was able to find that Walter for 25 bucks on Facebook marketplace kind of made this go a little obsolete since I would spend more on proper wires for this so we might play with these in the future or repurpose them for something but for now I'm just going to stick to the proper arc welder these were of course built off the the king of random style video rest in peace but uh that that was one of his truly great videos really was a hell of a bear to rewind these much much more so than the video would make you think all right your crucible who dis see how she works I did want to preheat it didn't I sure did almost without doubt this is gonna crack and shatter and [ __ ] hell let's do it the buzz box is on don't want to take a stinger to the dick I'm in a shitty day though there get rid of your blonde [Applause] nope that sure [ __ ] didn't take long what was that three seconds although we got a nice bead there actually as developing some good color as its cooling down nice and fluorescent holy [ __ ] that might be the best yet well as you guys can probably see here I have five rubies and one smaller one that are all pretty damn nice they fluoresce kawai beautifully and what I want to do with these is the channels very first giveaway so if you're interesting get in one of these and unfortunately I'm gonna have to limit it to the continental US because I can't afford shipping outside of the US but if you're a patreon supporter or if you comment on this channel you will be honored to win I'm gonna be giving three away to my patrons and two away to commenters and the little tiny one I'm gonna throw up on my periodic table anyway if you want to win drop a comment join the patreon I hope you guys enjoyed please don't forget the thumbs up subscribe click that little dingleberry next to subscribe so you can get notified when I post and I will see you guys next time have a great one
Channel: ElementalMaker
Views: 212,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: znuiIAiN8uM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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