Arborchem Digital Forms Training - FastField Mobile Forms

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[Music] so the traditional method to collecting the data on in the field here would be a paper form so handwritten form everyday the problem with a handwritten form every day is at the top of your form you're gonna have your utility company or whatever customer you're working for your information your pesticide license number all this information you're putting in every single day your handwriting that in there's time expended doing that and with a digital form all that is remembered or recorded there in the digital form the next day you it's easy to recall the same information that alone is a lot of time-saving probably more importantly is the fact that you have a professional form it's always legible I can say I'm I've got the old doctor's handwriting the older I get myself so I prefer the digital format be in your office is your pickup truck most of the time trying to keep stuff organized in a file folder in the backseat whereas now I can just pull it all up on my computer just go too fast Fields website pull it up it's all right there for ease of access [Music] after our organization creates our fast filled account we receive a registration email with a link to confirm our account we are then routed to a page where we can create our password and login this leads us to download and install the vast field app from the App Store on iOS or the Play Store on Android upon installing and opening the fast filled app we are prompted with a login to our fast filled account the first thing we see is the main menu form libraries will take us to all the libraries and forms we are allowed to view and submit Inbox is where we can open forms that have been dispatched to us in progress is where forms which have not yet been submitted are stored such as if we need to step away for lunch or if the battery on our device suddenly dies sync is where submitted forms are stored if our device is offline or does not have an internet connection finally submitted will take us to see copies of the data we previously submitted let's take a quick look at a form through the libraries first we pick the desired library in this case the company forms library and then the form itself in this case we select the daily spray report form we confirm that we want to start the form and are presented with a full list of fields most fields are rather intuitive allowing us to freely write or dictate text or presenting a list of options to choose from after the first time we use the form anytime afterward it will automatically fill many fields but the last entries we used for now we'll fill in the easier fields and look at a couple that may require additional care the week ending field is not the memory field meaning it will not remember your last submission and will need to be entered with each new use of the form selecting certain options may show or hide other fields in the form such as this question regarding proximity to US waters a unique field of importance is the geo data field which allows us to select a location on a map the chemical information section is an example of a subform which helps organize data sub forms like this one can allow fields to repeat such as when we move to a different location on the same day or change chemical mixes by application type first we add the date and time for the chemical application next we add the line name and location under the type of treatment field we can choose the type of treatment such as high volume failure from there we continue to select the number of products in our tank mix we can have as many as 8 products in each mix before specifying the substances in our mix we choose how the mix is measured by either 100 gallons acre or percentage next we can proceed to the products themselves the products we see here are also memory fields so if our last mix was similar to the one we are about to use it takes less time to complete when we choose the product the EPA number automatically appears below we then enter the amount of that product we use in the mix and can move on to the next product and the next and so on until complete at the bottom of the subform we can see a summary of the complete mix if the drum we're using has a barcode that tells us the chemical information and the lot number we can scan it here next we can select the weather temperature and wind speed and direction [Music] if we need to report the weather multiple times we can choose the option to add more conditions species presents us with a multi-select list where we can choose as many types of trees and other plants as necessary below the species we enter the average plant height and density next we enter the length and width of the area for the application site and the total square footage and acreage are automatically calculated last we enter the total amount of mix used on the site once we've finished this application site we can simply tap add new in the bottom right corner to add an additional chemical treatment once we've finished adding our chemical treatments we can tap the arrow in the upper left to navigate back up to the main form if we need to add more later we can always come back before submitting the form we can see a few fields below the subform that the day's total mix spray area and gallon per acre is calculate and displayed this form also has the option to add photos with comments photos can be taken on the spot or selected from the device library [Music] tapping done will bring us back to the master form here we see two important options in the bottom left index and verify index displays all pages and sections of the form this form only has one page and one section verifying displays any validation errors in other words any required fields that haven't been completed such as this I have read and understood labels field we will not be able to submit the form until all required fields are complete when data collection is complete we submit the form by tapping the submit button in the upper right corner and a report is sent to our email as a non editable Word document the data you record in a fast filled form will be reported in the sections of the document as shown [Music] [Music] [Music] your form will be automatically emailed to you and you can also enter additional email addresses as necessary so in order to get started with the fast filled application from our bootcamp you would need to contact either Coby cutshall or Todd Hagan booth with our Burkham provide them with your name email address and a payment option there is a nominal fee to utilize this application each month you can turn this on and off as needed so if you get into the winter months and you're not doing applications you could turn that surface off so you're not being for that only winter once you do that we'll sign you up you'll receive an email from fast fields that will then allow you to put a username and password again and you can download the app on your hardware whether it's a tablet or phone and you can begin utilizing yeah you
Channel: FastField - Mobile Forms Data Collection Sytem
Views: 2,929
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: FastField, Record Keeping, Digital Forms, Mobile Forms, Mobile Data Collection, Forms App, Electronic Forms, Data Collection, Inspection App, Inspection Forms, Mobile Inspections, Vegetation Management, Utility Management, Software, Digital Record Keeping
Id: EZSSWS5-3jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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