Arancini – Bruno Albouze

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[Music] the best thing that could ever happen to rice is risotto it's creamy and savory and wonderful in every way when you turn risotto into arini you are onto something magical not to mention that a good risotto begins with a good stock I mean from scratch chicken stock would be my choice today and pick shallots rather than onions for their delicate flavor meanwhile wash and Branch some asparagus for 30 seconds save the water and keep it boiling then wash parsley thly remove stems and blanch the leaves only for 5 seconds and transfer in ice water to stop cooking pat dry and blend well with some chilled chicken stock just enough to smooth it out next how to make a perfect risotto melt butter or butter and olive oil it's up to you in a large Skillet or Dutch oven on medium high heat and sweat shallots until just translucent add the rice to the pot and stir brisly so that each grain is coated with the fat soé for another minute or so until there is a slightly nutty Aroma add the wine give a stir and leave it alone until the liquid is fully absorbed here is the easiest way to cook risoto add 2/3 of the hot liquid first cook for about 12 minutes on low heat then add remaining liquid and cook for 8 minutes more there is nothing worse than an overcooked risotto so watch out then turn off the heat throw in butter and parano and season with salt and pepper par though is best suitable for arini otherwise to serve rizoto as is you want something more loose so finish it up with more stock or Jew mascaron or cream and of course parmigiano next mix The Parsley puree into the room temperature risoto then add the beaten egg next I am going to show you two ways to making arini into logs and balls arini is a traditional Italian street food said to have originated in sicil it gets its name from the Italian word arenia which means Orange because these little fried rice balls are said to resemble little oranges to make a log spread some risotto evenly onto two sheets of plastic wrap Place three thin blanched asparagus in the center and roll out tightly squeezing with both hands from the center towards the ends making sure there is no air pockets left continue to roll it up into a tight cylinder twisting the ends then freeze the log for a couple of hours or until firm to the touch then cut in three portions remove plastic wrap and bread into flour beaten eggs and breadcrumbs and keep the log Frozen until ready to fry now our little oranges scoop out half tablespoon of risotto top with a mozzarella Pearl and cover with another half tablespoon of risoto and shape into bowls that's it freeze for an hour and coat in flour eggs and bread crumbs and freeze them completely until ready to fry Aran chinis can be served as is for amus bu appetizer or entree with meat fish and vegetables or with tomato sauce or simply with seared small tomatoes in olive oil and balsamic vinegar for the fancy touch you can fry some basil leaves for a few seconds and some pepper thin slices of prido then fry your Frozen arinis evenly on all sides transfer them to Pepper towels to drain of excess oil and keep these Beauties in a warm oven until ready to ser serve I hope you have enjoyed this arini episode to get the full recipe go to Bruno and please subscribe like me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter Instagram and Pinterest have a wonderful day and see you next time this is [Music] incredible
Channel: Bruno Albouze
Views: 283,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arancini, arancia, risotto, rice
Id: 4EVLBn5yS-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 32sec (332 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2016
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