English words derived from Arabic?!

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Anala in 19th century George c'thun English who studied Arabic at Harvard University and attained the highest degree at the time a master's degree wanted to prove that English words had symmetric roots in Hebrew and he did this by studying the 1828 North Webster's dictionary well yeah actually that I finally was English words have more of a symmetric group in Arabic and that breaks well to this idea as well as right there are three for having the way this video is gonna work we ask a question in Arabic we give a word which is emerging in Arabic and then people have to guess what you are in English check out [Music] Adrian from Hauer Alec from London hey Angelo from Rockford and Emily from Oxford ladies first Laura I'm from Earth David and I'm from Milton Keynes sort of I'm Jonathan I'm from South foxy near Watford which is near London and I'm door no more so fancy a few I used to anymore yes don't know I'm gonna say no yeah yeah no only my how much Sun no no no that's all no I know but I wouldn't be able to say it oh yes forget that's Arabic I may have heard a couple on light 24 I was younger but no no probably all I've got to say now [Music] socks Oh sugar sure yeah sugar sugar I wanna say so guys up ah I think you so twisted other auto author what I utter tea that's it I wonder this yeah I think you're gonna say that's awfully soon isn't a religion or practice don't try to break it down is that again yeah it sounds like eloquent so it's like to do a speech or something in my head does what it sounds like [Music] [Music] [Music] so uh [Music] as in a [Music] Harlequin Vanessa for him fulfilled or something awesome so that cost we have a dinosaur now awesome awesome I wouldn't go that that's why I couldn't get it you see I couldn't you know not familiar with I was [Music] either algebra algebra algebra yes yeah yeah mathematics algebra algebra it was very interesting I didn't realize that some of them would be so like one like closely links and also so similar that is like that bizarre to me because you would think kind of going into a lien you think I'll Arabic to English that's going to be completely different you know you're not going to see like some kind of root for certain words but I said that's very interesting yeah it was more than those of peasants it's I was expecting it to be that means that gets them other because us was just gonna be back yeah it seemed all right it's pretty good no yeah I was just surprised that how some where they were yes play on there no yeah it's what you hear it and like explain it then just the ones that all sounded like the English ones but they're you've got the continents their chins so it signs the middle of it sounds different but the end side the same [Music] no sugar I think sugar was the nearest oh yeah yes for the one who yeah no I just think it's interesting have one start of Al didn't realize it a lot of words beginning with Al specifically came from Harvick [Music]
Channel: Kulana Arab
Views: 10,786
Rating: 4.9429927 out of 5
Keywords: Arab, Arabs, Arabic, Arabia, English, England, Ingles, Palabras, Derived, From, ا, الإنجليزية, الإنجليز, كلمات انجليزية, الترجمة إلى الإنجليزية, Arsenal, Sugar, algorithm, Arabic words, Arabs explain, funny, laughing, hilarious, langfocus, language
Id: hj-EbGIdxX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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