AR9: Making A Custom Ping Pong Table

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okay guys welcome to the shop I have a really exciting project lined up for this video real quick before we get the video rollin I want to thank Dollar Shave Club for sponsoring this video I want to talk a little bit more about that later in the video a couple quick things if you hear hear that bird chirping noise I have two bird nests with baby birds one over here one back there and it is loud and it is a little bit annoying so you're gonna hear that throughout the video I also somewhere cruising around here is a little kitten that we picked up yesterday and he is very friendly and loves to crawl up my lap and you'll probably hear him as well so get that out of the way in this video we are building a custom ping-pong table and this is it it is finished most of what you're gonna get to see in this video is going to be here comes a little cat is going to be the base structure didn't really film a lot of the top it's not that exciting I'll tell I'll talk a little bit about how we made it and the features of it in the video but for the most part what you're gonna see is just the base so let's get rolling on this we got a lot to get done I hope you guys enjoy [Music] I did a hold on what are you going to do with it I've already got it sold for exact and for a guy yeah yeah as a root ball so you're gonna make a table base out of it yeah the top is going to be this high okay put this flat make a piece of steel that looks like a weed whacker blade plate steel okay weld on steel rods to it they go right real that straight down into this then I've got the triangle then I'm going to cut three pieces occurred mesquite that go like this and then they'll be attached onto the plate on the bottom through here then there to hide together on the legs and then it gets a piece of glass so you can see right through it yeah yeah that's been glass on that so this is Rob you've probably seen him before and some of my other and one of my other videos the video where I picked up my bandsaw he let me borrow his forklift because I bought it in that I picked it up at that town where he's at and comfort he is a pretty cool little operation he makes ma you know most of his work is Mantle's and kind of the rustic tabletops a lot of live edge stuff so it's really cool it's fun to go check it out I always buy my reclaimed material from Rob got a pretty good selection and we managed to find some good boards that were buried not really buried but there at the very top of his racks and we had to dig them out it worked out great he had exactly what I needed so it's always nice when you go to the sawmill and you're able to get exactly what you need so it worked out really good so I was able to get in and out pretty quick got the material back to the shop the first order of business anytime you get reclaimed lumber is to clean off the lumber really well it usually has a lot of dirt in it and that stuff dulls your machine really quickly so you know I'll usually I'll take a broom or the air the air from the air compressor just blow off all that as much as that dirt out of those boards as I can so I'll first I'll cut these two lengths think they were three and a half inches thick so it was really easy to lay out my links just cut put the board and cut again I didn't have to worry about any drop off falling like that I just laid the board on top of the other board [Applause] [Applause] once we cut it to length then we take it to the bandsaw then we take it to the bandsaw and you see Ryan here he's ripping them out to width and it worked out really well we had just a little bit of waste in the middle and the great thing about the bandsaw is it's super safe to cut rough material that's not dimension that's not surfaced square where either on your table saw when you cut rough material you have a tendency for the piece to want to bind on the blade and kickback that's one of the great things about having the bandsaw now is we can rip out rough material with no problem at all once we get the board's cut to width we bring them over to the jointer and we're gonna join the face that we cut on the bandsaw that way I can go to the table saw I can reference that perfectly flat and straight jointed face against my fence and crosscut everything and get a pretty good accurate 90 degree cut so let me talk about Dollar Shave real quickly sponsoring this video they send me their essential starter kit which basically is five dollars for new members it's a really good value really good deal you get a body cleanser shaving butter charli's wipes for your bum a really nice this is a quality quality razor here next you never seen one quite this nice and you get four blades with it so actually really don't like having a beard it's uncomfortable for me and it makes my face and it's hot in Texas so I'm gonna take this super nice razor and go shave my beard right now so there it is it feels great to be shaved off and clean especially this Texas heat works great have no complaints remember that Dollar Shave Club is not just about their razors they've got their body cleansers if there are Charlie wipes oral care they reach the whole spectrum of men's bathroom products a super cool company so I would highly recommend you go get your daily essential starter kit for five dollars by going to backslash Andy Rawls again I appreciate Dollar Shave Club and I hope you go check it out so I get them all cut the link and then I'm bringing them to my small bandsaw to cut a profile on the ends of the feet kind of a decorative look I just cut it out on the on the bandsaw using a quarter inch blade and come back with I'm busy Gmail I didn't show it in the video but I use my orbital with like a 120 grit to Denzel cut [Music] [Music] so you see in the background Ryan's using the router with a jig to cut a little quarter and step down basically we're clearing off that rough base so we have a nice flat surface to glue and joint that frame to this will make more sense as you see the video progress but it's necessary that doing joinery in reclaimed wood is difficult because you don't have any square faces dude I know you want to play right now but I'm trying to shoot a video Oh cutting yeah so the rough faces it's hard to work started your joinery so we've got that little quarter-inch step so we have a flat spot and we can drop the vertical posts onto the horizontal and get a good connection so once we have that step cut we can actually glue it up this part of the glue up there's really no structure to it we're using the dominoes to line everything up so it's not moving around and that way we can get it in the clamps but the dominoes really aren't there for strength they're more they're just for the lineup when you have that glue and you're trying to clamp things together and you don't have anything to keep them lined up it can be a real pain to get everything where you want it so we come back once the glue dries and I use a hand plane to shave to level everything off and shave off those ends if they're a little proud and then we come and glue a board across all that and that board is what really becomes the structure and the strength of the of the base we use screws and glue to kind of stuff everything together and it actually creates a really strong joint you have to get creative when you are working with reclaimed wood on how you join it because like I said you don't have square faces to referenced for mortise and Tenon's and stuff like that so it's not always super easy to get good joints on reclaimed stuff so just got to be creative and that's what we're doing here with this board a little frustrated right now I set off the stall stop it's all jacked up now this is oh I don't know 150 bucks down the drain just like that okay now it's occurring to me and I'm realizing that I got to drive to San Antonio because I can't use my table saw without this I got to go get another one I'm bummed out I hate it when my day gets messed up like this I've got a ton of things to do ping pong tables to work on the desk to work on but I got a drive to woodcraft I'm trying to be I'm trying not to get too bummed out yes I did set off the break on the saw stop I was cutting these piano hinges that you see here they're stainless steel and I actually was overriding the break but what left the saw went to go do something came back and forgot to override it on that cut and it set it off instantly so that was a bummer but I got past it so I think this is one of those things that I felt like I had figured out in my head this this bass the way it works it's got two components to it they're on piano that way he can take it apart and store it the challenge is these two components need to become one and when you do that they need to stay flat across here and there or else the tables gonna wobble it won't sit on the floor right and I'm having a really hard time finding out a way to you can still they screw holes I've made plates and tried to do some stuff that has not worked yet and I always hate it when I feel like I've backed myself into a corner and I don't know exactly what to do I think what I'm gonna end up having to do make a square post that goes the whole distance down in that hole all right so you can see I've made a little plywood block that's gonna sit right down the middle of my two bases like that and then I'll be able to from this point pull everything together and crush it to that block I know that block is perfectly square and perfectly straight up and down so as long as all this these parts are pulled to that block that block kind of lines everything up and gets it in the right spot so all you have to do when you assemble the base is basically unfold the legs crush them put them together like this the way they sit right now and then you'll have bolts here that you just tighten with a little ratchet three bolts that you'll have to tighten it's a little bit of work but it'll ensure that everything is pulled together and that everything is lined up and that we're perfectly straight and level and flat here which translates to the same thing being flat on the floor [Music] [Music] so once we have the base all together you can see it came together pretty well the table drops down on the base as you as you kind of saw there we were kind of working it to get it down the base I did it that way so that when when he breaks it apart and reassembles it right now I don't want him to have to struggle with getting the table top lined up and measuring and getting it all centered that just takes too much time the blocks it allows you just to drop the table right in the right spot and then screw it on makes things a lot easier one of the last steps on this table is putting a sinner stripe down the middle I didn't want to make an obvious stripe I didn't want it to stand out and enjoy your eye I just wanted to be a real subtle little stripe so what I did was I taped off where I wanted to stripe and then I came with some really dark stain in a sprayer and I turned it down to where there's barely any fluid stain coming through it and then I almost it's like just like airbrushing I just kind of sprayed it on real lightly I really could control how dark I wanted to be based on how much stain how much spraying I did so that was kind of a nice little touch you can see it's it's not something that stands out to you but it's there and you know it's there so it makes the game it makes the table more functional so I used four clamps for the net I actually just used some pretty standard clamps I found online I just wanted to make them look old and antique so I used a chemical solution and as I rubbed it on there and it blackened it and patina the the steel I do not know what the solution was unfortunately I got it from my buddy of mine he's a metal worker and he just had a bunch leftover and put it in a bottle I had no idea what it is but it works really good after I've tended it I just hit it with some steel wool kind of polish it out and it fits the look perfect at the table kind of that old distressed look the antique look so I think that looks real nice all right so that marks the end of this build I hope you guys have enjoyed it I hope you've learned something I wish there is a custom leather net being made for this and I wish I had it done but it is not going to be ready in time for this video unfortunately but if you want to see it you can head on down to my description follow the link to my Instagram account follow me over there and I'm sure in the coming week I'll be posting photos of it all completed and done and you can check it out you can also head over to bunker branding dot-com which is also linked in my description to buy merchandise which helps support the channel and help support what I do and I would really appreciate that I got hats and I have my go and make it shirt over there as always I really appreciate you guys tuning in and I appreciate your support and I will see you all next time thanks a lot
Channel: Andy Rawls
Views: 115,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ping pong table, how to make a ping pong table, making a ping pong table, ping pong, reclaimed wood, woodworking, dollar shave club, andy rawls
Id: 5_A7cg8QQPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Wed May 23 2018
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