APUSH Unit 1 in 10 Minutes with Tom Richey

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[Music] hey there students tom ritchie here at the marco learning studio and i'm going to give you a quick introduction or pre-exam review to unit 1 in the ap us history course and exam description preparing you for what's coming up on the exam and the prime things that you need to focus on during this period now period one goes from 1491 to 1607. we need to note that 1491 is a symbolic year 1492 of course is when columbus sailed the ocean blue 1491 is a symbolic year noting pre-contact native american society so let's note that this course does not begin with columbus it actually begins before that and then period one ends in 1607 with the founding of jamestown so in the next unit we are going to be looking at british north america but here we're going to be looking at native american societies and initial european contact now let's remember that this is part of the course but it's only going to be about five percent of the exam it won't be in the dbq topic it will be one of three leqs and there is only one possible saq and you'll be able to choose between saq-3 and saq4 so let's not spend too much time here we'll want to move on but we want to make sure that we get all of the points that we can so first of all we need to look at pre-contact and early contact native american societies and the first thing that we need to understand is that native american societies were diverse they were frequently at war with each other they spoke different languages they had different cultures depending on regions we want to also understand that these societies were very diverse in the way that they procured food they were not all hunters and gatherers they practiced agriculture they were much more advanced than the average american tends to understand so we want to note the diversification of these societies and also that they're not just hunting and gathering and that there are regional differences now one thing that we see is maize cultivation m-a-i-z-e this is not like a maze but then again when you think about the corn maze around halloween it's a play on words okay so corn what americans refer to as corn is maize and this is uh pretty much how they uh you know fed themselves as far as breads and cereals was corn agriculture and they also cultivated squash and beans and did so a bit differently than europeans this isn't uh putting things in rows and going with plows and stuff like that now we also want to note that you've got planes indians that are in the great plains or the great basin and they are hunting buffalo on horseback now we're going to talk about the colombian exchange in a bit but we want to note here that europeans did impact the lifestyles of native americans so the plains indian culture was directly impacted by european contact with the introduction of the horse we want to note that native american societies in the southeast on the atlantic coast and much of the northeast and also the northwest uh that these indians are also practicing agriculture and especially in the northwest fishing employing the resources of the ocean for a very diversified diet so understand that there are lots of settled communities and one of these examples of settled communities would be the mississippian culture when we look at the southeast along the mississippi river and one of the biggest examples of this if you want an illustrative example is cahokia which is around modern-day st louis the next thing we want to look at are european motivations for exploration and colonization and we're going to have three reasons here first of all is the search for new sources of wealth the new world was rich in resources that could be uh taken back and could be traded and so they're looking for new sources of wealth now also there is competition and rivalry between european powers that once spain and portugal start colonies in the new world then we have france and england and the netherlands they also begin doing this so these uh european countries are all competing with each other and third we want to look at the spread of christianity that they are looking to christianize the natives now some more than others we want to note that we're going to be comparing some of these colonizers so when you look at the european colonizers for example the french and the spanish which were both catholic they had organized programs of evangelism whereas you've got the british and the dutch who are more concerned about uh about economics than they are about evangelizing and the english and the dutch are also protestant now also we want to note the different economies so the spanish had an economy that was based on labor uh based on indian labor we'll talk about that in a second the french and the dutch were more focused on trade particularly the fur trade and then when we look at the english they're focusing on agriculture now of course the dutch and the english especially the english the reason i'm speaking to you right now in english and you have to take your ap exam in english is unlike the french and the spanish who sent very few colonists and very few women the english are bringing families and colonists are coming in large numbers now that is also impacting how each of these colonizers interacted with native populations whereas the spanish were focused on using indian labor and also converting them to christianity then the french are also trying to convert natives to christianity but they're focused on the fur trade which is an equal exchange okay so even though there are a lot of natives who died most of them because of european diseases that were brought unintentionally we also want to note that the french had a friendly relationship with the natives and these relationships that were formed between the colonizers and the natives they weren't purely exploitive okay and that the natives actually had agency especially when the relationship is based on trade now the english who are practicing agriculture and starting large farms they are the most distant and they want the indians to get out of their way so we want to make sure to look at the motivations for colonization but also being able to compare the european colonizers next we move on to the colombian exchange now the colombian exchange is something you're going to need for any ap history subject whether you're taking apush world or euro and that is the exchange of goods animals ideas between the new world and the old world now don't try to come up with an exhaustive list of things that are exchanged think about a few things from the old world a few things from the new world okay so for example from the old world from europe and africa we have different plants and different animals so so for example livestock okay horses and cattle these are coming from the old world that the europeans are bringing these with them now then we go on to north america and we see the turkey all right the turkey which is we think about thanksgiving a very american holiday and the turkey is coming from america now when we're looking at uh crops that are coming over um i think about uh from the old world bananas i tell you i love i love minions you know we're like banana okay now these are coming from the old world but remember bananas grow very well in central america so even though it was an old world crop bananas and sugar those are coming from the old world but they're going to the americas now meanwhile we see tomatoes and potatoes those are things you think about those of influence french and italian cuisine those come from the new world back to the old world and let's also remember that diseases were part of these exchanges uh europeans brought diseases with them that native americans had no immunity from and that of course had a devastating effect in terms of the death toll on these native societies we want to take a special look at the spanish empire knowing about the encomienda system the encomienda system was a system of forced labor that existed in the spanish colonies now this system of forced labor was of course controversial because it went against some of the other goals so the europeans wanted to extract wealth but at the same time they wanted to convert the natives to christianity so bartolome de las casas who was a spanish priest wrote about the abuses of the spanish and petitioned the government to change its policy which it eventually did now the spanish also had a caste system that developed there and the caste system was based on two things where are you from and what is your racial composition so the people who were at the very top these were the people who were full-blooded spanish and they came from the spanish mainland the peninsula they're called peninsularis and so then you will get into the uh the creoles which were people who were of spanish blood but they were born in the colonies they were seen as less than the people who came from spain and then you've got the mestizos the people in the colonies who were of mixed race and then finally the indians so note that there is this caste system that developed based on race and also your place of origin and that wraps up our review of period [Music] one
Channel: Marco Learning
Views: 11,324
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Keywords: ap exam, ap, apush, ap english, ap exams, ap test, ap scores, ap tips, education, Advanced Placement
Id: xREex3F_NYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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