Aps. Prof. Peter Ohene-Kyei -- Serving Gods Purpose [ORGAFEST'19]

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[Music] then today I'm here to look at a topic that can take us one week but you've given me only three I was today to talk about mean Islam you with the president president how many hours did you give me today yeah see because he told me seven to ten that's the letter I received seven to ten is that right seven to ten is how many hours so what's your problem oh praise the Lord seven gods peppers seven ghost peppers is something that is very dear you need to understand God never calls us to be idle he calls us to share and wish evanora peppers but his purpose it is very important to understand that was saving the purpose of God not our own pepper some people have said their purposes and it has London them somewhere you can also sell your peppers and leave this world without any announcement God wants you one to save his peppers and so our our text and context is in Acts chapter 13 and verse 36 which I'm sure everybody here has memorized it right for David after he had served his own generation by the will of God fell asleep was buried with father's with his father's and saw corruption I'm sure this does make very nice epitaph on the tomb of David but David after he had served his own generation by the will of God fell asleep was buried with his father's and saw corruption he served his purpose in his own generation but honored his own well buddy but in a world of God we've called to serve God's Peppers gods were in God's will have you stopped to consider your life alright what the true purpose of your life is you want to serve God's purpose they've gotta know why God brought me here where am I here on this planet Earth and what is the meaning of my life you just to come University be born to parents come to the University as everybody does have a church like Church of Pentecost finish go and wake then I die and I go what is it have you actually considered that but we need to understand God has a purpose for every one of us everybody nobody here is an accident alright the reason why we are not accident is that because the Bible tells us in Jeremiah chapter one say before I formed you you before you were in your mother's womb I sanctified you and there is something I want you to be as a prophet to the nation's so before we were conceived he knew us so God has a purpose for every one of us and when you know your purpose it gives meaning to your life it gives meaning to your life and you find and discover yourself and then you begin to do what God has called you to do so God has a purpose for everybody in Genesis chapter one Genesis chapter one and verse 26 to 28 the Bible says then God said let us make man in our image according to our likeness let him have dominion over the fish of the sea over the birds of the air and over the cattle over over the cattle over all the earth and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth so God created man in his own image in his own in the image of God he created him male and female he created them then God blessed them and God said be fruitful and multiply fill the earth subdue it and have dominion over everything on this planet this is God speaking to man there is a purpose for which I created you from the dust and I breathed my breath into you now I want you to rise up have dominion is that he bless them be fruitful and multiply fill desert subdue it have dominion number one you need to understand that God's original intentions for man the human race is for man to rule and have dominion on this planet Earth you were created to be dominated by no power you see in our homes we've been told about stories and some of these stories dominates our thinking and thoughts even though we are believers in Jesus Christ we think that still demons and witches can kill us and some of you have been you've been told I mean it's a reality something that you have been told I don't know where you come from and I don't know whom your parents and people associate with but as I was growing up that is what they told me be careful this family they will kill you if you go to the University they'll kill you and all those things but my Bible as I read the Bible at a tender age I'd go to understand that God's the God say God said rule and have dominion so I was greater to be dominated by no power except the divine priests of all and I walk in the statement of God I'm creatin not to be dominant dominated by any power on this planet earth my life is not ruled by witches and wizards I'd rather control them I'm fearfully and wonderfully made and that is the reason why you need to understand this is God's original intention you need to understand that inside your spirit and get it right I say young man young woman moving on this planet s so we represent God and it's a replica man was responsible for raining on this earth and had the authority and the power to represent God on this planet Earth you represent Christ wherever you find yourself you represent him and you know that is what the Bible tells us in in in and Corinthians that we are ambassadors of Christ don't understand this means wherever you are heaven is when you go to a cranny see that this British embassy American Embassy to go embassy that darlin doesn't belong to us is not Ghana to go embassy here means that that place is to understand that that place is tobu so if there is any problem in Ghana and you were able to escape into the American Embassy you out of them cannon lost no longer apply that is why people do that the traders who know but the ignorant people who stay and get killed all right but those who know try and make sure that they ain't turn into an embassy because once they enter day they are not in the same way if I represent God if a nominal desert of Christ what are you talking about Oh hallelujah I am an ambassador of Jesus Christ of Nazareth born to rule bound to dominate what else what can you tell me Rhea disinterment like young people disobedience we willfully sinned against God in Genesis chapter 3 but the God's purpose for man did not and has not changed that purpose never changed because of shame the original intention of God continued and that is why God when he needed people friends of Abraham we need to understand the Bible very well and walk with God God said the Bible says in Genesis chapter 12 and the Lord said to Abram get out of the country from your family and from your father's house to a land which I will show you I bless you and make your nation etc etc bless you and do so bless you I bless but in in verse 3 the last part of that reason and in you all families of the earth shall be blessed in you all the families of the of the earth shall be blessed and he told him that your descendants shall even be slaves somewhere for a period of time so when I read all these things I get to know that one the plan of your life is in the hands of God everybody else understand if you be successful and serve God in your generation you need to understand that the plan of your life is not in the government of Ghana it is not in the hands of your parents it's not in your hands of witches and wizards the plan of your life is in the hands of the Living God and he unfolds it if you obey because I will come to that that it is consequent and on obedience to Christ so out of you shall all nations be blessed so you realize that Galatians chapter 3 and verse 13 amplifies this it amplifies it so that all the blessings of Abraham would come upon those of us in this generation because God has said it long ago so God called Moses after God's word fulfill was fulfilled and the children of Israel a God's orchestrating cost how can a young man who who actually has received revelation from God several times that everybody is bowing to him how can he be sold and sent to a different nation and become a slave in somebody's house but of course a plan if you do not understand that a plan of your life in the hands of God you make a lot of mistakes sometimes when we are going through terrible times we think that is Satan is demons from your village and that is why you need to understand for you know cinemas might have received permission from God they must take it through some trials that is why you know Christ and you know the Word of God your wealth your life now everything you do is dependent upon the Word of God know what some people have told you amen that is how it is so God called Moses and Moses go and tell Pharaoh that you let my people go Moses had a purpose for his life there's a web that he had to do some of you your web must start from here you begin to share right over here if the shuttle responsibility you truncate what God wants you to do you can come here and sit idle Moses had a what to do he tried to do it his own way but God said no that is not the time God told him I have seen the suffering of my people cry and I've come down Moses go Moses gave a lot of excuses but God said just go go and tell Pharaoh let my people go so they'll shut me in the wilderness so Moses had my salmon he had a pepper she shot God in that capacity and he did exactly that that is my one pharaoh said you go and leave your children go and leave your cattle go and leave what about Moses never but say look this is all what God told me God said all of us must go and then after everything Pharaoh look at Moses and told him my friend if you come here again I'll kill you Moses said all right I will not come here again and then God asked Moses left God told Moses there is gonna be one plague as I own food that they will drive you away the God was sad he said God of purpose immediately that happened as we know the Passover lamb was slaughtered and the people said leave Leave leave Leave leave immediately they drove them away said look if you don't leave then exit all of us will be dead so they just drove them away and God said now and all of you get into the place they've got to pay you for over 400 years of labor so good and ask for everything so those were building I'm not a freedmen like you they just went boldly into the house of Pharaoh and said Farah we are living I want every gold and diamond in this place and when you speak to them they don't speak back they just go to your rooms and bring all the gold and all the silver and all the diamond and took them away that is the reason why one one one Pharaoh came to himself he said where are we done I see them praised hello hallelujah so God's purpose and God's time for Moses has arrived picked my people out let him go and sat me in the wilderness and Moses with all his heart did exactly that and when he finished brother people into the wilderness and God said Moses this time pull in the blip that the road to the rock and Moses it's the rock God said no Moses this time just come come up come and rest praise the Lord you see we don't understand it when you finish your assignment God can call you home at any time so finish our salmon to Ellie there's no point John the Baptist there's no pawn for you to live around and wisdom in eating going finish my assignment Jennison if you read the Bible I mean you have finished my sermon what you are the forerunner Oh what God brought John the Baptist onto the earth is he just gonna say he's a man did the son of God we figured away the sins of the whole world finito he came to do this is a him the son of God he came to take away the sins of the world and now they are picking to prison and now calling Jesus and asking him miracles some miracle must happen my friend no miracle will come go and tell him that a blind see the data arisen and all the good news is preached to the poor finished and they put his head and they fine that's cut and put on a slip up and they say what God you did dude oh why did you do that my friends finishes business this body is nothing is what it is the important thing is Friday new assignment and doing the same God in your generation with all your heart that's what God is calling you to do hallelujah that's what is calling you to do and do it with all your heart with all your heart now God's Word through these ages ages God demanded absolute obedience any act of disobedience moves you out of God's purpose right that any act of disobedience moves you out of God's purpose it does it moves you out of God's purpose and that is the reason where many are struggling Moses did not reach the promised land because he's finished assignment and then when God asked him to point he struck we need to understand ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters in the law that is not the miracles accomplished that made it but what are the people in that generation are moving in the purposes of God according to the will of God and they obeying God well that is the key that is the key so we need to understand that we are accomplishing God's purpose in our generation so in Exodus chapter 19 verse 3 to 7 and Moses went to go and the Lord called to him from the mountain saying thus you shall tell the house of Jacob and tell the children of Israel you have seen what I did to the Egyptians and how I bore you on eagle's wings and brought you myself and brought you to myself now therefore if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant that you shall be a special treasure to me about what people of the earth the earth is mine all the air is mine and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation so if you will obey Moses finishes job God calls him and the Moses Joshua was handed over the matter button and God spoke to him Joshua myself and Moses is dead you think Joshua didn't know that Moses was dead did you it's a 10 in this generation you are the person going to divide this land to your people so be strong and when God tells you be strong it means there are some who who do things in front I'm telling you this show on this planet this shaman is what are you afraid of don't be afraid of your future when you have God inside of you when he says this wrong be strong when you come and go yet is there you come down when you go and the valleys going to come up what the matches are it will come down because you are facing you are going with the pen of Kings see and the Bible my Bible says that o people you have overcome them because greater is He Who is in you than he unfortunately will fear the world No one instead of us Joshua that is the reason why you don't have to obey God to around Jericho when it made no sense when it God it was contrary to reason but George Romney knew that his strength is the Lord and what God has put him in to come to pass so my friend les Engh even when the generals of the army told them that we have never done this before we have a strategy he said God says let's sing around it full stop the reason why you away why are you a wicking of Christian life is that you determine what you do by yourself the biblical standards God is calling you if you pop in your where your life according to biblical standards and walk in the Word of God rather than what your dictates of your old life and hearts my friend at the end of the day we cannot say God cannot say you saved your generation in the will of God God called a lot of people Joseph had an assignment Daniel had an assignment some of you here are some peppers that you've got to say Ghana is waiting for you I'm telling you there are some of you like Joseph you've got to go through some terrible times and then go will lift you up and you go to change agriculture in this country so they're going to change the economy of this country we are going to change them bring some revival in the church you need to understand your assignment you think you are working in that place we are teaching that people and you think that that is all you think that it is you've got to understand whatever God wants you to do he will do it through you if your heart is with him he sent Daniel to Babylon he brought all the changes he made a hidden king who doesn't know God and who's worshiping idols come on TV if it were today to announce his own and prouder whole world the god of Daniel anybody who'd joke you the god of Daniel you in trouble there's still God like the dagger of Daniel who is able to reveal these secrets it's amazing I why God cannot do that my God wasn't able to do that but the god of Daniel was able this for God wants us to do you shove in your pepper say you are the one know that there's still a God who is God who is still God and alive and well God would never look lower his standards because of you you brought me to Babylon and I flan that in the Kings tape Kings table he said we should drink the wines and do all those things but God you know this why you brought it you brought me you allowed them to defeat us and you allowed them to capture me and you brought me here some people blame God every day of your lives no serious the God who gave you life and look at how you are breathing the ace three you have no you have not started paying electricity bills so you understand but if you pay lectricity bill and then you get to understand if we're to be pay a bill how would life a beam some of you have been dead long ago before you were born because you can pay that player oh praise the name of the law this God that we share is a generous merciful God so whatever you find yourself the difficulties you will go through difficulties especially when you are born in Africa you don't feel problems hallelujah God knew that we will be able to resist problems that's why we are here that's all we are black people we have to do something small to be able to take off and that's what God is waiting for you don't you know why he stunned us you will say that always for you this my son my daughter oh you are in so much problems so now I give you the permission to at 1 2 3 no way no way no way that is why something thought that yeah obvi strength will not read about something that's tragedy I mean how can you his birth was announced by angels and the angel came back to warn his parents hey and that's right you know what it was supposed to do as a mess right you are not touching a dead string you are not to live in an Emirati Danny a common go spirit come upon him doing great things and then you read about the Word of God the bubbles and Daniel went to Gaza and you find one of the prostitutes and slipped with eggs and an affront a job or Nirvana and they're dead anymore and Nazareth a holy person sanctified full of God so God can use you to get great things the great things have happened because I don't be taking off God is honoring his word because it's a truthful God and upon everything is there but Daniel like that Shan Shan what disobeying and disobeying and disobey until he went to the Philistines and said hey I see somebody from the finish and I love the response of the parents the father looked I bow to a bow like David said he said what you couldn't find any woman in Israel but you go into this uncircumcised philistine something think about it I'm circumcised first and that is why they beat old Goliath how come this uncircumcised Philistine is short the people of God this way how came because he knew his assignment and was saving Gospels in his generation and then before something realized he said I will rise up as I always do but he did not know that yes the response it he don't know that Mussolini he did not know that he did not know that God has leptin I always do he's given up the secrets between him and God his fat is gone the finishes have caught him before something realized the man was seven God's purpose with greater sermon for the people of God his eyes have been gushed out he's now become a lavish talk you think that is a God created him to be no but now his eyes are off and children are playing he's become a game try somebody strike is cheap Daniel a day at something who struck you and then now he's becoming and machine pounding grain he took folk some like them and destroy the food he took a job on and kill a thousand of the Philistine on and this is something now has begun elephants and love is talking damage or a you've got to rise up after all Jesus Christ has done for us if you choke of your life don't blame God it's a joke with your life after what Jesus has come God coming down to be Nick had before people to be slaughtered spat upon and to share his blood for us and pacify God and because of Jesus Christ of mother God said I have accepted you Peter and you joke of your life hey be careful be careful people rise up in the power of the Holy Spirit don't be like Esau who saw this bad friend just because of food mania Salinger Bella because of the stomach because they want some temporary relief temporary comfort they're selling Oh what is food oh come on tickets all right all right okay tick tick tick okay Lord eldest I give to you come on give me the food hey my friend and a lot of people do doesn't matter you see now every instruction in the Bible that God gives comes with its blessings you understand that every instruction and it's also dis Beth right and taught that it was nothing it is something God is calling you what am i God looking all these things I want you to understand that these are the people who have a sermon and they said God in a generation with a heart with a passion that I have and others who did not you see there the Elijah account the consequences of disobeying God's salmon for their lives and turning their backs the gods salmon may him as a young man he was in the king's palace Khepera he tastes the food before the King takes the food in other words he is also an advisor to the king the harmony brings the news Jerusalem so c'mon friend it's shameful I can't tell you all Zero's why he said the walls I'm cooking down the gates have been bent Wow are you sure honey it's a yes then immediately the assignment of Nehemiah came to the fall he was here sometimes the work that we do is a prelude to the assignment God wants us to do so somebody's doing some work and it did this not the work I want as well and so it just my friend that is a springboard God is preparing you you've got to go into Potiphar's house and share you've gotta go into the prison and be the leaders of the prison and know how to manage human beans so that way you become the vice president responsible for agriculture you will know a special people come from all nations for food she will know the great importance of management and administration praise the Lord and you going to give me the way everything is not every guy when I look at him and look and see God sends her to certain places and then we go to the corridors of power and change these places and heavy whipped I'm telling you yes back there was this lady from Accra in our department when I was a head of department it's just brilliant fantastic lady so I called it do you want to be a teacher see so yes and so she came Christian lady and say right that's fine so a submitter a name the name came his name her name was on it but when the National Service postings came she's been sent to Bongo you know there are some people too they have not they get it they are ganya's only by Beth but they do know eating place apart from their home to school and they call theirselves gun themselves granny ensue so Kumasi ikkaku ma she's not travel anywhere before Oh what is it they say no no no no I can go sir on the office she came and I forgot any names a long time she came as I said you know what has happened I saw no instead of sent me to Bongo I say oh nice hey don't say that please go and do something about it for me and say I won't do anything about it for you look go to school I was a school in a vurugu they have fantastic people my wife dear wife wedding in Wow for five years great people you've not gone to the northern you think that it is some desert area it's a great place when you go there you don't want to come back I tried and tried and tried to convince this lady once you got to know that I was not prepared to do anything about it she reluctantly accepted it I said please you go when you go whatever happens you call me and I will really you enjoy the place just for one year it's only one year so eventually she accepted it and she left so when she went one day I was in the office and I saw her she came beaming smiles she said you know what has happened I said ok now I'm bringing your name here now you're going to be a teacher so that's another flavour I don't like it said when I went one day some group of white people from America came decided going to do some we said then I was then then the DC said what is that red girl you accompany these people you have from tech accompany them and they say they are coming to do research I compare them so she just accompanied them going up and down with them and all those things to the villages she's never traded before and when they finished everything they said please we're coming to set up an angel in Ghana we want to us won't beg you can you be the director for us Sammy is a yes it my friends I write an application like this some of them have written taking and from both go with that writing an application letter I've become a director of NGO before and which was seen is your slap in England for the joy I don't know where she is now but the fact remains is that God the plan of your life is in the hands of God don't derail God's plan and purpose for your life hallelujah so this SAP God's Pappas with all their hearts now let us understand purpose is everything why I thing is this all right the reason why the thing is easy the purpose of the thing and God is a God of peppers and that is why he created all of us with a purpose every one of us seated over here for a purpose and my friend mash Moreau blessed memory oh that man of God he says therefore the original intent purpose is the original intent in the mind of the crater in the mind of the crater that motivated the crater to great were he really created what he created and that is a reason why he says that is a reason why when you know when you want to know the purpose of that thing don't ask the thing and I think that's very profound so when you want to know that your peppers don't ask your father don't ask your mother don't ask yourself when you want to know the peppers of a thing ax who that's who they create the one who created it if you know the purpose of this Mac sometimes you don't know the purpose of this Mac and so it gets broken and it gets poured within a short time but if it were the pestle created using it and managing it is gonna pick about 20 years but for us it to take about maximum five years it's off by another one it is in his mind that is why every product has a manual and when it comes and medicine if it's medicine it has what what we call it prescription the prescription everything is a manual if you don't read the manual you make mistakes that thing got destroyed it does we are sitting here all around us and that is young man standing here quietly as if he's doing nothing he rolls a machine the machine has a purpose after we have finished you can see all of us and listen to this even this message I see you out there it has a purpose and there's a manual to it it doesn't use the manual my friend you go and you put it on and it is black but if it goes the manual read it and go according to eat it bless very nicely for everybody so God has a manual and the manual is the Bible the Bible is the decoration it is not just male human ideas is a manual for your ladder can change and transform your life and bring gold purposes to Stan in your life and you need to understand it that's while proverbs after 19 verse 21 says many other plants in the hearts of man but it is a lost purpose that was stand that to prevail - Maru said when purpose is not known abuse is inevitable when purpose when you don't know the purpose of a woman you abuse a woman that is how we have women abuse child abuse drug things that's what it says and that is true if the man I don't know the purpose of a woman don't marry you abuse because you don't understand you to understand a woman why should you spend two hours on the mirror and look into the fisa for two hours you are a man look at you look at how God created you some of you today the eye on your crew he just put it on it is why you came here look as an oddity iron that is not a woman a woman but three or four of the dresses and in her listen carefully about three or four and him in her mind today the topic is seven God's purpose so I want to choose a dress comes near a seven ghost peppers oh praise the Lord if you don't ask understand the woman you abuse a woman but she's the most wonderful creature on this earth and if you're a woman and you don't understand a man you will abuse but we are one of them one fantastic creatures oh praise the Lord hallelujah for us we were pricked up from the dust we are robust capital let us understand and aligned and you know for you you go - too much - too much time you need to understand the purpose of the thing to be able to receive the maximum benefit and to be able to serve in an excellent manner either than that you are Buse because if purpose is not known abuse is inevitable ladies and gentlemen that is why in the hammer chapter xxix that's 11 which I'm sure everybody here should I call somebody - they have much of the 29 s 11 all right I sure you know it if I called you now look the old looking down it's a tragedy if you don't know it as a young Christian I know the plans I have for you Jeremiah what did I say who dis me hey mama I love him so much it's Jeremiah also you know it thank God for it Jeremiah 29:11 I know the plans and the purpose I have for you says God so God has taught some plans for me and you how many of you think that and believe that let me see behind you believe God has a plan for you Oh tell somebody beside you God is thinking about you hayseed I'm saying see somebody there's somebody who didn't say to anybody you are here I'll show you once more shouted to somebody this God is thinking about me whatever I find myself caught your chess board is thinking about me I know because he's gone he said my thoughts are no like you and so what I'm thinking about is head I'm thinking about yourself so why don't like some golf talks about you and God's plan for your life why don't you accept it why don't you accept that is how it is it's only one you understand and you receive and embrace your last purpose from God and begin to side with all your heart that you become the best that you can be I pray that everybody here and the son of my voice will rise up in the power of the Holy Ghost and beginning shab God and so David's add his own generation they should tell me how much time I have I'm concluding we shall go move it's not me press the Lord do not rouse the concluding with David's generation David's at his own generation in the will of God not his own well that was a period the people of Israel asked God for a king against God's will Saul was eventually anointed as king listen carefully he was anointed as key but within a very short time he disappointed God because he began to act the way he wanted God says go to them I'll kill all of them destroy all of them and then he came with a fleet of these wonderful sheep and the professor but is on ships oh yes oh yes oh prophet don't worry I showed that the sheep in amicus section was so dear so fantastic and I've brought them to come and sacrifice to the Lord what an idea the issues at goseck destroy them but he said I have come because that's fantastic Jonah said what I mean do you what he wanted and then immediately God said I have rejected him I rejected the whole king chorus rejected him Wow and God said I'm gonna anoint somebody perfect summer go to Jesse's house he went to Jesse's house and then Justice of children all this young man lined up Aliyah came has some non some young man and then immediately the Prophet stood up to go eminent God said no no some well what are you doing you are looking Hey what are you looking now looking at the face and the body and the dressing of the people but for me I look at where he's not my choice the professor down all of them came not my choice not my choice not my choice the parent stood tell their prophet saying is he all your children it's oh there is one more but as for him he's in the bush bush people maybe don't qualify to be kings he's in the bush the professor no one said until you bring him and the British young man Rudi I could see that he's really from the bush and the moment he arrived God said yes that's him anoint him you understand that no matter where you come from no matter where you are where your village is it may not be on the map of Ghana it doesn't matter no matter who you are no matter where your background your parents are whether they've gone to school or they have not it doesn't matter some of you think about all these things and weep on these things you are wasting your time it doesn't matter to God there were people in the city earlier than his brothers they were in the cities maybe they were they were they were in school because the qualified to be in the army this young boy doesn't qualify he's in the bush he sleeps with the ship in the bush if you look at his CV as in coroner CV you have CDs they drink I didn't have an SCV they don't let me return as I've been looking yesterday they were twelve twelve thousand two hundred ship this yes thousand four hundred sheep I rescued from them five of them from the hands of the of the bed and I rest a rescue trough of them from the hand of their of their of the lions who lead that to less than half a page you see these fool this bush boy comes and then God says that is him and he hangs him then he begins seven Gospels so in the bush why his parents have forgotten him he did not forget him so he didn't forget his God he kept slapping his God and then God strength and power came upon him and was rescuing his animals from the Lions killing the Lions barefooted Hey he did not know that he was in the investi of the bush preparing one day to come and face Goliath face to face and the moment was able to defeat Goliath that is the beginning of his greatness yay and many people don't know they think that where they idea in the whole look at the type of parents God gave me my friend you are joking you don't know we don't choose our parents we don't choose where we come from wherever parents God has given to you every morning lift up the reasons I thought I thank you for the parents who get to me if I'm to tell you about my life you won't believe it if I'm here and you calling me a professor I'm telling you that all of you here can be super professors my father in the 1960s was a Church of Pentecost pasta he died in 1984 attack on windows the district pastor Arturo were eight children four boys and four girls when I married three months he died three months after had married and I'm the firstborn when I was in the university I slept in the church room for all my life so when I see pastor some of the pasta children complaining I say you don't know what you are talking about no serious when you know Jesus from the tender age my friend you've got to get to Christ get to him understand the Word of God what biblical principles no power on this planet Earth can I be real in think God as for you you just go when is the night I just push to because I'm a sadistic passage those two bedrooms and a hall there was another room that is filled every day there are visitors so at night you just bring your pillow got two benches together and you sleep at the most terrible time Tina that time is that 4:00 a.m. and there's an oppa sorry this old lady will come fast sometimes through yeah yeah thank you Jesus seven God's purpose secondary school from three hours driven away from school my parents couldn't pay my school fees to sit in the university thing that we are the most mobile repairs you don't understand what God is doing in your life you are always complaining I don't have this I don't have it can go whenever anything I need a dress my father gave me could do but it is it's Remini kalanick opposite or shed my attitude just go to the first line get a wife shed come on clinic and we're now wearing it if your father brought it from London me to my father brought it from force line a friend where I'm and and you see and we we knew is good to know Christ our members in the fan are needed seven cities University of Ghana so I came back about do they want you by state transport is a return ticket about my return ticket I came and then my father said cuz we should have kept the two CDs the transport fell from Kumasi to Accra was two cities so I've kept it there's no money at home we're gonna do as you don't worry Jesus of combo I have to go back and I need the money then we finish but potassium we will finish check I'm telling you this so you understand when you see people you think that God brought them cooked from about you to understand nobody's good from a bar you've got to go to Potiphar's house and when you pass that test and the Potiphar's wife want to sleep with you I have sex with you and you look eyeball to eyeball to and say I can't do this again my god and it lasts to imprison and I didn't do anything in the process appeal holy why should you bring me here go say you sleep there for some time don't worry you need to understand these things in life rise up young man and chef Gordon your purpose whatever give it to you beginner sab da sit down I know don't see now Idol rise up in the power of the Holy Ghost sometimes some of you got your neighborhood that is something for you to do you don't know that God is preparing for something great in future and you eyebrows in your heart hang on what from some foods and foods and phones and phone why are you serious are you serious you're always on your food when I serious it did God brought you to Joseph or there is something under for you they do our purpose on the church God calls us and he sends that back some of this in this who here some of is in your neighborhood some of yours in your parents house find out that don't close your eyes and see them I see there is nothing you cannot do never see there is nothing I can do never in your life hallelujah hallelujah and they will close stretch somebody make myself could you say long time since I saw where I saw I'm school okay let's see get this one city another friend meet means Matt Benson could you and when I gonna so I'm going to the two o'clock it's the transfer but as you get to cities get one city all of them I had seven people each one of them giving me one city then when I had six cities I wonder I took my back and then I was moving out and I got out of the gym s wife come is a big fat woman coming and looked at me like that answer could you it's a long time where are you going I'm going back to a crime going to school oh let me see if I have said and she looked at it and she but you see the I see so how much have I got how much did I need so how can you tell me that the god I said it's not able to keep me tell me that I mean that seven cities couldn't get it thank God that I save so 1976 101 today invest of Ghana myself and Loyola you know how we met I just put on my wood movement badge and I was gonna put my bag there look on the hole and then rush the tech ready because that national woman and witness movement convention was being held at chakra day princess I remember of the chassis so much you remember I mean be similar to when you come back just come that's over TV service purpose he began in his own home he began one day is father told him and said get this free food and send it your friend yo your brother's then normal things in life but father sending my father and mother sending the child to go and bring food to his brothers on the battlefield the normal eating some of you you are so proud and arrogance you think you get back to your children in your log parents when they tell you anything you don't care to constrain a university especially when they don't have any degree they have not electrics my mother was such illiterate but she was my teacher you should have pride and arrogance your parents a tell you this is no tell you tell you this you see this they tell you this it was tell myself in at home listen carefully just assume a service at the University of Cape Coast when I became a please remember that normal service it is not pretty but I need you to come and see the ages and now I do this and do this no it is a normal service at home daily take this food on mother has cooked take it and go and get your chocolate or your brothers there on the butter food and it doesn't know my service he took their food and he handle it he walked Mass we don't know how much how long it was they took the food to his brother earlier the res there and the military because they are old old and they've been trained and he took the food from his father and mother to them and it is when he are right there and then go left was speaking and he looked at them and collect what's in salt in the people you the people are so sure and your people why are you bring somebody what oh you circumcised please come on nothing please what do we give into the man who killed this was a my friend and that his brothers came and he said that's for you that is how you Wow why shouldn't be like that why shouldn't that be like that because I have an assignment with God lift up your hands and say I have an assignment from the throne of grace God has given me an assignment on this planet I will shut him in that capacity to the glory of his name hallelujah no mouthing remember so this one year so I didn't go away it does hope it is at home at home instead of you organizing prayer meetings at home at your level your brothers and your sister bringing them for pre a meeting and setting up there that you know maybe your parents are busy setting up the family altar you always dress hello Shelly we're all going a crambo room around go wrong I'm wrong they don't even have a dime for ku-ku-ku-ku when they are even testing and then you got room to hang with the time and come back where did he go Oh heaven to a cram oh no math service at home did Fuji Brothers and then the prince a young man you see when you read this and bring it to contemporary times when when you read it because the king was asking for you know if you really carefully he was asking for the CV of David he said look that man has so many years in war in battle is a teenager please said look King I'm in the bush but God is with me and because he's with me and that God could it would be with me okay then use my yeah he put it on and said god he's a very good boy like me it was a good boy like me when I was you so you if it was some of you who have told him buy if you able to do light on two dresses and go yourself good side with your butter avocado me it's an old king I have not tried this it was a very nice young man so he did that and ii have not tried it I can't even work with the King I'm not so what have you tried is a catapult okay honey I'm in Kauai David rose up portly by the power of the Living God then he was goodly I looked at him and said you think I'm a dog can you bring this boy for me now clear him if you look at him I both went say you you come with you you can we do the spear and all your things around you but I come against you in the name of the God of Israel the God that you defy today I'll kill you and I'll cut your hair and everybody in Israel know everybody on this planet who know that there is a God in Israel that is heaven God's purpose after this he had a problem you are driven to death to the bush he even became a refugee in Philistine territory Belinda after killing gula and Saul was after his blood and a time he was in a cave with his friends and Saul had come to sleep and then his people told him David that's what this God has done great things it's a way it's a look I saw this one just all we have to do that go and yes she gives at all he is an anointed man as you see him over there he was anointed by the Prophet from the throne of grace is anointed I can touch him some of you are touching unwanted people and you think that it's infinitely next David so he just took his sword and cut our office let him get a part of his clothes went to the mountain to him solo rise up God gave me took me get God gave you to me but I spared your life look at her dress I cut it so woke up look at David and said David you are more righteous than me why wouldn't go use such a person when he sinned and the prophetess he acids me please forgive me Oh God I'm prepared to and then if you read some 51 you knew that it's a repentant man why wouldn't God bless seven your purpose seven your peppers there will be challenges over there but God will keep you he did great and mighty and powerful things but as we conclude I want you to understand that you are in your generation this is your generation it is a generation second Timothy chapter 5 chapter 3 and verse 1 to 5 a generation of lovers of self some of you here you love yourself so much you don't want anybody to intrude into your life not even Christ they don't shut the Holy Spirit out of your life is only speaking in tongues we think that is what God called you to do shut God out of your life lovers of money boastful proud abusive disobedient to parents ungrateful holy with our love lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God not as a pleasure sex is all over now sex is on the screen television screen for children to see everything the white man does black people think it is good and today they are say that we shouldn't gain our children they've done it and it had terrible consequences and we are brought it here and then after that we'll bring Lord don't bring loss to us now your children can get you arrested and we sit down here and we think it's nothing lovers of self sex and all young people today think at life is about sex and when we have passed through that and we tell you you don't understand you don't suddenly you don't and so you allow great things in your life to dissipate into thin air just because of that pornography young man it's there it's on his phone you don't need to go far during that time you need to get money to go and buy a Playboy magazine to see pornographic pictures but not today's on your food is on your iPod and they are so addicted and you are here and you are dancing Hey looking all these demonizing other Dima it sees you all the domestic hey it's easy it's easy but when the battling with internal spiritual power and the devil should rest in your life and you're screwed I want to destroy you and the strand truncate your future like a date to something this time you need to rise up in the power of the Holy Ghost young man young lady and Dan touch go and touch heaven you need to touch heaven no matter how difficult it is nobody's seen that it's easy but you need to rise up in the power of the Holy Ghost that is why you have the power we have the power ask yourself those who don't have the Holy Ghost what do they do what do they do the christ has brought you here at such a time as this is the age of knowledge knowledge all computers and all those things all around us and at the same time there's more a breakdown Laura complete moral bankruptcy when woman is say that can marry a woman and a man a second married man well woman would say I am trapped on a man but I'm a woman the woman trapped a man shot in a woman's body so I'll change and then the man is saying that I was supposed to have been a man a woman a man and the interesting thing is that okay if you want to change it to a woman change now do you drink a what do you call steroids to her breasts and all those things can't think about it these are people have gone through the walls of the university and these are people who are business men and women people in in government and they are teaching this in schools this is your time this is the time God has brought you into this situation God has brought you in this world I said the time as that we are in an age where governments and people and nations are risk rising up against Christ and His Church don't you see can you sit down and joking with your Christian life don't you see this is your time Jeremiah chapter one and verse four and five already before I formed you I give you so you need to find your papers number one determine your passion what come when I came here you are saying that you should you should you should say you arranging these things anything therefore nothing you do understand one day you will learn that some place and in the company in which you work something will go wrong the engineers in America maybe they will come and they can't but because of the knowledge you started invest of caicos you just go there watch other thing you watch those things you watch them and then you president president said bring me this bring the put it the engine and then begins to work I said my friend where do you come from I say once after once upon a time I was at UCC and I was sayin hey even though sometimes the instruments were cockroach instruments in 1980 in 1970 in 1990 in 2000 in 2019 I was there and now seven but now look at you the MD comes and say man Frank come to my office there is a plant somewhere I wanted to go and be a plant manager say me is a yes did I acts on your CV because you've already had the city but then in UCC your passion what do you you begin to sleep if you sleep in shape if I shrink and do it some of you can adventurism do it but don't sit idle don't let anybody hear you say there is nothing I can do you'll be missing you are Simon from God whatever God gives to you to it determine your passion what am i passionate at what am i what is the power inside of me moving me to it is a greater than Eliza and to push it to some place sometimes it is even the willingness to suffer for Christ number 2 determine your gifts spiritual gifts talents that God has given to us and be game what am i what am i good your gifts and challenge that God has given to you how the opportunity to play them over here have the capacity to develop yourself in these gates number 3 develop deep understanding of God's love God loves me God loves me he's with me can leave me Oh till the day comes to an end he's with me when I walked through fire he's with me it can bend him when I went through the war waters they do not overshadow me it when I won't get Johnny cause he's with me understand the God who shares understand him understand him and know who you are in Christ many don't born again washed in the blood patches through the blood Holy Ghost indwelt what can the devil who can stand against my pub my purpose in life number four hunger and thirst for God time 42 verse 1 and 2 O as the deer pants for the Brooks of water streams of water so my soul pants after you O God my suit test for you you are testing for God in prayer you are testing for God in your heart in your service for him number 5 begin by asking God to show you his plan for your life to prayer and fasting many of us over here thing is a problem for young people you eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat fast and pray as you open your heart to him day by day hero so the backwaters and perhaps after to invest five and six tries a lot with all your hardly not in your understanding in all your ways acknowledge him he will bring it to pass Jeremiah 29 verse 13 says seek Him seek Him in prayer bury yourself in prayer know when all the members of the church or pizza have met but individually oh this week is my personal prayer period fast and prayer is he from God and write it down write it down if you read Hebrews chapter 6 chapter 11 and verse 6 without faith simple but did that come to God my store and he's a rewarder of those who do odd who do not diligently seek Him you are sick is it diligently not oppositely you diligently seek God Amen seek him every day don't settle for any metric mediocre position settle for greatness a man such a for greatness and then surrender to the holy spirit allow him first place in your life he must be your friend or counselor your guide your director and cooperate with him and then finally determined to live a holy life does the key determine to live holy life in house there are so many things gold silver he would but he would sanctify himself would be used for Crete and many things there are critics you need to normal life when I went to the University at that time it was not nice to be a Christian in the 70s University of Ghana it was no no it was not not like today today its if you are not a Christian there's something wrong with you isn't it today but in them it wasn't today's fashionable to be a Christian belong to pants that belong to a pose that belong to this wasn't like that there was no penny Costa group on campus we want to Christian Fellowship together one day three of us because our normal friends some of you you don't have friends and some of you defend the conversations you have is err conversation I think it's Satan you have invited Satan in is always always give you something to talk about what come and Daniel Shadrach Meshach and Abednego France conversation it was two of us Celeste no four of us just that Pentecostal group in this countries we don't have any like that would go to and it's so cool and quiet and all those things so that's that's all one day we just oh can I do it we put the notices there write your name if you're a Pentecostal and thatĂ­s happen you crystal ism started on the investor of Ghana and you stretch all other universities the window yes look those of us in the stage of Pentecost everybody in the secondary school in the or leave the church so what can we do so two of us what discussion listen no something must be done about it why don't you bring all the those field that we have together and let's not something conversation it was not about us but stop at a church in the future the young people are coming even if we hear cannot stay in it how about those coming after us so we start it now let's go and see this general circuitry so core oppose then brother I was timing I'm trying to get somebody but all of your fat big boys who that's a little girl what's her name coffee where are you sign up a let me see what I was like you and then we want it on your karma I've got a couple yeah I think so yeah ya know even coffee with a little now we have and we met a pity of us and a crab coming hey we made a name for it hey would you ever say they say that we didn't keep the purpose is sad I remember some guys from know yeah so we said no we would lesser Pentecost to dance and associate to be pencil okay will I agreed or not because we'll be associates and then we have to discussion friends to friends names okay what what should be able to and then we're discussing some of the crisis cries that and then some pregnant in Ferguson Christ in you the hope of Christ in you the hope of glory and I remember and I remember the message a pursue prince a prince identity or so people is a defendant of faith you are the people come in to defend the faith your fathers didn't go to school but I didn't go to have come in to and say I'm looking at a Pentecostal group in this country take over his left at a time in 1979-1980 I was doing my national service at Pima College I said let's do the conference at private college so the all over occur we had 800 people from all over the country some day in verses some nessus some days 800 of us met there the cottage of Pentecostal fantastic conference and that is why you are here this is your generation this generation of knowledge and technology and the rest what are you sitting not to confess and what I owe breaking for Christ to take it in this investor change things around the conversation tell you what their film the Pat six have you got a pad seven attorney the phone tryna get this website led and in some who some who has some who quite a bit I'm sure some of you you come to church on Sunday mornings that's all the rest God can pick it I went to the Gambia and went to a club we wanted to get something to buy and I tell you every shop was closed every shop and my host said oh I forgot that today is Friday every shop was closed so what say they've gone to the mosque every shop go to any Islamic country twelve o clock on Friday every shop come to Christians if you're an open enemy Nehemiah 20 when will be able to rise up when the day of reckoning comes when a law is passed that you can say Jesus Christ is Lord will you be able to stand seven God's purpose in our generation means you put your life on the line let's bow our heads in prayer [Music]
Channel: Pensa Ucc
Views: 683
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 2sec (4922 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2019
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