Applied Shamanic Healing Practices: Part 2: Techniques that Can Help You Maintain Better Boundaries

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[Music] hi welcome to the second of this three-part series on shamanic healing techniques shamanism is a ancient wisdom practice that is practiced around the world and the shamans are the doctors the ceremonialists the mediators the educators and the diviners of the communities in which they live we will be looking at a healing practice today called soul part exchange and i'd like to tell you a story of a healing journey that i did for someone who had been dealing with the loss of a soul part that she had actually given away and that was creating a sense of an inability to understand her relationship with her mother so she came to me with the issue of actually not being able to let go of her mother her mother had died and she found herself in a very deep depression and just she just really felt like she couldn't get over her mother's death and symptoms of soul part exchange always have something to do with some kind of blurring in a personal boundary so in this case when she was unable to get over the death of her mother it made me think there must be some kind of soul part exchange going on here but there can be other kinds of symptoms of blurred boundaries with soul part exchange for instance if you have someone who has just broken up with another person and the other person may not have wanted that breakup of that romantic relationship to happen and the what may have happened is the person who did not want the relationship to end may have taken a sole part of the person who was leaving and this makes it hard for the person who left to form new relationships or to get on with their life and you know trying to understand why with a forward trajectory of trying to create something new in their lives they may not be able to go forward and this can be a result of unresolved issues in the previous relationship or that's what we might call it but from a shamanic perspective you would always want to investigate and see okay what are the sole part exchanges that happened in that relationship and are you know are there some corrections that need to be made and you know this idea of soul part exchange being at the heart of boundary issues is something that i think is an important one to consider it's not something that we really think about in our everyday lives or even in you know for instance as psychological interventions where we're trying to help others or help ourselves understand our relationships and soul part exchanges are energy exchanges and when you're working shamanically you're always working with energy you're always working at the level of spirit and any of the work that you do at the level of spirit or at the level of energy supports change and healing and progress on other levels such as emotional levels mental levels and physical levels so i'm going to return now and tell you about this healing journey that i did for this student of mine who came to me with this un unresolvable grief about her mother and i'm going to be relating this journey to you and i want to before i talk about the soul retrieval or the soul part exchange sorry that i did for this person i want to talk about the shamanic journey in general and the shamanic journey is a very important vehicle for healing for divining for creating ceremony in all shamanic traditions where the journey exists and not all shamanic traditions have something like the journey or a journey process exactly like this but they have some kind of process where they are interacting where the shaman is interacting with helping spirits in order to be able to bring healing to the people they serve because one thing that's important to remember in shamanic practice is that the shamans are not actually doing the work it is their relationship with the helping spirits that provides them with the insight and understanding to be able to offer the processes of healing or mediation or other forms of bringing balance to the communities they serve so the journey is a process of moving in to an altered state of awareness generally through the use of a repetitive sound and this repetitive sound helps the shamanic practitioner alter their state of awareness so they can step in to the forms of nature around them and step in to the unseen powers that align and enliven them and so it's in that process of moving into the unseen world the cosmography of the shaman that the journey provides healing and mediation and divining assistance to the shaman through the intercession of the helping spirits so i'm going to describe the journey the healing journey that i did for this young woman who had lost her mother so i i went into non-ordinary reality as the drumming started and i again stepped into the forms of nature so that i could connect with the enlivening powers behind the forms of nature in this case i went to the top of a mountain and i went to call the teacher who helps me with soul part exchanges and soul retrievals and this is a hawk and so i called hawk and hawk came within the journey and i asked hawk i said hawk this young woman has is dealing with this unresolvable grief and i think there's some kind of problem maybe a soul part exchange is needed or a soul retrieval or a power retrieval and hawk said yes it's a probably a soul part exchange let's find the soul part that her mother may have of hers and so i went with hawk we flew we flew over a lot of mountains we flew far into the night and we wound up in suddenly in a very enclosed space and i didn't know where we were and hawk was waiting for me outside of the enclosed space and without speaking indicated that i should go into this enclosed space to find the soul part that the mother may have been holding on to so i'm kind of bumping around here and this was kind of a square space and i'm bumping into these strange forms and i'm looking for this soul part that belongs to this woman that her mother may have and i suddenly i kind of bumped into this prickly round form and i realized that it was an old-fashioned pin cushion you know i don't know if you've seen them they're like red tomatoes that people used to put their pins in when they were sewing i'm like am i in a sewing box and just then i kind of bumped into another form and it was a thimble that flipped over and in the thimble was this shining bit of light and i asked hawk i said hawk is this the soul part and hawk indicated yes and so i i realized that okay i have to bring this soul part back and so i brought this whole part back and i i was the whole time i was thinking are we doing a soul part exchange are we doing a soul retrieval and hog told me to stop thinking so much and to simply bring the soul part back so i did and i blew the soul part into my students energy field in the traditional way and she immediately kind of sat up straight and her eyes were she felt very alive and she asked me you know what what was that what happened and so i i told her the journey and she her eyes got even bigger and she said well my mother was a professional seamstress and that's interesting that that soul part was in her sewing basket in this part of her world that remained here when she died and i asked her i said how how do you think that could have happened that that soul part of yours wound up in her sewing basket and she said you know i remember when i was little i would often bring her presents flowers i would try to give her my toys because she was always so depressed and i remember wishing that i could make things better for her so it makes sense to me that i would have tried to give her my soul energy to try to help her feel better and i guess she must have sort of stored it in her sewing bags in her sewing box which is the place where she kept all the things that were important to her so i i asked her to notice her how her vitality changed over the following weeks and months and her vitality did improve she began to be able to let go of her mother a bit and i think that probably the case was that one of the reasons she couldn't let go of her mother was because her mother was holding her life energy and with that return of with that soul part exchange she was able to loosen her attachments to her mother and so you know i just want to offer you the thought that if you're having issues with boundaries personal boundaries and the relationships that you have if you feel like you have attachments to someone that you don't really understand or if you feel like someone has attachments to you that you don't understand think about working in this way you know we don't when we're thinking psychologically we don't often think about energy exchanges but of course when you're working shamanically you're always working on the level of spirit you're always working on the level of energy and so doing a soul part exchange or a soul retrieval can often help people restore their own personal boundaries in a way that is very helpful and so this is one of the ways that you see how these ancient forms of healing can be very very helpful in the modern [Music] setting [Music] you
Channel: Sacred Stream
Views: 2,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shamanism, boundaries, healing, shaman, isa gucciardi
Id: j4eW-UwMUnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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