Apple Watch Ultra - My Thoughts!

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okay so here I have the new Apple watch Ultra so let's unbox it and take a look at every single new feature to see if it's actually worth it for the general public taking a look at a box you can probably see that the app watch Ultra has a more grayish box and even the cardboard feels very different it's more texturized compared to the one on the series 8 which is smoother on the back we can see the model so this is the uh Alpine Loop and orange and of course everything that we have inside a box so let's just open this it opens in the same way as the series AIDS just look at that wow this is pretty cool so we get we get a booklet and we also get this really nice um kind of like artwork specifically designed for the app watch Ultra so let's take a look at a booklet Apple watch and inside of this aha so we get uh some images of all the three bands so the Alpine the ocean and the trail and we're gonna take a look at those in just a bit uh then we have uh just the buttons how to charge it so this is a more fancy version of the quick start guide we can see the buttons at the action button which is new this looks really good so oh and what is this what do we have here is this the warranty on the safety guide it is pretty cool Apple now even though I really really like this unboxing experience I think it's super premium I don't think that this is going to be around in the next few years if you take a look at the original Apple watch the unboxing experience was awesome it came in that very unique box and then they removed it same for uh the pouch and the same applies to the Galaxy fold initially came with a lot of stuff in the Box super premium unboxing experience and then they kept on removing stuff so I think this is just uh I don't know to make it look fancier for the very first generation okay then we have the Apple watch Ultra itself and then the strap separately okay so let's remove the plastic seals open up the box wow this is pretty cool so um on the design by Apple and California booklets we we can see the coordinates of where the Apple HQ is located and then of course we have the Apple watch Ultra which I gotta say is massive very heavy I'm gonna take a look at this in just a bit okay so let's open this up and inside of it we have the charger which is actually braided so it's a USB type c to a proprietary Apple watch charger which also supports fast charging just like the ones that we got with the series seven but yeah this is the fanciest Apple watch charger that I've seen interesting enough the back of it is uh just made out of aluminum instead of stainless steel like the more premium stainless steel Apple watches used to get in the past okay so let me just um open this up there you go the uh Apple watch Ultra it's a very uh weird feeling I gotta say it doesn't really feel like apple it feels very sharp um yeah let me just unbox the bats and then we'll take a closer look at this okay so this is the band that it came with the Alpine Loop in Orange so as you can tell we have a quick uh guide inside of it to tell you how to install the band then what we have here uh the band itself which is quite interesting and then uh that's it the warranty on the safety guide okay so let's see how this fits this is the um like I said the Alpine Loop and I gotta say it's quite difficult to adjust I don't know if you can tell but it actually jumps from one of the loops to another so yeah it's not an easy one to adjust but I guess that's the whole point of it so it feels very comfortable I gotta say yeah I do like it okay now when it comes to the overall design um it is very thick it feels extremely bulky um yeah I don't know what to say uh the edges feel very sharp so it feels like I'm gonna cut myself so it's very industrial it's got that very very industrial look it doesn't really scream like apple it screams like I don't know it doesn't feel Apple uh the crown is quite strange it is quite difficult to use it's hard to explain but it doesn't feel as good as it does on the regular models and shows the side button it is definitely pressable but yeah the crown I can barely press it it's weird now a couple of more interesting things when it comes to the design so the seller and GPS antennas are actually located in this uh raised lip that surrounds this play I'm assuming they've done that for uh improved reception now the display itself is completely flat as opposed to the curved display on the series 8 and it is a tiny tiny bit recessed but not as much as I was um expecting it to be also the watch itself is just surrounded and covered in a holes so we of course have the speaker holes one for the microphone another one for the microphone we have the ones for the water depth uh sensor the water temperature sensor so yeah this this thing is just full of holes I gotta say I do quite like the back and how it perfectly Blends in with the chassis the titanium chassis this is the only Apple watch that has a gray back so I guess that my overall design thoughts would be that it looks interesting it definitely looks unique it doesn't really look like an Apple product um and I think for some people that might be a good thing it's definitely not for me design wise but what I do like about it is uh how well uh the orange the International Orange uh is presented on this device with a band uh the ring around the watch and then uh the same colored action button now in terms of how it compares to the series 8 as you can tell it is bigger but it's not as big as I was expecting it to be it is however significantly thicker uh I don't know by like 50 and then on top of that the crown is way way bigger and like I mentioned before it's not as easy to rotate and use as it normally is on um the series 8. this is how the backs look you can probably see that the only major difference is that the ultra has these screws which adds to that industrial feel now here's an interesting one even though the display is bigger on the Apple watch Ultra it doesn't necessarily mean that you get to see more text in fact the text is actually bigger on the ultra so you get to see less text uh probably because um I will decided to make it easier for you to read when you're out and about I'm assuming that this is also because of the uh curvature which is more evident on the ultra compared to uh the series seven but yeah I guess you were hoping to see more things on the Apple watch Ultra display that is not the case now let's take a closer look at the new straps so this is the Alpine Loop that I mentioned before and we have this in green as well and you know it looks pretty good it doesn't feel as premium as you would expect for the price but the um clamps they look to be made out of titanium so I'm guessing that's where most of the cost went into then there's the Trail Loop which unfortunately we did not have that was not in stock anywhere but luckily we do have this one so this is The Ocean band specifically made for a diving and gotta say it is very very soft to the touch and it's also quite thick so it does feel pretty good now this one has a very strange mounting mechanism so you do have a clasp but then you have another one which you have to manually insert uh into these holes right here and then secure it on the other side and uh yeah I gotta say it is very secure but the mounting mechanism is a bit too uh I don't know too complex I would say so now some of you might be wondering what happens if you have some older Apple watch bands and you want to use those on the Apple watch Ultra can you do it and the good news is that as you can probably tell yes you can so you can use basically any strap that you want with the Apple watch Ultra so what about the reverse what if you want to buy one of the new Apple watch Ultra bands to use those on your current Apple watch well uh let's see this is The Ocean band right here and as you can probably tell it actually fits perfectly there is a tiny bit of um extra material so it does feel a bit sharp over the edges so the bands are a bit bigger than my Apple watches but yeah it doesn't really look that bad and I can only feel it if I'm looking for it however if you have the Alpine Loop um it won't actually look that great and that's because you have these titanium clasps which won't match the color of your Apple watch whereas The Ocean band doesn't have those and the thing is that no matter what color Apple watch you have it still won't match the straps for the ultra now in terms of the new software features we do have a brand new watch face called the uh wayfinder and this is exclusive to the Apple watch Ultra so you cannot have this on any other Apple watch and this one has two exclusive features so the first one um is that it has a real-time Compass so if I rotate the watch I don't know if you can tell that but it will show you your direction in real time which is really really cool I can also tap on the watch face to activate an even more detailed Compass which as you can tell it also works in real time this is so nice to have and then the second new feature is that when you turn your crown up it will activate this night mode this looks really cool and it's also more part efficient uh yeah and it's really useful for when you're exploring in the dark something else that's new is the action button which I mentioned before so if we press this we can actually configure it to do multiple actions so if we press choose action uh you can select workout backtrack dive torch and so much more so let's say if we select a workout then uh every time we press it it's actually going to start a workout and then you can press it again to to Mark a segment and then if you hold the action button you can actually enable something new which is that siren which is apparently very loud so that's uh let's give it a go so it gets louder okay it is pretty loud [Music] it's very loud okay let's stop this and apparently the speakers have also been improved so uh let's see how well we can carry Connor yeah hey Connor yeah does this sound like it sounds pretty good I would say uh it's pretty loud it's not as loud as uh I was expecting it to be but it is pretty good really okay there we go guys we have uh better speakers and better microphones as well but aside from that the only other new things would be uh the dedicated diving app which is right here now of course you need to actually submerge your Apple watch to test it and you do need to subscribe to the oceanic Plus app and pay to be able to use those features now another new feature on the Apple watch Ultra is the improved brightness so Apple claims that it has up to 2008 compared to 1000 on the Apple Watch series 8. so we tested this outdoors and interesting enough the always on display brightness was actually higher on the Apple Watch series 8. so for some reason this was dimmer on the ultra probably just a glitch because when we tested the actual display brightness wow take a look at how much brighter the ultra is so there was definitely a big difference between the series 8 and the ultra so having said all of this let's answer the initial question which was is it worth getting an Apple Watch Ultra if you are simply an everyday person and not a professional athlete well I would say that the only reason to actually consider the ultra is for that improved battery life so it features up to 36 hours of battery compared to 18 so literally double and then on top of that with low power mode you can get up to 60 hours of course a lot of the features will be disabled but up to 60 hours is pretty good for an Apple Watch that is but for me personally the Apple watch Ultra is simply just too big too bulky and it doesn't really have a nice aesthetic to it like if I am to go to a formal event I would need to switch to my Apple Watch series 7 the stainless steel model as that one simply looks way more premium also because of how big the crown is whenever I use it it actually goes into my wrist and since it's so sharp it literally hurts so I'm honestly having trouble using the crown on its Apple watch unless I just lift it and use it like that but yeah it's not great so to keep all of these things in mind before actually buying an Apple Watch Ultra and do make sure that you are in that target audience but what do you guys think do let me know and also stay tuned for more Apple content in the upcoming days check out our latest videos on the airpods Pro 2 and the iPhone 14. I'm Daniel this is enough deck and I'll see you guys in the next one thank you cheers thank you
Channel: ZONEofTECH
Views: 72,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apple watch ultra, Apple Watch Ultra, apple watch ultra vs series 8, Apple Watch Ultra vs Series 8, apple watch ultra vs apple watch series 8, apple watch, zoneoftech, zone of tech
Id: GZbrMXew_QY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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