Apple Watch in 2020 and 2021 - Which Should You Choose?

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Hi everyone Aaron here for Zollotech and i want to  help you decide which apple watch is right for you   now this is the current offering from apple new  right now so if you were to go to an apple store   or go to these are the three options you  can buy right now as far as the series of watches   you may be able to find others available elsewhere  but these are the only ones currently sold new   from apple and so what we have is the series 3  apple watch this is in the 42 millimeter size   then we have the apple watch se this is the newer  se in the 40 millimeter size and then we have the   apple watch series 6 in 44 millimeters  and in product red one of the new colors   and so let's talk about what the offerings are  for each one price and then talk about how they   compare with one another so we'll start with the  series three apple watch and apple only offers   this in a couple different variants now so for  example they offer an aluminum with space gray   and aluminum that's it as far as the colors and  then also they offer it for 199 for 38 millimeters   or 229 for 42 millimeters and they offer it with  the ion x glass which this is and it does scratch   so once the display turns off here you can see  the scratches at the top this was accidentally   brushed against a brick wall when walking down  the street and unfortunately it scratched it   so it does scratch fairly easy now it is cheaper  and it does not come in the other variants when   it was new that they offered such as stainless  steel or any of the others you can only get it   in aluminum now and you can only get it with wi-fi  there is no cellular available for this particular   model now the apple watch se is available in a  couple different variants for example 279 for the   40 millimeter or 309 for the 44 millimeter if you  want to add cellular add an additional 30 dollars   and there's a new family setup within the iphone  app that you can allow your child to have an apple   watch paired to your phone directly and so if we  go to the iphone you'll see here is my watches if   i go to all watches in the upper left you'll see  the three watches that are currently paired and   you can add additional watches but you will need  a cellular watch in order to add it so that means   your option is the se or the series six and that  is what you can get to add a child and then you   can use this on a monthly plan to set up different  things now you can't do that with a series three   now this is available in aluminum and it's also  available in gold silver and space gray this is   the space gray with the product red band but you  can change out any band you want with it so you   get the idea it's basically a very similar watch  to what we have with the series six we'll talk   about a couple other differences in just a moment  now with the series 6 apple watch you've got   a couple different options now since this is the  latest you have 399 for a 40 millimeter or this is   the larger 429 for 44 millimeter and then again if  you want to add gps and cellular add an additional   thirty dollars plus you'll have to have a monthly  plan now the thing with the series six as you can   see it's in red it also comes in blue gold silver  and space gray and aluminum stainless steel and   titanium and you can go all the way up to 1499  for a 44 millimeter hermes model and so you can go   from this edition to the titanium edition which  i'm actually wearing right now that's my main   apple watch and so that's the difference between  the watches themselves as far as the options   but there are a lot of options with series six for  example if you get the aluminum you've got ion x   glass if you get the stainless steel or titanium  you've got sapphire crystal which doesn't scratch   very easily it's not super high quality sapphire  but in the years of owning different sapphire   versions of the apple watch i've never had a  scratch on it with the ion x glass i will get   scratches on them from time to time if you don't  use a screen protector so that's something to keep   in mind they also have other colors such as space  black and graphite as well depending on if you   have titanium or stainless steel this is the space  black titanium so there's all of those additions   on top of that there's also a nike edition  which just has a couple different watch faces   so you have all of those different versions as far  as size and price so you can start at 199 and go   all the way up to 1499. now when it comes to the  displays this is a huge differentiating factor   between all of them in fact you can see on the  series three that i'm holding now that it's edge   to edge but it's squared off on the se and the  series six it's actually rounded and you can see   that it's a little bit bigger on the 44 millimeter  and so you've got that very big difference also   the se and the series six are quite a bit brighter  they actually share the same displays but the   series 6 has an always on display so if i tilt my  wrist on my titanium series 6 you'll see if i tilt   it off to the side give it a moment it sort of  goes to sleep but it's still on it's always on so   you have that option with the series six you don't  get that with the se or the series three so those   are the differences in the displays and then also  the series six and sc are a little bit brighter so   they're easier to see out in sunlight now as far  as the physical part of the watches you can see   the series three watch has a little bit different  look to it so if i hold it next to the series six   you'll see there's slight differences  the button sizes are slightly different   and you don't see a huge difference until you look  at the left side where there's the speakers on   the series six and the right with the product  red edition are very different and then also   the sensors are very different on the bottom  so you can see the sensor differences in the   differences on the senses are different between  the se as well so let me flip this one over here   so the series six being the latest has the latest  features it has a blood oxygen app as well as ecg   so we'll actually check your blood oxygen level  so you can go into the watch and then you go to   blood oxygen we'll go up to the top here we can go  to blood oxygen and you can rest your wrist down   and it will check it throughout the day so if i  hit start it counts down from 15 seconds and then   checks my blood oxygen level and you can see my  blood oxygen level is 97 now you also get the ecg   option depending on where you live it actually  has to be approved by your local government but   you have ecg and again you set your wrist down  put your finger on the digital crown and then   wait 30 seconds for it to give you a reading of  your ecg and you'll see it's finishing up and   it says sinus rhythm which is the normal rhythm  that you want in 85 beats per minute and so we'll   measure that it will let you know throughout  the day whether or not it senses an arrhythmia   it will let you know if you have high and low  heart rate the se and the series 3 with their   sensors do not get that monitoring of ecg and  blood's blood oxygen level so they are different   sensors as you can see here very different from  left to right series three sc in the middle and   series six on the right and they all have ceramic  backs to keep them a little bit more durable   and the sc and the series six are a little bit  different in that they are even more durable   due to the bottom of the watch and so series  3 and sc don't have that but they do have   up to 50 meter water resistance they  also have high and low heart rate   notifications as well as irregular heart rate or  heart rhythm notifications and series 3 as you can   see has a different sensor this is the first gen  sensor optical heart sensor sc has the second gen   and the series six has the third gen so it's not  a huge deal but it does make a difference based on   what you want your watch to do and what health  features you're looking for now they all have   an altimeter built into them to tell you altitude  but the series 6 will let you know in real time   what the the altitude is you can find this in  the compass app if you go on to your series 6   you've got the compass app and it will tell  you in real time as well what your incline is   what your elevation is and it just lets you know  and records that in the health app securely if you   want to know that now there's a couple things that  the series 6 and se have that the series 3 do not   the series 3 does not have an always-on altimeter  it also doesn't have emergency fall detection in   the series 3. so maybe you're wearing your watch  you accidentally slip and fall maybe on ice or on   a slippery surface the series 3 can't detect  that but it can detect all the other things   i've mentioned already they also all have  emergency sos but the series 3 doesn't have   the ability to call internationally for example  why that is i'm not sure because it's paired back   to your watch but if you need to use sos which can  be sent by pressing and holding the power button   just keep pressing you'll see emergency sos  and then you can send that if you need help   it won't call internationally though so you don't  get that with the series 3. also series 3 doesn't   have the compass i showed earlier and also series  3 has a first generation speaker and microphone so   they're just not as good overall and you lose one  thing with the series 3 and that's haptic feedback   with the digital crown as you're scrolling around  and doing different things with the series 6 or   the se you'll actually feel as you scroll up and  down through menus it's kind of giving a little   click and letting you know what's going on so it's  more of a haptic feedback and if you're visually   impaired this could be really helpful so that's  what all of these have now as far as wireless   there's some slight differences with the  wireless connectivity as well between all of them   so for example the series 3 has wi-fi 802.11  bgn and 2.4 gigahertz and bluetooth 4.2   that's pretty similar in the se which also has  wi-fi 802.11 bgn 2.4 gigahertz but bluetooth 5.0   but they've updated it a little bit in the series  6 where it has 802.11 bg and n 2.4 and 5 gigahertz   and bluetooth 5.0 so you've got all of those  things now when you're using these day today   there's going to be a little bit of a difference  because the series 3 has the slowest processor so   it has the dual core s3 chip so for example if i  go into the app switcher we'll do the same on say   the series 6 and let's try and open an application  and see how long it takes so maybe we'll go to   let's find just the calculator i haven't opened  them on either so let's find the calculator here   and there's the calculator let's go ahead and  open it on both and you'll see on the series   six it opens almost immediately on the series  three that's only one or two seconds slower   so we'll go back out and let's try another one so  maybe we'll open the workout app so we'll go down   to workouts and let's open workout so we'll  tap on workout and you'll see that time they   opened similarly fast so it really depends on what  you're doing but as you use it throughout the day   you will notice a slight difference depending  on the task that you're trying to accomplish   of course you have a lot more features on the  series six and the se is very fast as well   so for example let's open the workout  app and you'll see it opens right up   if i go back out again let's open the compass  that'll take a second since it hasn't been open   and there we go so it's pretty fast but not as  fast as a series six so they're both very quick   in most tasks but the series six is noticeably  faster it's also more power efficient so over day   over the day's use you should get a little bit  more battery out of the series 6 apple watch so   my series 6 for example let me swipe up is at  75 after taking this off the charger at about   eight or nine a.m this morning and it's 5 p.m  already and i'm still at 75 percent now if i   was using this for a workout throughout the day  that's going to deplete a little bit faster but   in general i find that i go to bed with about  fifty percent of my battery life left it will   get me through about two days now one thing with  the series three that you still get the benefit of   is all of the watch bands so even if you want  one of the newest watch bands they're available   for this watch so this is just the sport band that  comes with it we'll remove it here and we can use   the brand new sport loop or any of the larger ones  if it's for the larger watch or smaller bands for   the smaller watches of past so if you have a huge  band collection you can use them with any of them   so this is a brand new sport loop elastic band you  can use this with the 38 mm or the 40 millimeter   series 3 or older or even the newest 44  millimeter series six so they're all compatible   as long as it's the matching larger or smaller  size so you've got that option as well which is   always nice now finally with watch os 7 we got  a bunch of new features but the series 3 watch   doesn't get a bunch of the watch faces so we've  got a lot of similar apps but if we press and hold   we'll swipe over here and add a new watch face  now you can see all of the watch faces we have   with the series 3. so you've got some of the new  ones such as the new art one for example but as   we scroll through you'll see that most of these  are what we've had for a few years on the series   three so not a whole lot that's different here  there's a few that are new but not a ton if we go   over to the se or series 3 for example press and  hold and go over tap on new we have a much larger   selection so we've got california chronograph pro  we've got count up you'll see as we go through gmt   just a bunch of extra ones that we don't have on  the other watch so you will get those additional   watch faces with those additional features  and you'll see i'm still going there we go   and so you'll get all of those extra watch faces  and what you'll get is updates for a longer time   over the years so currently we're at watch os  seven i would expect the series three at least   since they're still selling it to be supported for  a couple more years but with the se and the series   6 for example i would expect that to be supported  for many years since apple supports their software   for many years i would expect at least three to  five years at this point until we have a major   update and they release maybe a series 10 apple  watch or series 11 apple watch so at this point   i personally would not go near a series 3 unless  you got a tremendous deal on it i would opt for an   se or a series 6 or maybe if you can find a used  series 5 and you don't care about the blood oxygen   monitoring in this particular one then maybe  go that route but i really would say get an se   or a series 6 with the latest software on it and  all of the latest updates so hopefully that helped   you decide which one was is right for you and  which one you should pick up let me know in the   comments below if you plan to pick up any of these  and if so which one i'd love to hear from you and   if you haven't subscribed already please subscribe  and if you enjoyed the video please give it a like   as always thanks for watching this  is Aaron i'll see you next time you
Channel: zollotech
Views: 478,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apple Watch, Apple Watch series 6, series 6 apple watch, Apple Watch se, Apple Watch series 3, Apple Watch series 6 vs SE, Apple Watch series 3 vs se vs series 6, new Apple Watch series 6, Apple Watch series 6 2020, nike Apple Watch series 6, titanium Apple Watch, Apple Watch Edition, Apple Watch se vs series 6, Apple Watch series 6 gold, iwatch, Apple Watch comparison, Apple Watch waterproof, zollotech, comparison, vs, versus, 4K
Id: bondBC63suQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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