I used an Apple Watch ONLY for an entire day! Here's what happened.

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the apple watch is one of the few product categories that i believe apple absolutely dominates it has no competition and with every iteration the apple watch has become less and less dependent on an iphone so ever since apple introduced cellular connectivity on the apple watch i always wondered if i could go an entire day using only an apple watch so i decided to find out in this video i want to take you through my entire day in first person view and give you real-time battery updates as they happened let's go [Music] [Music] um so my day began at 9 30 in the morning with an alarm that i had set the previous night i checked the upcoming weather for the day fed my cat tiger and i got ready to head out my first stop of the day was my morning workout at the gym i headed out right at 10 a.m and to my surprise my battery was already down to 92 percent without much activity i did turn off wi-fi on the house and i am running the always on display so i suspected this was going to be a problem i arrived at the gym and hooked up a pair of second generation airpods to the watch for my music inside the gym i was bummed to find out that my service was actually pretty terrible i received a few messages and using siri and my air pods i tried to reply using dictation but i was unable to get it to work so i began my workout around 10 20 at which point i was down to 83 battery and only about one bar of signal siri dictation still refused to work this was a major problem because i needed to send somebody an address immediately as you can see here siri was unable to translate a single word i was speaking due to the unreliable connection i had i use the workout app to track my current workout which has the ability to track a stairmaster workout is not able to track other workouts however like lifting weights i finished up at 10 45 am and up until this point i had sent and received eight messages made one phone call listened to music for about an hour and had 10 minutes of gps directions to the gym that cost me a total of 35 percent of my battery so far leaving me at 65 for the rest of the day i headed home to get ready for church which started at 11 15 in the morning apple's built-in calendar integration was very nice which gave me a reminder at what time i should leave in order to make it on time i rushed into the shower and used water log to disable the touchscreen while i showered after i got out and deactivated waterlog the apple watch actually pushed out the water using sound pretty cool i was running late because well not even an apple watch can help fix who i am but the bigger problem here was that i was already down to 55 battery having only sent an additional seven messages and made two quick phone calls not looking good so far once i arrived at church i was able to put my watch into theater mode which puts the ringer to silent and turns off the screen completely unless you intentionally tap on it it's really great for environments just like church or even visiting the movies after i was out after having only sent one quick message i was down to 47 battery i was on to my next errand but i had to make a quick stop first i pulled into the first gas station i could find with debit card in hand but was pleasantly surprised to find out that apple pay was supported right there at the gas pump really neat touch but i'm definitely not quite ready to leave my wallet at home just yet [Music] now at this point because i felt that my battery was draining way too fast i thought maybe something was eating away at the battery in the background so i decided to power my apple watch off and back on to see if this helped any but the soft reset actually made it worse and took a good chunk of my remaining battery i was now at 37 and it was only noon so i made a heartbreaking decision to turn off the always-on display to preserve what little battery i had left now at this point it became obvious that i should be doing everything to maximize battery however because this test is supposed to determine if the apple watch could keep up with the way that i would normally use it on a daily basis i decided to just keep using it without thinking about the consequences on the battery life while i waited to get a haircut i headed over to the app store on the watch for the first time i didn't have a smartphone to entertain myself so i checked out the game section on the apple watch all the games required to purchase and it just didn't feel worth it to kill five minutes so i decided to pass now some app notifications were disappointing like the fact that youtube studio doesn't display an entire comment but on the other hand it was super cool to be able to receive and watch an entire video sent by a family member right on the watch not ideal by any means but it felt a little futuristic it was now 1 40 in the afternoon and after browsing the app store for less than a minute and exchanging a total of 14 messages my battery was screaming at me with only 18 remaining i continued my day without flinching i paid using apple pay once more and headed to a convenience store right around the corner at this point i realized just how widely adopted apple pay had become i hadn't had to use my debit card one single time today so far at exactly 2 13 p.m my watch gave me the typical low battery notification at this point i had completed two apple paid transactions along with 15 more messages and was down to eight percent but things were actually going as planned i'll tell you why in a second so i was back on the road again and after setting a quick reminder i headed home since i had some time to spare now although the apple watch clearly won't last you an entire day you will probably at some point have a break where you can set your apple watch down on its charger for 10 to 20 minutes and that's exactly what i had the opportunity to do at this time when i arrived home i had about an hour to spare before my next errand my watch only had 5 battery at the time but i figured i could use a break from the outside world while i made something to eat so i set it down on its charger hoping it would give me enough juice to last me the rest of the day at around 4 o'clock i was ready to leave again and my watch had juiced up to 34 i hopped in the car and immediately had to make a phone call to the place we were heading to with my airpods in i asked siri to call the place i needed to speak with it was able to search and find the place but the call failed no problem i attempted a second time but it failed once more i toggled airplane mode on and off to see if it would connect with another cell tower but it made no difference this was a huge disappointment and quite frankly would have been a major problem if i hadn't been able to borrow a phone i gave in and made the call using the borrowed iphone around 5 30 i was once again reminded how useless some notifications were like the fact that i couldn't actually check my ring camera when it gave me a notification at this time i was now down to 18 battery with one phone call attempted and eight messages sent the next 30 minutes or so were spent sending a total of 22 messages which drained my battery down to 10 by 7 pm i was left with 2 battery and inevitably power reserve mode kicked in i arrived back home around 7 30 in the evening with my watch still in power reserve mode which means all i could do was just check the time luckily for me my day was over but i can't help but wonder what i would have done if i was far from home and needed to communicate with somebody in total for the day i sent and received 82 messages made four phone calls three apple pay transactions set two reminders listened to one hour of music and received about 10 minutes of gps directions so as we wrap up it comes as no surprise that the apple watch is not ready to replace your phone yet not just due to the lack of battery but also because most notifications can't be interacted with but was the apple watch ever supposed to replace your phone to begin with i think we all know the answer to that is no it works phenomenally in certain situations where you want to leave your phone in the car for example the gym but for the majority of your day please bring your phone with you and don't forget your wallet you
Channel: The Tech Millennial
Views: 1,101,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apple, watch, apple watch, series 0, series 1, series 2, series 3, series 4, series 5, series 6, ios, watchos, cellular, lte, 5g, iphone, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 mini, iPhone 12 pro, iPhone 12 Pro max, hermes, nike, watch band, watchOS 7, watchOS 6, watchOS 5, watchos4, galaxy, business, finances, att, verizon, tmobile, sprint, watchOS 8, Series 8, AOD, Redesign, Leak, Series 7
Id: ntWR4wGAeS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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