Apple Vision Pro 香港行貨全攻略 : 必裝 APP 、 港版特色、大陸使用、近視及老花用家、預訂注意、開箱評測
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Channel: UNWIRE.HK
Views: 7,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, apple, 蘋果, VisionPro, AppleStore, 香港版, 美版, iPhone, iPad, ZEISS, 鏡片, VR, MR, AR, 中國行貨版, AppleID, App, AppleArcade, Gimmick, 比賽, 直播, 重播, Tencent, 騰訊, 騰訊視頻, LOL, 王者榮耀, 電競, SVIP, 3D, 沙盤, NBA, RedBullTV, 咪咕視頻, Migu, 歐國盃, 球員, playerlineup, AmazeVR, Concert, aespa, EXO, KAI, 淘寶, TaoBao, 網購, 1:1, 遊戲, gaming, AirDraw, 空間遊戲, BeatSaber, Blackbox, Holographic, 全息投影, Whatif, Marvel, CuttheRope, Disney+, Netflix, AppleTV+, MoonPlayer, NewJeans, Persona, 個人影像, Inspaze, 方位, SharePlay, visionOS2, 2D, 空間照片, update, PSVR, PSVR2, Cyber, VPN, WOW, unwire, 沙律, 實試, 評測, 開箱, 香港, 廣東話
Id: eLVnDCGdIkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2024
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