小心被誤導!開箱評測M4 iPad Pro「iPad取代Macbook」其實是個偽命題?|Magic Keyboard|Apple Pencil Pro|注意事項|#Karenly #4k
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Channel: Karenly :
Views: 117,104
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Keywords: iPad Pro, Apple Pencil Pro, Magic Keyboard, 13寸, 13吋, 13inch, M4, M4 iPad Pro, iPad Pro 7, M4 iPad, Tandem OLED, iPad OLED, 疊聯式OLED, Ultra Retina XDR, 雙OLED, iPad 燒印, Nano Texture Glass, iPad防反光, Apple最薄, 最薄Apple, iPad Pro散熱, m4 cpu, iPad pro效能, ipad pro跑分, ipad pro剪片, m4剪片, apple pencil pro, apple pencil比較, apple pencil pro手勢, Magic Keyboard function key, ipad pro esim, ipad pro取代, ipad pro重量, apple pencil pro squeeze, apple pencil pro Barrel Roll, ipad pro 溫度, ipad pro ram
Id: JSxtFgrrBBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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