Apple Reminders Tutorial, Tips and Tricks for 2021!

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hello my name's tom and this is proper honest tech let's face it life in the digital age is tough we all get bombarded with information every single day and keeping track of everything that we need to do and remembering all of the things we need to remember can be difficult there are countless organization apps available on your iphone mac ipad and even your watch which will help you to keep track of your responsibilities but i reckon one of the most overlooked and under-appreciated apps is right there already on your ios device in the form of reminders and i think there are two key reasons why the app is so overlooked firstly i think that people have no idea just what the app is capable of and secondly i think people are using it incorrectly so in this deep dive video i'm going to walk you through everything that the reminders app can do right now in july of 2021 i'll show you tips and tricks to help you get the most out of it and show you how you can integrate the reminders app with all of your apple devices so if you're like me and you own things like an iphone an ipad but also a mac watch homepod and even apple carplay you can really level up your productivity let's begin by agreeing what the reminders app is as the name would suggest it's an app to help remind you of things to do but these reminders can take a number of forms and vary based on the way you use them for example a reminder might be a timed event reminding you to take the bins out on a tuesday morning or a reminder might be a reminder to buy something like a shopping list or a reminder might be linked to a person so for example when you're messaging someone the reminder pops up to remind you to make them aware of something all of these different examples are all examples of reminders and they all function in pretty much the same way with the only difference being how you set them up and how you interact with them just so you're aware throughout this video i'm going to be using reminders on my mac but i'll also be jumping over to reminders on both my iphone and ipad where applicable to show you what it's like there as well i'll also try to demo some usage of reminders using things like the homepod carplay and apple watch i'm running ios and ipad os 14.6 on the iphone and ipad respectively and i'm running mac os 11.4 big sur on the mac i'm aware that there'll be some changes to reminders when the new operating systems drop in a couple of months time and i'll make a video with an update to the changes then okay let's start by looking at reminders here on the mac and just confirming that we're all clear about how everything works thankfully reminders on mac and ipad are almost carbon copies of one another the iphone version is almost identical with the exception that a few things are in different places due to the different screen dimensions so once you've learned how to use one you'll be able to apply the same logic to the others here in the upper left of the screen we've got a search bar which does exactly what it says on the tin if you're unsure as to whether you've created a specific reminder or not you can search for it here then we've got some filters which apple calls smart lists these allow you to filter out your reminders based on criterias that you would have set with them when you created them for example pressing the all button will of course show you all of your reminders although it's still broken down into your different lists flagged will show you only the reminders which you've flagged to flag a reminder if you're on the mac just right click on the reminder and choose flag if you're on an iphone or an ipad tap on the reminder then on the info button and then toggle flag to on and choose done when you're finished scheduled will show you any reminders with a deadline attached to them giving you a scheduled view of what you've got coming up to set a deadline on the mac right click on a reminder and go to deadline where you can choose from today tomorrow or next weekend if these dates aren't specific enough for you you can use the remind me function to choose a specific date and then a specific time note that the deadline shortcut is only available on mac if you're on iphone or ipad you'll need to choose the reminder choose info and then toggle on date and time reminders choosing the specifics as you go oh and by the way if you're more of a swipe person you can just swipe left on any reminder then select details which is the same as tapping on a reminder and choosing the info button finally today which will show you only the reminders which are due today this is based on date and time information just like the scheduled filter but will of course filter to only show the tasks or reminders which are due today this can be helpful if you're the kind of person who likes to work off of a daily to-do list as the app will essentially create a new one for you each day based on whatever is due so one of the core things to get your head around with reminders is the idea of creating and managing lists reminders is created by default and is where your device will store reminders for you by default but beyond that it's really up to you how you decide to organize your reminders perhaps you could have a list for keeping track of books that you want to read or movies or tv series that you want to watch perhaps you could have a list for a project that you're working on renovating a room in your house for example or planning for a trip you could have a list of things that you know you need to pack before you go on holiday or a list related to the different members of your family the choice really is yours so with that in mind let's create a couple of lists my fiance and i are moving house in a couple of months so i'm going to create a couple of lists related to that i'll create one and call it moving in and then i'm going to create another one called first two weeks now because these two lists are related to the same subject i'm going to group them together to do that just click and hold on one of the lists and drop it onto the other list a group will be automatically created and you can give it a name i'm going to call the group housemove so you can see how easy it is to create lists and how you've got some useful editing options for managing those lists i guess now we need to create some reminders to go in those lists you've got various different options for doing this with the most obvious being creating a reminder manually let me grab my iphone for this and then i'm going to jump into the moving in list and tap anywhere in the list to create a new reminder i'm going to call the reminder book removals company and then tap on the i to look at my options in notes i can add a bit more meat to the bones of my reminder so maybe i've got some specific furniture that i need to remember to discuss with the moving company i could make a little note of that in here in url i could add the website link to the company that we're using as that might help me if i quickly need to grab a phone number or some information about them at a later date date and time we've already discussed those and i'm not going to use them on this occasion but that would allow me to set a deadline for this reminder location probably isn't helpful for this particular reminder but it could be really helpful in the right situation you would use this to have your devices remind you to do something when you're at a certain location or leaving a certain location an obvious usage case here is when siri knows where you live and work you can use this function to have a reminder trigger when you leave work or when you arrive home it's seriously clever stuff although i'm not going to use it on this occasion when messaging is also super helpful and could be helpful in this instance actually this basically means that if you're messaging someone the reminder will pop up on your screen while you're messaging that particular person so for me i could put my fiance in here and when i'm next messaging her the reminder will pop up reminding me to speak to her about the removals company do note that this only applies to apple messages not to whatsapp or facebook messenger or any other messaging app i'm afraid i could flag the reminder if i wanted to but i'm not going to on this occasion i can set the priority of this reminder choosing either none low medium or high this can be helpful if you're managing a project and you've got lots of different spinning plates perhaps you want to ensure that you're focusing on clearing the most important stuff first i'll use this i think this is a high priority task so we'll choose that i can then change the list that this is in if i need to but i'm happy where it is subtasks is really helpful if this particular task is essentially made up of a number of other tasks you can include those in here so for this example i might make some subtasks called obtain three quotes and then choose the best option and then book a company so there we go we've now got three subtasks and i know that i've got to complete all of those in order for the entire task to be completed finally i can add an image if i want to i can choose one from my photo library or i can scan a document maybe the leaflet of a company i want to inquire about or a receipt or i can take a photo using the camera on my phone okay let's choose done notice how the task is shown on my iphone and on my ipad and on my mac i've got the task itself book removals company and then the three subtasks showing underneath that each with their own tick box let's look at some of the options available now that i've created a list to access this on the mac you would right click on the list or to do this on iphone or ipad you're going to choose the ellipsis button here you can edit the name and appearance of the list i'm going to choose an icon of a house and i'm going to make this list red i can share the list if i want to i could share this with my fiance as it's all relevant to her as well to do that select share and then choose how you'd like to send the share link anyone who then clicks that link will be able to join the list as a participant which is awesome if you're working on something like this or perhaps using reminders as part of a family group or a work project the main list which i share with my fiance in real life is our shopping list we've got one constantly on the go and whenever we think of anything that needs adding to the list we just add it that way whichever one of us is at the supermarket even if it's an unexpected trip we've got the latest list and just grab whatever we need select reminders is good if you want to clean a list up and maybe select some reminders to complete or delete in bulk you can choose sort by and then sort manually or by deadline creation date priority or the title of the reminder show completed is helpful because by default when you complete a task it gets removed from the list this allows you to bring it back let me show you we'll complete the first subtask obtain three quotes notice that it's now gone if i jump back into the menu and choose show hidden it comes back finally you can print your list or you can delete the list i mentioned sharing lists and said that i share a shopping list with my fiance let me show you that quickly to show you what happens in a shared list if i choose the info options for one of these items here in the list i can assign it to anybody who the list is shared with obviously in this example it's not that helpful but you can imagine that if you were planning a trip and you'd shared the list with multiple people this could be a really helpful way to ensure that everyone knows who's responsible for what you just tap on a sign reminder and then choose the person that the reminder is going to be assigned to now manually creating a reminder like this is super powerful but it is a bit laborious a much easier way is to let siri do it for you this is straightforward but you do need to understand a little about context and how it works with regard to reminders for example if you wanted to add bread to your shopping list your natural instinct might be to say remind me to buy bread the issue with this is that by saying remind me you've told siri that this is a reminder when in actuality you want to add something to a specific list so you'd actually say add bread to my shopping list that way siri knows what you want to add and where you want to add it you could even say something like add organized sky tv to my moving in list and siri will again know exactly what you want to add and where you want to add it if you want an actual reminder of something with maybe a date or time attached to it just say it when you ask siri so for example you might say remind me to pick up milk when i leave home tomorrow morning and again siri will understand all of the context of what you're saying if siri knows where you work the same context would work for that as well you could say something like remind me to change my toothbrush head on the first of each month and this will not only set up a reminder but a recurring reminder on whatever frequency you've selected this is obviously really helpful if you've got something that happens regularly and want to ensure that you don't forget to do it of course it's not just long-term reminders that you could use the app for let's say that your friend tina calls you but you can't talk at that moment and you promise to call her back in half an hour why take the risk of forgetting just say remind me to call tina back in half an hour and let your device keep track of it for you and of course because this is siri you can set reminders from all your devices including your watch your homepod or even carplay so if you're driving and you suddenly remember that you need to put a wash on when you get home you can use siri to remind you of that so all pretty powerful stuff but there is more reminders has functionality within other apps too so if you're browsing on safari and you want to be reminded of something related to the page you're on go to the share menu and make a reminder about it the same works in maps which can be really helpful if you're planning a trip and perhaps want a reminder to research a location further so there you go a deep dive into apple reminders as you can hopefully see it's a super powerful app and i think covers the functionality that most of us need when using a reminders app what do you think do you like apple reminders or do you not use it drop me a comment and let me know oh and if you found this video helpful do check out my similar video where i take a deep dive into apple notes i'll include a link to it in the description of this video as ever if you found this video useful do please consider leaving me a like and subscribing to my channel for more content like this in the future see you on the next video
Channel: Proper Honest Tech
Views: 37,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apple reminders, apple reminders tutorial, apple reminders tips and tricks, how to use apple reminders, apple reminders app, reminders app iphone, best way to use apple reminders, apple reminders ios 14, apple reminders ios14, apple reminders app how to use, reminders on iphone, how to reminders on iphone, apple reminders app tutorial, how to use reminders app properly, apple reminders 2021, apple reminders tips and tricks ios 14, how to use apple reminders ios 14
Id: 4gt_Cx1u2M4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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