Apple Pro Display XDR: A Grand Stand?!
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Channel: Marques Brownlee
Views: 4,101,730
Rating: 4.8667212 out of 5
Keywords: Pro Display XDR, XDR, Apple display, HDR, 6K, Pro stand, MKBHD, Mac Pro, Apple pro display, professional display, Apple screen
Id: fLRRStkhcuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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I don’t understand why he doesn’t shoot in HDR yet. He has all the equipment necessary.
Honestly, the engineering behind the stand is actually really cool. It's a shame that you never see this kind of innovation in products that are actually affordable.
Don’t know what the use cases of portrait mode are for the people that would buy these but the automatic switching is very cool
How tall are you? The stand is too tall for anyone under 5' 8". The pivot should be longer so it can go down lower to just a few inches of the desk.