Apostle/ Pastor Gino Jennings - Q&A Gino Answering Letters #4

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result in our leader teacher guide messenger of the Almighty God pastor do you know Jenny's written brothers and sisters as always we bear witness there is no god but one there is no God with him there is no God besides him there is no God equal to him there is no God greater than him and there certainly is no God other than he we thank him for his divine wisdom that is perfect and then fallible understanding of all things of God that have no errors God that doesn't make mistakes God that's perfect and everything to our viewers this is our first webcast from our new international headquarters campus we're presently in one of our gymnasiums and we're glad to come to you live you they have a chance to log on and get the right information live like you've been getting and it's pre-recorded now let me say to all the church members around the world that may be logging on I want to give viewers a chance to send in their questions that's not in the church many times church members are right-handed but we get thousands of questions from around the world from people that's not in the church and I don't want church members flood the internet with the ax questions so we can give them our answer because I had the privilege to talk to a woman yesterday 81 years old rejoicing over the telecast but she had a very interesting question out of Memphis there's many churches that have the same name as First Church of our Lord Jesus Christ whole lot of churches and she wanted to know was a church in Memphis the same church that I was the overseer of and I access for the address and she told me and I told her no because there are churches and I want you hardhead viewers they hit good because churches are called Church of the Lord Jesus Christ the name is not what make up the church you can have the name but there's a doctrine that's teaching that go along with the name if that just believe that there are three gods that's not the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ they believe that women can preach and can be deacons that's not the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ if they have a rainbow flag that's not the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ if they justify same-sex marriages and the preachers perform them that's not the church that started on the day of Pentecost see when you say Church of our Lord Jesus Christ you're saying that's the church that started on the day of Pentecost at Jerusalem that Christ stand head up when you deviate from the teaching of Christ you're not the church I just want you to be able to properly identify forgery now if you have a church that said to the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ and believe you can divorce or divorce and remarry that's not the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ if they say that flesh and blood is in heaven for flesh and blood came from heaven or a Trinity I've just got a letter from a man that says he's an apostle I was reading it before Dan time to pull fit over to me he says he's an apostolic Trinitarian and he referred me to the scripture that there are three that bear record in heaven the father well the Holy Ghost and he misquoted it for the Bible says in these three are one it hadn't said those three agree that scripture says that's read I 1 the father is God in fact yet father there's Jesus titled word is Jesus titled because the Word made flesh then that he may bless the flesh took on the words name and the name of the word is Jesus and then the word which is God got in flesh and preached by the power of the word that was in him now you got the title of God Holy Ghost which main comforter or keeper not three separate gods or Trinity Trinity is a myth that originated out of Rome and they gonna go from Rome and Rome right into hell alright viewers you get a chance to send your questions in life God willing I think we already have some and then I'll get what we have and but you found me in the Bible we go right to the Bible alright Dan what do ya and where is it from we can't tell where this is coming from if this person says I have the Holy Ghost the man I married don't but we were going to an apostolate Church you didn't hear about Mary an unequal being unequally yoked till pastor Jennings spoke about this she said I repent or she said I repented do God honor my marriage am i forgiven so what's the question I have the holy ghost the man I married don't but we're going to an apostolate Church the question really is does God on our marriage because now she's probably married all right well if you already married one as a believer and one is not give it a seven chapter of the book of first Corinthians and I say to the unbeliever if you wish you'd do well there don't depart that's right listen at this in the book of first Corinthians chapter 7 and we'll start meeting at verse 12 Parliament but to the recipe guy not the Lord all right if any brother if any brother has a wife that have a wife that's not a believer now holy the mama says if any brother that means someone that's in the church in the body baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and have the baptism of the Holy Ghost speaking in town what happened if any brother has a wife that he has a wife that's our unbeliever not saying don't have the new birth not in the church but yet they already married and she'd be pleased to dwell with him what let him not put her away again get rid of course she not saved and she can't get rid of him because they're not saved and the woman which has in her hand though wanted that notice they got both up right or take gotta put the man in prison and put the woman in prison turn the key and left you there till one of you fall out dead that's right and and the woman which husband woman to have us that believe it's not that don't believe that if he be please thank ya notice the language right if he be pleased they do what to dwell with her if he won't listen he may not believe in God at all or rather he believe in God and she may be an atheist but because she's in it is he can say well I want to get a save one right so he treated that go swag again and get a Volvo that's right he can't do that no he can't do that at all then the Bible's dinner with Mary one in the body and one that's not in the body why is the Bible dealing with this because many of you held deserving bishops in Pentecostal and in so-called Apostolic or pasta-like and other religions are teaching the people that if both of you were sinners when you got married and then one of you got saved the one down does a Christian can get rid of the one that's a non-christian that's a lie that the devil has been telling through your pasta that's right and your past is lying to you that's right and this stuff is being preached all over but thank God the Word of God is here nice easy to put everything in check and put everything back in order the Apostle Paul said I set all things in order when I count that's right What did he say and the woman which tested her the woman that got us that believe it's not and husband is not a believer all right woman you may be born of the wards another spirit you baptize in the name of Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost Bing in tongue no there's one God and your husband is of the depth of pure premium 93 percent octane devil that's right I agree there that's not and he may not believe in God at all listen at this time a woman with chest and a husband that believeth not wanted to have a husband that's an unbeliever and if he'd be pleased to dwell if he want to stay there let her not leave him wait a minute he's an unbeliever you were believer and if he want to stay there and yet he's still the unbeliever that hurt you can't get rid of him because he's an unbeliever that's right if he choose to stay there and he's a non-believer then let the unbeliever stay there that's right mm-hmm I don't notice how this contradict bishop oh yeah this contradicted apostolates and the Pentecostals listen and the woman which said to the husband that how he got the woman she got a hug and us an unbeliever right if he'd be pleased to dwell with her if he don't want to run and leave out because bubbly then what let her not leave him all right so any preacher to give you counsel to do otherwise you be counseled by the servant of Satan that's right all right what's their next question this question comes from Tampa Florida all right says when the holy righteous speak about Devils in plural yet we read in Jude that those angels that were that left their first estate which was which were holy and are reserved in prison can you please talk a little about these Devils quote-unquote and evil spirits that we read about in certain passages of the holy scriptures yes I do that right now I know this is a deep topic this person says but the Lord made you a deep-sea diver thank you brother thank you brother Chino all right let's go to earth in this now britches have said when the Bible pluralized devils and people may be filled with devils like the man Lygia easy it says for we are many yeah prickers have said that lesion wasn't just satan but it was Satan and the fallen angels no it was not no it was not alright give me the book of Jude now in the book of Jude I want to show you the location of the fallen angels and where they are right now that's right let's lock this out with the Bible in the paralyzer in jus chapter 1 we're at the 6th verse alright and the angels wait a minute and the angels which kept not their first estate unless a number was a whole third that was put out an entire third was cast out that's really of course they took sighs with Satan and war broke out in heaven and Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and his angels thank God but the dragon didn't prevail and when the dragon was put out there the Apostle declared war to the inhabitants of the area amen all right and the angels which kept not their first estate what happened but left they left their own habitation why did they leave because God put them out that's right now when God puts you out you can't stay where God put you out you just got to go and he has preserved all right now the angels that was put out they are not roaming around nowhere no way they're not in purgatory they're not in heaven and out roaming up and down the earth either that's right all right he has reserved God got them reserved we're in everlasting chain where are they for less than change how long and those chain of the dog ever less have a lasting chain of a lesson man prison right what underdog I'm dr. bun to the judgment of the Greek language that was put out of heaven they are reserved at the chains of darkness and they gonna be there until the great day and that great day the coming of the Lord now they gonna come a time that the church is going judge the angels and the angels that's going to be judged or the backsliding angels which was cast out for taking sides with C now when the Bible talked about Devils alright a God we're in the book of Saint Mark now follow me quickly mark chapter five and we'll start reading at verse three alright boom alright verse one and they came over unto the other side of the sea into the country of the gadarenes yeah and when he was come out of the ship yeah Lederman him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit notice spell spirit STI rit verse first is singular notice it says a man would say unclean spirit spirit you know what is that unclean spirit I want to autumn eyes this and take it apart come on son who had his dwelling among the tombs and no man could buy them no not with change man why because then he had been it bound with fetters and chains and the chains had been plucked asunder by him and the fetters broken in pieces neither could any man tame him yeah always night and day he was the mountains and in the tombs crying and cutting himself with stones but when he saw Jesus afar oh when they saw Jesus a firearm Brandon worshipped it and said why and cried with a loud voice and said what about to do with me why do I have to do with you Jesus thou son of the Most High i adjure thee by god that that's one day jesus said when he said unto him come out of the man come out of the man thou unclean spirit notice he keeps single izing it that's right thou unclean spirit all right real quick and he asked him what is thy name what's your name and he answered saying my name is legion Maile my name is legion for we want what do the word legion me we are many we are what we are many but when Jesus told him to come out whether he said come out of the man thou unclean spirit and what did the spirit said my name is legion for we are many now Satan is one but there's many attributes of characteristics out this one that's right he produced a whole lot oh yeah that one devil to have you with the spirit of adultery the spirit of fornication can be a lying spirit can be a spirit of idolatry there's a lot of attributes to the one spirit the devil that's right and God wanted all of it all of everything the devil had in that man that's right the devil want all of it they come out of him so yes the devil there's one devil but many attributes to the one they all the devil's besought him what and all the devil's besought him oh not here yeah all the devils they saw the devil all the devils but it wasn't a group of Devils that was cast out of heaven no yeah they're preachers can you piss off through that it wasn't a group of devils that was cast out of heaven no it was one devil and that was the dragon it was not Trigon that's right hallelujah God it was the great red dragon z o serpent called the devil devil whatever but many characteristics of many attributes from that one spirit so that's what that is alright Dan come on this question says what specific abilities does a man possess that the woman lacks with regard to Scripture of the Cree that women don't belong in the pulpit what is that question again what specific abilities as a man possessed the woman lacks with regard to the scriptural decree that women don't belong in the pulpit position him in the book of Genesis position and failure given a book of Genesis then I'll get the book of Timothy and we'll see who the first one failed right all right give me Genesis 1:26 a 1:27 Genesis 1:26 wickley and 1:27 all right and God said let us make man in our image now God made man in His image man that God made man in His image even God bears the title he thank God bears the title him god never bears the title she I want you to get this so you that sang that song he's everything he's everything to me he's my mother that's a lie he's a liar you're singing a lot that's God he never called himself a mother right no no God don't bear the title female they're costly God made man man take on the characteristics of God and man was made in God image listen and God said let us make man you know that us make man in our image and after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea let them have authority over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth and watch so God created man so God made man in his own image in his own image in the image of God and the image of who in the image of God and the image of God created him now let me show you the difference between the man and the woman notice the Bible says that the woman was made for the man as well not demand for the woman that's right now when the batter said the woman was made for the man the woman supposed to submit to Authority supposed to submit to the man that's why the Bible says wives submit yourselves to your husband now look at the church that just read the same title woman wife prior saying God bears the title husband so now the church gotta submit to its husband and the husband or the church or the father of the church or the lord of the church is God just like the woman got a submits ain't got to the man the church got to submit to God so why would a man submit to a woman preacher to you something authority over the man with a man Oh what listen yeah yeah if a man submitting to a woman preacher that is equal to God submitting to the church that's right thank God don't submit to the Jets hi must emit good luck alright give me the book of Timothy first Timothy chapter 2 you see a lot of folk don't see the revelation in this way they don't see how God fix this thing up you bad mine look at it after God put Adam in a deep sleep the woman was taken from the rim of man and then the woman was brought back to the man that she came from here comes the elements of the church came from the side of God or rather the side of the Son of Man the Son of God the body Christ Jesus they pissed him in the side out came blood and water thank God in here to get in the church you got to have water that's the only way you gonna get the blood but you've got a repent of your sin to go down in water in the name of Jesus Christ and receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost now that makes you part of the bride and that should be and when you become part of the bride meaning a part of the church a member of the church now you've got to submit to the bride's husband that's right and the hope and of the church is God that's the Bible said we have one husband man that's right man one husband man alright listen that dish first Timothy chapter 2 where adversity man let the woman learn inside that the woman learn in silence with all subjection but I suffer not to ride something I don't wanna date you nor to usurp authority over the man quickly but to be Adam listen at this Adam was first Adam was first formed then Danny and Adam was not to see listen that's the way the church was set up right the Son of God came before the church starting the day of Pentecost that's right the Son of God came before the church started on the day of Pentecost why because they need a sacrifice to get the church that's right but loud a sacrifice you couldn't have no tension so he come along napping in a bar that consists of blood he came by blood and water and if that body to have blood and water spirit was in there and now we come along have to take on the same thing that that body had when it walked earth spirit water and blood thank God when I get the water in blood I'm baptized in the name of Jesus Christ when I get the spirit I'm filled with the spirit by the spirit from the Spirit we're just the Holy Ghost speaking in tongue so God never had a we're giving a woman the authority to usurp our authority over man so God have never called and sent a woman to preach the gospel because he look at this now think of it and the old testament when a woman have a male child after the male child is born she's supposed to be home for 33 days what if God said if she have a female she should be home I believe about 66 days but God tells the preacher you got to be instant that's right in season and hotter City you gotta keep going you just gotta keep preaching let's play man so yes it's not given to the woman to have authority over the man in a pasto is one with authority a prophet is wonderful for 'ti the bishop is one with authority and God did not give that to the woman and this is not Nell show for chauvinism this is nothing but biblical law that's it that our Heavenly Father put in place and I know you held bound Devils who want to alter that law but God won't let you that's right that's right I say God won't let you all right Dan what I said that's what this particular question comes from Taiwan I believe it is all right our brother Devin he says breeze past agendas from Taiwan a lot of false prophets in the christianity religion quote-unquote use 1st corinthians chapter 12 verse 32 say we don't have to speak in tongues to have the holy spirit can you clear this up please and thank you beautiful letter from Taiwan now they'll are gonna live now all right this is 1st Corinthians 12 and 30 is all right 1st Corinthians chapter 12 and verse 30 let's find out why these devils don't want to speak in down first corinthians chapters were over there verse 30 all right have all the gifts of healing what have all the gifts of healing no no everybody don't have the gift of healing I want all of you that don't believe in speaking tongue to heaven and follow what we're outlining the Bible you better begin at verse 29 at verse 29 all right are all apostles no Bible just accent questions is it not right justifiable question or role of cost no the pot was God Paul God sent God anointed God me got off the rides God thought and God appointed God reveal himself to him now I know many of you said there are no apostles now but that's another lie to hell because there's no apostle's there's no checks that's rank God put off you better begin at verse 20 verse 28 if you will first Corinthians 12 it at verse 29 freshman in 1228 listen it ain't gone Oh God not G no Jennings God that was written before I was bald before my mother was born before my mother's mother was born before my mother's mother's mother was born this is written here that's right that way everybody come after was written you gotta follow and believe was written or go to hell for you unbelief and God that's that sound go to some solace everybody in the church is not apostle's no and if everybody in the church is not apostle's than everybody in the church don't have the authority of the apostle's that's right and if everybody in the church is not a pasta than everybody don't have the knowledge of the apostle's they'll have the revelation of the apostle's don't have the insight like the Apostle that's right ah I see hallelujah glory to God What did he say and God had set some God hath set some in the church who did it dog who did it God that mean you Bishop can lay hands on your no Daniel no pasta that's right who got the time from God you can't have the one vote - yeah and just coming on the Board of Directors make you the next apostle but cost your fake Bishop died that's who got to do it god no you can't jump up and say you an apostille because your wife is bored being at home and sure three the first lady in some rotten church who got the door gone for it they got it blocks everywhere you go where you go hold on oh god did you see there are no apostles now God has said some in the church God didn't ever change that's right God said they set some in the church in the church that may be some to be qualified that's right that's in the church first notice you got to be in the church first to be made one in the church first set extra God have sex some in the church and I know a lot of you in someone that statement I say wait a minute Paul wasn't in the church where God made him on the road to Damascus Paul didn't wasn't made on the road to Damascus he was called but he wasn't me that's right God simply told him that I have appeared unto thee this day to make it but he was amazing why you can't make a man in a posture and you ain't baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and you don't have to hold it go spin in time someone say you're wrong there the apostles were possible and Jesus was here well they had the title apostle's but they did not fulfill all the Apostleship rather didn't had the Holy Ghost we didn't need it that's right because Jesus was here that's right and they said long as I'm with you but I got to go away from ya hey how you been mind when Jesus was here yeah you been mine when Jesus was here the Apostle didn't need the Holy Ghost it was walking around wisdom it's in a body control color their mother with them talking talk they said our hands have handled unless it be the name of my word of life but let's start after he died on the cross hey man it came on back the third day the church had to get started right and they come along and tell them to go to Jerusalem and you stay there and tarry until you be endued with power from on high paint garden on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Ghost sell now the just get started yep pastor Paul was being a pasto after the church already start let's render Lord God put it had it written here and said how he put some some in the church some in the church first apostles yes listen if you follow the reel of pasta and he died you just can't have the next man in charge jump up and said I'm an apostle wait a minute if you're an apostle you shouldn't been under one that's right because an apostille don't receive their revelation from another pasta that's right pasta Paul said about the other apostles they added nothing to me anything to man than other words in the revelations from Peter did he get the Thomas didn't help the open is understanding to the garden but of these who seem to be someone the Apostle Paul got his information from God they said I didn't receive it of man neither was I taught it but by the revelation so if you're really sitting under a guard sent apostle and that apostle died the one that come after him cannot say an apostille after he was taught by an apostille that's right can't do that oh no God had set some in the church that's order to the church oh yeah he ain't just set up a church with no rules and no regulation and no order God have said some of the church first apostles secondarily prophets thirdly teachers after that miracles against a hill it helps help government's adversities of tongues yeah are all apostles no no everybody no apostille no and a pasta don't believe in Trinity no they're devil don't even believe in Trinity that's right and all prophets no no all right are all teachers no Oh Lord you know no no no hey man somebody's thinking about as dumb as a brick we don't know anything that's crazy because God told the Apostles go teach all nations always teach them teach teach everybody all right are all workers of miracle workers of miracles no no all right have all the gifts of healing no everybody have the gift of healing no all right you all speak with tongues no so they wait a minute pathogen how do you say no no everybody don't speak in tongues speak in tongues is pointed to certain ones that's right let me show you who's gonna speak in town in the book of say more parliament follow me follow me follow me Taiwan all right mark chapter 16 we're at the seventeenth verse five 16 17 and these signs shall follow them that believe what will happen to believers they shall speak in new tongues that if you're a believer that's what make one Terry that's right glory to God hallelujah I'm a believer to you the Holy Ghost tell EE what we carry that's right Harry oh Jesus come on back there thank God it after he come on back yep here to admit decisions tour take garters head these are the words that I speak unto you when I was young with you that all things must be fulfilled that are written in the law of Moses and in the prophets and in the Psalms concerning me then open heed their understanding that they may understand the scriptures and he said unto them thus it is written and the scible who Christ to suffer and the rise in the day at the third day and declared that the practice of a mission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations beginning in Jerusalem thank God he was talking to believe believers thank God I will shoot a witness now if they didn't believe what Jesus said they would Natalia they wanted they would never happen down that to Jerusalem if they didn't believe that's right God but his believers know repeat his believers they went on to Jerusalem from the mount that was all out of it haloo you know you take God and they stay there Terry thank God and waited before you know a sound something every let you know it takes believers they get heaven moving that's right if you are unbeliever that get this the reason why church like speaking in tongues because they don't believe it that's if you don't believe it the sign won't fail you that's right what make me to tell you if I don't receive it Monday there cause I'm a believer are coming back Tuesday is it on [Applause] so you that is in Taiwan in Taiwan and you can stick the rest of the world put that's right that said we don't speaking in tongue now speaking in tongue it's only for the believer baby son the fat self follow this shall follow them that believe all right a god that's why you'll find them you're funny believer coming up in Africa I don't thank God for the Holy Ghost in Germany thank god you're speaking time in Russia thank God for I believe up lubbers if believer listen what makes a person go job hunting that's right they believe they gonna get one I think I didn't find one Monday I'm going back out first you know if you believe I already tell you God works to produce something that's life amen faith without works in one day thank God on the day of Pentecost shows you that they believe because the Bible says these all continued that's right in progress they say at least make you stay there I want to say to everything in that I want you come out and believe now will you come on and believe and seek the Lord for the Holy Ghost and the proof you got the Holy Ghost you are speaking of the tongue you are speaking or the tongue b-cells has the spirit as God Jehovah give the others in their one it takes up all right danda man come alive this question comes from the real what that she says this question comes from Maria I know in the bite I know in the Bible the Bible says the woman's hair is her glory as a woman am I able to trim my hair number one also what if I don't always have my hair covering example with a hat when I step out I'm I dishonor in my head which is my husband first and foremost Bible don't says the hair and Rita like that the hair is the glory let's get all of it first Corinthians chapter 11 I will start reading at verse 3 Donovan and I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ head of a man is Christ and the head of the woman is the man all right the head of Christ is God yeah it responds alright but every woman every woman that prayed that pray or proxifier hit with her head uncovered this unrest or he this side of her head well that is even at all as if she was shaved now let's get this cooked aware if you had long hair Laura run turn alright first Worthen first corinthians 11 in that verse 15 listen but if a woman have long never wanna have long hair it is a glory to her you see if a woman had long hairs - glory to her didn't say your hair's a glory to God no no no no your hair is not a glory to God no it's the glory to you to her now hair and head are two different things the hair is what grows on the head that's right yeah I want to atomize it because the Bible talk about both that that's right whether they said go back to verse I but every woman that prays anyone at that pray or prophesy is her thing having her head uncovered uncovered this on refer now your head is what your hair grow from so God tell the woman you got to cover hey the reason why I want to emphasize on that because pre cos that said well cover your head me no hair is showing that's not the truth no that's not the truth the Bible more Pacific hair but every woman that creates our prophesized with her head with the head uncovered off a woman got her head covered but yet there's some hair that hangs from the head that see you have entirely no scripture what's right yeah that's right amen yeah I wonder I want to make that plain because had one bishop here loaded me he said I agree with what you preach but I noticed some of your women have a hairnet on and some of the women don't have a hairnet on and the Bible says that our woman supposed to cover her hair he had it wrong right the Bible didn't see that it says cover her you see I believe was written here that's right and I'm gonna make it more than what's written yes some women they hair is long I got one young sister a little girl that takes me about 12 or 13 thanks sister Wendy's daughter her head I think me come all the way down pass away so down hanging down her legs go sister wins the most time would twist that up and whatnot it would be interesting to find a net that long unless you gotta get a fishing net to catch that stuff cuts right she got to have a haircut now when you have your head covered the symbolic that's really having your head covered is a symbol of power and respect that you show not only to man on earth but to the angels in heaven first where it's 11 and at verse 10 ultimate for this course first threat to the Lebanon Jen said for this reason all the woman to have power where order hey we're on her hey alright I want it to be good for you dumb bishops because many of you is scripturally ill litter some of you nuts of actually wrote me and one of the argue and say well when the Bible says that the head are very the babitch other woman have something on her head that's me her husband so that beat her the husband got it go around sitting on a head my lord your food was a food there's a physical head like then there's something that's on the head that's right you think God was tell him that listen let me so kill a woman husband can die but she's still not left without a man over her that's right oh yeah well my husband died no man over me every man of the woman what would they say I'm the head of the woman the head of the one is the main oh just a husband is the main no just a husband is the man no just a husk is the man don't want get us yours we can die you can get another one he died you get another one he died you get another one he died but out of all your husband's that die glory to God you still have a head that's right and order for woman that goeth out of here on earth every man got to die that's right Bible says the head of the woman of the woman is the man the man he's nothing bigger than your husband that's right all right for this course also woman to a power on her head all right now woman you got to have power on your head because of the angels wait a minute when a woman half a head now and I want you touches you you women that are watching now I know some of the churches you go in and you have this little thing you know this little piece of polity when I came out of falsehood it's called a chapel cap that's right you know because she goes in the petition part and got to head off straight in and died and all poufy just like the world and then you don't want to mess up your hair so you just sit this little item on your hair that that don't cover your head stop being a fool that's a Bible speak plain if a woman pray or prophesied to hear with her head uncovered that's right she dishonored her head so that means you cannot wish up God bareheaded that's the cost if you do you dishonor man on earth and you also dishonor the angels in heaven let me show you what have your head covered be for this cause awful woman's who have power on were here because of what because of the Angels because of you because of the Angels I wanna say whoa wait a minute pathogens the angels are not man the Angels bear the shape of man that's right hey man let me prove this with the Bible give me the Book of Daniel in the Book of Daniel chapter none and well at verse 21 amen yah-yah-yah 921 says she was I was sitting in glory take God Daniel the prophet said while I was speaking and prayer even the man wait a minute who even the man who the man and what was the man named Gabriel what did he do whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning being cost of flies and that wasn't a natural man no no there wasn't no natural man code the Bible said to make it as angels or spirit spirit so when you have your head covered that shows submission and honor to your husband and also to the angels in heaven not only that the best of Bible specifically tell the woman half a head covet I wishes praying and the Bible says man off to always rare not the faint you don't want to be a public bareheaded you never know when you're going to talk to God let's never know where you have to talk to go sir so when you're out in public for your job or whatever thank God you wanna have your head covered so you always can show honor and respect for the man on earth I enter angels in heaven all right next question this person is question I beg your pardon comes from Sasha she says kind of person by favor from God for example so enough seeds listen preachers have told you for years that God will favor you based upon what you give by the way never thought that you will get God's favor for money no because if that's so then Jesus teaching would be wrong right the poor you have with you always know that's just a gimmick that the preachers have all around the world so and see not yeah yeah yeah this is what this out this is what you should do I want everybody to get me that are watching and obey what I tell you if you have a department store in your area that may have a section that sell flowers and seeds the next time these hell deserving evangelistic televised Devils you don't television or any form of social media telling you the sow seed in their ministry just go buy a pack of seeds it can be pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds and wrap them up and send them to one of Satan's preachers that's right and they let home planet in his flower pot that's right no God that God ain't gone your blessing is not determined based upon amount not at all God never done it that way that's right Jesus a whosoever will let him come and that one sister says cometh out money better ease that question in the book of Isaiah chapter 55 that's why I read the first verse I like ho what ho oh we won this search everyone that won something to drink come into the waters all right now let me dive into that and break it to pieces that wursten not fast to the waters and he then hung to God let's see that's what that means so instead what it didn't say that yesterday well Jesus set over the water that I give you it's lights like ah then he said this big teeth of the once very spirit lemons on the Bible says everyone that first little stingy to say he that hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled so if you're thirsty you come on you don't need money you come [Applause] you come on I say wait a minute pastor Jin if I wasn't talking about natural five mean to exchange - right what what is it that I got to exchange the eat they got the stain just soul that's right that's right they got to give yourself if they give yourself to God and return God to give himself to you you come on and piety they come by way you come by what why the milk wine and milk the Bible says as newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word that you may grow thereby that's right money you don't need no money and without price you don't need no money whatsoever to be born of God to walk with God to obey God or they hear the word of God don't misunderstand me now it takes money for things to function but if you don't have money at all you still can repent of your sins and baptized in the name of Jesus Christ ever see the baptism of the Holy Ghost and by travel around well many times people call in and said passage Genesis actually come in here how much do it cause it never calls anything you never have to pay to come here us you never have to pay come see us a little honest then we ask you to give is your whole life give your life to God alright got it no way you do that you'll repent of your sins all of them all of your sins repent of them be sorry about your wickedness and go down in water in the name of Jesus Christ all right Dan the man come on son this person says I have seen videos of explorers and documentaries claiming they have discovered the Ark of the Covenant yeah is this possible to find the Ark of the Covenant today well there is no Bible that says it won't be found and there's a written where there is no law there is no transgression I believe it I believe it laws laws that old Mount Iraq so I didn't find it I don't know I'm not worried about it to do that's right I don't need them to find it for me to know it's true that's right because every word of God is right and the Bible says whatsoever things are written aforetime is written for our learning you got to know what the Ark will represent lesson pees on the ark represent the church and the water less God that elevated the ark represent the spirit elevating the church off the earth for him that's what that represents yeah you better give me Jesus talking to the woman at the well you better move faster I believe in the book the job John the book of John now I wanted to show you how how the spirit bears the title water water amen that's why I like on the day of Pentecost when the Spirit is called fire and also is called water wonder they had Pentecost they was still gripped the Holy Ghost you know when something is filled that's the attribute of water but John said one come after me that somebody deny he gonna baptize you with the Holy Ghost and that with fire you know fire spread and consume so the Holy Ghost come along and elevation and it also come along and consume every unrighteous and ungodly thinking yeah that's not like God alright son come on st. John chapter four and read the tenth verse be quick jesus answered and said unto her if thou knewest the gift of God you better go uh verse 17 that there cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water ya know what you know the topic right she draw water to draw Jesus and what's the question what was that question again oh they don't move so quick come on sir can't find it I have seen videos of explorers and documents claiming they have found the Ark of the Covenant is it possible to find the ark today the Ark of the Covenant or Noah's hot the Ark's just to find the ark the ark which are are kind of coming or Noah's Ark Ark of the Covenant the Ark of the Covenant yes not Noah's I know what I'm gonna finish up Noah's Ark anyway then I get the opportunity they'll bring that down also make way they're coming for woman of Samaria to draw water all right jesus said to her give me to drink many drank boys the Sophists were gone away into the city the ban then said the woman of Samaria unto Him how is it that thou being a Jew askest drink of me yeah I'm a woman of Samaria yeah but the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans answered and said under if newest the gift of God if you ate him and it notice the statement if you know God's gift and who it is that sin if you knew who I was able to talk to daya give me to drink what God wouldn't have asked of him you had asked me to give it to you and he would have given these living water the woman saith unto her I have nothing to draw with Cypress Abel he was talking about the spirit that's right let's talk about the Holy Ghost 9 living water is the spirit living water is the Holy Ghost now in reference to the Ark of the Covenant Ark me container the Covenant is a pack or an agreement or a contract now and the Old Testament they had the Ark of the Covenant blessed God within the art it was the statues of God the laws of God that he implemented that govern Israel was not pick on the Son of God which was a part about it a shape of form or container and there was a covenant in there and the Covenant was made to the world what did he promise the world no I come and the volume of the book it is written of me to do that will know God so he promised to all people that were believer on him he said the promises unto you and to your children and of them that is afar off even as many as our Lord our God shall call to the Ark of the Covenant in the Old Testament represent the coming of the Son of God Jesus in the New Testament the cost within Jesus was law and promises now within the often a covenant and the Old Testament was law and promises all right next question this comes to Lourdes I have had dreams that have come to pass this mantises are all dreams from God if not how can I discern when a dream is not from God and just a case of indigestion I asked because I have a lot of very vivid dreams about spiritual things that are very clear and which have come to pass later no all dreams is not of God there is some dreams that are give me the Book of Numbers let me better move fast because I want to drive around with this we in a dream stage now yes there's some dreams that are God in fact God spoke I believe to Moses and Aaron and Miriam and talked about how God will deal with man through tree in the Book of Numbers chapter swirl and then you better get Joel 2:28 and etic status yes how God will work and then after that I want to go dream crushing mm-hmm in the Book of Numbers chapter 12 come on I was started verse six yes I was started for his father all right and the Lord came down in the pillar of the cloud and stood in the door of the tabernacle and called Aaron and Miriam and they both came forth and and he said here now my word you know Aaron and Miriam rose up against the prophet Moses and then one wasn't blood brother the other was his sister and I felt as though that they can just say things that shouldn't be said but God heard it that's right and it didn't set well with God at all no God couldn't come out you three to the tabernacle and now God began and laid them out and laid law to them listen at this and he said here now my word I want you to hear my word if there be a prophet among you listen at this if art says if there be a prophet among you I the Lord I the Lord will make myself know I will make myself known to him in a vision I will come to him in a vision and we'll see and I speak to him in a dream so yeah some dream are of God each way the Bible says enjoy out 220 that it shall come to pass your sons and daughters shall prophesy old men shall do it 3 3 reach the halls and Joel chapter 2 and read verse 28 all right and it shall come to pass afterward afterward that I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh notice it says after it gonna come to pass afterward that means something gonna happen after something else happened that's right and it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh and whatever and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your old men old men shall dream 3 and your young men young man I'll see vision - a vision also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out of myself all right there some so that let you know yes there's some dreams that is of God God make himself known and God may show things right now dreams also come because you're mentally and emotionally busy that's right come through a multitude of business that's written calls you to dream because you got a lot on your mind let me show you this I believe in a book of ecclesiasticus you better move fast on the stair headed me now and then all right in the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 5 all right I will start reading at verse 6 Solomon so far not the amount the cost I flip or at verse 3 for a dream coming through the multitude of business now sometimes people have a lot on their mind a whole lot and that's a result of a lot on their mind they started dreaming stuff dreaming stuff somebody who got the itch of wanting to preach so bad he started dreaming he's in the pulpit oh he started dreaming he's standing on a Mountain though he started dreaming he's up somewhere in the bell tower a man ringing something somebody walked to be rich he made dream he wobbling around a bunch of a bunch of money one hour the child I always wanted to fly and I'm pretty sure there's a lot of children that can identify with that I always warn the fly and looking at superheroes on television didn't help me not a man when I was a kid looking at them fellows in car - hey help me nuts ain't got a man down when I was a child and I see Superman my next move was go get me a long time get a long Tower my mother would get up the big safety pin you know that back then they had diapers you know they had these old pampers now Jay get the big safety pins that's blue on the end or yellow on the in and put that thing in there and that I wanted my Tower of the hand and then I went a home that a reasonable length I take off running down and steep to make a breeze that's and start moving then and then by the time I go to bed and my dream I was flying I was flying flying that was a lie dream of life I thought it was I dreamed it but yet I had a lot on my mind right now the danger in that today you know there's a lot of nuts in the pulpit because big tree they was preaching and because of a dream and not been able to differentiate God dilling and God making burst upon based upon what they personally feel like doing I have heard what the process said let's Meritus has broke up through dreams the cost of husband believe what he dreamed or the wife believe what she dreamed marriages have took place because of the dreams of all fooled man came to a woman in the church they he don't even know and say it's just sister Beulah the Lord showed me to you I showed you to me and told me I was your husband well Beulah got overwhelmed in Beulah I am against them Beulah got overwhelmed thank God I fell into a trap Romero Dumanis already Barry Lord I don't need that these Devils sent agents that's called preachers there's in the pulpits of the world and tell you the Lord came to them in a dream and told them that the world will end the world according to these men suppose they had in 2012 so that in 2014 suppose had ended sometime in the 1930s every decade our nut come along and said the Lord gave them a dream the world going in alright listen at this I want to show you this real good now Jeremiah chapter 23 and at verse 26 all right I have verse 25 alright what the prophet see God say I heard I heard what the prophets said that prophesy lies in that prophesy lies in my name saying I have dreamed a dream I had I had told you this is written yet that's right and wait a minute and what kind of properties are there or facade lies in my name wait a minute they prophesy lies how in my name they they come in the name of Jesus Christ that's right drop the sign live in my the women get up in the name of Jesus Christ God call and send me to trace their gospel that's right I've heard Oh men to men to men come together and say God Billy tell Fred that God gave Fred to Barry that's right oh yeah I have heard with the property held bound britches come along and said God came to them in a dream and tell them is nothing wrong with condoning homosexuality you know these men have no conscience that's right yep full of hell let's round em fold up that devil out of hell that's right did you hear the word of God the Bible was talking iron the reason why these fellas would lean to a dream and they know what the Bible said because they have no respect for the Bible to have no regard for the Bible to have no honor for the Bible and they have no fear towards God himself that's right all right then I have heard with the Prophet see God she heard that prophesy lies in mine in my name saying I have dreamed I have dreamed don't you see the Prius come on television and look at they say wait a minute came to me a dream it came to me in a dream the Lord took me to tell you there's $10,000 in the house you owe $10,000 liar that's right use the light and all they told you nothing that's right that's just a thief I have worked with the prophets with the prophets that prophesy lies in the name of Jesus crack saying I have tried how long shall this be how long is this gone go on in the heart of the problem where is it located in the heart of the problems in the Papa's heart right then unless you know it's wicked that's where the Bible said the heart of the most deceitful thing that's man that's believe witness or know every dream don't come from God you have to notice scriptures so you don't take a dream and tell a lie on God and said the Lord said so that's right yeah hey man yeah well you know the scriptures that have it right you won't ever know never your vision that you want some of your judgment all right let's get a few more questions and then we have picked up acts 2:38 all right this question asks is it possible to be saved if you die without having the Holy Ghost with God speak to your soul in the grave to save you or is it too late no God won't reach in the grave is a me know a man salvation is given to the living the Bible said the dead know of nothing God tell the living to tarry until you be endued with power from on high a dead person can tell a dead person don't know anything so don't wait till you die I advise you right now [Music] amen whoever take God every country everything under the Sun right now that's watching your module come on and come out of the religion that you come out of the church that you're in leave your pastor leave your foster they take your position and flush it down the toilet let's we just come on in March the water you know repent be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and then Terry why you live it so the Lord of fill you wicked so with the Holy Ghost all right is it true that God is an apostle kind of title a possible placed on God no no Alleluia to him and Jesus better give it you better give me John 4:24 and then you better give me Hebrews chapter 3 in verse ones first let's establish the nature of God John tender just a minute has any better give me after that give me Luke 9 749 if you will I got to show you who said who's called and who's made John st. John chapter 4 verse 24 by God is a spirit what God is a spirit God is a spirit God is a spirit and a that a wish of God must worship Him must worship Him in spirit and spirit and in truth and in truth now the nature of God is spirit spirit so it's incorrect to say God isn't a possible that's really that's what God promised he will send apostle's that's real 1149 Luke chapter 11 and at verse 49 listen therefore also said the wisdom of God now wait a minute the same God the spirit he that's right he's talking now all right therefore also said the wisdom of God I will sit there wait a minute I will single send them prophets prophets and apostles and apostle's and some of them they shall slay some of them they go and kill and persecute hang on prosecute all right you better give me a Hebrew three and one Hebrews chapter 3 that verse 1 I want to show you this because that's a very good question after dinner you preach it as lashes god yes I proceed as questions God and I preach there is no other God but he same God but God never wasn't a pasta God never will be in a pasta but yet Jesus wasn't a pasta that's right yeah yeah yeah get out God I want to give you something to reach [Music] was an apostille Jesus cannot be enough she cannot be an apostille he washe does it one part of him put another part wash one part always exist and the other part was sent that's right ah alright let me show you this hebrews chapter 3 and at verse 1 babe is to be in one's head wherefore holy brother Matt falling Babar take us up there heavily : what shall we do consider the Apostle who the Apostle what and high priest of our prophetic Christ Jesus wait a minute and then Luke 11:49 says what I will send them prophets when I will sing I will send them out to them prophets prophets and apostles I'm gonna send them I will send them Luke 11:49 says what I'm not that therefore also said the wisdom of God you know who's talking right I want to know who's talking that's right who's talking therefore also said the wisdom of God do God wisdom said I will send them what prophets and who an apostle Matt Hebrew a three-in-one said wherefore holy brethren partakers of the heavenly calling consider the Apostle and high priest of our profession Christ Jesus the wisdom of God sent him that's right the wisdom of God the Son of God that's where and the Son of God was an apostle that's right and God which was the spirit that was in that son was the preacher inside of the Apostle that's why you hear the son of God saying I do nothing of myself but that's my father dwelleth in me he doeth the works in other words God was the power of the apostasy father said Christ was the wisdom of God and Christ was the power of God so the spirit that was in that body the spirit was the driving force trusses but the body wasn't apostille and I don't need that yeah yeah the body of flesh and blood that marry birth not only was it an opossum it was a prophet that's right promoter said constant rays of the problem like him show you here and all things and a pasta is God called God's in God may God anointed ain't God taught that's God is not taught no God is not me who can meet God no no nothing gives a feel to God no no no all things that's right but dead party that he made had the title of pasta had the title Minister had the title servant had the title my Lord had the title Shepard had the title lamb remember the part of the one that's called and since God the Eternal Spirit is not an apostle he is the teacher in the Apostle that's what that is alright brother John says I've been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ how do i fast how do you fast very good question you don't fast like the heathen that's for sure that's resources you don't fast like the heathen or the hypocrite let's itemize how you're fast now for years many so-called Pentecostal and apostolic have said where you're fast is from six to six a viewer that they say we're your fastest from six to six and descriptively use when the Bible said there's 12 hours in a day I still ain't said nothing about no faster no did it no it ain't said nothing about fasting 12 hours in a day all right it's 24 hours in a day burn but she got 12 hours a day lighting 12 hours a night but when it says 12 hours in a day wasn't about faster when you read your Word of God when they fast you don't see what it is about man a whole day went by there was fast and didn't eat nothing dick Drake nothing wasn't showing no Gama wasn't sucking on a lifesaver all right I'm gonna show you how the fast and I'm going to show you how not the fact in the book of st. Matthew chapter 6 Solomon I will start reading at verse 16 all right over windy phase biroba movin this is how you fast when you face when you fast be not as the hypocrites first up I will tell you how not to be don't be like hypocrites of a sad countenance walking around want to show everybody I'm to my super smile as you um I'm going through you own factory dating three nights you ain't gonna make no announcement everybody know I'm fashions real aliens really nice wait you don't you up in the church and testify sing pray for me because I'm ready to go on a five-day and five nights bath that's between you and God that's right ain't nobody business how long you gonna go that's what to be between you and God all right Sam Walker Whitney fast be not as the hypocrites I'm a Democrat of a said council man but they disfigure the face it's bigger than faces that they may appear unto men to fast and they they do this so they can appear unto men they want to publicize what they're doing that's right like folks in jail go on hunger strikes one of fats as if the government care don't care if you die in prison pence rose and that's really all right there way I say unto you they have their reward you come out supposed to be fashioned but you published I've you and you want everybody to know it you ain't gonna get no blessing from no that's what it's meant you have your reward the wolves have been guarding don't step in the answer none of your prayer so he's not gonna give you nothing that's because you're faking that's it man but oh oh oh but oh wow let's go D gonna lay low but now you when those fast when you fast you better do it a different way annoyed God hey wait a minute anoint your head now you just get some oils a bottle of version or you can just go to the store and get it and you ain't got to bring it to me to pray over you can pray over your food you can probably all I don't mean go get a can of Crisco lard nothing like that I was right Haven now when you're annoying to a head the Bible's diverse in it all the things you done decently and in order you ain't have you don't have to get oil until this morning down your face into your face man is shining like bacon grease such as good not that no hey you don't have to listen when you're anoint your head you anoint your head this is your head not here Hey it didn't say put across here no not your head noise I know what did I say that on North I hey hey we will you anoint your head I don't mean you gotta have your forehead shining until you like let your help and buffed with armor-all there's a right way to do something that's right I but Darwin dosers dick got away you face on north I hear it better in Nigeria and washed our face you wash after you are 90 hey that thou appear not unto men to face and but unto thy father which is in secret a minute how but unto God Father which is in signal around him publish side let everybody know you on that back in secret good secret secret between you and God and thy father which seeth in secret what my father which seeth in secret God that see you why are you in secret communicate with him that's sick of me one on one that's right and then you don't got away from everybody wonderful jump into with him that's it amen your mind is just focus on him your heart let it be the name of God and just all focused on him that secret situation you know what's good to talk about your secret closet right yeah I learn I don't want y'all to take that literally literally now amen and you run inside your closet in your home and you when you fast and pray you go in your closet and just duck from everybody Amen father can't find your mother can't find it they got the police looking for ducking behind the trenchcoat cuz people are serious you know that's right Amen so hey don't mean that see you your closet mean your private place private time private time just you and God you separate it from everybody during this time now you're offering up your body you're offering up your mind you're offering up your prayers glory to God as the smoke of instance that's burnt hanging garden and smell good and God nostrils you go before God in prayer now that had to balance out also when a woman pray if she's fasting she got to be prayerful so doing that duration she got the half a head coming on so you can't sleep fasting and praying bear how did he bare headed Oh No and brother why are you fasting you can't have your hair cut no you can't have nothing on your head while you are fasting and the walnut while she fasting she got to have her head covered that's because she got to go before God in prayer he got to go before God in prayer alright now you better go now I believe to the Book of Isaiah tell me further how not the fact Isaiah chapter 58 and read verse 3 I want to get all the ingredients you know wherefore have we fasted saving man far have you fast and say that and I'll see it's not you don't get no result wherefore have we afflicted our so you let yourself and I'll take it you know you know wet fast yeah people got wet back with people got wet bad you know they don't eat them but they just keep drinking right TPJ has no fast no fat ain't nothing coming in your mouth nothing to give your life that's right you know because when you're fast you're suffering that's you chose their way of separate you offer up number body unto God and deprive myself from what I want that's right what my physical body wonder what my physical body need that's him if I'm fasting I can't be tumbling like a weed with my wife oh no wrestling no no no husband and wife wrestling right amen and not that why you're giving your body to God and not to each other that's right why else you're fasting and you're sick it between you and God all right wherefore have we fast it's a day and I'll see it's not you don't get numbers up wherefore have we have flipped it our soul and I'll tell you some no darling ah behold in the day of your face the day you fast you find pleasure the day that day in the day that time that you fasted knowing a period of time that you're fasting he's fine was it you out here fine and pleasure fine and listen we got a bit as fine a pleasure with you fasting no no no no sacred place in other words is supposed to be your you want to establish a more solid relationship between Ewing godless the time you want to get closer to him no ain't don't no unnecessary phone talking I'll sit around watching television you're wasting time that's right no not doing that fine and play window-shopping no no no just sit around lollygagging no not that sitting there playing PSP no no paycheck No thank God no wasting your time texting just to see how somebody you doing who cares you should be wearing now how are you doing at this time that's rad in other words you're making it you making every hour count during the time of your fat that's right yeah that's it all right beholding the day of your fair that day of your fat he's fine I'll accept any way you left all your labor behold you fast for strife and debate wait a minute you fasten you ain't got no time to be arguing fussing in fighting then you supposed to be fast that's right huh that's right you got a walk away from that argument we men hey why you afflict your soul and you chose the way of suffering I can't be out there arguing and cussing and fighting and ready that give someone a piece of your mind you listen your name your and give out so many pieces you may only have a little bit pieces left that's right so you saved them pieces why you bastard and behold you fast for strife and debate and right and to smite with the fist of wickedness throughout their fish like fasting you loved a fistfight with your neighbor you can't be doing that that's enough up in a brother's face in church or in a super spacing check bumping each other doctor go at it throwing your hands up throwing Bibles around that's no fast nice hell deserving that's right you guys are going to eat your chicken that's right America's gonna eat your chicken all right you shall not pass as you do this he'll at the launch as you shall nothing don't do it as you do this day oh no it some say I'm going do it no you're not that's right you shall not do it God said ye shall not fast as you do not know what is God teaching us he's teaching us what he wants and what he don't want and if you want to get results out of your fast do it his way he's waiting all right sorry quite a bit you shall not fast as you do this day to make your voice to be heard all right all right Dan what else you got hedgerow ass who petrol Phaedra petrol all right do we have to yell for God to answer our prayers do we have to yell you don't have to yell for God to answer your prayer but God did say whosoever bible says missing that dish in the book of romans chapter 10 and at verse 13 what for whosoever Paul oh yeah get down neck collar well hehe low thing but he loved to be called that's right and if he was you if he want to hear you call them just our tolerant that's right you know God listen were you in trouble they really want some help you know anyone that's really when I was a child you know I hate dogs I'm a dog hater come I'm not a dog whisperer I'm a dog hater and I can see a dog three blocks away if possible should I start running in advance that's right my right way that's right and then I started running in advance when I was a child and our collar our holler for my mother our holo for my father Midian my father was at work and my mother pride was at home I would holler why I'm in trouble that's right now here the world is insane and if you insane who in the world would not prowl out of sheer desperation really don't want to go to hell [Applause] go ahead take God you know someone that's really in trouble days trying to be cute oh oh no y-you either were you in trouble you ain't down there somebody help me no sir would you help me please you ain't trying to be cute oh oh no no no no no no no no for the same whoa listen listen at this time Romans chapter 10 in that first world Thomas James well for the same lord over all same lord over all is rich and rich unto all that call and all that call upon him for whosoever shall go oh god want you to call me yes it's right that's what God wants that's right he says whosoever who so ever so close shall call upon the name of the Lord or take gone upon the name of the Lord shall be seized that's what God ordered so I say what about a person who's deaf and mute can he call upon God yes he can yes he can he can call on God all down in this hole down in his heart and let me show you the mighty hand of God this God can take the tongue of a new man and a definite wallet loose I want a spirit get in there he can loose the mootness value got a remote control of your television there sound and when you mash mute the sound go but you got the power take the mute off got it touch that new top and there come two speaking in town doesn't make a whole lot of noise that's right I just spirit give I'm a that's right thank God listen if they didn't if it was quiet on the day of Pentecost how in the world can the people around there say how here we howl here with every man speaking our language wherever we was born and then the Bible said when this was given a second after the Apostle son hey you better move quick let's chapter two listen at this time we'll start in verse 5 alright move quick dwelling at Jerusalem Jews they loved what I get to know them Jews about men out of the balance men out of every nation under heaven this was noised abroad now when this was no I know it's abroad smell that in how far abroad by far noise the broad what's good to say the sound has gone out to all the earth and their words to the end of the world well that's right so when you tell you there some noise with a man when you cry out to God got there some noise will be wonderful you know when you don't this thing right you ain't down there worried about what clothes you got the name brand of your worthless clothing we're not scared to get to Stockton store that's what the man is not scared to get a hole in this past leg why thank God it cost oh hey that's it be the name of God this thing that I'm down there for is the Holy Ghost now what about my pension my neck time I would move to the left and one to the right not one about this God amen whether to tow my shoes will be the Holy Ghost now what got the filming that's my garden if I want God to fill me I'm gonna call on it that's really cuz I'm in trouble that's right thank God in the only one can get me out of the trouble lawyer it's God themselves 128 verse 1 sounds what solve 120 sounds one point and that verse 1 and verse 1 in my display my distress a my distress I got cute in my distress I cry to him on distress I was proper in my distress I cry in my breath I was dainty in my distress I crush all right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Applause] ready to do Christmas I don't care the nationality of your color everything under the Sun hurry up we got one God then we got the clouds - all right that's enough of that let's get the book of after 30 I wouldn't tell the world what everybody must do be quiet out here I want to remind everybody what you must do let's see man get this what Jesus gave me the pastas it ain't just for one group there so everybody everybody that's why I told him go all the way and fix the gospel to everything I want you to go everywhere everywhere and the apostles was obedient to that that's real Hank God after day will choose Jerusalem and receive the Holy Ghost speaking in tongue and push the baptism in the name of Jesus Christ they went everywhere everywhere town to town city to city that's right country to country that's right preaching one gospel that's it huh they preach this stuff that's here now man all the Apophis stuff - the same thing so here we are now Laura take God actor loose alum where the Holy Ghost sell on the day of Pentecost let's move then after that Peter stood up with the eleven men and totem many brothers what shall we got he preached every speck and got David that's David said thou shall not leave my soul in hell that's really the stuff of the Holy One to see corruption thank God when they heard the words of Peter amen they was pricked in their heart the hall and say to Peter and the rest of their pockets shall we do men and brethren what we're gonna do that's right I want this said to everything that's watching what are you gonna do what shall we do man dude that's in America and Canada and South America and Puerto Rico throughout Jamaica in Taiwan in Korea and Japan in Cuba hey Israel and Jerusalem shall we do Oh hallelujah amen what does everybody do everybody let you bear in mind what I'm pitching is for everybody everybody I don't care of your skin tone your skin color it's for everybody that's right yeah that's your man well when the word of God when the Arab man understand it come open yeah thank God your sim unwrapped disturbance that's right go down in water that's right in the name of Jesus Christ that's right [Applause] thank God every back tire that's on every one of a good thing of Jesus every one of them every one of them every one every one out that gotta be governor every man every king every president from the past and the future every one of them clean every congressman hallelujah every model that's it every rich man every police officer every politician on every pulled man everyone in there's a matter who you are that's right daughter of God set up one thing you many of you preachers are watching you're not baptized that's right and the name of Jesus Christ you all crook you come along and bow your head and raise your hands and all of that foolishness and went to praise some sinner's prayer and join some church and got in some fake religion that the Word of God don't say nothing about that's right yeah here's what you got to have reap it's a oh how sweet it is hey Ben do you hear what he said repent repent and be baptized how much every one of you wait a minute I got all-russian every one of you Israel Peppa ham seed that got you every one of you that got you amen amen that got you every one of never a black man every white man every brown man on the earth that's it God says every one of you every one of you what must be done repent be baptized every one of you ain't never tell you join the church no they never tell you bow your head and raise your hand accept Christ as your personal Savior he never tell you like these false prophets tell you touch the television and God coming in your high guarding come near your heart because your hand is on a flat screen or anything gonna get is a warm hand and respect that I'd be better you know when you left ain't you sorry about your wrong that's right sorry about that smoking sorry about that partying that's what make a man a woman change they start getting tired of the life that they live in they start getting boring to them and uninteresting to them and all the fun start they leave that's it thank God and sometimes they don't know what's wrong with themselves that's right and then they wonder why is it now I can't enjoy that party like I used to hey man they don't know what's going on it they can't enjoy the music hey man they ask the club and not at the club when they in the club that's right mly God Almighty started dealing with him yeah I starting to deal with her hey man and then they start to get a half a kite let's look for God that's right then this thing that they used to love they start hating it down don't walk the smoke no more don't walk the date oh yeah Amen don't want the devil don't want the party amen don't want to go outside half-naked no more looking upon herself don't want the word pensionable oh that man upon himself don't wanna wear dresses no more that's right [Applause] look hey man here come Jesus coming on back from the dead the third day and said that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations a solution am I gonna make a nice illusion absolutely Tories are postures you are my witnesses of these things that's it Gloria take guard in Bohol Oh Lu yeah I send the promise of my father all you but you wiII you go Tara Tara to the city of Jerusalem until you be endued with power from on high and when they went to Jerusalem the Holy Ghost came down from God out of heaven and God got the church started that's it now the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ started on the day of Pentecost and the reason why we said of our Lord Jesus Christ because Jesus said upon this rock I'll build my church my church and Apostolic Faith - it blew didn't he do that no because he's the first that's it he's the last he's the beginning like he's in and then he didn't say I must start my Pentecostal church you didn't do that - no no get in JAMA start about the church the Church of non-denominational Lutheran Church no or Christian Scientist men or Scientology that's right he didn't say he gonna start that I will he said upon this rock I build my church and then he said that gates of hell can't beat it right that's what it meant that gates of Hell shall not prevail the gates of Hell cannot be God's church that's it it can fight it by God's permission but it can be not stretch that's right health can fight it but do you never beat it that's it all right what you know what I'm God say there then Peter said unto them repent all right what what is your preacher telling you what does your preacher telling you how to be born again did you bow your head and raise your hand bill you that are watching live all around the world and you that are listening to this later on did you bow your head and raise your hand digit you did Washington Washington Washington you bow your head and raise your hand New York Boston Connecticut Arizona Utah California Nevada Texas Boston Maine Philadelphia New Jersey Florida Canada South America get this now did you bow your head and raise your hand they should look at some fool on television who told you if you get all looking at me now if you want Christ to come in your heart just repeat after me Lord Jesus I'm a sinner come into my heart wash me cleanse me why did snow did you do that and did the preacher told you you say he did laiá laiá did I say you're not saying that's right whoo-hoo pathogens anybody that looked at some quack on television or on internet and you repeated some sinner's prayer and then you thought you were saved after it you ain't never been saved never until you do it just like Jesus told Nicodemus to do it that's right though it take God has Jesus who was God manifested in the flesh God was in that blessed thank God and then begin to break the thing down to Nicodemus and Nicodemus or the smart fella it was a role of the Jews listen that dish in John chapter 3 beginning at verse 1 Saint John chapter 3 beginning verse 1 all right it was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus a ruler of the Jews they're like you're passing you rolled a whole lot of folk thousands of Southern Baptists and northern Baptist and so-called apostolic and Pentecost to a non-denominational and Luther where in the world all this religion come from from where did y'all from rub the devil's producing religion like somebody on an assembly line what's right yeah it's religion at the religion thank God what you just can't find it knowing God's everlasting world all right there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus a ruler of the Jews a role of the Jews the same at night and said unto Him rabbi teacher we know that the water teacher come from God and no man can do these miracles that thou do it ain't nobody can do what you do except God be with him jesus answered and said unto Him what verily verily I say surely surely I say take except a man be born again yeah alright view there are you watching and listening to this I know that millions of you watching around the world you believe you say you really believe you're saying and I want to show you that most of you ain't never been saved right and I'm gonna do it with the Bible never mind my opinion my opinion don't mean nothin I must strike this out with the Word of God let's head early verily I say unto thee what except a man be born again except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God I had a man write me a letter just like Nicodemus he wrote me told me that mean when you're born again he's talking about your first birth hmm Bible says again born again again born-again ain't about your first birth know that which is born of the flesh you lantana listen Nicodemus taught the same thing he couldn't good what Jesus was grass a man get had to break it down listen up the whole thing jesus answered and said unto Him but it barely barely I said unto thee except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God yeah Nicodemus saith unto Him how can a man be born when he is old my right braces that's you they say how can a man be born when he is old can he come he into the second time the second time into his mother's womb and what I'd be bored yeah and think of it here's this ruler this role of think of a ruler of Jews actually thought as an old man Jesus telling him to be born again Nicodemus thought he had the clam right back in his mother's womb these women had died that's right and my mother had eight children can you imagine for us to be born again all of us had the clan back into her she's 85 years old all lovers got to stop starting from my oldest brother Tony he'd make his trip and then then didn't make his trip and then hand maker than Rick bighead cookie maker then pixie big hair I make mine and then rock Mick heads and a rock is taller than all of us imagine all of us just trying to get back in back so food that's a fool all right time Nicodemus said to him how can a man be born when he is old Jesus wasn't talking about going back to the mother's womb and Nicodemus acts how can a man be born when he is old can he enter the second time into his mother's into his mother's body and be born and come back out go in and come back out that's right and jesus answered verily verily you know I really wish I would I was able to see Jesus face expression I really wish I could well I could have seen the face expression of Jesus there see Nicodemus actually thinking that the Messiah's telling him go back in your mama's body yeah go back in and be boom and come back out then you got a second birth right all right jesus answered no this is written to show us how in the men are yea verily verily I say unto thee surely I say except a man be born of water be born of water and of the Spirit ye cannot enter into the kingdom of God that which is born of the flesh is flesh you see he ain't talking about no natural birth all of us that are here now is born of the flesh that would be born the flesh is flesh but and that boy that was born of the Spirit is spirit uh he time out something spiritual here mama not what I say on day he must be born again i Matthew 28:19 let's get the Great Commission mm-hmm of course I'm talking to the world who didn't obey this Great Commission that's right now that got 99.9 of every religion Under the Sun that do baptizing yeah all right Matthew 28 in that verse 19 all right here's your favorite scripture Reverend that's right George is bare flesh so call Reverend mr. Aaron that's it hey so called mr. Reverend hey active deaky it is here it is I'm not about to read your scriptures are you ready for that's hey mr. and mrs. Christian Lorne again warning them here's your scripture amen how about the reader for you get ready call chaplain verse Matthew 28 and verse 19 Matthew 28:19 I want listen I want all the Catholics to hear I want all the numbers of the Church of God in Christ to hear it I want all the members of the Church of the Living God to hear I want all the members of the so-called Church of Christ to hear our nor the members of the Church of God in prophecy the false church my mama came out of and then my mama came out of it for Church of God and prophesy back in the 1940s when she heard about the baptism in the name of Jesus Christ over the radio that was long before I was born back in the 1940s she heard Bishop Johnson preached the baptism in the name of Jesus Christ my grandmother had it in fact I believe my grandmother I was told with the first one to have it in the City of Raleigh she heard it over the air thank God in the nineteen thirties and fourties by Bishop Johnson so she got baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and my grandmother was getting other people sneaking them out of the Church of God in prophecy sneaking them out to take them to Durham or to a nearby church that Johnson had so they can go down and order thank God but when the young people and my mother was young at the time when they wanted to be baptized the Church of God and prophecy brought all them before the Board of Directors and told the young people during that time if you be baptized we're throw you out of the Church of God and prophecy that was good that was a blessing there's a blessing to get thrown out of falsehood that's right as a blessing [Applause] take got an end so she went on and got baptized in the name of Jesus Christ now here human family human family I want to go into the scripture of Matthew 28:19 because practically all of you that are watching and listening been baptized wrong wrong listen if you Baptist or Methodist or Presbyterian or loosening or non-denominational Pentecostal and anything other than holy I know if you were baptized you were baptized wrong amen alright that's your 28 in verse 19 all right there God I got a belly full of gospel to give you and I want to give you as much as I can alright so I'm told you there for Jesus stop go ye therefore and teach all these that's what we're doing this morning is afternoon and tonight oh you teach how much all nations how much all missions how much all nations Russia are you listening that's it South America Canada America are you listening amen are you listen teach all nations Oh Alaska are you listening Peru are you listening Caribbean are you listening amen Saudi Arabia the world are you listening that the Bible says all nations that got every alley every neighborhood every city every state every island every country on the planet everything teach all this air your Eskimo in your igloo it got you - that's right yeah that's my man the Eskimo gotta get it ready to break ice they don't just catch fish you better get ready to go down to water man they gotta have a cold baptism that's right ah teach all nations all nations baptizing them listen that disk baptizing them how in the name of the Father and honestly the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost now this is where you preachers have made a universal mess and you made this mess before I was born you were known and baptized and all you did was repeated Jesus right Jesus didn't say repeat him no he told you to do something that's right he said do something baptized until baptizing them how in the name of the Father that tied them how in the name and the what in the name that's the minute just a minute you're told to write a check and that man said I want you to do it in my name write the check in my name in the name I don't care what kind of occupation how many how much skill that man had my mother tally he had the moment that man said write that check in my name you can't put mr. plumber because he's a plumber that's right his name ain't plumber you can't put plumber I want my name that's it my name is Williams awesome then the check better being the name of William pasta that's right not plumber amen I may be a laptop technician computer analysts can't mr. computer analyst is that my name and so on give me a check they can't put on their preacher no which one God what his name name baptize in the name of what of the father hold it let us get his first title father father father mean originator and the creator of the universe but the father which is God has a name that's right because the father which is God is the Lord that's right of the world thank God here's the Lord stop a man by the name of salt on the road to Damascus and a late chance for heaven above the brightness of the Sun saw accent Oh down and the Lord which is God said I'm Jesus Jesus dude in the name of the Father father the father now the nature of the Father is spirit divine eternal perpetual and in order for us to be redeemed say holy sanctified Gauntlet as a sacrifice had to be offered that would take the place of Old Testament sacrifices that's where all their sacrifice is offered in the days of old they were defiled they couldn't correct us they couldn't purifies and it couldn't save us thank God so God made a body yeah yeah God made a body and the body was called son son the son of God was God's got it that's right God's body was God's Minister and God was in that Minister the Minister of God was the form of God and when God made a for me took that far more and that farm was avail that God worked in and so God won everybody didn't know who was in it the body inherited God's name that's why they said I come and my father's name that's what that's right and the name of the Father is Jesus Jesus and that body which had the title son is the name Jesus that's right Wow he was here Oh God where was he in man what was the man he was in sorry son why God was in that house Nora - God teaching from the house and teaching in the house her to take god amen he needed to send the Holy Ghost who knows which is the characteristics or the function of God and they said I send it in my my name the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost is Jesus and he's the Christ or you're looking at now is a preacher but this preacher got a name I'm a father I'm a son I'm a husband I'm a preacher I am a servant I'm a minister I'm an instrument I'm an elder I'm a bishop I'm a brother I'm a enemy to a whole lot of hope but I have a name is that right that's right do you hear this go ye therefore and teach all nations Matthew 28:19 he was instructing his disciples I want you to do something that's right you've got to do something baptizing them in the name where everywhere you go everywhere you go I want you to baptize them in the name of the Father Son Holy Ghost you dumb creatures all you do is get somebody standing in water and said i baptize you Father Son the Holy Ghost Jesus they say do that no no he didn't say through that baptizing them in the name I want you to do it in the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost a do it father son Holy Ghost he said do it in the name of it that's now Matthew 28:19 they was told to go do it now let's see where it was fulfilled and then we gonna travel we gonna go for a short journey in the scriptures where all the Apostles baptized and we gonna see that the Apostles baptized anybody and said father sign ahold ago that's right all right Acts chapter 2 we're at verse 38 all right acts 2:38 listen at this then Peter said unto them repent the Apostles didn't tell you join the church bow your head raise your hand accept Christ as your personal Savior pray us in this prayer and all that bundle of recycled trash that come out of hell that's right they didn't do that no no what I'm God said what then Peter said unto them repent get sorry about your wrong hypocrite God wants you to sorry be sorry about it that's right you're sorry about your wrong you'll give up that second husband you'll give up that second wife you'll stop living together not marry you were stuck being a homosexual your stop all of that go take off your pink shoes brother that's right that's right that's right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah take off your big shoes and get rid of your orange socks since you do that this is will Amen they wanna take off a wig and take off them corpse eyelashes take off them earrings you'll get your nose from being pierced why do you repent from all that worldly foolishness that's right just stop getting tattoos like use a public hold your stop that you'll stop showing your cleavage and stop wearing or splitting your skirt advertising what God gave you yeah your stop that yeah you'll stop laying around with every two-legged dog that's right yes you will yes you will yes you will that's right you'll stop you're smoking you're drinking you're damming your lying ass man you'll stop buying your fake hair brother you'll stop wearing your toupees yes you will thanks MA repent repent repent one old Baptist hypocrite got over the television and said you preachers need to tell people stop that you gone to hell for smoking God he want to take cigarettes into the kingdom you gonna go to hell the Bible says cleanse yourself from all filthiness of the flesh didn't they say sir that's right so you folk want to claim their Christians with no change you want to be Christians homosexuals and Christian cigarettes sucker that Kristen's joint suckers and crack takers go ahead oh yes what you want that's right you to be a Christian woman with hot pants on and a halt to showing your half-naked body looking like your regular neighborhood prostitute okay that's what you want that's right you don't want to repent for nothing that's it you know what you sorry about a thing brother you gonna start making some changes that's right that's right I know and be baptized and be baptized every one of you how much have every one of you how in the name of Jesus Christ I want you Matthew 28:19 go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost I want to action 38 check repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ hardhead internet watches stubborn radio lessness and evil television viewers the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost is Jesus and he is the Christ that's it Matthew 2019 was fulfilled or it was done and acts 2:38 that's right one scripture says go do it the other Scripture it was done it was done all right let's travel in the book of Acts now in Acts chapter eight I want to show the world that every place glory to God where the apostle's baptized they baptize in the name of Jesus Christ or they said Lord Jesus that's right Jesus Christ or Lord jeez that's it Jesus cranks Oh Lord deals that's right and this hardhead headus Acts chapter 8 we'll start at verse 14 alright now when the Apostles with Roger oozlum heard that Samaria had received the Word of God and they sent unto them Peter and John who would never come down prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Ghost yes for as yet listen for what for as yes well as yet he was falling upon none of them the Holy Ghost didn't fall on none of them yet only only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus no and Samaria he was baptized father son holy look they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus no they bowed ahead and raised a hand except Christ as their personal Savior they were baptized in the name of the Lord's know there was baptized Father Son the Holy Ghost of Pandya authority of Christ they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus that's in God in Christ Church of God and Christ had a Church of God in Christ preacher came to New Brunswick last week to meet me and then talk to me about the Godhead and the baptism he's considering it thank God because everybody in the Church of God in Christ was baptized wrong everybody from Bishop Mason own up was baptized wrong all of you are baptized Father Son and Holy Ghost all of you are still in your sins that's right I didn't start up no all of the Church of God in Christ Church of the Living God Church of God everybody that was baptized and the preacher said Father Son and Holy Ghost over you you're still in your sins that's right red black everybody yeah that's right all right take god I said everybody everybody what did his act was yet he was fallen upon none of them for it yet he he he who God was falling upon of them only they were baptized they only had the Baptist in the name of the Lord Jesus let's keep traveling Acts chapter 2 I'm going this way to show everybody that was baptized using the words father son the holy goes like that nobody yeah yeah get this nobody in the history of the Bible was baptized saying Father Son and Holy Ghost that's why you're wrong there passage in us Jesus baptized there were he did not he said to baptize in the name he told the Apostles this is the way you got to do it right I want you to do it in the name of it listen up what I'm about to tell you I want you to get this real good Jesus told the postures to baptize in the name of the Father Son the Holy Ghost he never told them to say Father Son and Holy Ghost no it is that's right that's right they said do it in the name of the Father Son the Holy Ghost do it and said say father son Holy Ghost no he didn't say do that no you hard head preaches you see that your heart here you stubborn and your stiff neck just like your father the devil that's right you gone around saying father's on the Holy Ghost you're disobedient you're hard head just in God in Christ Bishop you're hard head Church of God elder yeah you're hard head Pentecostal missionary even he said go around and say father son Holy Ghost no no he said if you do it when you're baptized baptized in the name the name the name you know we got an alarm clock I said the same thing that name that name that name let's see the name that's right that name I want a lottery show that's right of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost you hard head church organizations that are scripturally ill literally illiterate you tell me what is the name of the father son how it goes what is it what is Tommy write me back email me what is it if you're watching now send your question in about the baptism telling them check check your laptop here no question come in now I want to I want a preacher from anywhere in the world have a seat son don't stand there sit down and look at it I want it appreciate any pictures easy church-going from anywhere in the world show me the name of the Father Son Holy Ghost and your bed not telling me it's Father Son and Holy Ghost that's right you better not tell me that the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost is my Father Son and Holy Ghost no no it's not not everybody that been baptized father son Holy Ghost ain't never been Jesus that's right you ain't never done what he said that's real Bishop haven't done it your apostille haven't done it your property haven't done and the pastor didn't do it the elder didn't do it the jackleg Deacon and then the hellbound first lady and the organ player and the drummer and it's a harp player and the trumpet player and the saxophone player and the harmonica player and the tough beater and a scrub boss scream for hey what did a Holy Ghost said go ye therefore and teach all these over to God I'm teaching all over the wheel baby I teach all the obeying that that's you teach all nations baptizing them in the name of a hardhead did you get the name Jehovah Witness with your whole go in did you get the name did you get the name Baptist hey Methodist Catholic kappa did you get the name today the name what's the name of the Father Son Holy Ghost brother Dan we're live right now and they say with his laptop waiting for our answer go get submission you can't fire them call the second wife or call the boyfriend go ahead of your bishop I want to know what's the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost Daniel is sitting at the laptop wait like I'll I got chicken sitting on eggs he's waiting I want you to hatch out a scripture that's right tell me I dare you to tell me the name of the Father Son the Holy Ghost its father sign the Holy Ghost amen Irie quit sighs don't you therefore and teach all nations yeah and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost now what they show you all down where the apostle's stop how they baptize all right now we're in Acts chapter 10 and we're at verse 44 listen while Peter yet spake these words I've many expect away the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word yeah and they have the circumcision which believed were astonished as many as came with Peter because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost how did they know to add well they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God right have been answered Peter can any man forbid water than any man for better water can any man keep from being baptized and any man forbid water that these should not be baptized which I received the Holy Ghost as well as we and all the women what what class did baptism come under can any man what's left of baptism come on up [Music] he commanded them he commanded them to be better what faster to come under command no he requests he commanded them he gave him his idea he commanded them he gave me the opinion he commanded them he preached it I dare anything watching or listening tell me the Apostles didn't obey Jesus right Jesus said do it in the name of the Father Son the Holy Ghost and what to PETA command to do he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord be baptized how in the name of the Lord and the Lord said I'm Jesus I am Jesus yeah that's right keep traffic lights chapter 19 acts 19 I will start at verse 1 I'm building on a good foundation here that's right what I'm working on everybody listen you better watching every religion in the world got to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ after you repent and then you got to come out of the religion that you're in that's it you got to come out of that religion because God did not start all these religions that's here now you supposed to be listen when Jesus sent His apostles out they went all around the world preaching the same thing they didn't go around the world starting all these religions and churches and denominations that devil out of Hell started those lies that's right that said Acts chapter 19 we'll start at verse 1 my desert and it came to pass that while a pulse was at Corinth and Paul having passed through the upper coast came to Ephesus and finding certain disciples he said unto them why have you received the Holy Ghost since you believe yeah and they said unto Him we have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost by us their power and he said unto them unto what then would be baptized how are you baptized and America America Canada Caribbean I Rico's well until what how where G where else you baptize me I would like to know that right they dropped me alive Bishop are pasto behind the word you claim you an apostille you owe me you Ava baptizing them by Jesus Christ that's right you are possum that's right you know you're not in the pasta and you also toss some pigment and I'm all right and he said unto them unto what then were ye better I want you that are listening in West Africa over the add tonight how are you baptized and they said under John's baptism then said paul john verily baptized with the baptism of repentance and what saying unto the people that they should believe on him which should come after him oh is that all that is on Christ Jesus wait a minute John said they should believe on him which is him and who was saying who was that that is on Christ Jesus no that's on the title Father Son the Holy Ghost that is on christ jesus no we should do it and the title father's had a whole ego that is on christ jesus so i had to Paul told John disciples that back when they heard this no one ate when they rejected when they heard this when they fought against when they heard this no they tipped out left a meeting when they heard no they argue it Paul when they heard this you had you had you had when they heard this when they heard this they were baptized know when they heard this they accept Christ as their personal Savior when they heard this they know when they heard this they gathered around the front and held a bunch of elders hand and the elders defeated a sinner's prayer over all of them when they heard this they were baptized know when they heard this they went inside a closet with the priest and made a confession to him when they heard this they were better no when they heard this they shook the preachers hand and if we just shook them into the shed when they heard this they were bad all they heard this the preacher told them to press and his prayer and now you a member of the church when they heard this they were baptized hypocrite hypocrite hypocrite that's it you hear it when they heard you stand before God reaching this message gonna strip every excuse you have a thought you had is it will and when they heard this Joyce Meyer Joel Osteen Benny Hinn creflo nickel and TV snake said called how do you Benny Hill and Benny Hinn and all of you fellas fred price and all of you called every preacher in Philadelphia Philadelphia you buy every Church in Philadelphia goodbyes were pad lock your doors thanks ray what is that when they heard this when he heard this they were baptized it was baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus no and Johnny Sack was heard there was baptized Father Son the Holy Ghost they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus what about you Beulah what about you listen up read on when they heard this they were baptized and I told Jesus and the name of the Lord Jesus yet what I'm with Paul had ladies or lay hands on them the Holy Ghost came on them and what happened and they spake with tone and one and crop us up now viewer get what I'm getting on the board that's the new birth that's when you're born of the water like Jesus told Nicodemus you're baptized in water and the neighbors you describe when you're born of the Spirit like he told Nicodemus you're filled with the spirit by the spirit from the Spirit speaking another tongue as the Spirit of God give others nobody that are listening to me now nobody that are watching me now it's born-again at all unless you do it like the back never mind your church organization and this is where so many of you have made a mess you rather believe what the church organization said then what the Bible said if you want to go by what the Bible said take the Bible up and follow that's his Bible says search the scripture services where in them do you think you have eternal life let's Bible said the era not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God yeah I remember I the big Church of Christ man many years ago many years ago and baptism was the subject and he thought he got up and said I know every script he he go on get and never strictly he called I didn't get and then he thought he knew very scripted I was the on call but he didn't I got one script Colossians 3:17 he said the way you're baptized as Father Son and Holy Ghost upon the authority of Christ that's what he's supposed to say when you're baptized and I've got Colossians 3:17 that deal with what we say and what we do Colossians 3 and verse 17 all right I want to cook it and put it lock stock and barrel and whatsoever you do wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute and whatsoever you do but and whatsoever you do and what in word wait a minute after you pray that's words if you're saying words yeah if you testify where preach words what's when you go ahead and say some words when you're baptized you get there's a word man said that's right whatever you do do it whatever whatever you're about to act upon right and whatsoever you do in word or deed now when you actually do the deed it got to they got words they got what come out of your mouth right and I got D they got a hack that's right they got both right you got it all locked up let's see well come out of your mouth and the actual act that's right how much the words and the hack be do all in the name of the Lord Jesus wait a minute how much do Oh Cammisa yes sir come in amazing come on John not you not you you sit out come on sound real quick come on come on come on real quick let him through him come on sir what's your name son chase read that again and whatsoever you do in words all right here here I'm making an example to the world here's the candidate for baptism and the Bible says whatsoever you do in word so I have to say some words over this candidate and or D and whatever words I say and whatever D or I perform on this candidate how must I do it do all in the name of the Lord Jesus oh the words and the D gotta be how in the name of the Lord Jesus the words and the D gotta be half in the name of the Lord Jesus the words and the deed gotta be how in the name of the Lord Jesus the words and the deed gotta be half in the name of the [Applause] hallelujah wonderful well every Church organization and the whole world your bishops your pastors your overseers you can call himself an apostle I don't care he's not baptized and you not baptize and the neighbor Jesus Christ it doesn't matter the position you hold the church you're still in your sins who pathogen is everybody everybody you're still in your sins that's right unless you're baptized in the name of Jesus Christ or two here Peter said it got to be done for the remission or the remission of sins remission main removal for the removal remission of sins is full removal you're saying that's life and Jesus even said that repentance and mobile of says he used the term remission there should be priests ha in his name in his name Jesus told you where you preach about getting your savory food don't in his name that repentance of admission of sins should be preached in his name in his name among where should we take it beginning at jewelry take Jerusalem where should we take it I - whose about all nationalisation take it among all nation and we're going to begin the energies actor rusev amen now killers are you hard hair are you gonna do it your magical flood mean our emails crying out I want to be baptized that's what an Africa right now from all the whole continent all of America all of Canada all of South America all of Alaska all of Poland Germany Portugal Russia Asia Japan everything everybody Sweden sweet Australia Austria Rome Italy everybody back here the truth of God message I know you don't even waste your time even listen to nothing else because they were preaching that Nelson one God wants you to be holy holy and to behold it you've got to repent of your sin who you a rich man you you think we gotta be baptized oh you think your money is what got you on God's good time let me ask you a question rich man but you born rich cause you ball with dollars in your hips no he was going empty broke broke gone out the same way every human under the Sun got the obey where Jesus said and if not you're going go to an everlasting hell it doesn't matter if you're on your deathbed you can call for a priest and walk around your body with smoke like you're trying to make smoked turkey out of you too late now you can walk around like you go on big trip turkey out of you [Laughter] smoked meat repay you gotta read better you've got Church of God in Christ the entire movement is on her way to hell because you're not born again that's right such a God and property the Church of the Living God and Church of Christ and many of you so-called apostolic it's not baptized in the name of Jesus Christ you have just baptized in Jesus nation no that's wrong that's wrong that's right the Apostles didn't baptize simply and Jesus name no no there's more than one Jesus in the Bible who had barred Jesus by interpretation name was Elia missus and he was a false prophet in fact he was a Jew Jews a false prophet and yeah one called Jesus justice it was a fellow laborer up with brother Paul and you had the brother of Jacob in the Old Testament each song which is Arabic for Jesus and you had Moses Minister just show up but in Hebrew is pronounced schewe which is Hebrew for Jesus but nevertheless there's a whole lot of Jesus out here hold on up call Jesus that's Rollo's and your Papa they never baptized nobody simply in Jesus name nobody nobody nobody so you have a stolid that's up baptized in Jesus name you your sins now watch the way either that's right not even you you got to go back and get it just like it's written please listen let's close out with we got the same spirit according to Adam written I believe therefore have us focus that's how I'm going to close out with that second Corinthians chapter for Parliament viewers and listeners second Corinthians chapter 4 chapter 4 and at verse 13 all right we have in the same spirit of faith now fearless same spirit of belief do you believe what they're possibly like me alive do you believe I will read a letter a man from a woman they used to be at some church in Tallahassee Florida want to convince me about divorce and all and flesh and blood is in heaven and listen you folk that believe in divorce don't waste your time writing me you're not going to change me you that trying to convince me their flesh and blood is in heaven will pick that subject up later but I want to strip the part and demonstrate birth and resurrection and break it down flesh and blood didn't come from heaven flesh and blood and never been to heaven it never will go to everyone everywhere and that's right and then want to convince me you can divorce no no don't tell God that woman's that because I didn't put it in the Bible that's all right God's saying he hate putting away that said he said it you might shut your mouth and stay in prison that's all right we having the same spirit of thing we got the same spirit of faith according according as it is written wait a minute we gotta believe was written according a house and if we don't believe what's written what we say in baptism have to be what was written that's right that's right oh yeah we won't believe what's written nowhere what the Apostle said over in their body Father Son and Holy Ghost somebody authority of Christ no we're no worse oh it's no reason oh yeah no we're that the Apostles say over every body i baptize you father son Holy Ghost L Pandya thority of Christ and what how we must do this according as it is written how must we do this we having the same spirit of faith wait a minute Tina that opening statement is important that's right we had the different spirit the same spirit no we got a different spirit the same spirit well have you got the same spirit like they have what you gonna do what they done that's right the way they done it that's right do you hear this we having the same spirit are you are you living to this we had the same get chapter and verse again 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 and verse 13 Thank You Corinthians 4:13 we having the same we had the same spirit of faith according according as it is written according to as the rulebook of the Church of God and Christ according as it is written no according to that the rulebook of the Church of the Living God according as it is written according to the documents of England according as it is written according to the Apostles Creed from the Catholic Church according as it is written according to the Lutheran's according as it is written according to Joseph Smith and Brigham Young according as it is written according to Gino Jenner according as it is written wonderful according to what ready according as it is written I put into what what I have I don't believe nothing viewer I don't believe nothing except is written that's it there got to be written that's right otherwise now I don't believe nothing no but according as it is written Adventist Ricky I believe then I believe it I believe you want me to believe something all you got to do is show me what's written and then be able to break it down so and interpret it right that's right that's how you got to do show me what's written until being able to break it down and explain it and open it up so it and interpret it right because when you interpret it and explain it it can't cut the dick was written that's right why do you say that we having the same spirit of faith you got the same spirit of faith same spirit seems there you've got the same spirit of faith of what is your faith Baptist were you wrong that's not different they think wasn't called back oh you'll fit install have a solid wrong [Music] do that truck wrong that's good wrong your pea constant wrong that's right come on the right path agenda to tell me the name of your face write me and tell me the name of your face I had a man who worked with my son and he saw my telecast he go to the 22nd in Bama Street and he told my son after he saw my telecast he said I did not know that apostolic and holiness were totally two different things yes it is two different things one is in the Bible and the other is not that's right two different things you guys say is the same that you shouldn't have no problem emailing me the scripture there's some one day emailed me from the tape player group and said at the solid is written in the second chapter of the book of Isaiah read that quickly I know it's not there but I guess what a really even wait for the proper bonus throughout the believer Isaiah chapter 2 we're at verse 1 listen the reason why I know it's not there because there was even though apostles in the Old Testament and there was no apostles in the Old Testament I know the word out the solid wasn't there that's right you're so foolish is so blind you've sowed the seed of your daddy the devil Isaiah chapter 2 we're at verse 1 man attacked the word that Isaiah the son of a Mozart that I am the son of Amon saw concerning Judah and King's Judah and Jerusalem and it shall come to pass in the last days that the mountain of the Lord's house who houses mountain of the Lord's house the Lord's house the Lord's house is the Lord's Church and it shall be X tab in the top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the news and all nations shall flow unto it listen in the Lord's house words there's a faith well yes there's a faith that's being taught yes sir in God's house that's right sir to girlfriend that's it God's church that's good amen and God safe widely to go has a name that's right that girlfriend's we're going to show you the name of that faith finish up and many people shall go and since many people shall go and say come you know many people shall go and say I'm apostolic many people shall go and say no many people shall go and say I'm out the style many people shall go and say any patience and I'm apostolic or apostolate many people shall go and say come you do you listen yeah do you even know where your title came from all my apple solid so called brother in you know where your title came from you don't know do you you didn't check oh you thought it cancer bishop Johnson it was here for he was born an income from Bishop lawsuit they named come from Azusa Street somewhere in California no it came from Rome that's right came from Italy that's where it comes from yeah Europeans call themselves apostolic and declared themselves to be the direct descendants of the original Church laia us alive because this revelation didn't come to you you were around for claiming what the Catholics claimed and I used to be guilty and then but my father had not left me alone and the light kept shining brighter and brighter and he elevated me he promoted me laureate egg got from apostolic and moved me to be back to the original thing that's right wonderful holy holy man because there's only one thing all down to the Bible and it's holy that's it only for james holy foot john 44 isaiah 44 Eusebio only for all the prophets holy for me about this one thing all down to divine that's right [Applause] wait that way no man shall see the Lord yeah tell me can you bring me your faith and put it in the Bible where God said I can't see him some your face hmm so we have strong your face is thank God am able to take my faith and throw it to the world that's right and I'm able to tell you nobody in the world is gone see God and peace unless you hold it he said holiness without I'm holding it without holding this with anybody sir that's right holiness without that's what the Word of God says holiness with a lien Hebrews chapter 12 and verse 14 listen at - follow peace with all men follow peace that's why so many of you confuse apostolic apostolate not a nomination or any culture nowhere in the world all this trash come from the devil did it that's right just look in your neighborhood and count all the churches and look at all the different faiths they call themselves listen that divide Hebrews chapter 12 and verse 14 I gotta follow peace with all men and holiness without wit holiness without which no man shall see the Lord wait a minute you mean to tell me for me to see the Lord I got to be holy and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord but a pentecostal no man shall see the Lord but I'm looking without holiness no man shall see the Lord Oh pathogenic that's that's a lifestyle you got to have a faith to live by right it's more than a lifestyle that's right it's a faith that teach you the lifestyle that's right and the faith our names June chapter 1 give me Jude chapter 1 and verse 20 my dad but people of checked building says you beloved talk them through the chat that's right gibble of building up yourself listen thank God I got something that just justified and certified to build me up that's right at building up you're setting up your sound all unlike your most holy thing I'm Beth I like your holy hell that's right is the chief Cornerstone honestly in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth into an apostolic town until the Holy Temple and to a holy to holy temple unto the Lord come on you fight us come on show me the name of your faith we don't refer me to no popular man he don't mean nothing to me that's right show me the name of your faith and I showed you the name of my faith that's right that's right hallelujah take God show me your Lutheran show me in the Bible where anybody was Lutheran Church um it right your Pentecostal show me anybody in the Bible that says their faith was Pentecostal that's right your evangelical so me in the Bible that's right that's right yesterday - show me in the Bible where Jesus enters a popular wandering around sand a faithless 7-day your moment show me in the Bible where mimouna was here that's right New York wasn't even here wasn't even here that's right true sir what am i doing television the world come on back to holiness come on highway on duratec God shall be dead with us and oh wait finish it a she'll be called the way the way of holiness read that please leave that to a television viewers can get this because I know you upset with me I know you're angry I know you're mad and you upset and it doesn't matter cause you won't get that upset that hole is gonna come out the Bible that's right all this Baptist and press material and Lutheran and nondenominational penny console apostolic and this where in the world you people come from a man ain't claimed you believe the Bible you're liars yeah don't you hear the Battle of talking Isaiah chapter 35 and at verse 8 Philemon and then hardway shall be there a highway highway let you know you're going somewhere that's right so we got it we got it we got to go somewhere and we're laboring to get to God hey how we shall be there and and a way fairway waa-waa no WAIS w8y no WAIS waa why how many ways is that brother Jaime anyway anyway this one weighs in a way I want to suck your little amen this is a telecast that caused a ruckus yes or yes it calls social media Rutgers internet ruckus radio ruckus and in highway shall be I shall be there shall be there and right and anyway but shall it be called and it shall be called the way the way of Lutheran of holiness delayed the way of Catholic a way of holding a way of mark of holiness the way of Pentecostal way of holiness I want to say to every preacher out there that believe in holiness contact us let's make so many hunters are doing that's right which is by the numbers contacting us you men want to be holding some pretty they used to have apostolic on they build it took it off we've been they used to brag I'm up a solid I'm gonna touch other Lord Jesus cries out but they took it off at all now there's saying holiness that's right hold it is Nanook a hippie hand men getting older radio on hold it this we believe it all in this holiness I like them don't really believe it but they're saying it anyway they see the revelation of it that's right that's right they see it and some of these are some of the same ones that fought us and said I was wrong and I'm preaching against apostolic no I believe and what their path but there's not a name or a face that we called Apostolic Faith in the Bible if it is shut me up and write me that's right waiting sorry you got the new lets you write off your witnesses I'd say get in this scripture you like I dive into it and take it apart that's all I ask is you come on and bring the scripture I'll talk to you that's right will oh yeah certainly I will if you're an apostille you got apostolate on your buildings a pasta you in error back you got a lie on it that's right yeah fossils they never call what they believed that the solid no never no no here's what the Bible call the faith they have built up building back in Jude 1 and at verse 20 but ye beloved building up yourselves on your most holy Hey are you most out of silent amen almost holy most holy faith most holy thing under there to go he meant was but the eyes asshat and then highway shall be do how are you traveling and a way in a way and it shall be called the way what is God way call of holiness who's not allowed on God's Way the unclean shall not pass over who is not allowed the unclean shall not pass oh woman preacher anything that's unclean and you know that no that's right three guards living together not marry married in divorce and then unclean gambling is unclean that's right that's right homosexual I said clean it's unclean men and women wearing makeup and eyebrow arching and a man got all these go keeping your mouth all ice unclean unclean the unclear range finger a fake fingernail pink nails orange Tolls red face burgundy lips on green eyebrows what in the world's wrong with you leave the circus and be born again get ready to do what God said God said you're unclean shall not pass no matter what your bishop say yo can jump and shout and fall out and wallow on the floor that's right and knock it down like he's bowling but when that jackleg get back up come on back to what the Bible said that's right all you folks that's fighting on internet that doesn't matter I don't even feel your blows that's right I don't feel it that's you have to come on back to what the Holy Ghost said that's it I know Holy Ghost read what the unclean shall not bear so go and clean get over but it shall be for you there anyone under the Sun tell me you gonna get into God's kingdom being anything else other than holy that's right that's right anybody that's right holiness without which no man shall see the Lord I script him listen that script your goal slum it's too high you're not getting oh you know where to why going around you can't duck unlit it just is just can't evaded anybody Isaiah said what and then highway shall be there what else and a way anyway a one way and what did that one way call and it shall be called the way of holiness holiness the way of Holies it's got a lot the way of Holies and shalt be called a lot the way of holiness then that makes me right sir that's right I'm right to say apostolic is not to buy one right right that's right I'm ready to separate it cost was not in a I'm right they meant there's no such thing that's called that in the Bible God did not call his way back amen man took it upon himself to do it and God come along to undo what man down that's right and in order for him the under he said a man the bridge against what man does thank God that I am one of those men that God sent the undo what men have done that's right may not but I've sent the dog [Applause] they're saving on a way oh way one way one way that's ren21 set up every church that got em masala calling your building you sin no one's they were pastor Dennis give me Bible that is wrong to have it there go back to Corinthians I considered having the same spirit back back in 2nd Corinthians 4 verse 13 didn't know I had Bible hmm I'm about to put you in it right now that's right all right we have in the same spirit of faith all right if you got to save believe and the same spirit that they had see you won't say what they didn't say that's right right now according as it is written of caught into a generation I believe and a quarter added into what according as it is written at I believe hold that and go back to Colossians 3:17 back in Colossians 3 and verse 17 I want to crush even put an Apostolic on your building that's right that's we didn't know I can do that 13 a I can even a lots of 3:17 he said I'm whatsoever you do o it when you're building a building you do something for your brother or your risk of building you do something that's right when you have congregate you're doing something that's right what and whatsoever ye do in word will make a church sign that's words words when you put up a banner that's words [Music] when you write the words actual deed is when they put the sign together that's right do all do all in the name of the Lord Jesus and go back to Corinth that could say you can see how the words indeed balance out with this give chapter verse second Corinthians 4 and verse 13 that's what we have in the same spirit of faith got the same square to believe according as it is written wait a minute according attitude what according as is written is that the style of favorite no no it's apostolic favorite no and how do we supposed to be according as it is how do we supposed to be the same spirit the same spirit of belief thanks listen that same spirit that moved on them yeah supposed to be in you so you at the stylus shouldn't be fighting me no that's right because the Holy Ghost said humor said Amen that's right amen amen you're right it's not in the bite and we supposed to have the same spirit of faith according according as it is written according where as it is written so that name this you got to go to somewhere that's written written in that Bible here and find where the Apostles at anytime called their faith Apostolic amen according to what I believe I believe and therefore therefore have I spoken so therefore you shouldn't even be saying it that's why you shouldn't be speaking it right because there's not a record that's right all these things further come out your mouth for the beat - break it down according to the faith that's right check it off your building there's a misrepresentation of faith that's right amen you got our Lord Jesus Christ right now apostolic wrong name of faith that's right the Lord Jesus Christ right names are they apostolate faith wrong name Jew chat back and jump close and out like a Jew one it's work this but people love God willing but ye beloved building up yourselves on your most holy faith all down to the Bible all you see is holy bothering garbage come out of Rome Italy and uncorrupt the churches from A to Z and they shall call them the holy people that you hear Isaiah Isaiah chapter 62 and at verse 12 we're gonna have virtually left adversity then I never behold the Lord must proclaim no passage any the Lord has proclaimed burn the oil of fight this mother that's right so whoever reject this but a stubborn hypocrite that's right do you hear what the Word of God says behold the LORD hath proclaims the Lord don't don't get over the end tell folk doesn't she know Jenna's doctor who's this the Lord has proclaimed I'm not the Lord right the Lord has the claim unto the end of the world how far the disc out on to the end of the world and like sell you to the daughter of Zion now the daughter that would you be tell the church that's right Zion is the church that's right and behold thy salvation cometh yeah the whole his reward is with him and and his work before them yeah and they shall called them and they shall call them so holy people everywhere you turn everywhere you know this is so beautiful they have a faith that's all bearded about you right it's right I made all in the night that's right all right listen if you had continued to write us repent of your sins is what everybody got to do there's anybody here want to obey the Bible and get on God's side and come out of your wickedness it's time to do it now if you want to be baptized the right way the Bible is God's Way in the name of Jesus Christ if you want that stand on your feet and about it if not we're still fishing you that are watching on television or on internet or listening on radio but we got we got one we got to find up all right sisters come on get them together Laurette they've got where's Taj the Evangelist we're gonna take God go get ready now you better watching around the world this is your opportunity you come on the email me now cause baptisms for you to I don't care where you live you're not baptized in the name of Jesus Christ you are not saved that's awesome everyone that was baptized Father Son the Holy Ghost you just got wet that's your bishop your founder of your organization all of you didn't do nothing but getting wet wet wet wet you must do it and the name of the Lord all right thank you for listening brother [Applause] with a lot of ground today they heard it to take God and there's no getting around trouble must be done God's Way we can't get from God ecstatic tents fall down and forevermore I believe one scripture says the zeal of the Lord of Hosts has perform this come back this evening at 6 o'clock we're being prepped and remember time is approaching for our closing year confidence be the first conference held on our new campus we thank God for that is our stand the minister dad will close us out and breath every father God in the name of Jesus Christ we thank you again Lord God for your kindness and your tender mercy towards all of us pray Lord God you bless the volunteers and the viewers it is very out every soul will take the word I gotta make the right decision touching the eternal salvation of their souls less our leader - Sara pray O God give him strength continually or the ministry brethren everywhere let that word go out to the four corners of the earth men and women everywhere a man realizes that God since we ask in the name of Jesus for us
Channel: Daniel Roman
Views: 67,987
Rating: 4.7210884 out of 5
Keywords: Apostle/ Pastor Gino Jennings - Q&A Gino Answering Letters #4, q&a, gino answering letters #4, apostle gino jennings, pastor gino jennings, bible, the word made simple, truth of god, gino jennings, apostle, gino, jennings, our father, lord jesus, holy spirit, the spirit of god, the truth of god, the word made sinple, geno, scriptures, the word is made simple, word made simple, the holy scriptures, tog, www.truthofgod.com
Id: ENfmuFhjiSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 174min 52sec (10492 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2017
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