Apostle Joshua Selman @HOD Higher Ground Conference 2021|| Sure Mercies ||Day 3 Impartation Service

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this morning to worship you because you are god we lift our that you are the hands of kings names [Music] let it come to transform us i pray that you will anoint us afresh this morning in the name of jesus christ god bless you please be seated what a powerful time of worship hallelujah [Music] [Music] just think it one more time let it be from the depth of your heart foreign [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the lord the lord gave me a prophetic word according to zechariah chapter 3 while the worship was going on i saw in my vision individuals and families and i saw garments garments that represented reproach this is what i saw being taken away from people some whole families zachariah when you read zechariah chapter 3 he said he showed me joshua the high priest and satan the accuser came and began to point an accusing finger and then he said verse 2 says the lord said to satan the lord rebuke you o satan even the lord that has chosen jerusalem rebuke you is this not a brand that i have plucked out of fire and then verse 4 verse 3 says now joshua was clothed with filthy garments and stood before the angel verse 4 and he answered and speak unto those that stood before him saying take away the filthy garment from him and unto him he said behold i have caused your iniquity to pass from you and i will close you with a change of ramen let me declare according to the vision the lord showed me there are families here that the garments that is upon you is why the devil keeps taking advantage of you circles and patterns of pain and failure and shame you came to the house of the lord this morning and in the name of jesus christ who is the son of the living god even the god of david will declare let there be a change of remnant now [Applause] please be serious and receive it let it be from the depth of your heart and if there is anyone here the accuser of the brethren has been standing over your family standing over your destiny and declaring before the justice system of heaven that you have no right to advance you have no right to rise because of something your father did because of something your mother did in the name help them please help that man in the name of jesus christ i decree and declare right now [Music] we bleed the blood we bleed the blood we bleed the blood we bleed the blood we bleed the blood the saving blood we bleed the blood we bleed the blood [Music] hallelujah i still sense in my spirit i'm praying you came to church we're wrapping up there are people here there are voices of accusations against your family ordinances of darkness that will not let you move forward again i'm declaring just help those under the anointing by the power that raised christ from the dead there is an altar that is greater than any other altar there is an altar where the blood of jesus himself was shared kalis satya parus katy balakatuya megadebar ruskiata the handwritings and the ordinances can you bring them out please the handwritings that have been written against men handwritings handwritings against destinies handwritings that have been written against the breakthrough of people to demand that you will not move forward writings ordinances in the name of jesus here at household of david again we come before this altar that is greater than any other ordinance or any other altar in the name of jesus let it be lifted right now please bring them out let it be lifted right now [Music] the lord is opening my eyes and i'm seeing graves opening like a coffin and that body is just coming out this is what i'm seeing i believe that this is a prophetic word for someone and a prophetic word for a family help this woman my god can you help that man please graves i'm seeing graves opening this is what i'm seeing and body is coming out i stand in the name of jesus anyone appointed to death here anyone already that from the realm of the spirit there are conclusions that have been made over your life over your family and all that concerns you kate [Music] in the name of jesus by the fire that comes from his troll let there be a miracle for you now [Music] baba i declare over this man you will not die i'm seeing this man inside a coffin i don't know who came with this man but in the name of jesus who is the son of the living god we declare leave now leave now leave now leave now leave now [Music] you see let me tell you something about god there are times when you provoke his presence and his power and then he just comes in the midst of his people just to rest upon them like a hen resting upon her eggs resting upon them this is what the lord is doing please be patient be patient comment i'm still praying over this commenting i'm saying listen the bible says the hell of a woman is her glory the lord is opening my eyes and i'm seeing people there is no hair on their head this is what i'm saying of course it's a prophetic thing but the lord is saying he's restoring you know what happened to something it's an adoption of what can happen to men as soon as they caught something two things happened number one they plucked his eyes the symbol of vision number two they removed his hair i pray the glory upon anyone here marquette schedule i'm telling you i see fire falling on people please bring them anyone here whether by divination or by any satanic means the glory upon your family the glory upon your life exchange for shame i stand here in the name of jesus christ please bring them out let there be a restoration now [Music] many of you will be surprised restoration now for your shame i declare receive double double double double double double double double in the name of jesus when the glory of a man is hidden you can be around people who can give you jobs and all you hear is excuses every day you can be in the place of plenty and never experience the grace of god again i'm praying for someone who came to church this morning everything that has stopped your glory from arising i prophesy to you according to isaiah 60 and verse 1 arise arise shine for your glory the light has come to you and the glory of the lord is risen upon you [Music] mama this woman waving her hands i'm seeing oil being poured upon her head and the lord is saying he's visiting your family help her please bring her out there is a visitation coming for that woman listen i want you to open your mouth in one minute and say lord by your mercy restore everything i have lost in my life just go ahead and pray lord restore lord restore oh there is a voice this morning that says restore restore restore enough of shame enough of reproach restore oh god the dignity and honor that comes with my connection to the god of david [Music] lord restore [Music] [Music] they are taken for a prey a non-saiyan restore non-stay at restore non-sea at restore [Music] chalet [Music] hallelujah hallelujah i'm seeing i'm seeing maybe not i'm not sure it's a security people outside but i'm seeing a vision and i'm seeing a man it's like you are dressed in is it a military uniform with a red cup is there someone like that there is somebody god wants to remove witchcraft is that some maybe outside you can check the overflows too where is he coming where are you coming from my friend he was inside what's your name sir huh is kasim what's your name kazeem castro stand here the lord wants to turn your family around you are not alone who came with you my wife your wife i'm seeing a woman near you are you married yes where did she come oh she went to breastfeed okay that's all right please stand up so i want to pray for you listen let me tell you this truly there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus you see why it's good to come to the house of god you may not know when your word will come he sent forth his word and his word healed at them and delivered them i want to pray for you that everything that is not a planting of god i hope you're not embarrassed is this the wife okay this is just in the name of jesus christ look at me what do you do i'm are you coding i want to pray for i thought you're a military man wearing this thing because this is what i saw in my vision in the name of jesus i want to pray for you listen everything that is an embargo over your life and even your family we stand as the church of the lord jesus christ and we declare it comes one and now it comes to an end now i'm seeing a vision asks i'm seeing the vision of this man at the beautiful gate this is what i'm seeing right now and i believe that god wants to take away there is a kind of reproach that is almost a mockery to the name of the lord you are close to good things but you will never eat from them this was the cause that came on the man who caused what god said in samaria read the bible right at the gate where he was going to step into plenty they trampled on him and he died there and there are people like that they are around the corridors of power but they never rise they are around men of god but they never receive a word that lifts them they are around christian homes but they never are on fire they are around destiny help us but they never rise i'm seeing the number seven i pray right now if there is anyone who is under that kind of condition where you are around things that should bless you you are around people who should lift you and announce you but it looks like there is a dark cloud over you that never allows people to identify you help this man i'm seeing the power of god coming on him now in the name of jesus i decree and declare right now may that reproach be wrote from your life may that reproach be wrote from your life roll from your life who is darkers dockers i'm hearing the name dockers is there someone like that here dockers am i wasting your time this morning your members of this church the one i'm seeing tied ahead like red or maroon or something this is the one i'm seeing i will pray for you don't don't feel embarrassed me okay madam you're welcome what's your name doctors please stand here the lord wants to turn your life around it says you have torn my morning into dancing and you have turned my sorrow into joy where are you coming from thank you again let's i want to pray for you please stand up madam honestly i stand by the god of heaven what will begin to happen to your life from this sunday because this reproach you see i don't know why god is addressing this issue of reproach i am praying for you man in the name of jesus christ this garment i'm seeing on you we tear it to pieces now we carry to pieces now in the name of jesus christ i'm praying for you but i'm seeing the power of god falling on someone else bring the person now just this wrong i just saw light and the power of god just falling on someone bring the person i'm praying for a woman here but i'm also seeing the miracle happening to someone in the name that is above all names mama we pray for you as a church move forward move forward by the spirit of the living god in the name of jesus christ please don't be embarrassed i usually will not do this except that god is insisting that i do there is a woman here you've been trusting god for the fruit of the womb but the issue is that you take in but it never stays this is multiple miscarriage it's even affecting your health now i have to pray for you where is that person i hope you are not okay how long have you been married madam i'm seeing how many years 10 10 years no fruit of the womb i keep taking in but it never stays you see people of god the reason why god reveals this thing is not to embarrass people i hope you understand is to show this is the mercy of god this is what we are talking about there are things money cannot solve let me tell you sincerely there are things intellect cannot solve it takes the grace and the mercy of this god we're talking about i will worship you forever love you forever [Music] i believe in miracles i really believe in miracles i want to pray for you all of you to don't cry you see we may never understand what it means to stay this long and you know because of the kind of country and the region that we live in once something does not work in your life what what even what becomes the pain is not what is not working is what people will say are we together now on account of hannah's childlessness the bible says peninnah will mock her day and night until she went to god in chile and said lord this is this is enough so when a miracle happens like this i told you it's more than just showing that the man of god is powerful god is stepping in to meet the needs of his people in the name of jesus christ who is the son of the living god madam place your hand on your stomach you in jesus name i stretch my hands i declare and declare reproach be over now now in the name of jesus christ every devil of miscarriage that will not give you rest and allow you to enjoy be fruitful is a command is not a suggestion be fruitful it's a command and any spirit let me use them as a point of contact because fruitfulness is not just giving back to children alone you keep opening your shop in the morning closing it by yourself in the night is still barriness i use them as a point of contact and in the name of jesus standing in faith with the angel over this house any life that has refused to produce results in the name of jesus we reenact this command again be fruitful be fruitful be fruitful in the name of jesus [Music] my sister i decree and declare lay your hands i'm seeing the power of god on you you see the thing about the prophetic is you just walk as a holy spirit the last confess i came i prophesied at the i should come back with my baby and for the past three years and nine months i've never been pregnant and i got pregnant like about 10 days after you know two weeks ago i went for a scan and the doctor said that they couldn't find the baby that i should go for another scan so i went for another scan and they said they could find the baby thursday i went back to the hospital because they asked for a follow-up the doctor said blighthead ovum i went for trans vaginal scan and they said they can't find any baby i i didn't go back to the hospital i said god this is not you're supposed to be pregnant now i am still pregnant oh you're pregnant yes lay your hands there this is why we are here i mean lay your hands this is hold on when your chair spoils who do you go to when you are sick who do you go to when you are hungry where do you go to the house of god is where these kinds of issues should be solved you don't go to the hospital when you are hungry you go to a restaurant ke ba la catus kiata father i pray in the open over this lady you have given us the grace baby leave now baby leave now [Music] everything dead in anyone's life here in the name of jesus by that power that raised christ from the dead i declare me that resurrection power land upon your destiny now in the name of jesus christ hallelujah listen we're not negative mexican but at the same time we will not ignore the power of god there is something called the power of god hallelujah mary said how shall these things be seeing that i know not a man and the angel explained to her he said the power of the highest that means the way you know to do it is not the only way to do it there is still another strategy the power of the highest madame lay your hands anything in your stomach that is not a child we take it out now i'm praying again anything in your stomach that is not a child doesn't matter what name it is called we stand here as a family of faith and we declare let that devil leave your body now and according to the time of life we declare unto you in jesus name may you celebrate the miracle of fruitfulness for my sister here i also pray for you in the name of jesus celebrate the miracle of fruitfulness in jesus name i pray in jesus name i pray in jesus name i pray god bless you i i honestly i don't know what dimension god is but is it all right can i can i feel free to just do what god is asking me to do there i'm seeing at least four people don't be embarrassed you are business people sincerely you love god and you are serious business people don't just mean people who are looking for money it looks like you are sitting there is an embargo and it looks like mysteriously this year has been one of the worst seasons for you for reasons you cannot explain please come and stand here i want to pray for you i saw this in my vision and the lord wants me to pray for you now these are not just people who are starting please listen to the prophecy or his obedience to instructions don't be embarrassed this is the house of god [Music] while they are coming everyone please pray father my visitation i have come i have tabana called in this place the name of jesus please come and stand here [Music] your grace has found me just as i am [Music] just my [Music] just [Music] [Music] don't ever believe anybody that tells you the church should not prosper is a doctrine of demons what we teach is that we don't place our faith on prosperity and money as against our lord for jesus nothing should ever take his place in our lives but to advocate the fact that god's people should not be blessed is signing up with slavery the bible says the rich who led over the poor and the borrower is slave to the lender there is a there is a way that believers across a territory become slaves is true economy are we together now we must teach the whole council of god the whole council of god even before god gave man an instruction to be serious with him he said be fruitful that was the first thing man had from the mouth of the lord i'm saying this because sometimes when you see us do things like this we can confuse it for some kind of thing that people do and just feel there are more serious things to talk about talk about salvation don't talk about your empowerment is wickedness to watch people love god and go down and their children every time there is hunger israel goes to egypt there is only one reason why israel goes to egypt hunger when there was farming and there was hunger the bible says jacob called his sons and said why do you look at one another genesis chapter 42 it says i hear that there is corn in egypt it says go down theta and buy for us that we may eat live and not die believers have no business going down to egypt but when there is hunger and you hear that only egypt has bread even if you are a prophet you will send your children to egypt hallelujah number two the empowerment of the people within a ministry and within the body is how god provides financial resources for kingdom activities there's no need to hide it there's no need to act as if the money is just jumping from the sky it comes from people who have been blessed by god that means that if the devil wants to frustrate the advancement of the kingdom he will economy in the hands of those who have a heart to give it listen believe me when i tell you there is a grace that prospers yes there are ideas there are all kinds of things there are connections it is true but in this kingdom there is a grace that prospers many of you are in business some of you are veterans in business but the devil is fighting you not because of what you do but because of the heart for god that is connected to what you do he knows that in your prosperity is the prosperity of the house of god so he will not let you rest bring you to reproach so that people will say where is that your god now since you refused to compromise where is that your god now answer them and say he's still here god is still here i want to pray for you you came to churches don't cry you see some of you crying because you know the pain that you've gone through everything is increasing except your own resources how many pastors today have left the things of god because of hunger and it's easy for us to judge people and point fingers at people and say this and that this is why we're discussing a messy conference [Music] are we together now yes a man of god will never truly be able to stand on stage and teach and preach and help people know jesus his children are in trouble there's no feast paid maybe there's rent there's all kinds of issues he would not have that focus to do the work of the ministry i want you to believe there is such an anointing that will come on you listen the only thing i would tell you is may your heart never be on your money when your heart is on your money is no longer business it's idolatry when your heart is on anything other than jesus christ this is the only thing that we teach anything god gives you let it stay out of you the only thing that should be within you is your heart and your passion and your fire for god father you have anointed and commanded us to bless in jesus name i pray for you there's such an anointing that will come on you people now at the count of three lord may this anointing bring supernatural [Music] one two three take that fire now take the fire i declared on your business on your life carry this fire i prophesy to you every door that has refused to open here's the word of the lord i decree and declare by the road of a higher priesthood we break that door and we open it now for you in the name of jesus christ some of you here are having legal cases legal issues connected to your business we overturn we overturn we overturn until the mercy of god speaks for you in the name of jesus and everything connected to witchcraft that is keeping you bound to say the only way you eat is by begging in the name of jesus we crush that spirit now help this woman i toss that spirit out of her now out of her now [Music] i was glad when they said unto me let us go to the house of the lord you see people just going through things you may not understand what is behind what they are doing sir where are you from i want to pray for you you're a businessman what do you do ah i'm seeing buildings what do you do please just give me let's hurry up let's say that one ah project management by contracting you're a contractor i want to pray for you because [Music] i'm hearing restoration for you this is what the lord is telling me that is bringing restoration sir name of jesus who is the son of the living god i'm not a prophet of doom don't misquote me for evil but we rebuke death over a commissioner in this city in lagos state and i just saw an obituary and it's like someone who is i don't know if he's a past commissioner or somebody who is a servant i hope there's no one here like that um don't misunderstand we need to be clarifying things like this because some of these social media people sometimes they don't join the service so they don't even know what we're talking about they just capture everything that looks like it can drive traffic and mislead people and make it look like you are saying what you are not saying we are ministers of life and you understand what we are saying we are ministers of life so when god gives a message like this we are not prophesying doom no we're ministering life is only a system of identifying and relating with what the lord is saying so i'm saying this so that we will be careful let's not keep putting the body of christ a man of god in trouble by misrepresenting what they are saying it's important to understand the context with which many communications were made and discuss it correctly but in the name of jesus we agree as the church of the lord jesus christ if the lord revealed it is because he has given us the power to do something about it let death be averted now let death be averted now let that be averted now oh death where is your sting and oh grave where is your victory we have fought it in the name of jesus christ so i pray for you as god has revealed let there be restoration for you in the name of jesus weep not for the lion of the tribe of judah even the root of david has prevailed he is worthy to open the book and to unlock the scrolls in the name of jesus go and excel go and prosper go and excel go and prosper go and excel help this man go and prosper we release you the shame of yesterday let it never follow you into tomorrow here at this higher ground conference you will never forget it in a long time in the name of jesus christ please return back to your seat rejoicing god bless you return back to your seat rejoicing return back to your seat rejoicing hallelujah the lord is showing me a family please be patient if this is all i do no problem i'm just obeying god and responding i'm seeing a family where the children in that family hardly finish what they start this has to do with academic issues like admission or graduation people are there for a long time no advancement is there a family like that the lord is instructing me to pray for you please make sure you are telling the truth this is this is god's holy altar don't call me and tell lies make sure you think about what you are saying before you come if you are standing in for someone let's know please if you belong to that category i want you to stand here pastor is it is it okay is it okay to minister [Music] moses tell the people that they go forward go forward go forward go forward whilst you are standing here please be praying if you are the one who is directly affected i'd like you to pray because it's time for you to move that spirit leaves her out now out the name of jesus christ sometimes it's not about being dull or being brilliant it's just that certain people are victims of some of these evil demonic things do you know i had a true story sir a man of god in this nation was given the story there was a gentle man one of the brightest within a family he went for a job interview very serious company in the midst of in the middle of the the interview he forgot every information his registration number that he came with simple questions they were asking him and the guy it was as if his mind was blank and in anger they told him get out of here you're not serious that's how he lost a job when he came out he's like what was on him just lifted sometimes this is what may be happening to people you see this is why many times parents must be discerning it's not everybody who is on serious there are times that these things are just demonic look how many people are coming out for this call come out or if you have this problem don't sit back there and be in trouble [Music] you are here working miracles i worship you i worship you you are here turning lights around i worship you i worship you we call you that is who you are is [Music] please look at me those in front here the lord brought you out here this messy conference because there is the short message of david it does not matter how it has been i want you to know that things are about to change hallelujah why does god call you number one because he loves you number two he wants to show you that his messes are real with not their ones for the lion of the tribe of judah even the root of david has prevailed i know some of you are standing in for yourselves some of you are standing for your loved ones what i want to pray there is something called the finisher's anointing [Music] he said the hand of zerubbabel that began that walk that same hand can complete it and want to pray father in the name of jesus here at household of david we pray whether it is for students or people in projects that doesn't seem to be able to finish right now every power that is responsible for this wickedness and this evil against your life against your academics we command them go now go now go now go now go now out of their lives out of their destinies out of their lives out of their destinies in the name of jesus by the blood of the eternal covenant we cut you away from any time that will not let you go we must go for you now in the name of jesus christ and now i decree and i declare over you in the name of jesus who is the son of the living god hear me go forward now go forward now i place that prophetic word upon your head let it follow you in the morning let it follow you in the afternoon let it follow you in the night let it follow you in the city let it follow you in the village go forward go forward academically go forward in your career go forward and everything you've started and yet you've not been able to finish i place the finisher's anointing upon you in the name of jesus christ [Music] where you have failed and failed and failed is a master we have toiled all night but he said nevertheless i decree and declare at this world that has come from the mouth of god go back to what you are doing and excel go back and finish in the name of jesus christ god bless you please return quickly just return rejoicing [Music] just return rejoicing those under the anointing just help them just two more cases something serious god is ministering to me now we're dealing with the mercy of god look up please i want to pray for people here um i i would not do this except that god is leading me and i don't want you to be embarrassed are we together i'm praying there are people here some of you are new people who are coming here and the lord is asking that i minister to you this is the house of god all kinds of addictions that want to destroy you don't be embarrassed all kinds doesn't mean you are bad there are people here who are struggling with all kinds of addictions you have tried you have prayed you are fasted you have done everything you know to do it just will not leave you you need the power of god please don't be embarrassed any kind of addiction you are tired of run and come and stand before god here there's no need pretending it run like this fire on the mountain stand before god and say it must come to an end i'm tired of this thing once and for all [Music] while you're coming everyone please be in the mood of prayer let's pray there's no looking around just pray this is between you and your maker [Music] i'm yours i'm yours i'm your own [Music] it's yours forever pornography masturbation drunkenness theft all kinds of things lying spirit come [Music] [Music] please come i just sense there is fire falling here let's just allow the lord to deal with these issues i'm telling you again don't sit back when there is salvation for you there's no such thing as i'm a big man listen we are all products of god's mercy we are all product of god's mercy and those of you following online from whatever nation you are saying apostle thank you for bringing this issue i am tired of all of this some of you there is nothing you cannot steal provided it is there you if the demons walk like giving you word of knowledge even if they hide money on that under the carpet you will they will tell you where it is it's a spirit it doesn't always mean you are bad it's just that you need help [Music] i surrender [Music] whatever you were [Music] hallelujah can i tell you this i don't mean any condemnation but you get 10 people 8 out of 10 people have some kind of addiction that they are fighting with but we live in a society where when people are wounded like this everybody is quick to point hands and yet nobody prays some of these things are wicked satanic demonic altars that sit on the destinies of men because there are spiritual implications to these things i want to pray for you there is [Music] [Music] lose all their guilty hallelujah please look at me the power of god i tell you i sense such such a demonic presence as i'm standing here like intense oppression [Music] this presence that i sense there are some of you sometimes you are in the room alone and this demonic presence just comes on you a crippling paralyzing feeling you just know there are demons around spirits around at that point you are not yourself again [Music] you know what i'm talking about i want to pray for you [Music] ko mena [Music] yes [Music] [Music] right now in the name of jesus lift your hands all of you who have come out every spirit barracados i tell you i'm angry in my spirit man that is responsible for any kind and any form of addiction that will not let you rest young and old at the count of three may fire come from heaven and consume those devils forever one two three take that fire take that fire take that fire be delivered now be delivered now be delivered now every addiction comes under arrest comes under judgment in the name of jesus christ please help them every dominion of addiction over your life destroying your christian experience destroying your relationships destroying your finances here at this higher ground conference i declare again the spirit behind it i cast them out of you now i cast them out of you now i cast them out of you now from today and forever we declare as a church of the lord jesus christ you are free now free to serve the lord acceptably free to serve the lord with sincerity in the name of jesus and let me speak to you as a result of these demonic addictions many of you have lost many good things you have lost destiny helpers you have lost resources you have lost opportunities what can i prophesy to you everything that was lost shall be returned to me everything that was [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] shall be [Music] and i pray for you even as we sang it my friend look at me shout jesus as loud as you can this gentleman go ahead just whatever isaac in the name of jesus christ for some of you this addiction is a pattern everybody father mother siblings everyone some of you may be ministry but this thing has not left you some of you may be in business but this thing has not left you even as we have declared here you will never see it again for the rest of you will never see it again for the rest of your life everything god gives man he gives man authority over it and control whatever controls you and dominates you is demonic if god gives you the ability to make money so that you can use it for yourself and for the kingdom the day money dominates you you are no longer in business it has become an addiction it has become idolatry everything god gives man he puts it under control good things without control are evil things it is the control factor that makes everything good no matter how good a thing is the moment there is no control it becomes demonic [Music] hallelujah can i tell you this and as i'm ministering to you every lie the devil has spoken to you that you will never rise as a result of these things in the name of jesus let the blood purify your [Applause] conscience let the blood of jesus purify your conscience the bible says if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us it says but if we confess our sins that god is faithful and just to forgive us from our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness this is what the scripture says i declare to you your conscience let it be purified by the blood in the name of jesus christ please return to your seat rejoicing one more set and then those under the anointing just let them be when they are strong will pick them up is god helping you [Music] hallelujah [Music] let's let's just allow them go so that our minister to the last set of people that the lord is putting in my heart [Music] the lord is showing me i'm seeing well i'm sure that it may be more than that but i'm seeing two people almost every night you sleep you must see dead people like people who have died and gone but they will not let you rest once you go to bed this interaction with dead people dead people who is that person i want to pray for you what does the living have to do with the dead i don't care whether it's your father or your mother and i'm not we're not just talking of sins that have been perfected maybe bringing revelations [Music] you know pastors are sometimes sincerely god's people go through things and just keep quiet and box it and suffer and keep dying like that this does not happen every time if you have a service and this is all you do people will not grow i hope you understand it is a communication of doctrine that establishes people and brings growth however there are moments where god will just stay and bring visitations to these people so that it can give them the comfort to now listen to scripture you have tabernacled in this mountain from thursday was it friday listening doctrine after doctrine truth after truth now it's important to experience the power of god come [Music] see if the dead die they are dead we love them or let them go in peace but where demons will use their faces to come to you because of your emotional connection with the dead you see that most of those people you think are your loved ones are not your loved ones because the bible says according to the authority of scripture it is appointed unto men to die once and after that the judgment there is a gulf that separates this realm from another there have been unique instances as revealed from scripture where people have an opportunity is rather an exemption not a norm are we together remember when lazarus prayed the the rich man prayed and said okay father abraham i have a request can you bring someone from the dead to come he said no they have the law and they have the prophets he didn't say i would not grant the request it only said that the major platform is that there are principles of scripture and there are men and women of god they suffice to teach them doctrine so some of these things that people call encounters all the time are demonic interactions a man i believe in encounters but the principal encounter is an encounter with scripture and that from a child thou has known the holy scripture we must restore god's people to doctrine so that we don't get into all these various confusions there are young people today who do not even know whether jesus is savior again because they've met too many spirits in the realm of the spirit every night they are somewhere one planet one place like that and they return back with all kinds of evil encounters they are not pure christians again hallelujah dead people i know a lady one time who would see the face of supposedly her mother not when she's sleeping physically kill yourself or kill you and she started misbehaving and people will start seeing all kinds of things misbehaving have you seen people like that they get up and just start walking maybe to a sea or a river and they tell you someone is instructing them strange voices the bible says when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you you know he's the one guiding you because he guides you to all truth and then in that truth he reveals jesus any spirit that does not reveal jesus is not of the christ and let me respectfully say this i hope i'm not i hope you don't feel insulted again let's be careful the kinds of materials and references that we expose ourselves to in a bid to search for revelation and rama many people do not yet have the kind of spiritual maturity that can allow them delve into extra biblical materials they don't have the spiritual stability for that now many people go and buy all kinds of books expose themselves to all kinds of videos in the internet and receiving partitions of strange spirits we have to guard these things i commend you to god and to the word of his grace the bible says is that true it is god and then the word let me pray for you now father [Music] every communication help at least every communication with the dead dead spirits it is the grave calling you or sometimes that woman who is near this gentleman i command that spirit that coughing out now of her life [Music] in the name of jesus i speak anyone here who has an embargo of the spirit of death looking for you [Music] all we come as the ministers of life oh great where is your victory in the name of jesus the one who has been exalted both as lord and christ we take authority right now in the name of jesus and we declare liberty for you now liberty for you now i separate you from every demonic encounter with dead spirits in the name of jesus christ not in dreams not in visions they will never come to you again for your loved ones who have died those who have died in christ in the name of jesus we thank god because they are celebrating in heaven but anybody who wants to leave the realm of the spirit and tamper with your efficiency in this life in the name that is above all things will declare your eyes blind to their impulses and all the spirits that come to visit and disturb your sleep the bible says i lay me down and i slept i waited for the lord to sustain me therefore i declare help this woman everything because the lord is revealing to me there are so much help this woman are you saying what we're talking about they don't sleep they go to sleep and here comes these wicked evil spirits [Music] i'm praying again in the name of jesus this woman wearing green [Music] let that spirit leave her now out now in the name of jesus christ i decree and declare by the power that raised christ from the dead look at me my dear stand up stand up can i tell you this what you have is not just sleep apnea it's a demonic thing this spirits that will not let you sleep not let you rest if you dare wake up in the night no sleep again do you know sleep is a gift he gives his beloved one of the ways that god shows you he loves you is not just salvation he's sleep the only person who does not sleep is the keeper of israel if you don't sleep as a human being you will die doctors are here no matter how hard walking you are you must sleep the inability to sleep is a cause when jesus was a man did he sleep yes remember when they were going to the other side where they would meet um the land of the gatherings he was sleeping the demons come to disturb him no as my father has sent me so sent are you in the name of jesus again i pray for you by the power that raised christ from the dead every interaction you have with demon spirits that will not let you rest coming to you to interrupt sleep just when you return tired some of you even sleep but you wake up in the morning more tired than you were when you slept have you have you had that kind of thing that you go to bed and all kinds of demonic dreams you wake up with the pain you had in this sleep is for rest [Music] anyone having such experiences we come against that spirit right now we come against that spirit right now we come against that spirit right now we come against our spirit right now and in the name of jesus who is the son of the living god i release you right now help that papa my god god has been bringing deliverance to this matter may god bless whoever invited this man to this church who's whose father is this or whose uncle also but by god god bless you you see why it's good to invite people to judge one encounter you will give them what a million dollars cannot give you see what god has been doing in the life of this our father and our uncle not inviting people to church is wickedness it's not just lack of spirituality because it means you do not care about their growth one encounter can save them i'm sorry for sounding mean but it's true some of these people now were invited and may god bless those who invited them and you too now that they've invited you you will invite others too so that there never is an empty space as far as a soul to be saved to be healed to be delivered is concerned in jesus name enjoy your freedom my friend look at me shout jesus this man wearing suit [Music] let's go back to your seat god bless you [Music] what is that don't worry just give the ushers god bless you my dear thank you hallelujah i will share one scripture don't worry we'll open the bible for even if it's ten minutes i with this fire that is here can i make an altar call please look up everyone you strike the iron when it is hot is that true yes when it is hot you strike the iron that's how you bend it there are people here in this very holy and powerful atmosphere the holy spirit whilst you watch what's happening that in itself was a message for you and god is speaking to you and saying that your life for you what you need the first encounter with god's mercy is that which leads to your salvation whether you are giving your life to jesus for the first time or you are saying apostles sincerely all through the course of the conference or just coming here as a first invitation you're saying i know that i need to make things right with jesus and i heard you made an altar called the last time i was not privileged to come or i was there but i had not thought about it right now before i share one scripture and then we pray i want you wherever you are outside the overflows please leave your seat for the sake of jesus for the sake of your children and your children's children with every sense of honor like you are coming to receive an award walk here come and stand here please let's celebrate them now please make sure you if there is anything valuable you have please come with it don't leave any valuable thing behind when there is nobody there with you can we encourage them as they come young and all together please come please come please come from beginning to the end it will always be it's always been you jesus i don't believe this is all of them there are many more people coming inside outside stand up win the war come come to jesus come to jesus let him give you a new beginning is someone coming to jesus apostle i want to come but i came with my friends they would not allow me to call what kind of friends are those leave them alone and come in the name of jesus christ apostle i want to come but i'm not sure if i'm saved join them if you are not sure join them if you are not sure god bless you please if you are coming just double up from my heart [Music] i'm not a bad person but i'm an idol worshiper join them join them join them there is no other name under heaven given unto men by which we must be saved apostle i love jesus but i mix it with other things join them join them let's celebrate them as they come there is nothing like you add jesus and add another thing jesus and a charm jesus and one one arrow that was given to you somewhere join them receive genuine salvation gideon said why have we not seen the power of god the way it is he said this there are idols you destroyed please come please come i have decided to follow jesus [Music] no turning back [Music] decided to follow jesus no turning back i salute you for this great decision it is a noble and an honorable thing to come to jesus can i tell you if this entire conference was put just for you it is worth it nothing compares to one genuine soul who meets jesus christ the hymn writer says must i go an empty handed with not one soul with which to greet him when you are going to greet the lord you don't buy a food basket you don't buy bananas and oranges what you carry to critical souls these are the ones you died for and i want to salute you for coming some of you are making this decision the first time some of you have made this decision before but one thing led to the other your life has gone haywire jesus is giving you another opportunity i want to pray now if you are joining them please join quickly join quickly i want to pray in case you are sitting down and you just thought about it and you're saying do i stand up am i not ashamed come wrong join them please lift your hands those of you who are in front you are lifting it to jesus not to joshua salman not to household of david you are lifting it to the one who died for us when he hung upon that tree he hung naked and he died for us we were worth his shame we were worth his pain jesus even the son of the living god as you make this declaration let it be from the depth of your heart no pretense mean it jesus is here please shout it loud let it be from the depth of your heart say lord jesus today i believe in you that you are the son of god i believe that you died for me i believe that you rose again for my justification this morning i hand over my everything to you in exchange for your own life in me i receive eternal life into my spirit i declare you my lord my savior and my king i receive the abundance of grace even the gift of righteousness and i reign through christ the power of sin satan hell and the grave is broken over my life from today i walk in newness of life i go for whatever and backward never amen keep your hands lifted please father we thank you and we love you such an honor again to receive this harvest those who have come to jesus they have come truly to acknowledge and to declare your lordship you are able to save to the uttermost by the authority of scripture i declare unto you every one of you standing here that your sins are forgiven and in the name of jesus we declare that you are recipients of this life of god the power to live above sin satan hell the grave that power is released upon you i commend you to the ministry of the holy spirit and the ministry of the world may you be built and established in righteousness in jesus name i pray amen and amen again like we did yesterday please i'd like you to turn back there is an official who is holding the new convert placard please just follow them let's celebrate them follow them they will just talk with you briefly and you'll be back to your seat briefly and you'll be back to your seat can you spare me five minutes let me just charge us with a scripture my god i couldn't even share what i came here to say again hebrews chapter 4 and verse 16. let's let's just even if he's just to touch it and then to declare i was glad when they said unto me has god bless someone today it says let us therefore come boldly onto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy everybody say obtain mercy another word for obtained mercy is receive mercy and find grace to help in the time of need there are three words that i would have discussed number one is obtain mercy that mercy is a gift it's a gift that can be received it's a gift that can be rejected number two the bible says there is a point on a period in a man's life called the time of need the time of need what time is that in a man's life that the bible calls the time of need and then number three the bible tells you where both mercy and grace reflect it says the throne the throne when you come boldly before the throne you encounter mercy you encounter grace that helps in time of need what is the time of need the time of need is any time you are buffeted by and with situations and circumstances that defy the word of god in your life the moment of sickness is a time of need the moment of frustration is a time of need the moment of spiritual degradation is a time of need listen carefully the moment of prayerlessness is a time of need the moment of national chaos is a time of need the moment of an onslaught of attacks from all kinds of spirits is a time of need it says to come before the throne of grace that you may obtain mercy to receive mercy when you come no matter what your prayer request is god answers you by giving you mercy and giving you grace it's amazing are we together now now some of you have children and it will soon be december and even though they don't do it so much again that's what they call for the christmas that man that sits down whoever it is just wears a regalia and he has all kinds of gifts is that true some maybe ball all these glasses that children use during christmas this spiderman kind of glasses they have all kinds of gifts now as soon as they come to greet him there is a reward he gives to them and then they pass through the other door there are others who don't even care about him they walk straight to the gift they first direct them to him is that true he's the one who gives it just because you see where it is does not mean you pick it they come and they greet him he smiles with them and he picks it and gives to them sometimes they give the children and they cry that they don't like what they were giving because their eyes are on something else but here is a scripture that blesses us i just use that as an example that every time there is need when you come to jesus before the throne he does not have so many things he gives you the only thing he will give you regardless the need is mercy and then when you obtain mercy you will say take grace to go it is done this is a powerful mystery so for those who are sick when you come to the throne lord i am sick it's not really healing that he gives you he gives you mercy and then he gives you grace and as you go just like water was torn to wine the mercy the grace now is interpreted as healing for those who feel ministries not going i'm not doing anything that is a time of need and when you come before him god does not give you strategies you think you receive strategy but what you really received is mercy and then grace that helps you it helps you by now becoming what you are really looking for that mercy and grace can translate into wisdom and now bring you direction that mercy and grace can translate into ideas that bring wealth so the bible leaves us with an instruction the first thing you need to ask is am i in a time of need if you are not in a time of need you don't have any business with the throne but when you have this season in your life called the time of need the bible says to come boldly with confidence knowing that there is a covenant remember our discussion yesterday knowing that there is a covenant a covenant that binds you and god a covenant that insists that you do not fall you do not falter you don't fail it is called the sure message of david and here paul is teaching the hebrew church let us not let me so this blessing is not for priests this blessing is not for men of god this blessing is for everyone let us therefore in conclusion learn to come boldly to the throne and that we will obtain mercy the first thing you obtain from god is mercy mercy when you obtain mercy then you will find grace that means grace remains missing until mercy opens your eyes to see it are we together now the bible did not say obtain grace he says find grace so mercy is like it's like a a google that you wear and then you will find grace this scripture was adopted in the life of heger when she left abraham is that true when she was banished higa and ishmael she was in the desert there was an oasis there to quench her test but she could not see it and the bible says she cried on to god and the young lad cried interestingly god had only the voice of the young lad why because the young god was connected to abraham and there was a covenant so it was a covenant that god had not just the voice of the baby a baby christ an adult christ god only hears the baby and now he comes and says hey god what is it and he said she ran away from my mistress etc etc and then he now says she should go back and submit to her mistress and she will prosper and then as a result of that encounter she found mercy and all of a sudden she saw an oasis grace that she went and got water even in the wilderness the same thing happened with abraham himself there was a lamb there and yet he could not see it but when he obtained mercy he says look and he found it one of the things that the mercy of god does is to open the door for you to find grace if the mercy of god is not administered in your life you may never find grace i wish i had the time to teach what i had planned teaching this morning i would have taken you to the book of revelations five and i would have shown you something very powerful there but my my church as we pray our time is gone is that every time there is a time of need in your life for some of you now is that time of need there's all kinds of catastrophe around your life there's all kinds of financial needs spiritual needs all kinds of needs the moment you find out that you are in a time of need please leave it for us again hebrews chapter 4 that's my final charge the moment there is a time of need in your life the bible says to come boldly before the throne of grace what do you do receive that gift of mercy bound by a covenant but it is a gift to you and every gift must be received to work for you i can give you something and you can reject it jesus offers the gift of himself the holy spirit offers the gift of himself god offers the gift of his mercy he says to obtain mercy when you obtain mercy you can find grace grace that manifests as wisdom grace that manifests as speed grace that manifests as greater anointing grace that manifests all kinds of things and i promised us that we're going to wrap up with an impartation our time is up i will just speak over our lives but it is because of this time of need that men like david sought god they understood that every time you were in a time of need you would see david oh lord you are my god see psalm 63 only will i seek you my heart that is the time of need my soul longs for you it says my my soul test for you to see your power and your glory as i have seen in the sanctuary psalm 89 when you read from verse 20 21 down to 24 it says i have found my servant david i found him he says and with my holy oil have i anointed him he came to me declaring his need he found mercy but mercy was not where he stopped him mercy opened the door for him to find this grace called the anointing and he says verse 21 it says with whom my hand shall be established my arm also shall strengthen him he says verse 22 now the enemy shall not exact upon him why he has obtained mercy he has found grace nor the son of wickedness afflict him 23 i will beat down his force before his face and play them that hit him next verse but my faithfulness and my my faithfulness and my shall be with him and as a result in my name shall his horn be exalted this was where my message would have come from that the covenant of mercy is also the covenant of dominion it says what is the lamb that was slain to receive for us and then there was a weeping i wept for no man was worthy to open the book and unlock the scroll and then he says weep not for the lion of the tribe of judah the root of david had prevailed and i looked upon his throne and he said i saw a lamb though it had been slain having seven horns there is dominion connected to mercy by being slain he had seven horns perfect authority and seven eyes but we are going to pray the next two minutes i should be out of here your one prayer whilst you are seated is lord let me obtain mercy afresh and find grace because i am in a time of need the anointing is not just an empowerment alone is a response is proof that god has shown you mercy and you have found grace lift your voice and pray in one minute lord i obtained mercy obtain mercy like the bible says i come before you by faith [Music] i am in a time of need in my life i am truly in a time of need we prayed over the requests yesterday i am in a time of need i need help in time of need therefore i come to obtain this gift of mercy that i may find the anointing this grace called anointing this grace called faith this grace called favor this grace called speed it is your mercy that helps me find it without your messy i will not find it hallelujah very powerful it was last year's conference i remember the messi conference last year and i believe it was all year before last and pastor poju was sharing here and he shared a very powerful scripture about lot in sodom and gomorrah teaching about the mercy of god and then the bible says how that when the angels came to visit lot and to warn him about the impending judgment on sodom and gomorrah the men wanted to lie with the angels and lord said no don't do this abomination i will even give you my daughters and they say no it's the man we want and the bible says the angels drew them to the door and struck them with blindness and then the bible says that they stood and wearied themselves in the in front of the door the door was there but they could not find a way to open it because the mercy of god was not there you now understand what it means to find grace if the mercy of god does not open your eyes you will not know where your favor is you will not know where your helpers are you will not know where your lifting is you will not even know who it is that should connect you to the next level of your life it is as you obtain mercy suddenly that blindness will go away and you will be able to find grace let me declare over your life because you have obtained mercy in the name of jesus who is the son of the living god from tonight and all through the remaining part of this year find grace in time of name find grace to help in time of need for some of you after this service find this grace called speed [Music] for some of you find this grace called restoration for some of you find this grace called faithful for some of you find this grace called the gift of man for some of you find this grace called the healing anointing for some of you find this grace called influence and visibility [Music] for some of you find this grace called wisdom for some of you find this grace called longevity for some of you find this grace called ease for some of you find this grace called fruitfulness for some of you find this grace called fire and hunger for god [Music] for some of you find this grace that activates the gift of the spirit in your life for some of you find this grace called divine health hear me every expression of grace that you need in this time of need i declare may the mercy of god open that door for you to see it may the mercy of god open that door for you to find it and for everyone who is a walker and everyone who is part of this god-given vision that god has given his servant and the wife i stand in agreement with your pastor and i declare your labor of love fasting all through and praying and preparing in the name that is above all names i decree and declare obtain mercy [Music] find grace obtain mercy find grace in the name of jesus may that grace manifest our supernatural jobs may that grace manifest as supernatural opportunities may that grace manifest as open doors in the name of jesus [Music] and for us many of you who have come because the lord sent you here and told you that this is the place of your planting my bible declares that day that we planted in the house of god that they shall flourish in the court of our god that even in old age there will be fat and flourishing i decree and declare that as you plug yourself to this vision may the god of all grace who is able to make sufficient the grace that you need even in time of need may he show you both mercy and grace in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ the lord bless you sir the lord increase you in jesus name [Music] you
Channel: Unstoppable
Views: 132
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 10sec (5590 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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