Apostle Joshua Selman || Accessing The Presence of God

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dimension i have learned from scripture and i have learned by experience that no matter what is present in your life if the presence of god is not part of it you do not have anything no matter what is present in your life if the divine presence of god is not there then you really do not have anything hallelujah according to scripture very quickly we learn that there are three dimensions of god's presence revealed to men three dimensions of god's presence the first dimension of god's presence is found in psalm 139 we read from verse 7 to 12 it's called his omni presence psalm 139 from verse 7 to 12. he says whether shall i go from thy spirit or your presence and without shall i flee from your presence if i ascend into the heaven thou art there if i make my bed in hell behold thou art there we are reading to 12 if i take the wings of the morning and i dwell in the uttermost part of the sea even there shall your hand lead me and your right hand shall hold me eleven if i say surely the darkness shall cover me even the night shall be light up even thy night shall be light about me yay the darkness hide that not from thee but the night shineed as the day and the darkness and the light are brought alike to you what a god omnipresence his ability to be everywhere that is the first dimension of his presence that presence is a life-giving factor to creation there is no place where the influence of god cannot reach his omnipresence the second dimension of his presence is found in matthew 18 and verse 20 he's matthew chapter 18 and verse 20. i call it his emmanuel dimension god with us it says for where two or three are gathered together in my name there am i in the midst of them where two or three are gathered provided they are gathered in my name they can be gathered for another agenda they can be gathered for just some sort of sociological gathering but if they are gathered in my name he leaves us with an assurance regardless the feeling that he is there in the midst of his people this is why we know that he's here he's not just here because we're falling down he's not just here because instruments are being played he's not just here because we are feeling and shaking the authority of scripture the bible declares that where two or three are gathered in his name that he is there but my interest for tonight and for this conference is the third dimension of his presence is called his shekinah exodus chapter 40 from verse 34 we'll read 238 exodus chapter 40. show us the ancient past will you lead us along eternal highway we want to follow the ways of jesus we want to enter your rest will you show us the ancient path will you lead us along eternal highway we want to follow the footsteps of jesus we want to enter your ass there is a formula that is able to attract and capture the manifest presence of god in a life in a destiny this is what the lord wants to reveal to us that although two believers can be born again but it seems as though some people have mastered the art of capturing very superior dimensions of god the bible is full of men and women full of institutions full of nations that by a spiritual technology were able to capture god in a very rich dimension divine presence it says then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation this was the tabernacle in the wilderness and the glory of the lord filled the tabernacle and moses was not able to enter into the tent of the congregation because the cloud above thereon and the glory of the lord filled the tabernacle 36 and when the cloud was taken up from over the tabernacle the children of israel went onward in all their journey 37 but if the cloud were not taken up they journeyed not till the day it was taken up last verse for the cloud of the lord was upon the tabernacle by day and fire was on it by night and the sight of all the house in the sight of all the house of israel throughout all their journey can you imagine that this was not a parable can you imagine that one day this reality actually happened on earth that men and women were able to capture the presence of god in a very rich dimension you know until you have a revelation of the the value of a thing the pursuit of that thing may not be there the energy and the impetus are we together now if i tell you the value of a job to your well-being then it will sponsor and give you the energy to want to look for one until we understand the value of divine presence that the lord walking with a man the ability to have to host to attract and to retain the presence of god is the richest asset anyone can have on earth are we together the manifested presence of god the bible is full of the privileges and the advantages that show up in the life of any individual and any people who are able to successfully host the presence of god i will run through a few scriptures to show you the things that happen in the lives of men on account of the fact that god was with them very very powerful genesis 39 very quickly maybe three or four for the sake of time and then we establish a few things and pray genesis 39 this was the story of joseph who read verse 2 genesis 39 and verse 2 that joseph was in prison and yet here's what the bible has to say about him and the lord was with joseph and he was a prosperous man so there is a relationship between the presence of god and the prosperity of the saints to prosper means to excel to prosper means to do well that the reason behind the prosperity of joseph even though he was in prison there was a factor that distinguished him the lord was with joseph and he was a prosperous man the bible declares and he was in the house of his master the egyptian regardless the fact that he was not an egyptian there was a distinguishing effect of the presence of god upon him and he was a prosperous man let's go to verse 21 same chapter in verse 21 39 21 again the bible says but the lord was with joseph so prosperity is tied to the presence of god number two the lord was with joseph and showed him mercy and gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison that when a man truly desires mercy and favor then god must be with you because the lord was with a young jewish boy god showed him mercy and even showed him favor even while he was in prison are we together number three exodus chapter 33 from verse 13. i'm running through scripture to show you the value the value of the presence of god exodus 33 13 and 14 now therefore i pray you moses is praying if i have found grace in your sight show me now thy way that i may know thee and i may find grace in your sight and consider that this nation is your people verse 14 hallelujah and he said the gift i will give you to end this confusion as far as leadership is concerned the gift that i will give you these are a stiff-necked people they will not listen to you ordinarily but here is the secret to your rest my presence god is speaking to someone already my presence more than your skill my presence modern education my presence will go with you and as a result i will give you rest is this not what you are looking for rest from all the troubles and the vicissitudes of life where you lie down you can't sleep he makes me to lie down in green pastures his presence connected to rest when jesus showed up in john chapter 8 and verse 29 here's what he said john chapter 8 and verse 29 jesus when he showed up here's what he had to say he said and he that sent me is with me my father had not left me alone for i always do the things that please him he that sent me is with me i don't need to fear i don't need to fear i'm not alone when he sent me he went with me the bible says the lord and his spirit had sent me are we blessed let's look at two more scriptures daniel chapter 3 and verse 25 daniel 3 25 who just read 25 for the sake of time remember the three hebrew boys shadrach meshach and abednego the bible says on account of their allegiance their refusal to bow to this 90 feet statue that was built they said o king will not be careful to answer you in this matter our lord will deliver us and the bible says they made the fire seven times hotter to the extent that those who killed them were burned and yet this gentleman entered into that fire he answered and said no i see four men lose walking in the midst of the fire and they have no heart for the form of the fourth is like the son of god three men thrown but they suddenly saw the fourth man the divine presence it was the same presence that was with daniel when he was in the lion's den let me tell you this the cure for fear and the ability to pass through life and pass through challenges and they look at you and they may never you bring you went through this yes sir the presence of god has a system of immunity it can cover you are we together now immunity in first samuel chapter 18 and verse 12 i wish i had time first samuel chapter 18 and verse 12. do you know there is a dimension of reverence and honor that comes to the life of an individual when you carry divine presence read with me please verse 12 ready please read and saul was afraid of david why because the lord was with him how can a king be afraid of a young harmless teenager what did saul see that made him a young boy what would david do to a king but the lord was with him there is divine presence you can carry and every devil human and spiritual the fear of you will come upon everyone is a spirit of reverence there is an aura of reverence upon a man when you carry divine presence now isaiah 43 this will be a safe landing place tonight isaiah 43 from verse 1 and 2. let this be a prophecy for someone and let it be a word of hope for someone but noun thousand the lord that created thee o jacob he that formed the o israel fear not for i have redeemed you fear not in spite of the times that we live in fear not in spite of the noise some pestilences fear not in spite of wars and rumors of wars fear not in spite of the fear what will happen to my children fear not for i have redeemed you he says i have called you even by name you are mine verse 2 when you pass through the waters i will be with you just verify if i am there once i'm there stop being afraid even if the boat is going up and down check if jesus is there if you find him even if he's sleeping in the boat find rest trouble stands for you if it's not there if you are alone then you will be afraid when you pass through the waters i will be with you that's the only assurance you need you don't need to verify if the boat is walking correctly you just be sure that i am there [Music] when you pass through the rivers they shall not overflow you when you walk through fire thou shall not be burned neither shall the flame kindle upon you and the simple secret is i am with you i am with you and the lord walking with them confirming the word with signs following the lord walking with them that's the secret divine presence i learned this in life and i learned this in ministry and the presence of god became and it still remains my highest pursuit and my highest obsession i assure you the presence of god will give you what money cannot buy the presence of give of god will give you what your background cannot give you divine presence the rich asset of god's presence the shakkaina of god at working the life of a man at work in the life of a woman one time this steamy disciple called peter listen carefully peter was just an ordinary fisherman but this man had been with jesus so much he had received a robot of that presence a time came the bible says that same man his shadow it was not his shadow it was the effulgence of the presence of god from him that he passed people who were ill who were sick divine presence the one thing that satan will fight in the life of a believer is the presence of god he knows what happens to you when you the presence of god is not with you the bible says and cain departed from the presence of god the psalmist knew this and he said cast me not away from you you i would give up the throne but cast me not away from your presence he says and take not your spirit from me when god walks with a man when a man can secure divine presence it becomes a secret to an invincible life you will experience dimensions of victory and favor in a way that you would not imagine when you carry divine presence men will be compelled to help you they will be compelled to support what you stand for is a charm-like sense of attraction even you you will not be able to expect why are they interested in me presence let that presence come upon your business and you will marvel and wonder what happens let that presence come upon your ministry it will not just be the oratory it's not just what you are saying that there is a glory that is upon it [Music] let that presence come upon the work that you do was it not under the influence of that presence that a road that had no roots yet it boarded a road that had no root don't tell me you are not connected i don't know anybody a road without root it was not connected to the earth nothing produces until it is connected to the earth that was the instruction but in god's presence the rules are there there's an exemption that a road not connected to the earth if you are that road even if you are not connected to the earth you can still blow some because you are under the influence of that presence hallelujah the glory of his presence resting upon you distinguishing you bringing beauty and honor and glory to your life in a way that will marvel you but for tonight very quickly i'm not just interested in marketing the presence of god alone but i hope by the spirit of god that god will help us to show us the protocol there is a protocol for accessing divine presence as important as the revelation is if we just stop in celebrating the possibilities that come when he is there it may not profit us we must there must be a road map a pathway that can lead anyone from where you are to that realm where you are able to access and attract divine presence if you are with me say amen can you pray in the spirit in one minute lord open my eyes to see open my eyes to see open my eyes to see shalakat [Music] open my eyes oh god in the name of jesus christ hallelujah there is a protocol and there is a formula that can help men carry the presence of god many years ago when i knew that the call of god was upon my life i prayed a sincere prayer i said lord do not send me with just a salmon do not send me with just a message the world that you're going to be sending me to need more than a message more than a salmon there must be a divine backing the reality of your presence producing tangible results edging your impact in the life of the hearers the listeners cutting across the time and space and blessing people grant me access to the gift of your presence and then i had an encounter please listen in one of these encounters i had a voice and he said son from today i give you my presence as a gift and then all of a sudden i look in that vision and i'm seeing this being standing like an angel and he said this angel will walk with you and i said what is his name and the voice said he is called the angel of the lord's presence i don't mean to brag but when it has to do with the issues of the presence believe me i know what i'm saying the signs the wonders prosperity increase influence chasing after these things directly is a waste of time is going to be a journey that will inevitably end up in humiliation the secret is to seek him when you find him everything connected to him will come it will gravitate towards you divine presence is the key it is the pursuit that is worth our time and what everything but what then is the formula how come certain people seem to carry very superior dimensions of god's presence when you listen to them it's like there is a touch of heaven upon them you know that this is not a man talking alone hallelujah jeremiah 29 13. the lord is speaking to me that there are three people here he's been trying to call you his call is upon your life but he's been trying to draw you to deeper levels of intimacy and the lord is saying he brought you to this meeting because it's time for you to know him in a deeper level more than church more than religion more than a sunday service i don't know who that person is and those people but i'm speaking to you this is by the spirit the lord is saying it's time for the distractions in your life it's time for these distractions please help them there are many distractions clamoring for your attention but the lord is saying that all i want is to help you know me because when you find me all the things that you are seeking for that men claim to be able to give you they can only be found in my presence under the shadow of your wings your influences all over me i am under the shadow of your wings your influences all over me i am under the shadow of your weeds your is so low for me yay hi hey [Music] the first key please listen to me the first key if you really want to host the manifested presence of god in your life by the way the issue of the manifested presence of god has nothing to do with being in ministry it has nothing to do with being a man of god apostle prophet pastor at all the first key is an encounter that produces a hunger and a passion for god love love only desperate lovers of god will be able to host this dimension of his presence and ye shall seek me and only find me when you seek me with all of your heart so there is a relationship between presence and your heart remember the discourse between jesus and the woman at the well the samaritan woman the discussion started with the issue of water and eventually the issue of worship came into it are we together now and he said you people worship what you do not know for salvation is of the jews and then jesus said the hour is coming and now in his presence i found influence why should i leave the presence when that is what it was his presence that ushered me to these things things my background could not give me things the connections of men could not give me listen to me don't trade his presence we laugh at jacob and esau and we say oh he saw you're a foolish person you gave your bet right but we are doing the same thing today lord i don't have time to seek your face and god says i know what you are looking for it's been six months of you looking for the same thing why don't you stay with me for three hours and let me take your ten years and give it to you we say lord you are not a new encounter with god's presence he will pick anything from anywhere and bring to your life that is true [Music] are we blessed yes it's in his presence that we find the things that we seek he knows we need money he knows we need relevance he knows politically we need to excel he knows that first john chapter 3 and verse 18. it says my little children let us not love in word empty talk neither in tongue but in deed and in truth so when you say god i love you he says i'm watching beyond your confession there are indices i love you means i prioritize you listen carefully i love you mean i prioritize you when you love a person or you love a thing the first index is priority you will always have time for what you love you will always have time for who you love i am busy is the excuse that begins to reveal that something is wrong with the love equation i'm busy you know things no no it's not true if you really have time if you love a person and you love a thing the proof is the investment of time are we blessed number two there is no genuine love without giving the spirit of true love must reach out there must be something that comes out of you as a token of investment in that relationship your time your resources and solomon loved the lord that was the beginning and he proved his love by giving a thousand bond offering not because he wanted to show people he was wealthy the love of god is able to drive you to do things that show that lord i love you this is for your house giving for god so loved the world that he gave forget about what he gave in this case his only begotten son who is now the first begotten of we the brethren if you truly love you give if you truly love you give the spirit that focuses on taking is a selfish spirit love gives love gives love gives true love is focused on giving not just what i will have back in return is investment that gives and and focuses on the returns is that true when you invest you are waiting for the return but when you love when you give your your whole your whole life revolves around the object of the love not what you will get lord you see what i'm doing for you don't forget about me you are god most times those things look very spiritual but that thing is an investment it's just a business whether you bless me or not can i really leave you i love you more than this i wish i had time i would have shown you a very interesting parable in scripture the bible says that a few people were hired to go and walk some went to work in the morning and the basis for their walking was wages not their love for the owner of the husbandman are we together now they negotiated for identity all right you go and walk and then at the 11th hour he saw some people sitting down and said why sit as thou idol and he said no man employers he said go to the vineyard they did not negotiate money they went because of their love and trust for the person at the end of the time they paid all of them the same and the ones who started early were angry they said no we started working since morning and he said your basis of coming to work with me was salary i gave you these ones went to work without any negotiation now i choose what i want to give them this is a mystery in the spirit so you come to god and say lord i will serve you provided you give me three cars you'll say fine that's a deal i will annoy it but someone comes to say lord you took me from the wilderness if i never get anything from you i am grateful and god says you are doing this for me now let me decide what your reward will be when mordecai saved the king it was not because he wanted to be exalted herman was focused on all kinds of gifts but mordecai did it because of his love for the king but payday came the chronicles were open and he said what shall be done it is when when a rich man decides how to bless you that is good news for you because sometimes you yourself will not know how the kind of blessing that you think should come to you that's why it will look like god just picks people from nowhere like we say no no it's the reward for lovers there is wages for walkers but there is the reward for lovers again there is the wages for walkers i agree with you oh god these are my terms and god says fine but someone else says lord i love you there is nothing there is no one who compares with you i take pleasure in worshiping i take pleasure in worshiping i take pleasure when i worship you my lord are we together you want to attract the presence of god you want to be sure of his shakkaina walking with you backing you and clearing ways for you the secret is not to use god don't use god to get things don't use god to make a name no love him sincerely love him genuinely love him truthfully you see why i was blessed when i came in and personally was leading in worship and everywhere was just saturated but you see as powerful as that atmosphere was the holy spirit would come and scan the motifs of men he knows that men are very deceptive so while you are crying he looks beyond your tears and looks at your heart and finds out that there is a big jeep there that you are hoping to use that tears to get and he will love you for the diligence to do please don't be i hope you are not offended or he checks there and he finds out that there is a desperate promotion that's what sponsored that ruling and he says no but he comes to someone and finds himself your heart reflects his face back to him this is why i bow down this is why i wake up in the morning primarily every time i have the privilege of talking to the lord i tell him i say lord you have been good to me if you never bless me again i still owe you my life and i owe you everything sincerely and this is not just some preacher's talk because i'm holding a mic it is true and then you step back and watch the lover of your soul when god reveals himself as the lover of your soul you know the bible says jealousy is the rage of a man when you truly become that bride according to scripture the assignment of the bride is to adorn and honor and promote and honor her husband and then when you've done so as that faithful bride then he shows you he's a responsible husband he does not show you he's a responsible husband by buying things he gives you his name he gives you access to all that he has so we're gathered here tonight and many following from around the world challenging ourselves that even though we live in turbulent times we live in times where filling our lives with petitions and desires become it looks justifiable we must return to the place of security true security we must return to the place of his presence we must love him sincerely christianity is not just a religion that mandates that you follow a founder called jesus christ no christianity is a desperate relationship is a pursuit i'll forever be chasing after you with my entire life lord i'll be chasing after you no matter how far you lift me i'll still forever be chasing after you ah regardless the crown of my head i'll be chasing after you no matter what name you give me i'll forever be chasing after you someone make that your commitment tonight lord i'll be chasing after you whether it's from the wilderness i'll forever be chasing after you [Music] i'll be chasing after you [Music] so when you sit on that throne and men look at you and give you the credit for such an amazing life successful in business successful intellectually successful in terms of family well-behaved children rest round about and they say what is the secret to this kind of life are you not a nigerian and the flesh would want to use the opportunity and make a name for itself and quickly you remember that i'll forever be chasing up you still go on your knees i say ceo yes sir i'll be chasing after you i'll forever be chasing after you i'll be chasing after you we're going to pray shortly i came tonight hoping that god will infect you with a hunger and a passion yes you will receive yes you will be healed yes you will experience breakthroughs i tell you he calls those things children's bread children's bread as big as it looks he still calls his children's bread i want to know you i want to seek your face i want to know you lord i want to touch you i want to hear your voice i want to call you lord more than preaching for you i want to know you [Music] i want to see your face i want to know you lord would you dance with me lover of my soul to the song of all songs the songs of solomon would you dance with me lover of my soul to the song of all songs divine presence making the difference causing everything around you to flourish divine presence when the rain comes then the plants begin to blossom and grow when the rain comes that rain of his presence upon your life upon the wilderness please listen to me modern principles i am a teacher of principles i am a teacher of mysteries but no mystery and no principle will replace him the presence if it's not in your presence if it's not by your hands if it's not by your spirit don't let me have it for everything i need is in you it's in you [Music] it's in you for everything i need is in you the lord brought me here tonight by the grace of god to charge our hearts i mean it when i tell you this there are certain levels of infirmity that have been sent i'm not even talking of kovic 19. wicked evil diseases that come as devourers that come as wasters that come as destroyers there is no amount of drug supplement on its own that can drive spirits it can correct body parts it can help the body function well but there are spirits that only the presence of god can drive away divine presence will profit you all wise there are arrows that fly by day you wake up in the morning in peace and return with trouble you have no business conclusions made in the realm of the spirit where you did not participate but you become a victim of it the presence of god becomes like a shield shallow cathode [Music] enchantment against you against your children that this woman will not leave past 2023 and while all that rubbish is going on you don't need to know you don't need any dream revealing anything let the presence shield you you will walk in the presence of your enemies as though it did not exist there is an immunity no matter how accurate you are you cannot know who is against you and who is for you the presence is what secures you arrows that fly by day noise some pestilences it was quite a turbulent flight coming quite a very very turbulent flight i think probably one of the most turbulent flights i've had in a very very long time because of the weather i tell you sincerely i was sleeping all through god is my witness my heart did not beat once all you need to do is verify is jesus there if he's there find rest that was the mistake of the people that's why jesus rebuked them let us go to the other side and he was sleeping and when a storm of wind the bible says he became boisterous if those guys were patient would have seen something about god we never knew jesus was sleeping will he die in the storm maybe he would have read something else that happened to the boot but their unbelief when he woke up he said people even if you don't respect the boat respect me the fact that i'm in that boat there are times you may not come out of the storm just be sure that jesus is there with you find rest and the angel appeared and told them there shall be no loss and they were led safely to the island called melitta in the name of jesus i speak to someone i don't know what may be happening around your family around your children maybe there is a woman of velo of virtue of excellence there is a mother here under the sound of my voice you came for this conference whilst you are sitting down you are not even listening to what i'm saying because of the lord on you find rest his presence apostles you don't know what they've said about me and my children you don't know the trouble that my husband has right now i'm holding a document from his office he may not even last july who shall decree a thing and it shall come to pass when the lord has not commanded it i believe him divine presence when he holds you when he he is there you can find rest apostle i lost a lot of money through the pandemic my shop my business right now i don't even know there are kidnappings everywhere i'm not even sure what school to send my children again because i don't know where it's safe in truth you may not have the kind of safety you desire territorially speaking the only place of safety right now is the ark that arc when he beckoned on them to enter that act the rains came and yet there was safety can i tell you this i say it with every sense of respect and every sense of responsibility no matter how responsible a parent is there is only so much you can do to protect your children in the times that we live now you can send your child to school you can take care of that person but your child is a free moral agent he can still turn and become something that you may not like but if you secure them with that divine presence you can go to bed no matter what you hear the lord is speaking to someone please find rest you are already having high blood pressure because of all kinds of worries what will happen what will happen it says which of you by warring can add a cubit to his hair worrying is not what we pay the rent we are not irresponsible people when we teach these things we know that these needs are real we know that the challenges in the times are real in the cross in the cross be my glory ever to my raptured soul shall find rest beyond the river the keeper of israel does not sleep he does not slumber he is watching over you watching over your family watching over all that concerns you more than you can even watch yourself find rest please prophesy to yourself my soul find rest one more time say my soul find rest yes over the financial issues over your children over your ministry find rest let his divine presence give you rest you know let me tell you this tomorrow hopefully we're going to look at those aspects when the presence of god if you can capture the presence of god there are many things that you need that you do not know the assignment of his divine presence among other things is to scan through your life and find out the things that are needed for life and godliness whether you are aware or not the divine presence will keep introducing them till your life looks like the garden of eden beauty and glory you may not even know that you need certain things because we see in part and we prophesy in part you may be focusing on the things you feel are the ones that move you forward but when his divine presence comes is like a scanner oh this person does not have enough joy this person i see there is a threat to his long life i see there is a threat to this and his divine presence begins to make all these things available you will find things in your life you did not remember praying for how did they come and god said when you invited me you also invited those things when you invited me you invited joy unspeakable even full of glory when you invited me you invited judgment over the wicked when you invited me you invited speed when you invited me you invited favor when you invited me you invited breakthrough when you invited me you invited influence when you invited me you invited fame when you invited me you invited prosperity from once commit these things oh god and he says they come with me you seek them individually you may find them with side effects side effects of the loss of your spiritual fire side effects of your passion for god side effects of valuable relationships but when you seek him you find everything is that not a good bargain rather than seeking money in a way that will make me leave god lose relationships with your family and at the end of your life there is nothing in your life that was worth the pursuit i rather seek him truly with all my heart love him truly with all my being follow heart after him more than what this life can bring and then in that hunger and in that pursuit loving him sincerely you attract divine presence john 14 21 let me introduce the next point and then we'll pray john chapter 14 the second key you want the manifested presence of god in your life he that hath my commandments and keeped them not just is aware of them and keeped them he it is that loveth me and he that loveth me so shall be loved of my father and i will love him and will manifest myself to him is it there in your bible will manifest myself to him why because he keeps my commands let me tell you this truly god invests superior dimensions of his presence in the lives of those who truly seek to obey him the passion to please god is a secret of attracting retaining securing his presence that all about your life is what brings glory to him glory to him hallelujah everything about your life seeks to bring him glory you don't have your own agenda for your glory i will do anything just to see you to behold you as my king i wanna be where you are gotta be where you are wanna be where you are gotta be where you are whilst you're sitting i'd like you to pray just two prayers for the night i like you to cry before the god of your salvation lord everything that has stolen my heart away from you in this conference i pray a restoration of my love and my fire please pray we're wrapping up you're talking to the lord of glory the king of your life is someone praying let this be from the depth of your heart please pray we're done for tonight pray i will lay down my idols and thrones i have made and all that has taken my heart i will lay down my idols your praying the thrones i have made everything that has taken my heart sing lord i will bow lord i will bow to [Music] lord i will worship you nothing hands have made [Music] but you please pray take my heart and mold it take my mind [Music] transform me take my weak me to yours to yours oh lord to yours we'll pray [Music] lord i hand over everything to you please pray it's not a foolish prayer we just have two or three minutes but let this conference be a rich one love you with all my heart nothing and no one sustains the ability to take your place holland salah please pray please pray everything [Music] everything [Music] lord you are everything to me [Music] everything everything [Music] lord you are everything to me you're my trash my priority who can compare to you for greatest [Music] you truly are [Music] holy spirit carry me [Applause] [Music] to the place of hunger [Music] holy spirit carry me carry me [Music] [Music] please spare me two minutes you are in this place you came for this conference please listen and you are saying apostle even though i know that time is gone but sincerely my relationship with jesus christ i need to make jesus lord of my life there are others who may be saying i gave my life to jesus but in the last one year in the last two years my life has gone haywire the vicissitudes of life have pushed me wherever you are for the sake of time still respecting the covet protocol i'd like you to come and stand here very quickly i want to pray for you we have just one minute [Music] while they are coming while they are coming please listen we are going to pray for ourselves every mother here this is a women conference so please permit my bias for the mothers you're going to pray for your husband and pray for your children lord they become seekers of divine presence is someone praying i will never be the mother of an ambroga i will never be the mother of an evil person i will not give birth for trouble no i'd like you to pray the covenant of your presence with my children with my home with my business pray in the name of jesus prophet 19 will not take the life of my children in the name of jesus preservation by the spirit while they are coming out if you need to rededicate your life to jesus come stand here but while that is happening please let's pray we came for a conference mention your children by name mention your siblings by name in the name of jesus divine presence may your presence give them jobs may your presence give them children may your presence give them influence [Applause] [Music] wealth hallelujah now for all of you in front here i salute you thank you for summoning the courage to come the bible says blessed is the man who god causes to approach him divine presence is better than money divine presence is better than a business idea divine presence is better than intellect the greatest gift god can give those he truly loves is himself listen the height of intimacy and and showing that you love someone is to give yourself so when god gives you himself he's giving you everything please lift your right hand high to the heavens and in case you are seated in the congregation and saying i'm ashamed i came with my brother i came with my sister we are not pretending in this conference this is a genuine encounter if you still need to run to join them and the holy ghost is asking you run quickly and come and join them run quickly and come and join them those of you in front i celebrate you and i salute you for coming my sister is coming quickly please come and join them say after me father one more time say father i come to you just as i am unable to help myself unable to lift myself but i believe that jesus died for me i believe he resurrected for my justification and tonight i make jesus my lord my savior my king i declare that nothing and no one will take his place in my life from today and forever i move forward ever and backward never i am a benefactor of the life of god in the name of jesus amen and amen i salute you for making this noble decision now you discovered that a card there are officials giving you a card i don't know are you seeing them now or they go back to their seats okay what will happen is okay um as you go back to your seats please do well to fill those cards legibly am i correct on that okay so they fill the cards legibly and then just wave it to an official who will collect it in jesus name let me challenge you we still have two sessions the first and second service tomorrow i'll be sharing with you something powerful about the presence of god and then somewhere in the service we'll have the opportunity to pray for the sick and just speak help that lady please okay all of you who are here please do me a favor just follow these are mothers have that lady under the anointing just someone just wave your hands so they see you please follow this our mother let's celebrate them as they go they will have a word with you and you'll be back to your seat god bless you in the name of jesus christ okay so you follow them praise the lord so please do not miss tomorrow's service first and second service if i'm you just pay the price to stay it's a conference first let's honor our mothers let's honor the women and then second because it will be an opportunity i'm going to be praying over the sick and speaking over people it's already late and because of the times we live in some stay far and we must respect the journey but please i'd like you to come tomorrow with a hunger and a desperation praise the lord and i want to make a request if if um our father pastor ben and and the women fellowship the the the group the executives if you will allow me i want to plead and make a request that people come with the prayer request something that they are trusting that god must end in their lives if you permit me then we can request it so that tomorrow whether in the first or second service we can have it here and we're going to pray and let the lord that answers by fire the one whose presence the mountains keep like lambs are we together is that possible okay so tomorrow please do well including those who may not make it please ask them to write their request those of you who are following online i believe that there may be a link or a platform for you to send in your prayer requests somewhere in the course of the service the first or the second service as we're praying and ministering over the needs of people who are going to pray over those requests you have a child that you are trusting god to the ability to change there is a troubling situation in your family please bring it before the lord and let's trust that the glory of the lord will rest upon it and that god will give us a testimony the lord bless you and the lord honor you in jesus name
Channel: Unstoppable
Views: 3,792
Rating: 4.8709679 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 43sec (4003 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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