Apostasy Report - Francis Chan The Deceiver

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[Music] welcome to another edition of the apostasy report my name is joshua today we're going to be talking about francis chan francis chan is a famed conference speaker and author of the book crazy love among others recently he wrote a book called letters to the churches i believe it is um and has started something of a of a house church initiative uh francis chan gained some recognition a few years back when he renounced his position as the senior pastor of a simi valley mega church to pursue a more minimalist lifestyle uh what it amounted to in practice really was to pursue a career in conference christianity uh francis chan is a regular at louis giglio's passion conferences and and various others friends with john piper and so forth so a big draw in the conference circuit a big name and uh is known for his uh his passion and his uh uh his seeming sincerity right so he he leaves this mega church and uh starts to pursue a more minimalist lifestyle uh said it had become too much about francis chan and so on and so forth um here's a here's an article this is written just uh about six months ago uh francis chan calls out embarrassing american christians who've lost their passion for the gospel on the surface of it sounds like this is there's probably a whole lot of truth in here um francis chan says i don't want to be critical but the christian church in america has gotten goofy that's an understatement chan talked about a recent trip to israel where he saw many different people different faiths earnestly worshiping in jerusalem chan shared have you tried to look at how the church looks from an outsider's perspective okay he admitted he too was guilty of being caught up in the distractions that come with big church conferences popular worship bands and charismatic speakers it's embarrassing and i look back and say god i'm so sorry he said despite the harsh words chan has hope you know what we can change we've got to give god the glory he deserves we've got to be willing to suffer whatever we need to suffer to walk away from our sin to confess jesus as lord and savior because we believe what the disciples did that jesus rose from the dead we've urged and then he ends by saying uh we are to be people of the book now on the surface of that i agree with it um american christianity has gotten goofy in a word and uh yes people are enamored with the conference circuit and big name bands and charismatic speakers and the whole nine i mean so much of that is absolutely true and i've heard many good things from francis chan in the past you know evaluating you'll you'll hear him say things like you know are we really doing what this book says to do do we really care what it says all right these are good healthy sentiments in theory uh but when your practice is diametrically opposed to your words there's a disconnect there's a massive problem so while he laments uh he says it's embarrassing and he has to look back and apologize for his part in it the apostate train that francis chan is writing shows no signs of slowing and i am prepared to say at this point with utter conviction that francis chan is a full-blown apostate embracing all manner of heretical and blasphemous folly and by the time this is done i believe it's going to be undeniable for uh to anybody to anybody who has half a wit uh so in order to establish this uh there's a lot of people that like francis chan and he's something of a gap bridger he is friends with both sides of the aisle so to speak he's definitely embraced by people that would be considered mainline orthodoxy or in the orthodox realm people like john piper and kevin de young and mark dever and some of these guys um he's been associated with with most of them right uh the evangelical circuit uh what you're going to see uh throughout this is that francis chan is a full-blown member of the new apostolic reformation or the nar uh signs and wonders uh movement we'll get into all of the details but let's go back in time to the 1990s todd bentley uh famous infamous rather for the lakeland revivals quote unquote that took place in lakeland florida something of an offshoot from the toronto and brownsville chaos for those that don't know who todd bentley is and you'll see why this is relevant shortly todd bentley is a certified crazy person uh with not only a criminal past um that includes uh pedophilia and whatnot um granted this did take place when he was 13. so um bear that in mind uh he also left his wife his disabled wife and uh married a woman i think it was a secretary that was part of his whole campaign all right this is just some of the the moral background of todd bentley let's start here what's happening slid down outer leg onto the floor i said god i've prayed for like a hundred crippled people not one he said that's because i want you to grab that lady's crippled legs and banged them up and down on the platform like a baseball bat i walked up and i grabbed her legs and i started going i started banging him up and down on the pla she got healed and i'm thinking god why is not the power of god moving he said because you haven't kicked that woman in the face and there's this older lady worshiping right in front of the platform and the holy spirit spoke to me the gift of faith came on me he said kick her in the face with your biker boot i inched closer and i went like this and just as my boot made contact with her nose she fell into the power of god and the holy spirit spoke to me the gift of faith came on me he said kick her in the face and justice my boo told me to just run him down so i jumped up in the air and i went bam and i hit him to the ground jumped onto him and got into a full mount ground and pound i jumped on there and i was in a full mountain and something came over me and instead of punching i grabbed him by the neck and started choking me and i said come out of the devil come out of that devil i said another meeting one time and i called out this chinese gentleman and all of a sudden i went running down the aisle and i i hit this guy so hard it drove him back several feet he hit the ground and his tooth popped right out of his mouth [Applause] the pastor was flying on the floor and i was standing up on the platform and i said god i want revival and he said these words to me like dropped the pastor leg dropped the pastor so as you can see todd bentley by even worldly standards is a certifiable crazy person uh todd bentley thinks it's okay and he blames the holy spirit for all of this uh to kick uh old ladies in the face with his biker boot to um tackle people to choke them to choke the devils out of them to leg drop the pastor to knock the tooth out of a chinese man this is utterly insane by any standard including charismatic and classic pentecostal standards this is insane um that's who todd bentley is here's another brief clip we're going to baptize you in the name of the sheikah boombah bam the name of thais we're going we're going we're going to do the mass she kaboomba are you just going to be a new creation of god i just baptize you in the name of the father so in the name of the sheikah boomba todd bentley baptizes people i don't know what she kabumba is i'm inclined to think it's the name of a demon quite frankly um this lack of self-control is precisely the opposite of what the holy spirit affords people which is control self-control uh this is crazy this is absolutely crazy not to mention i don't know what ashika boomba is that's who todd bentley is all right he's never been anything other than that even if he had a stellar moral background this is by any account absurd and blasphemous that's what it is he's making a mockery of god he's making a mockery of the holy spirit and blaming the holy spirit for telling him to do insane things okay that's todd bentley um we're gonna go to this is um gosh i don't know what year this is but this is sometime in the 90s we've got a group of people they will refer to themselves as apostles now these men are the progenitors of the modern new apostolic reformation or the nar you've got guys like um michael are not sorry uh is that his name john john arnott john and carol are not uh you got uh bill johnson back there um i forget this guy's name chen something but there's a host of people rick joyner is a part of this group as well and uh you'll see you'll see all the connecting folks here in a minute but let's let's just listen they are going to be commissioning crazy blasphemous todd bentley uh we're going to space pay special attention to bill johnson here this is the founder of bethel church in reading california that birthed the christian quote-unquote rock group jesus culture they're under his direct leadership so let's pay attention to bill johnson commissioning his friend todd bentley how deeply honored i am that john would just come from africa and make time to be here bill i mean it's a miracle that peter wagner bill johnson john arnott and todd bentley and these distinguished apostles would all be able to make it all together at one time one place that's his with our international commitments that's a miracle in itself all those distinguished apostles i also feel tolerant here's bill johnson when david wanted uriah killed he sent him into battle and then withdrew from him as a company of people we refused to do that many revivals that's todd bentley laying on the floor there while they lay hands on him and commission him history have been cut short of their intention of god's destiny and attention over individuals because of jealousies and fears that get stirred up in the people of god and we refuse to do that we shape the course of history by partnering with you giving honor where it's due you welcome the glory as well as anybody i've ever seen in my life i long to learn from you in that and i bless you and i pray with the rest of these that the measure of glory would increase that moses would no longer be considered the high water mark with a glory shown from his face but instead the revelation of the goodness of god would change the face of the church and that he would use your voice he would use your grace your anointing to alter the face of the church before this world that the goodness of the lord would be seen once again i pray this over you in jesus name so it's bill johnson praying for uh crazy man and blasphemer todd bentley he says that he welcomes the glory better than any person he knows i don't know what that means i don't suspect bill johnson even knows what that means if by welcomes the glory he means he welcomes blasphemy and um and heresy then certainly he welcomes it but bill johnson longs to learn from him bill johnson sees todd bentley as something to aspire to well let's continue as i mentioned before todd bentley divorced his wife having had an affair with his secretary abandoned his wife and children which again if he had never done the man is a certifiable heretic and a false teacher never mind his moral background but generally speaking you'll find these two things tend to go hand in hand um he's a deviant in every possible way if he's a spiritual deviant why should he have any uh convictions about other moral areas so after all of that happens somebody writes to bill johnson who's a known friend and uh somebody that longs to learn from todd bentley and they ask him what people i tell you the truth people abandoned todd he was going through a real difficult thing a year and a half ago many of him a real difficult thing by that he means adultery and the abandonment of his family it looks it sounds like his family was going through a difficult thing abandoned him they're back on his wagon now and he's graciously welcomed him all back it's really easy to jump ship when somebody's facing some tough stuff tough stuff that's not the time to jump that's the time to get on board wave a flag and say don't shoot there shoot over here it's the truth back to my email it's a long email how in god's name can you endorse todd bentley [Laughter] good question that was it okay we'll fast forward to his response there's not a question but to respond to your statement how in god's name can you endorse todd bentley it's easy i do it in god's name amen that's how bill johnson endorses todd bentley easy he does it in god's name what's what's a particular note here is that it would be bad enough if bill johnson were simply making allowances for the moral deviancy and the abandonment of his family but what's more interesting is that it is taken for granted that the theology and general practice of todd bentley is okay why well because bill johnson is the same nature as todd bentley they're both blaspheming heretics of the highest caliber and members of what is commonly referred to as the new apostolic reformation you heard them say we're all distinguished apostles here so it's taken for granted in the mind of bill johnson and his uh followers that the the theology and general practice of todd bentley is fine unfortunately he abandoned his family but there's no question about his theology none whatsoever so he defends todd in god's name right now why doesn't he question todd bentley's theology well because bill johnson is as crazy as todd bentley let's listen hey what's going on everyone it's sam evans here and right now i'm at my offices here for my company and we in in this journey we've had the lord show up and do a number of amazing things would be about 15 or maybe 14 years ago somewhere in that area 14 years ago probably the feathers started disappearing and falling in meetings and then they started falling in our homes and in restaurants and things like that just unusual things so you know there are signs that make you wonder they're wind that will gust of wind that i'll get hit with and i mean not imaginary things you know and uh we've had gold dust appear in people's hands for years we i don't ever talk about it but frequently during worship we actually had it today ben and i both saw gold will start falling during worship this time i think it started falling during our prayer time and we'll just see just drop like rain and uh and i mean we just you can't invite god into the house and not have something outside of your box happen glory cloud just came and just started hovering somewhere over the platform i'm not sure where that one was but there's this cloud it was called it's hard to explain it looks like smoke looks like dust and when you get close it's like gold but it happened at such a key moment there's no way to question that it was the lord uh he a glory cloud appeared he's not sure where it was but it happened at such a key moment that there's no way to question whether it was a lord feathers just appear in our homes and they started appearing and he just says matter-of-factly just feathers appearing and gold dust frequently falls from the ceiling and um this is con artistry 101 it's insane it's absolutely insane uh and without a uh shred of a biblical precedent in the context in which he's talking about it right they'll generally try to harken back to uh you know the shekinah in the old testament um and uh to justify their glory clouds and things it's hard to describe it's like smoke but it's kind of like gold and i don't know where it was you don't know where the glory cloud was bill really um so that's why bill johnson can rally behind todd bentley because he and todd bentley are one and the same they're both lying con artists and blasphemers they're signs and wonders this is experiential theology to the exclusion of the written word of god very frequently you'll hear these men talk about god gave me a word it's always about the word that god gave them it's always about a word other than the written word um and again even by charismatic standards this is lunacy this is as as people have said in the past charismania it's crazy absolutely crazy okay that's bill johnson right bill johnson todd bentley one in the same two heretics and a pod um this is bill johnson and mike bickel okay so you got the founder of bethel church in reading bill johnson with mike bickel who's the founder of ihop the international house of prayer in kansas city who was part of a group called the kansas city prophets back in the 80s and 90s we'll get into that in just a second but just to establish mike bickle and bill johnson are two two birds of a falling feather wait a second bill welcome bill bill bill johnson i love this guy so much he's been one of my truly greatest encouragements as a fellow leader in the body of christ but last night when those kids were doing that thing you said something that i so resonated with you had that gift deep inside you i have that same gift deep in you so you know i don't want to embarrass you but i want to challenge you to this to let's see who can outdo those kids we got three seconds okay let's see no i won i won that one i'm sorry bill [Applause] we appreciate being here i love bill johnson because he's a man with an authentic an authentic walk with god when nobody's looking and he's a man of courage nothing more authentic than telling people that glory clouds are appearing in places that you don't know or that angel feathers or whatever kind of feathers are falling in your home and nothing more authentic than that is there mr bickle uh which is uh hardly shocking uh mike bickel was part of a group called the kansas city prophets um back in the early 80s into the 90s um men like bob jones and paul kane rick joyner mike bickle these these men were all part of this group and it became more uh more apparently problematic as the years progressed but even back then uh they garnered some attention and not in a good way uh as as early as 1990 a guy named ernest gruen who was a a very famous and influential charismatic preacher wrote a 233-page article or treatment on mike bickel uh the title and i'm paraphrasing here is um the documentation of the aberrant practices and teachings of the kansas city fellowship something like that which is the name of the church that mike bickle was originally a part of before it was called ihop it was the kansas city fellowship so ernest gruen a very influential charismatic preacher a man that believes in continuationism the perpetuation of the spiritual gifts um said that what these guys were doing is crazy and um there was later some controversy about the article that he wrote um him and his staff for the i guess more than an article 233 pages uh but there were a few inaccuracies that these guys objected to but suffice it to say 90 of it was a valid critique other people other charismatics such as derek prince derek prince called uh what mike bickle was promoting uh at that time absurd and uh absurd and blasphemous and he was he said he was convinced that what they were promoting uh was influenced by the occult now derek prince had his own uh controversies it was something called the shepherding controversy we don't have time to get into um all this to say even prominent charismatics at the time were saying there's something wrong with this guy right so this isn't new this isn't new now it's become more apparent uh with the advent of technology and the easy transfer of information um information wasn't so easy to access obviously at that time so as time goes more people are exposed to the broader fuller spectrum of what these guys were into of course bob jones was a certified pervert who was uh telling women to take their clothes off for prophecies and things like that but this was the guy that prophesied over mike bickle and told him to get into ministry effectively um so that's just a brief history of where this guy comes from right um and and the trajectory that he's been on for quite some time um let's continue uh this is a couple years ago uh 2015 at the one thing conference this is their ihop uh conference and mike bickel here talking about the catholic ecumenical track they have they have mass celebrations when they do these conferences hello my name is mike bickle i'm the director of the international house of prayer and i'm right here with keith major and keith you're hosting and sponsoring our catholic ecumenical track at one thing the young adult conference we're expecting thousands of young people from all around so tell us what's on your heart because we're so excited to have you here what an honor and what a blessing that you guys are doing this together and coming to join with us in this building well i learned so much from you the six and a half years i was on staff and i just want to share this experience with my catholic friends so i like to thank you for even hosting letting us come in to your conference and and and learn from you because we have so much to learn from what you're doing with the prayer room and we have so much to learn from all over the body of christ catholics charismatics non-charismatics denominations anyone who loves jesus that's why we're hosting an ecumenical track or that's why actually you're the one leading it and i so appreciate you doing that because if you love jesus and the word of god man we're going on the same direction together before the lord and so we love that thank you so please come tell your friends tell your whoever you can you know that's interested in this we're gonna have a great time in the lord yeah jesus is lord amen jesus is lord uh now if you'll recall paul writing to the corinthians talked about another jesus another gospel that they would bear beautifully another spirit all right simply invoking the name jesus does not make one orthodox the muslims do as much the muslims talk about jesus the mormons talk about jesus the jehovah's witnesses talk about jesus what jesus are you talking about when you use the same name and ascribe wildly different attributes to that jesus you're talking about a different jesus the theology of catholicism is incompatible gosh even with the aberrant theology of mike bickle's crazy mind never mind orthodox christianity but out of his own mouth this is an ecumenical man we're all one let's hold hands and sing kumbaya that this is the spirit of antichrist it is unholy unity with anything that professes the name jesus despite whatever attributes whatever character characteristics they may attribute to that jesus as long as you can say the name jesus that's good enough so this guy was on staff for six and a half years he's now apparently a catholic and at the very least representing and embracing this catholic track at their one thing conference come one come all we need to set aside our differences and unite right a an unholy false gospel preached from the um synagogue of satan that is the roman catholic church uh says that um you're not saved by faith in christ alone you're saved by sacraments seven sacraments you're saved by the umbrella of the catholic church itself etc etc it is another gospel paul said let them be accursed that preach it not mike bickle mike bickle says we're all part of the same body of christ should you pray for catholics absolutely if you want them to get saved you don't make them comfortable in in their sin but i don't expect much from mike bickel mike bickle thinks that you know bill johnson is somebody he loves he's a man of tremendous courage and one of his great mentors in the faith so there's mike bickel ecumenical catholic supporting mike bickel here is his some footage from his church ihop the international house of prayer so you can see what can only be described as demonic influences some sort of spirit it's either some show a cringe-worthy show or there is a spirit other than the holy spirit inhabiting these people and causing them to convulse a lot of people people will liken this to a kundalini yoga where you'll see a lot of similarities but just to give you an idea of the sorts of things that mike bickle that happen in mike bickle's world here you go is that i've been delivered from a sight i had since i was five years old ten five five years old okay now it's five okay and it's a demonic sight there's many people out there that have it and i promise you it is not a gift from the father if it scares you and that there is victory in his love and that you see those weird convulsions it's not a gift from the father if it scares you well quite frankly i'm kind of scared by that so maybe there was some truth in that that's crazy this is crazy lack of control these convulsings um again it's either a cringe-worthy performance or there's something happening here that cannot and should not be attributed to the holy spirit this is at best a spirit of error this is his spirit is god and he takes his glasses off and he looks at me like i feel like i just woke [Applause] up and then they put their hand on my stomach and i felt like someone punched me in the stomach as hard as they could and then and they start proclaiming the beauty of jesus over me this favorite this is crazy and this is all geared toward the youth the one thing conference is a youth conference i mean time would fail us to to go through the reams of um of grievances listed from parents whose children have left home and run away to join the ihop cult which is the the best way i could describe this but there's mike bickle standing right behind overseeing this weird um manifestations or whatever it is whatever this is is unbiblical whatever this is is ungodly whatever this is is not found in the word of god um this is a whole lot of gobbledygook at best but that's what happens in the realm of mike bickel this is who mike bickle is mike bickel bill johnson todd bentley they are all one and the same part of the false new apostolic reformation lying signs and wonders and what can only be described as very likely demonic manifestations of some type lack of self-control um consistent with the toronto blessing and the brownsville of brownsville and pensacola revivals and lakeland all of this is the same um you know people barking like dogs rolling around convulsing it's the same stuff okay let's get back to mike bickel and his friend uh lou angle lou angle a man who founded an organization called the call here they are we want to give real defining statements about the hour we're living in i mean we're living in crisis right now i mean we just did the calling mike you can feel it i mean the election is just a part of it what's going on in california uh the the rage we are in such pressuring days for a generation to just go light kind of be politically correct don't don't anybody rock the boat an elijah prophetic movement is coming that will stand in the face of compromise and say this is not where we're going and this is the kind of messenger we're seeking to call for yeah because god's raising up messengers i mean it's good all right mike bickle and lou angle are friends and um everything is about the prophetic everything is about experience and feeling and all of that it's it's never about the word of god it's always about the the word that was given to me outside of the word of god so mike and lou are friends they have been for years they are all part of the new apostolic reformation okay let's go back to uh bill johnson here's bill johnson and lou engel side by side with their other friend and mentor benny hinn benny hinn kind of the um you know kind of the blueprint for crazy charismania hitting people with his jacket and so forth right yeah here they are just loving on each other i talked to todd today he just adopted a child a baby now he's talking about todd white todd white is another nar recruit todd white with the dreadlocks todd white cites kenneth copeland as one of his greatest mentors todd white is nothing short of a heretical false teacher came out of a heroin parents or whatever it was and immediately i thought todd i see hundreds and hundreds of thousands of babies being adopted because of your story because a dream is like a seed and you stick with that dream long enough it becomes a tree and you influence the world i'll maybe tell a little bit about that story but this is in many ways the call was born out of a dream i had with benny in 90. out of in many ways a dream that he had with benny hann i'm not sure why sure why these ads are coming up all of a sudden but he had a dream about benny hinn there's benny bill and lou just love him he's starting to rock that's what he does he rocks when he starts to feel the prophetic urging through him dreams dream so anyway uh benny hinn bill johnson lou angle uh chumming it up together their friends their colleagues um they're all of the same false spirit okay bill johnson lou angle mike bickel todd bentley they're all part of the same network all part of the same organization uh even now lou angle has a beard now so he looks older but this is uh this is just very recently here he is uh promoting todd bentley's new revival this is not the 90s this is 2018. hello lou engel here and i'm excited to tell you about what's going on in western new york with todd bentley revival harvest america todd is saying the same things that i am saying and multitudes across the nation it is the hour for jesus the ma the evangelist to be manifested a thousand evangelists are gathering there to uh western new york thousands are registered all right he's still friends with todd bentley the crazy man who kicks old ladies in the face with his biker boot that's lou angle today that was lou angle in the 90s that's lou angle today okay here's lou angle two years ago at an organ an event called together 2016. it was also known by uh another title phil the mall um this man here nick hall um author of a book a thing called the pulse and i don't know some sort of organization called the pulse um he got this whole event together uh which is an ecumenic ecumenical event it says together on his t-shirt him and pope francis held up the t-shirt together pope francis gave the opening address via satellite or pre-recorded message at this very event the whole idea is to unite catholics and protestants to unite everyone anyone if you say the name of jesus that's good enough let's not bother with all that theology stuff let's not bother with all that doctrine let's unite despite doctrine the very thing the bible says not to do you cannot unite truth with error second corinthians 6 14 says not to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers make no mistake about it unbelievers does not merely refer to atheists or or general god haters it refers to anybody who's not a christian which would include aberrant uh but stated forms of christianity such as mormonism such as catholicism such as jehovah's witnesses these are not believers they are unbelievers what fellowship has the temple of god and the temple of idols scarcely is there a more idolatrous uh organization than the roman catholic church who calls their leader holy father blasphemy from start to finish but here's the ecumenism at together 2016. and we want to talk about unity right now and how god calls us as a family i'm going to bring up my friend here bishop robert talk to me i know your heart is that people would come together talk to me about unity and why that's important to you look around right here everybody look beside you we're a diverse group we're black we're white we're hispanic we're indian we come from nations all over the world look some of us have hats some of us brought umbrellas some some of us are wearing comfortable t-shirts some of us aren't a little humor but our diversity does not need to bring disunity see the apostle paul said if you believe in your heart that jesus christ is lord and you confess with your mouth that god raised him from the dead you will be saved but the catholic church says if you don't abide by the seven sacraments as listed in the catholic catechism you will not be saved and if you're not under the umbrella of the holy catholic church you will not be saved so it sounds like we have two mutually exclusive gospels bishop this man is a liar he's a deceiver um which is uh which is evident by his catholic affiliation um so he goes on to petition everyone to be unified okay that's what this is all about unity unity so here's the deal i'm going to write up blue angle lou you're a prayer warrior there's no angle you're a prayer warrior man when you pray like you do this bobbing thing that freaks some of us out yes but you love jesus man tell us your heart for unity and prayer and why that and why now is the time you know it's so clear in the scriptures from joel chapter 2 that in the time of crisis how many of you know america is in a time of crisis god's remedy is blow the trumpet in zion call it fast gather the elders gather the children he said you've got to be willing to drop denominational gender barriers race barriers you must be willing to gather to me to call upon me with fasting and prayer 20 years ago okay and as the note there uh says in this particular video joel chapter 2 doesn't say that at all and it doesn't you must be willing to drop gender barriers and race barriers but these are this is irrelevant um these are arguments that are not being made see this is how they slip them in you equate uh doctrine with something like race you say hey listen you know we're not supposed to divide over a race and gender right yes okay well then we should all accept each other that's not the objection the objection is the false gospel being preached the objection is the lack of truth being proclaimed the error the lies and deception being proclaimed i don't care if it's if it's a man or a woman or if they're purple or pink those things are irrelevant but they slip them in they reformulate the argument and uh they they're false analogies well we shouldn't divide over race therefore you know what's the problem with catholicism well it's not a race first of all this is elementary let's continue to uh their next set of guests these are two of the vaticans uh ecumenical delegation bruno mateo come on up here guys man again we're a family we're coming together share you guys as hard it's been awesome getting to know you you've been working to bring people across lines to forge conversations share your heart on unity and why this is important today well we just recently nick you i and a bunch of pastors from america went to go and visit pope francis and we had an amazing time this is mateo khaleesi from italy and uh he worked with the vatican for almost with three successive popes and he's here to just share his heart for unity with you we're so grateful to the lord to be together here to worship notice how excited lou angle is in the background pumping his fists for joy in unity what you're listening to is nothing short of the spirit of antichrist these two men are liars and whether they know it or not are being influenced uh by demonic activity that's what this is false unity is precisely what the devil is after uniting truth with error one in christ jesus [Music] just celebrating the victory back there when we announced the name of jesus he is the one lord and savior we are attracted with minneapolis ferguson the pain of dallas would you lift your voice in one accord lift your hands and let's pray the prayer of jesus i pray that they may be one lift your voices all across this place father we pray right now that god we pray the prayer that jesus prayed this is not the prayer that jesus prayed jesus's prayer had a very important assumption in it that the people that were to be one were of the same mind and of the same accord and of importantly the same theology which goes hand in hand what they're doing is is is um uh falsely labeling catholics or anybody else as christian right the the term christian is becoming broader and wider as we speak there's no more narrow road there's no more difficult path it's broad it's wide and it leads to destruction this is a broad way that they are creating and they want people to be united with as much error as possible this is precisely the business of the antichrist uh that's 2016. all right same year different conference same exact people here's an event that lou angle and his team sponsored called the azusa now conference um and i believe this was about a month before the last one but it's even worse and mike bickle was in attendance here symbolic kiss your feet as catholics and just honor you with this gesture right now things are getting weird [Music] raise up catholics all over the world one billion souls of catholics to come into the kingdom of god the hour is coming the chains are broken the loosing of the lord upon every single catholic in the world that they would receive the baptism of the holy spirit a revival who's just come i want to my brothers and sisters i want you to come here come on the elders just come i want to join this thing this is holy sh this is holy stuff now lou angle bows down and kissed the feet of the catholic priest jesus [Applause] [Music] you are witnessing the antichrist agenda unfold before your eyes now again this was two years ago it's only getting worse and you'll see what all of this has to do with francis chan very shortly continue you're preparing a great revival no the antichrist is preparing the great deception this has nothing to do with the lord nothing to do with truth nothing to do with the holy spirit you're seeing a spirit of error millennial in the event of this great call equal okay who's that in the green shirt there's mike bickle lou engel's longtime friend and ecumenical liar as well mike bickel you're gonna do it again do it again [Music] all right they all continue to pray and grovel at each other's feet it's a disgusting display of um error and emotionalism but there's mike bickel and lou engel the two uh big leaders in this whole uh event together with the local diocese there and the same two vatican ecumenical delegates that were at the together 2016 conference so that's lou angle now let us return to francis chan francis chan this is just a couple years ago and and as i was worshiping over there that's the first time i think it's the first time i've met lou engel i don't know if i've met you before lou i know your name and everything else but i don't know it just um as i was praying god was just revealing my arrogance in the past that i have never publicly confessed and repented of i i used to look at anyone who was charismatic anyone who believed that they had the gift of tongues or prophecy or healing i i didn't just disagree i taught against it but i didn't just teach against it i i made fun of it so he goes on to repent using angle as a springboard of his one-time um denunciation of i guess all things charismatic and likely uh certainly the extreme forms of it and now he's repenting mark driscoll did a similar thing after he um fell for reasons of bullying and plagiarism and so forth and mars hill church crumbled he lost his platform he wanted to be welcomed back to a hillsong conference which there were many protests the protests were around the charge of misogyny more than anything else there was a lot of offended women and so brian houston instead did an interview with mark driscoll in which mark driscoll apologized for ever critiquing joel osteen the one thing mark driscoll never needed to apologize for is the only thing he repented of he repented of the good thing that he did he had a thousand other things to repent of but what he got right was joel osteen's a false teacher that's what he repented of and that's what you're seeing with francis chan effectively giving a soft apology to lou angle here and so it begins 2013 francis chan is invited to mike bickel's church this is five years ago right almost six years ago um the one thing conference in 2013. this caused quite a ruckus but here's how it all began this is the first time i've ever been to an ihop event yeah and which is it's kind of crazy to me because i didn't know that much and you know so i kind of went on the internet and started looking things up and i go man there's a lot of great things going on here and today was the first time i ever met mike bickle and i love that guy i do i mean you know when mike knows we've talked about this you know for the record francis chan was at that same 2016 uh together fill them all event with nicole and the vatican delegates and so forth francis chan was there as well there's people that told me not to hang out with him like you know you know words like creepy come up and and and yet i get to know this guy and i'm going man i love his heart and i just want to publicly say i love mike bickle you know he loves mike bickle mike bickle's a false teacher an ecumenical liar um supporter of todd bentley and bill johnson and and the whole um blasphemous crew and that's what francis chan loves because he got to know his heart somehow first day he met him he said well some people said boy maybe this was just a lapse in judgment i'm not sure why he did it but we can't write off francis chan completely i mean maybe he just doesn't know who mike pickle is and he needs despite the people that warned him they said please don't please don't go and so a lot of people still tried to defend francis and say nah he just he just didn't know what he was getting into and he spoke hastily okay fast forward two years 2015 francis chan is back at ihop here you go i spoke here a couple years ago and i i shared with you how i got so much flack from so many people saying why would you go there um they are creepy uh they are this they are that and just all these essays and i read through almost all of them just going i don't know i don't know if i i agree with you on this and so i've been encouraged by many people okay if you go back this time would you please not publicly affirm them i just gotta say man i still love mike pickle i i do i still loves him you read everything all the warnings you read them comments like you know i know mike loves jesus i know he's got the spirit of god but and i'm like wait what do you mean but well whoever wrote that comment was misinformed from the beginning right a man uh who endorses the things that mike bickle endorses and does and says the crazy things that mike bickle says and has weird convulsing spirits permeating his whole organization um cannot love the truth cannot love jesus nor does the spirit of truth dwell in him this is a veritable spirit spirit of error then then he's a part of the body and and the eye cannot say to the hand i have no need of you the head can't say to the feet i have no need of you but but to look at him and say no he's indispensable i need him like i can't say to a part of the body i don't need you man i see in matt i see an audrey this love he's talking about matt mar who was a professed and open catholic for jesus the spirit of god and i see that in them a stance for righteousness what's right according to god's word i i love you you know mike's stand on the word of god saying no that's what the bible says and so i i don't know i know we have some differences i get that and i and i will tell you i don't know how to work through some of the differences i'm not even sure what they all are but he doesn't really care he's not sure i don't even know i'm sure we have some differences but what i do know is that i can't say i have no need of you but instead i know i'm so much stronger when i'm united with them i'm stronger when you're united with heresy it's great having you guys on the stage right now seriously i know i'm kind of talking about you behind your back but seriously i i love you guys i love you mike i want to look in the eyes and say i love you i need you i want to do this thing together telling mike bickle i love you i need you i want to do this thing together ah matt thank you so much i love you so much i just see the spirit of god in you he sees the spirit of god and matt mar the open and professed catholic audrey i think that's audrey assad anyway he loves mike bickle he wants to do this thing with him their friends their partners that was 2015. all right let's continue with december 2018 just about a month ago francis chan is back at one thing yet again oh francis you've been a friend to us and your you know i i wrote a letter about why we're we're in a reset we're going to talk about that a little bit in a minute and how the lord's telling us to do things different not do this anymore and francis sent me an email and we have i just love this man you know you got up here and said i love mike bickle a couple years ago i love francis chad i wanted to say that back and we've had some good times to connect over the years and and he wrote back he goes hey this is a family affair i want to come i can't get there until late december 28th but i want to come and be for the whole thing just why why did you respond that way i mean i know why but well look anyone that's going to be leading people into the presence of god 24 7 for 20 years i just want to be around and then when the lord speaks to mike and tells him about things there's a trust i have in mike um because of his walk for the lord because of his reverence for the word of god i i i trust this man as we fellowship i go he knows the lord and so when i when i see that the lord is giving him a message and saying things are going to change like something is happening right now it's the same things that are stirring in my spirit like we can't go on as is so when i saw those videos of you talking about that i'm everything inside it's almost like uh i don't how can i say it but it's it's almost like that that mary and elizabeth i love it you know like something is leaping inside where you're going that's the same thing that i'm experiencing that's the same thing the mary and elizabeth thing like when john the baptist leapt in the belly of of elizabeth because he was excited that jesus was near that's how he feels when he's in the presence of mike bickle you can't make this stuff up then i think we can't just keep going on doing things the way they're they're going yeah the world is changing too much and so i just want to come to participate and just hear and see because gosh honestly i really wanted to come and hear what has the lord been saying to you what has he been shown you in the word um because we i honestly wasn't coming to speak yeah he says i'm just coming to participate but we want you up here with us no because we're a kindred spirit i i believe and you're one of the old guys you're fifteen i know i'm here mike bickle says you're a kindred spirit francis chan says i believe that these guys are not just friends this wasn't a lapse in judgment francis chan is a part of this he said i love you mike bickle a few years ago i want to do this thing together he's back he's looking forward anybody who's leading people into the presence of god he wants to be there for it francis chan is a part of this whole movement he's excited decidedly so i'm a great but i've been teaching here oh they love each other so they just go on to love each other this thing was probably 10 sessions long average of almost three hours per session there's about 30 hours worth of the one thing conference available online here's just one snippet of francis at session six here you go even when i didn't do this just saying when you guys were talking i'm back there on my knees going god your spirit speak through mike say something like i i could just sit here for 20 minutes and have you mike just stand here with the microphone and wait and if you have one sentence for us from the spirit ah i could just rest in that and bask in that and and i and so some of the different this is weird you could just rest in that and bask in that the bible says you shall not live by bread alone jesus said this but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of god where is that word to be found you don't have to wait for it it's written it's written in fact that was what jesus said when satan tempted him do this do this turn these command these stones to become bread cast yourself off of the pinnacle of the temple it's written he'll give his angels charge over you and bear you up lest you dash your foot against a stone yes it is written again you shall not tempt the lord your god it is written jesus constantly said have you not read have you not read did you not know right every time they tried to trap him did you not know that david ate the show bread didn't you read that haven't you read this all of these quotes why do we have all 66 of these books in the bible because god has given us his word but they to the exclusion of the written word want to sit and wait for god to speak no wonder francis chan was a part of the lectio divina uh episode that took place at passion 2013 i believe it was with louis giglio the pope kisser beth moore lecrae um who else was up there john piper shocker and francis chan all of them waiting for god to speak his word to them again even pentecostals would find this to be outside of what traditional classical pentecostalism looks like continuationists look at this and say this is not biblical this is not an accurate representation of what we find in the bible you don't this is not what biblical prophecy looks like right but when you hear ridiculous comments from people like john mcarthur and that the whole strange fire panels condemning and trying to equate everyone uh who who is of a charismatic persuasion as somehow in the ihop realm it's absurd even derek prince categorized this as absurd and blasphemous and inspired by the occult so no not all charismatics agree with this sort of stuff but anyway francis chan could just bask in in the word that mike bickle gets and who else is there none other than mike pickles long time friend lou engel of course he's there anything you can't hardly be casual about you do anything you want honestly do anything you want lou um when i hear francis today and is spending hours in silence i don't know if i've ever spent two minutes in silence i think i just talked to god my whole life okay it's so so people think well lewis such such a deep guy and incredible well i got my i'm sure i'm incredible anyway francis lou and mike are all friends and partners at the one thing conference just in december of 2018. francis chan is certainly a member of this outfit he's a partner with them here he is praying over them no in the name of jesus christ i cast out any demonic thought any evil power over them lord nothing nothing nothing just light light light all over them they need light light light all over them all right um francis chan loves false teachers because he himself has become one hence the title of apostate someone who once seemed to know the truth was walking in it used to warn against such things and has now done a 180 not only come to tolerate it but actually embrace it and promote it he's fallen away and crucifies the lord jesus christ afresh with aberrant false doctrine not a big shocker here's francis chan defending guys like rick warren the ecumenical uh premier acumenist and mike bickel and equating um because we're the temple of god and he says that god will destroy those who harm his temple therefore if you speak a foul word or critique rick warren or mike bickle god might kill you let's listen to francis chan defend heresy to the utmost instead if you love the person you're like dude put that down don't let those words come out of your mouth look at what god says and don't let satan get in your head going did god really say did god really say he would destroy you and i mean is that really his temple read it i'm a part of the temple of god man let's be careful yeah well rick warren is a part of the temple of falsehood so let's not impugn the name of god in the process by equating him as somehow part of the temple of god he's a temple of heresy and subsequently so is francis chan with our words man i hear people criticize leaders around our nation and i haven't been quick to confront it but now it's like i'm getting serious like are you crazy are you gonna bash rick warren this is a guy that loves the lord this is a guy that loves um muslims this is a guy that loves and now we're we're talking about love and jesus said love your enemies that's what we're talking about we're talking about about a guy who loves to the extent that he promotes them their theology rick warren says that you should partner with all people of all faiths uh rick warren says if you love pope francis you'll love jesus this is a guy who loves falsehood this is a guy who is driven whether he knows it or not by the spirit of antichrist and francis chan is so deluded at this point that that's now what he has become an apologist for an apologist for the spirit of antichrist you may not agree with everything he does but man i'm telling you he loves jesus everything i can tell a supernaturally spirit-filled man supernaturally spirit-filled man says if you love pope francis you'll love jesus attack mark driscoll you mean the mark driscoll that's a proven plagiarist the one that apologized for critiquing joel osteen are you intact john piper the promoter of rick warren the uh lectio divina practicing um lover of uh and by lover i mean you know friend and acquaintance of beth moore are you intact mike bickle oh the ecumenical false spirit promoting mike bickel the lying blasphemous mike bickle are you intact some of these expressions in the body of christ that may look a little i'm just saying are you going to tell me that heresy is an expression in the body body of christ that falsehood is an expression in the body of christ that blasphemy is just an expression in the body of christ is that what you're telling me francis dude put that down yeah dude put that down put down your um apology for heresy i've met these people and i see their hearts and that's why you're without excuse because you've met them and you see their heart through the lens of what your own desperately wicked heart not through the lens of scripture obviously and i hang out with you from these different denominations i'm like man they love jesus it looks different from me but i can see the spirit in them so you we better be careful he can see the spirit in them and and i'm reading this and i'm thinking god how come more people aren't dead seriously i seriously prayed that go god i don't get it you should have struck me dead and here's what i heard from the lord they haven't been warned the church hasn't warned people we listen to gossip we listen to people talk about leadership that's a false definition of gossip when you are exposing error for what it is that's a command of ephesians 5 11 have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them expose them by francis chan's shoddy definition of gossip all error is permissible nothing should ever be talked about and paul should be rebuked for writing galatians chapter 2 because boy he rebuked peter and barnabas there in antioch and then what did he do he wrote to another church in galatia to warn them about it sounds like a gossip doesn't it francis chan has unwittingly rebuked the holy spirit himself well done francis what are you gonna do with jesus's uh rebuke to the seven churches huh what are you gonna do with those uh hey repent before i remove your lampstand is that gossip what do you do with hymenaeus and alexander and and and philetus and hermogenes and phygellus and diotrophies what do you do with them was that just gossip holy spirit inspired gossip francis chan no you're a liar that's the problem this is a misdefinition of gossip the same ignorant people will pull out terms like accuser of the brethren stay tuned i'm doing a whole video about what that means and what it does not because sensitive and biblically ignorant people say oh you're just an accuser of the brethren you're being divisive what did jesus say think not i came to bring peace but a sword you don't get to misapply the term divisive if you're dividing from truth it's a problem ironically the divisive man the heretic is this man and anyone who promotes him when you divide from error you're doing exactly what god has commanded have no fellowship with it divide from it first corinthians 5 11 says the same thing purge out the old leaven get rid of it don't have fellowship with darkness you expose it but they redefine things right ever the the deconstructionist heart these guys are like the progressive left in politics they redefine words yeah give them new meanings and now you have to wade through a sea of semantics and we don't warn them we just kind of think that we're being loving by listening and everyone comes as the victim and so we're just thinking oh i'm just being compassionate no you're being disobedient we need to warn warn the divisive person warn them again and the bible says have nothing to do with them it's like if you're going to keep striking the temple then i just need to get away from you because if you're going to keep calling things the temple that aren't the temple i think we need to get away from you francis you're going to call heresy you're going to call the temple of idols a temple of god you're going to call the false teacher mike bickle part of the temple of god and rick warren the temple of god just another expression in the body of christ nothing's off limits let's continue so we say well i know we warned him a bunch of times but this isn't like every other sin god doesn't say this about adultery god doesn't say this about homosexuality god doesn't say this about swearing drinking drugs but he says look with division i don't play around you gotta define division rightly if you divide from error you're doing your duty as a christian if you unite with error you are um you are uniting with that which god has commanded you not to you're being disobedient as a christian and if you persist in it and defend it you will eventually become an apostate like francis chan so they use the terms division and unity in a backwards way this is newspeak this is this is an orwellian nightwear nightmare come to life up is down down is good i mean down is up i mean pick a pick a direction the words don't have meanings anymore you're being divisive yeah yeah when it comes to error you're right i'm dividing from it right doesn't god command you to divide from your sins right to separate from your sins is that divisive too right they're using something that's supposed to be good in a negative context they switch the connotation this is one of the many whiles of the devil you warn a divisive person once you warn him again that have nothing to do with him that pertains precisely to francis chan and anyone who would promote a man who divides from truth a man who divides from the word of god right when error is pointed out they call it divisive no when somebody's being needlessly divisive or being schismatic on the on the basis of a false doctrine that's divisive which ironically pertains precisely to francis chan and mike bickel and lou engle and bill johnson and all of his nar cohorts because it's going to be the unity of the church that's going to get the world to believe this is the spirit of antichrist the unity of the church that is going to get the world to believe but francis chan calls something the church that is not the church therein lies the problem let's proceed here's francis chan promoting something called the send they're doing these pre-rallies um all over the nation now this was filmed january or posted january 17th of this year 2019 and here's what he has to say about the send lou angle stopped or discontinued his outfit or organization called the call and started a new one called the send it's a new movement birthed by the heretical mind of lou angle the ecumenical mind of lou angle with with his his new uh promoter francis chan [Applause] this is why the send was birthed it was time for something new we couldn't do another call okay we're on time for that we've got to get to these last people groups we've got to get out because we want to be found serving when he returns it really could be any time seriously and so let's just make clear the send is not a gathering where people passively come and people bring their friend understand this is not a christian rally where i feel dry i feel dead i'll go to the send oh man they've got a bunch of speakers there and man i hope they fill me up that's not what this is about there's actually a gathering of people who've been in the presence of god note that the send is a gathering of people who have been in the presence of god says francis chan and have said i'm ready to die to myself and spend the rest of my life going wherever he calls me to go and i'm going to this place with like-minded people and we are like-minded people who've been in the presence of god and we it's all about the unity i'm gonna beg god would you send us would you send us would you change the trajectory of our lives we're all asking for that we don't want to try to save our lives anymore what are we going to save we're ready to lose our lives sounds good doesn't it suicide bombers say as much right zeal is is not synonymous with truth you can be zealous as paul was as a pharisee for the wrong thing it's precisely what you're seeing here you've seen zeal for error please god would you send us out that's what this is about and i'm praying for this i'm believing for this we want to see it happen okay so he gets nice and quiet for a while so what's he talking about what is this send well let's hear from the heretical mind of lou angle what the send is what's it all about [Laughter] in 2011 a major revelatory shift took place into my living room walk these why wham wild men and they begin to prophesy this come why wham youth with a mission coming a shift to the call and it will not just be fasting and prayer but the proclamation of the gospel signs and wonders and stadiums will be filled and billy graham's mantle's coming on the nation and then they said the call is going to lead to the sin and it struck me maybe the call is a forerunner for a new jesus new jesus movement it put me in shock and i knew it had a time period to look to the place and time when billy graham would die at that moment a massive shift coming and it will not just be jumped about this it will be jesus the evangelist is gonna fill stadiums in america [Music] from that moment on a dream exploded in my spirit that if i saw stadiums filled with young people fasting and praying why wouldn't i believe that i would see stadiums filled with massive evangelism signs and wonders and miracles and hundreds of thousands of people being saved in america if i saw the first fulfillment why couldn't i believe for the second floor we believe this day something will transfer and bring us into i believe worldwide transition into the greatest jesus movement we've ever seen worldwide transition into the greatest jesus movement we've ever seen says lou angle the mantle of billy graham is being passed on and we're gonna see signs and wonders and miracles and there's a transition happening i have no doubt there's a transition happening you're seeing the bride of the antichrist being prepared while the remnant is being extracted from this mess this apostate mess so this is one of many expressions in a body that calls itself the body of christ when in fact it's part of a synagogue of satan that's what you're witnessing with lou angle and uh the call right all right sorry the send now the send so here's francis chan promoting when i think about the send i think about jesus when he sent out his disciples and and i was thinking about how like if jesus had a conference how would he promote it seriously would he say we're going to have this speaker this band it's going to be no when he gathered people to send them out it was a very sobering thing there's nothing sobering about seeing people convulse and bow down and kiss the feet of priests and look when you go out there it's gonna be like sheep amongst wolves okay be ready for this people will persecute you this this gathering we're having is not this hey come we're gonna have a blast it's one of those times where we're saying you know what will you come and die will you come and say you know what i'm done if you go to that you'll probably come and die spiritually in not a good way spiritual blindness will come upon you if you start embracing this nonsense trying to figure out some dream for my life that's gonna be so perfect here on earth we're saying will you sacrifice the time here and say you know what i want to be sent out show me where to go this is about action we're not trying to lure you in by making this a fun rah-rah event sounds good doesn't it doesn't it sound good hey this is about coming to die right what sounds that's what the bible says you know deny yourself die to yourself the bible does say that but what they mean by this is something quite different than what the bible means by this as has been evidenced by their ecumenical desire their desire to unite people of all different brands of christianity come one come all we will all unite ourselves in error and folly and do it zealously so that we can somehow justify what we're doing as long as we do it with tenacity and zeal somehow it's justified no we're saying you know what this is serious and it means serious sacrifice it is serious okay so who who's gonna be at this end what is the send all about well here's the flyer for the send taking action together francis chan bill johnson hillsong young and free lou angle todd white mike bickel and others heidi baker right some some notable uh names from the extreme uh heretical nar movement heidi baker banning leibosher the head of the jesus culture all right this is the the leader of the jesus culture outfit that's under the direct leadership of bill johnson mike bickel todd white lou angle bill johnson francis chan francis chan is a part of the new apostolic reformation albeit uh unofficially though none of them are officially part of right the nar is a term that's been given to this whole movement so none of them have come out and said i am a part of the new apostolic reformation any more than mike bickle said he was a part of the kansas city prophets other people termed them as such it's the best way to describe what's happening here and there's much more to be said stay tuned for uh upcoming videos hillsong uh which is out of the word of faith camp and brian houston uh are now uniting with the new apostolic reformation as well um and a big surprise they're just two different two different brands of heresy um no less damnable in their expressions francis chan with his friends bill johnson lou angle todd white mike bickel heidi baker he'll be at another conference here with heidi baker and and these other uh guys what is this the altar conference coming up that's who francis chan is and has become and i say to you an apostate a certifiable and undeniable apostate francis chan is not merely dangerous he is not merely dangerous what he's promoting is damnable as is the rest of these men or as are the rest of these men and what they promote and the women and the bands etc etc there is no question that francis chan is a part of the new apostolic reformation he loves them he wants to be a part of it with them they are welcoming the presence together and they're going into the presence of god and they want to be sent out together we these men he says have spent time in the presence of god bill johnson the crazy man lou engel the ecumenist todd white whose mentor is kenneth copeland the the self-professed billionaire right with multiple private jets etc uh mike mike bickle who has people convulsing and falling down in his ihop gatherings the leader of jesus culture all of this francis chan says these people have spent time in the presence of god francis chan is a liar false teachers are deceiving and being deceived is francis chan deceived no doubt in my mind does that mean he's not deceiving no he's still deceiving he allowed himself to be deceived somewhere along the way he welcomed error in and didn't shun it and has become the apostate the one who fell away from the faith that's what you're dealing with in francis chan there is no denying it please pay attention in upcoming weeks you're going to see how the pieces of this puzzle fit together and just how deep this web goes because francis chan as i said in the beginning bridges the gap from the overtly apostate and heretical to the seemingly and i use the word seemingly deliberately orthodox and whatnot here's just one brief example of kevin deyoung this is a john mcarthur affiliate a member of the gospel coalition and together for the gospel he just invited francis to resonate with what francis this was saying in the battle with your own flesh and coming to preach at a conference like this a year ago you see i'm going after francis thing you know is that guy's not usually low energy so um and i think he's he's stepped back for just a moment we'll be out but i did want to thank him publicly for praying for me that's very moving you realize as a christian it is one of the greatest gifts you can give to anyone to pray for them not just to say i'm praying for you that comes across our lips very easily but to pray for someone else as francis was describing was very humbling to me to hear him praying for me more earnestly than i even pray for myself let alone so he's just humbled by francis chan they had a big uh panel john piper was there uh kevin de young etc francis chan was as bad a year ago it's just becoming more solidified and more solidified he was at two ihop conferences as of the time of this he was still embracing and loving mike bickle and the whole new apostolic reformation outfit at the time of this so kevin deyoung there's so many people that like to invoke this six degrees of kevin bacon narrative it's absolutely ridiculous and it's the work of the unlearned or the lazy or perhaps a combination of the two you're not you're not dealing with six degrees of kevin bacon you're dealing with one degree of levin macon that's what you're dealing with this is 11 11 a little eleven leavens the whole lump what is francis chan he is leaven he is a part of them he is vocalized himself that i am in this with you we are one and the same we are kindred spirits this is not an association this is a cooperation a partnership and someone who has proved by amos 3 3 that he is of the same mind they are in agreement he is walking with them and he is a part of what has been termed the new apostolic reformation and here is all the proof so guys like kevin deyoung are now welcoming in and partnering with the new apostolic reformation kevin deyoung is part of this general bag of folly that is the together for the gospel organization so much to be said about that i've already covered this uh in in different respects and other videos um a lot to be said about these outfits as i said stay tuned but it's not just um big ministry outfits but there's a there's there's uh youtube channels out there and i'm gonna mention too briefly that you should be wary of and not just wary of you should separate from biblically you should have nothing to do with them why because as has been established francis chan is part of the nar he is the same as bill johnson and lou engel and mike bickle he said i'm a kindred spirit he loves these guys francis chan is one of them so you have one uh this guy named keith thompson here this is just these are just some of the videos these are all francis chan videos that i'm scrolling through francis chan francis chan he's probably a posted uh i don't know nearly 18 francis chan videos in the last two months it's just a whole sea of francis chan this is all frances chan right this is a guy and the next one i'll show you that they're they're guys who have um they piggyback of off of other people so they just post videos of john piper and paul washer and francis chan and etc and some of them you know other uh old school guys they'll they'll try to blend clear apostasy with apparent orthodoxy and uh and and play videos of old uh older guys but this is a this is a a francis chan promoter a lover and promoter francis jan this is all this guy keith thompson gosh if i didn't know better i'd say he was a spokesman for francis chan but there's one that's equal to or greater than that this uh off the curb ministries this guy's name is apparently joe kirby that's all he does is promote francis chan and by all he does i'm saying in a general sense he promotes other people as well but from what i can tell it's mostly francis chan francis chan eating a burger and francis chan doing this and all just everything to laud and promote who is part of the new apostolic reformation so you've got guys like this who will uh tel tout their their work so i'm a zealous street preacher and listen spare me the zeal i've never seen anybody more zealous than the jehovah's witnesses in new york city nor will you ever i'd be willing to put their their zealous works against almost anybody's or the mormons for that matter you can be zealous for error so i i don't care how often you go street preaching if you're going that doesn't justify the promotion of apostasy these are dangerous youtube channels that you should stay away from they have no discretion they have no discernment anyone who is willing to promote the likes of francis chan anyone i say anyone is promoting heresy and or apostasy francis chan is the divisive man that should be warned of and uh avoided marked and avoided purged purged from he is the leaven that will leaven the whole lump that goes for keith thompson this little levin will leven anybody who gets a hold of it this uh off the curb ministries will leaven anyone who gets a hold of it francis chan is a big bag of levin he has become the false teacher he used to warn of francis chan is a certified apostate there is much more to come and as i said you will see how these pieces begin to fit together um there is so much to be said the inner workings of of this massive network of mainstream and especially conference christianity is a wild web of apostasy that we will be covering in more detail in upcoming weeks be warned of the leaven of francis chan separate from him have nothing to do with him the man not only embraces falsehood but has become that very same falsehood until next time god bless and godspeed you
Channel: Servus Christi
Views: 344,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: francis chan, apostasy report, servus christi, nar, new apostolic reformation, heresy, heretics, false teachers, false prophets, ihop, mike bickle, bethel, bill johnson, jesus culture, lou engle, antichrist, catholicism, false unity, todd bentley, word of faith, last days, rick warren, hillsong, ecumenical, deception, crazy love, off the kirb ministries, keith thompson, john piper, the send, kundalini spirit, david platt, pope, prophecy, exposed, letters to the church, terminus, hall
Id: 7UTHq3VGft4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 32sec (5732 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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