aphid control - kill whiteflies - 5 ways including Neem Oil

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as summer approaches so do the aphids whitefly and mealy bugs now these pests can cause major damage on plants within hours of arriving they do this by sucking the fluids of the plant and that not only stunts the growth of the plant but if it's not controlled can kill the plants too in today's episode I'm gonna give you five ways in which to control aphids kill white fly and mealy bugs and one of those is neem oil I'm Tony O'Neal and this is UK a weed grow and on this channel we deal with all things gardening poultry keeping and beekeeping if you want our perfect garden to relax in or you just want to grow your own nutrient-dense foods then start now by clicking the subscribe button and the bell icon to be notified each time I release new content just like this not only to aphids and white Flay set the fluids from the plants which leaves them susceptible to disease they also leave honeydew all over the leaves which stops the plant from photosynthesizing and not only that that then turns into mold now these are slow-moving insects and that's great news for the gardener because they're relatively easy to control and it's important to control them because if you don't control them in time these insects are ferocious breeders they breathe so fast that you would be infested if you didn't get older them before their breeding cycle begins now these pests will affect loads of different plants brassicas tomatoes and peppers to name a few so it's really important to knock the numbers while they're still low before they start breeding and we can do that with the first method which is water tip number one that's water simply use your garden hose or a jet sprayer and simply knock them to the ground this will kill most of them really affecting the numbers and the more you kill here the less that the breeding so it gives you more time later on now this is quick it's easy and can be done instantly tip number two is soap solutions now with soap solutions I've seen it all too often online where people are saying or slope solution doesn't work for getting rid of aphids and white fly and things like that but when you actually look into what they're doing there's a reason for it these people tend to use dishwashing soap something like fairy dawn or some other sort of soap now the reason they don't work is because they're a detergent and they not proper soap what you need to use is something like this this is castile soap it's basically a baby soap 18 in one mild baby soap you can also use the soap that's designed for babies that are in a bar and you literally just greet them and use a teaspoon and I dissolve it in water and it's the same thing with this a good teaspoon into a sprayer shake it up and then you can spray your plants now what this does is it dehydrates the aphids it stops them from breeding it creates that coat over a film if you like and it literally just stops them from feeding and they die and it's really important when you're using a soap solution to use it on a sort of three day period so every sort of day for three days and by that point you should have not 99% of these aphids white very mealy bugs on the head now it's really important to use soap solutions in the morning or late in the afternoon never use them through the day and the reason for that is if you're spraying water over your leaves in the daytime the Sun is gonna come down and it's going to magnify through those water droplets which is going to cause scorching to your leaves and in turn your plants won't photosynthesis and you'll have all sorts of problems so it's really important early morning late in the evening so tip number three folks is to bring wildlife into the garden things like ladybirds lacewing larvae spiders and even dragonflies now a pond like this would be fantastic in which to attract those wildlife in and we spoke about bringing wildlife in in an earlier episode which was the slug video and I'll put a link in the description and the cards for that for you to check it out if you haven't but bringing wildlife into the garden are really gonna control those numbers for you tip number four is SB plant invigorate er SP plant invigorate er is an organic soap solution and it's already been made for you it's very concentrated you just need 5 mil of this for a you know a like 10 liter watering can now what this does it will kill mealybugs white flight a fades powdery mildew and even help with lights and fungal problems and it's fantastic for spring and really knocks the pests on the head now this was designed by tomato grower who formulated this because he was having major of issues were pests but it has a lot of other benefits as well now you simply mix this exactly the same you would with soap so follow the directions on the bottle mix with this when I mix 5 mil so I use a swings to measure it I put that into the water shake it up and I spray the leaves now when it comes to spraying with any of these solutions it's really important to spray all over the plant you want to spray the undersides of the leaves and this surface of the leaves as well because by doing that then you are ensuring that there is no hiding places for these solutions to get to and the pests really stuck for anywhere to go now tip number 5 is to use neem oil and this stuff is fantastic it stinks and it's very bitter but it is really good stuff now neem oil is made it's an oil that's pressed from the fruits and leaves of the neem plant and it's very effective at killing things like aphids mealybugs white fly and all sorts of other pests the great thing about neem oil is you this little thin bottle here would mix up into an eight-litre spray and I use it in a two-liter pop bottle I simply pour in the top and give it a good shake up now when you do that because it's an oil it goes it emulsifies in look it goes white like as if you were trying to add any other oil to water and it emulsifies and then you can literally just spray that over your brass cos or anything like that and the great thing is not only will this kill certain bugs on contact it will also stop the munchers from eating because it turns the leaves bitter and it's a fantastic product neem oil now all of the products I've spoken about I'll put links in the description below so if you want to check them out you can do and you can support the channel by buying through those links they are affiliate links well there you have it folks five separate ways in which to control white fly a feeds and mealy bugs in your garden and now you don't have to struggle with these pests and I know last year loads of you struggled with white flight if you use any other method in your garden for controlling bugs let us know in the comment section below so that we can all learn together as a community if you've enjoyed this video don't forget to give it a thumbs up and share your friends and if you've got value from this video you can hit the subscribe button here and when you've done that you can continue the journey by viewing one of these videos you I'm Tony o Neill this is UK here we grow and remember folks you reap all yourself I'll see you in the next one bye bye
Channel: Simplify Gardening
Views: 59,890
Rating: 4.9507432 out of 5
Keywords: aphid control - kill whiteflies - 5 ways including Neem Oil, neem oil, organic pest control, pest control, organic pesticide, organic gardening, neem oil spray, garden pests, garden pest control, White aphids, aphids and ants, aphids life cycle, neem oil in gardening, organic insect control, garden pest control tips, benefits of neem oil in garden, neem oil benefits, benefits of neem oil, white flies, how to prevent aphids, uk here we grow, mealy bug, kill whiteflies
Id: uz0TIzYkI-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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