Aphex Twin - Come To Daddy (Director's Cut)
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Aphex Twin
Views: 3,117,054
Rating: 4.834898 out of 5
Keywords: Aphex Twin, AFX, Richard D James, Warp Records, IDM, Intelligent Dance Music, Electronica, Dance, Electronic, Windowlicker, Syro, Come To Daddy, Official, Chris Cunningham, Baby Grow, Retail Opportunity, aphex twin come to daddy, aphex twin come to daddy director's cut, aphex twin come to daddy video, aphex twin chris cunningham, aphex twin chris cunningham video
Id: TZ827lkktYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 24 2018
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Aphex twin always had great videos. Come to daddy was a classic. Was surprised as hell when watching 8mm and the villain at the end is blasting it inside his home. Good shit.
Check out the video for rubber Johnny too
Remember when 90s and early 2000s music were videos fucking wild?
Chris Cunningham is an artist
I love Richard James. He has a face for radio but manages to plaster it EVERYWHERE.
This video definitely disturbed me. And now it still haunts me... my 12 year old is into a lot of this type of music. When he said that one of his favorites (apart from boards of Canada?? No clue) is Aphex Twin. Just hearing the name again and the video came crashing back into my head!!
Edit: I support the heck out of anything my kid takes an interest in and I made sure he never feels ashamed for the music he likes. Plus despite the video being haunting, I think its genius.
My dad has always been a huge Aphex Twin fan and I remember when I was about 8 he showed me the video. Now Iβm a big fan!
This is pretty disturbing. And then Avril 14th exists which is as beautiful as any work of Mozart. Such range
Also, check out Donkey Rhubarb.