Apex Legends & Titanfall Timeline Explained

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season 9 of apex legends is right around the corner so if you're a fan of titanfall then all signs are pointing to this season tying into response sci-fi universe more than ever it's important to know how apex and titanfall are intertwined to understand what is on the way so we are going to run you through the timeline from the 2100s all the way to current day and apex which is 2735. if you want to stay up to date on the latest and greatest in apex and titanfall then subscribe to our channel and drop a like on this video to let us know you want more and of course there is going to be a ton of spoilers in this video so if you haven't had a chance to finish titanfall 2 read pathfinder's quest or watch the stories from the outlands i would highly recommend that you do that beforehand [Music] in the early 2100s an asteroid hits earth and devastates the planet a new element is discovered from the asteroid's impact that heinrich henry hammond of hammond engineering uses to invent interstellar travel this propels earth's scientific advancements allowing humanity to better access its surrounding star systems which become known as the chorus systems hammond robotics is still very active to this day throughout apex legends going as far as sponsoring upcoming legend forge before he was murdered by revenan who was revealed to be the first similacram ever who was also created by hammond robotics decades later there are even rumors that henry himself could still be alive according to rinson mandalay a man in talos claiming to be him at 650 years old with current day being 2735 in apex this would actually line up well with the beginning of the titanfall story over the next few centuries we see the rise of hammond engineering and hammond robotics which later becomes the infamous interstellar manufacturing corporation but better known as the imc throughout titanfall and apex legends the imc's power grows rapidly with the advancement of interstellar exploration and robotic ai with inventions such as titans spectres and marvins pathfinder is also a marvin but he wouldn't be made until much after the imc's discovery of the frontier the frontier is a far-off zone in space that's unusually dense with habitable star systems and resources the planets on the frontier's outermost edges are known as the outlands which we've been learning about more and more thanks to the stories from the outlines in apex legends but that's not all the first known successful scan of simulacrum revenant was recorded in 24-20 hammond robotics may have created him but the syndicate eventually controlled him due to the core system's own depleting resources the imc was quick to further explore the frontier and expand colonization however as time went on the imc's resources were split between the core systems and the frontier which caused the imc to struggle to maintain corporate power in the course systems and made them completely withdraw their resources from the frontier to reinforce their hold back home anyone left on the frontier was completely abandoned by the imc the imc eventually regained control of the core systems with the help of the first titans created for battle however that would leave the core systems exhausted and desperate for resources so they decided to return to the frontier despite being cut off from the imc those left in the frontier had been thriving and advancing on their own for generations the inc immediately returned to reclaim the frontier begin manufacturing and displace the frontier's existing residents sparking the beginnings of another war in 2640 billionaire humanitarian lillian peck built olympus a city in the sky of samathi which is a high-class planet in the outlands lillian peck discovered an imminent energy crisis that threatened all of the outlands that many people didn't believe despite the science behind it with the help of astrophysicist dr mary summers aka horizon and the funding from companies such as the imc hammond and chevrex inc branthium is discovered and is the key to ending the energy crisis side note chef x inc is owned by lifeline's family however when retrieving the brandium horizon is betrayed by her assistant dr ashley reed and launched into a black hole and left her dead for more than 80 years over 15 years after the betrayal the energy crisis of 55 is averted thanks to a group of scientists who consisted of many relatives to our favorite legends such as gibraltar's grandfather a lucky watson's grandmother emilia and horizon's own son newton the backstabbing dr ashley reed was also among this legendary group as a part of their plan to fix the approaching energy crisis the scientists created a specialized marvin our favorite robotic pal pathfinder to save the outlands however reed betrayed her allies to claim the branthium for a mysterious employer leaving her fellow scientists to fight for their lives in order to protect it the scientists were able to get the branthem to the people against all odds but everyone is said to have died from this event leaving a permanent rift on olympus the details were largely hidden from the public which had some people believing the event and the crisis itself never really happened and to present day brampton is still only owned by the extremely wealthy the titan wars began as the return of the imc to the frontier led to the uprising of the frontier militia who fought against the imc with stolen titans in gear but they weren't strong enough to complete their mission and had to retreat for a chance to fight another day the imc was able to claim gridiron as the official center of imc operations and established the first ever hammond robotics titan factory gridiron's location made planet demeter a crucial stop between the core systems and the frontier and would serve as the gateway of travel for the imc gridiron would also become the home of bangalore as she is a former imc soldier from a lineage of imc soldiers bangalore only has one brother who didn't become a soldier he instead became an imc scientist stationed on typhon typhon is also the home of renee hope lazy who we know better as wraith although eventually she does end up on solace the 2700s is where apex legends and titanfall 2 start to collide more than ever the militia managed to win the crucial battle of demeter that left the imc without their resources and gateway to the chorus systems over the next five years and cut off from their reinforcements the aries division within the imc led by general martyr discovered the fold weapon on typhon and planned to use it to wipe out the militia during this time wraith would actually become a scientist within the aries division but ended up being the subject of experiments that wiped her memory although the effect and cause level of titanfall 2 gives us a glimpse behind some of wraith's abilities and strengthens the connection between both games as the fold weapon is nearing completion general martyr is contracted to an elite group of mercenary pilots known as the apex predators who were led by cumin blisk to help secure and deliver the ark power source to the weapon this is the same cuban bliss that is the current commissioner of the apex games once the militia catches wind of this plan they send out their forces to typhon to stop them among the first wave is rifleman jack cooper who witnesses the brutal death of captain lastomosa at the hands of bliss being the only one to do so cooper inherits lastomosa's mission to stop the imc and also his titan bt7274 throughout the mission cooper and bt fight and defeat all of the apex predators except for bliss among those apex predators that are notable to our timeline today are going to be ash and viper somehow dr ashley reed was saved from the event back on olympus kind of now going by the name ash this deadly predator was no longer human but a simulacrum-like revenant and is defeated yet again after pitting cooper up against a deadly simulation of her own but if we learned anything from revenant simulacrums tend to pop up sooner or later she was eventually remade by vincent dynamics and at some point blisk dismantles her and throws her parts through a portal to another dimension which the legends ultimately find in season five's quest the broken ghost in the following season ash was found by pathfinder with her memory wiped it's later revealed she's still working with bliss and an old friend presumably horizon is back and ash leaves pathfinder behind horizon returns the following season having finally escaped the black hole that reed trapped her in years prior and as season 9 closes in ash has once again popped her head back into the fray by giving us a special invitation to an upcoming arena viper on the other hand was definitely human but put up a tough fight to stop the militia from getting closer to the fold weapon his north star titans missiles and superior flying ability looked to be too powerful but jack cooper is able to stop him with the help of the 6-4 who are somewhat the counterparts of the apex predators among the group of pilots in the 6-4 is drows mirage's uncle viper was eventually taken down by cooper and bt and although he was a deadly threat he also had a family in the newest story from the outlands a viper's daughter kyrie is revealed and is the legacy season's debut legend who goes by the calling card of valkyrie out of vengeance for her father and after attempting to kill blisk valkyrie ends up getting a bliss card to the apex games and rampart's assistance to build a specialized veto jet pack from her father's north star titan it should be pretty interesting to see how viper and mirage are going to interact with each other in the future with a viper out of the way cooper and bt eventually take down blisk's last remaining predator and make it to the fold weapon by now blisk's contract was completed and the power source was delivered so he didn't feel the need to end cooper's life despite general martyr's pleas to do so instead bliss tossed him a card to join the apex predators and bounced when the frontier's gladiator thunderdome matches stopped bliss would later revitalize them as a fully fledged battle royale called the apex games the only way into the games if you didn't get this special bliss card is to pass the qualifiers like bangalore or gibraltar or be sponsored like forge or fuse unless you're crypto of course this obviously raises the question of if and when we're gonna see cooper in the apex games thanks to bt's noble sacrifice the weapon was stopped at the cost of typhon including bangalore scientist's brother who was stationed on the planet at the time eventually militia forces stormed gridiron where bangalore and her brother's battalion made a last-ditch effort to run away by stealing an archard from their imc labs on gridiron although bangalore wanted to use it to blast the militia away the battalion successfully escaped and ended up catapulting themselves to the outlands a trip that would normally take 20 years only took them one shortly after this chaotic event a massive communications blackout would disconnect the outlands from the frontier and bangalore would lose another brother to a freak accident over solas where he was ejected from the ship after it was hit by a mysterious explosion civil war among the outlands broke out and so the syndicate treaty was signed in 27-23 salvo is the most recent planet to join the synagogue space after originally denying it in the past but the desire to compete in the apex games made fuse push salvo to join the treaty the apex games were a spiritual successor to the popular thunderdome bloodsport held by the now defunct imc and officially opened around 2728 blisk's role in both titanfall 2 and apex legends is one of the biggest connections between the two titles as he is the source of many things even outside of the apex games blisk also has deep ties to the syndicate who's been looming in the shadows for centuries and you can't forget that he's an extremely deadly apex predator from what we've seen so far a lot of loosens from blisk's paths are looping back around with each passing season which is bringing us even closer to titanfall lore season 9 is reaching right into the titanfall 2 bucket by reintroducing viper through valkyrie's backstory along with even more antics from ash who we just can't seem to get rid of after seeing the two timelines and how they work together it's clear more than ever that this universe is about to expand i know many are patiently waiting on titanfall 3 but in my opinion the more the universe grows through apex legends the more impact another titanfall will have so what do you guys think of how apex legends is tying into the titanfall universe is there anything you want to see come to apex from titanfall 2. go ahead and let me know down below and of course stay tuned to the channel because we are going to have so much apex goodness as season 9 approaches as always thank you guys so much for watching and we'll see you next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 81,266
Rating: 4.9309645 out of 5
Keywords: Apex Legends, Titanfall, Respawn, Kuben Blisk, Apex Predators, Ash, Viper, Kairi, Valkyrie, Season 9, Legacy, Horizon, Mirage, Bangalore, Mary Somers, Anita Williams, Elliot Witt, Gibraltar, Pathfinder, Hammond Robotics, Hammond Engineering, MRVN, Titan, Spectre, AI, War, The Frontier, The Outlands, Core Systems, Chevrex Inc, Wraith, ARES Division, The 6-4, Droz, Olympus, Syndicate, Salvo, Fuse, Battle Royale, Apex Games, Apex Card, Revenant
Id: OWaQNdqedXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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