Apeks DST First Stage Review

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[Music] hi guys welcome to simply scoober here we have the apex DST first stage so I use this first stage myself it's a it's a big chunk of metal so it's great for Coldwater diving but the main benefit of it is a swiveling turret so that just gives you a lot of flexibility in your hose routing depending on whether you're using on a stage cylinder on a single cylinder or twins the hoses route much much easier and there's less likely to sort of pull or wrench them in a certain angle because that's that turret just turns a little bit and it gives it a little bit more slack so this is a over balanced second stage which actually means that it can deliver more gas that deeper down you go with a balanced second stage a Falco Soria balanced first stage will be able to deliver the same amount of gas the deeper down you go and it's constant no matter what your depth is but over balanced first stage will actually allow it to deliver more gas that deeper down you go so particularly useful in an out of air problem at depth it can deliver more gas to to divers the deeper down you go so you're never going to be sort of restricted by the amount of airflow it can deliver plenty of gas even when you're down deep it's environmentally sealed so that just means that all of the this is the gunk the salt and any contaminants they can't get into the internal mechanism of the first stage so there but it does need to be sort of flexible and that's how it becomes balanced but it means that you don't have to wash it quite as thoroughly contaminants aren't gonna get in and improves the Coldwater performance because it's a big chunk of metal great for Coldwater diving you can use it whilst traveling I definitely fly with my with my D s T's comes in both a clamp and in the the dust valves are very useful because you do get a a replacement o-ring on there so of course on the din valve you have your o-ring in that but if that ever wears out or falls out you do have a replacement in that and it does have a little loop so you can attach it to to a lanyard for low pressure ports on this you'll notice one of them is red you'll never get one with all of the port plugs fitted because if you pressurize it you will never be able to depressurize it so one will always have this kind of blank sort of red plug and and two high-pressure ports so you can use a SPG and a wireless air transmitter if you want or if you're using it on sort of twins or a or a side mounted stage the hose can Roach down on routes down one side or you can flip over and wrap down the other side depending on your rate your preference for low pressure ports great for worm dry suit diving you've got plenty of of low pressure ports all your ads to the BT the inflation hoses and dry suits and both of your breathing stages yeah it's a very smart first stage I definitely like it this is the apex DST first page thanks for watching safe diving we are an online dive store serving the UK and the world for all your diving equipment needs so why not visit us at simply scuba comm or click the Box on your screen
Channel: Simply Scuba
Views: 2,909
Rating: 4.6923075 out of 5
Keywords: simplyscuba, simply scuba, Simply, Scuba, #simplyscuba, scuba diving, scuba, diving, #scubadiving, gadgets, tech, unboxing, unbox, products, product review, scuba review, #productreview, Apeks, DST, First, Stage, Review, Apeks DST First Stage Review, Apeks DST, Apeks first stage, DST first stage, Mark Newman, scuba diving (interest), scuba diving - topic
Id: AEfle9KhGI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 38sec (218 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2019
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