Apeks XTX200 Plus XTX50 Octo Set Review

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our guys work on the simply scuba here we have the apex xdx 200 X 2x for 50 cent so this is a stage 3 set in that you get your primary and your octo already assembled so all you have to do is you have to add a CSP G a submersible pressure gauge and whatever low pressure inflator hoses that you want so this is how it comes assembled so if you need it assembled in a different way you're gonna have to tell us and let us know we're gonna take a look at the first stage first so this is the FS our first stage a decent chunk of chrome plated brass which means that it's great for cold water diving below 210 degrees Celsius so when you're diving in colder waters you need a big chunk of metal to act as a big heat sink and this is gonna do it for you so it's gonna work very well in cold waters so this is over balanced as well which means that as you go down it's actually going to get a little bit easier to breathe so if anything goes wrong it will give you plenty of air or give you more air than you require at the top you can see we have environmental sealing so that's gonna help you out in the long run one it's gonna stop contaminants from getting inside of the regulator so it's not easy to clean and also it stops those contaminants from getting inside so it doesn't affect the internal mechanism so it comes in both a clamp and in this is a clamp obviously and you've got four low-pressure ports to high pressure ports one on each side so it's a great sort of single single cylinder set moving down from the first stage both of your hoses are braided hoses so these are much lighter and more flexible than a traditional rubber hose and they lead to your second stage so I'm gonna look at the next x200 which is your primary first so the XTX 200 of the XCX range as the air comes in you can see we've got these little heat sinks so these actually absorb Wolfe from the water and actually warm up or so that allowed the coldness of that sort of rushing gas going through to actually prevent ice from falling so sorry axe is a great heat sink makes it really effective in colder colder waters now these second stages are ambidextrous so if you want you can change the hose orientation so whether the hose comes out on the writes like this or the hose comes out on the left depending on your preference or how you're diving you can have a technician kind of swap those over and have that hose coming in from either side now on the front we have a big set of graduated purge button so that a pecked logo and this sort of X shape pushing on any of that is going to activate the purge but it's handy because you can push a little bit and it will just give you a little bit of gas just to clear out a bit of water at the bottom or if you push it all the way in it will give you all the gas it can and really sort of clear it out so this has two adjustments on it you have an adjustable venturi so that's gonna interrupt a free flow particularly useful on your octo but you can have it on the primary as well that just interrupts free flow so they they don't occur you'll get a little bit of a hiss but it redirects the airflow inside of the second stage and just interrupts it so it doesn't fall you also get a breathable breathing adjustment knob so you can screw that in to make it a little bit stiffer to breathe and then unscrew it to make it a bit lighter it's best when you're putting in storage to unscrew it as far as possible so there's less pressure on that seat just so you're where your second stage last that little bit longer okay the mouthpiece itself these are their comfo bite mouthpiece so nice and small fairly compact you've got a little bridge over the the top here which kind of holds it in position where you don't have to bike down on the mouthpiece that way you don't get the V sort of jaw fatigue and everything in here has a special it's been impregnated with an antibacterial sort of formula so actually they stay cleaner for longer they actively kill microbes and little nasties which is very useful if you're not sand looking after your regulators quite as much then looking after themselves so these have a removable exhaust t so this is in these in a wide configuration you get a compact configuration and you can compare that to the octo the octo has these fitted but you can swap those over if you want all you have to do is just push on that apex logo and undo these two but all in all the XX 200 is fantastic second stage because it's got those sort of metal inlays and whatnot just makes it more effective at Coldwater dialing okay onto that bottom toe very much the same but you've just got the yellow details you still got the heat sinks it's still ambidextrous you still got the adjustable venturi and the adjustable breathing but this is the sort of calm compact exhaust T that way the bubbles come out a little bit closer to your face but it's up to you whether you kind of swap them over on the X DX 200 the X DX 50 is a fantastic little second stage is a great alternate you don't get the come for bite mouthpiece but you do get their standard one again much more compact but you just don't get that little bridge over the over the top but all-in-all a fantastic set of regulators great for cold water diving and warm water diving alike this is the apex x2 X 200 X 2 X 50 regulator set thanks for watching and safe diving we are an online dive store serving the UK and the world for all your diving equipment needs so why not visit us at simply scuba comm or click the Box on your screen
Channel: Simply Scuba
Views: 9,427
Rating: 4.7288136 out of 5
Keywords: simplyscuba, simply scuba, Simply, Scuba, scuba diving, scuba, diving, Apeks, TXT200, Plus, XTX50, Octo, Set, Apeks XTX200 Plus XTX50 Octo Set - www.simplyscuba.com, Apeks XTX 200, Apeks XTX 50, Apeks Set, scuba diving (interest), scuba diving (topic), scuba diving regulator, Apeks (brand), Mark Newman, Apeks Review, Apeks product video, XTX200 Review, XTX50 Review, product review, Simply Scuba reviews, unbox, unboxing
Id: hMvnBO-HnGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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