AP EXAM Brain Fart #2

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brain fart number two that's going to lose you points on your AP exam thinking the word consequences indicates a negative outcome you will for sure see a question that asks you about the consequences of something something history something and because from the time you were old enough to take a second fruit snack out of the cabinet when your parents told you to just take one fruit snack and then they would you know wag their fingers at you and say you are getting a consequence you assume that this is a negative word but no not on the AP exam baby a consequence is just another word for an effect which can be either positive or negative so a consequence of the Civil Rights Movement violence against black protesters well that you know that's definitely negative but you also had the passage of the Civil Rights Act and that's definitely positive consequences aren't necessarily negative they're only effects so on your AP exam that is how you thwart a brain fart
Channel: Heimler's History
Views: 71,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _xWM1-aLkMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 45sec (45 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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