AOE2:DE | TheViper vs 4 Enhanced Extreme AI! 7th Attempt

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all right another one we never go to AI and HEC lastik thanks for the two months we are gonna go for the AI I'm gonna try Vikings boom into berserk exceed run push and the reason why I want to do that is someone told me it's good but also I imagine with Rams and preserves reserves counter a lot of units they even trade well against certain range units also they regenerate and AI has a lot of this like the one user runs there one day I went there one there so you keep changing units right and if you if your resource can heal or regenerate as we are doing those nonsense chases maybe that will lead to even better trades we count a cabaret we counter infantry sort of we do very well we just need serum and preserves and dominate I believe let's do this Arnab thanks for nine months Davos thanks for - alright let's go let's go let's go okay nice nice map so far he says after scouting exactly one percent of map I just like the initial wood and gold Oh actually I like this like a--like so far what's it that oh wait how do we trade against samurai ranks laughs is fine we got that cough easy only one I'm scared about this Japanese I think we actually have a really good sieve draw japanese pranks loves golf I think we have a good stiff draw here I'm not sure how samurai do reserves doing in samurai samurai we know samurai will wind I'm wondering how bad will be trade let's hope he is playing so I can steamroll him before Sam rod becomes a problem I think that's gonna be the goal here banks is an issue to Frank fella berserks I will trade ok against Frank paladin's I can also mix in some vitamin so I'm not worried about Frank's well excrement could be very extra thingies would be a problem but I think we have a pretty good good chance here I do I'm good purely how's KITT it's his first time I've had one or two attempts before but it's the first attempt of the day up today rather your job first that's gonna probably be the plan although like I'm thinking Paul if trying to go for composition with excellent things I could also be potentially dangerous we'll see let's see I believe though I believe a man waiting all day to see screaming loving man thank you DFB all right so far so good fairly I don't like this hill oh it's a fairly decent not too warm we try to go in with a bill and rolling an archer on each resource like a tower I don't think that's gonna work because they make enough army they will just clean that guy really fast it wouldn't really work probably muster up did I do wrong I just followed my automatic or the game I guess by now automatic for me is being housed so I doesn't make sense I mean I will need a loom anyways it's not the world yeah berserks trade well against house girls like I said golf shouldn't be an issue slabs should be okay the boyars I wouldn't know reserves ticking spoilers oh my god actually wouldn't know Brazilians boyars ourselves goodness Mellie units but yeah mint Rick derris sovereign make it for the good month we said they're important is it to keep an eye on score as a pro player and as lowell should you consider it the meantime score is used as an indicator for high-level is like where you should be keeping an eye on it you could nerf one thing about it mechanics what would it be just answer the other question quickly before I write that donation we're going to score usually you want to have an eye on it if you're expecting your opponent to go for a fast Imperial in particular but also you can use it as an indicator to see like you have an idea of when he's going up to the next age in general both the fuelers Castle age and mostly in peril edge as well and it's not hugely important all but it's obviously a something where you can get some extra information for free sort of TT donated 25 euros thank you very kindly please thank you very pleased right now I will probably say a quick waltz I think walls he has a Josh okay Japanese is blank that's good yeah like I said I think quick walls are probably too strong it was in general maybe give foundations of wolves very low armor or extra damage taken so I cannot just quick poll everything easily and Danielle Pope any all thank you for prime I would say that probably TT thank you very much for that donation I should probably the reindeer don't actually like me build here it's a little too greedy 25 pop you probably might stay in feud later probably longer who is the 6-3 mile and why is everybody after kill him extreme al is a very scary players oh my god why am I so bad well guys masterpiece masterpiece why is he smart never mind I take those words back alright that's one way to deal with a thrush he's not I thought he was smart he was not it was not smart okay my dad that makes me think of that Amanda greatest other flank well they all are going to fail it fast up to the next age I have to wall no Francis the flank there for Walter yes I do better safe than sorry someone wise once said understand it was not me I could give myself a lot of space with walling here then again I feel like I'm going down the trap now bowling too much like I tend to do and it's Palace at walls it doesn't really grant that much safety anyway yeah should probably go I should probably even just make those stone walls I never learn and you never learn why probably I'm your biggest Mexican fan I really like your job Thank You Man now you probably have some other Mexicans that would disagree with you though you would fight you for that title hopefully like that all right it was a limit it's gonna be a little late castle age but you should be full of Walled Oh play on tile sidewalls but still it should be okay when I stonewalling it's too much I haven't started taking stone I didn't plan stone listen to my build order a lot of factors wait that's the huh he did the dress as well and now we added more militia where's this player and he's okay that's the Frank's Paragon archers you can live with that okay we should before a wall and so far it seems okay he's cast leash general feel it in mirror the golf of a few glitches through there are some other peers oh I could trap them I could actually tap him it feels so weird it looks like he's trying to glitch his way through the sorrows thing for two months a fatty lump King old Barry with the seven euro this is extreme and my seven opportunity Thank You Man appreciate that one on stone so probably attempt a castle in defense eventually down what I stopped testing Turks an arena fortunately level I'm about zero for both order that's couple weeks ago hmm I just have a test in usually a bigger castle a charm me with like if you deny him from moving out on the map with a bigger Catholic army while having a stronger equal behind it usually I should put you in a pretty good spot cause easier said and done that's what everything else that should be a good way of going about it probably go for the fourth CC as well I don't like that they are pushing with this I have to do like that C's workshop I am considering adding siege I don't think would hurt me he will just do it by the time necessary your maintainability blocks on the same times I should be okay might lose house there I'm for finding how stone so should be alright I probably want to pick up relics as well be honest I see to to pretty close to c3 was everything you know we hope that ends our suffering that a nightshirt yes it is it's not bad we're United sharks these days we're playing pretty well that's actually awesome it seems like he might break through there oh they're scared of the manga no I see all right all right I'm glad to see that personally I thought they were scared I'm sad you didn't pick Britons Britons aren't good enough for this man those longbows don't pack the punch against four players I hate this guy so much or the microwaves doing there how annoying is that they broke in that was not part of plan how dare not notice that Oh God actually it's might be good first I'm not taking too much damage here and they're kind of just wasting units think I'm honestly happy about this well Happy's maybe not the right word yeah I think I was actually pretty okay for us you got in but they didn't really do any damage yeah I would like to pick up the relics now thank you very pleased I'm always scared whenever someone gets to next h2 it might be scary eh so the boom player right now mostly is red so slabs and golf the two saves I probably fair the least although I don't know exactly how we trade against stop my friend man I'm trading his boiler don't feel okay about this hey I in the micro you got training very well here at home he'll complain pick up that relic than that relic think that was a relic there that this has disappeared she's gonna sleep all the way across the map I'm very very satisfied with these traits not gonna lie where they're just wasting harm there it's very very satisfactory from life he says I feel good it's like every time I get Optimus oh my god every time I get optimistic about anything in this game I just get rekt very shortly after that has definitely been a reoccurring theme i have i can't prepare to go no you need more stone we need to make a cast of foot with gonna get house I would like you to sneak all the way over there and then sleep all the way back and drop off the relic it's like it's like problem Sam it's impossible task but I believe new gas is up Ron with impacts just a little slow and we're gonna hit him with a hundred and twenty thirty villagers so should not be too bad so I want to take well teal and green is like kind of a vegetable from blue first goth whom can still be scary maybe I should focus on the goth guy first what's always 440c enough five one sec okay he sees the castle 50 C would slow my him by probably a minute and not really make that as much of a difference for me packing a dress but that relic as well over the apse of the sick you started making the knights now [Music] they don't like this Oh sassy Fusco what is happening [Music] aren't they supposed to be scared of castles guys what's happening here what enemy it was supposed to be scared of castles I see boyars boy does that scare me oh [ __ ] I actually brought the relic old over there or what that's right there to begin with well safe to say this is not according to plan not expecting him to have unique units out and such already that is not great but okay we'll get a second castle up Rams in a castle is push what is happening this could actually end up being good for me but then I'm gonna just slow down my push I'm not sure that thing's what is going on right right right oh they're all good that cast on the hill let's do it damn they took the relic did I have castles why are you not to running away I don't like this because it's slowing down my push too much I am trading fairly well but the main issue right now is that I'm not killing anyone yeah I'm not liking this too much yet we're not trading great against boyars I have a lead for Xerxes castellated where's the V continues with boyars fam it's gonna be a tough one now Redis okay I don't like my position anymore might have to mix in Piketon yeah I was hoping with the veterans lawyers be completely honest with ya yeah I would love to get Berserker gang as well everyone is in is not looking as good anymore SP once we're hoping for if you tend to take a while until I start attacking middle like that pockets that hit him maybe we do have some time here wish I could just deactivate chasing units there [Music] and I have faith that I can take out green and green until though before dark thing is the rest that makes sense that's not great [Music] yeah welcome home home-field advantage exactly that's it I'm hoping that regenerating like these things we're just running around chasing units spend I'm hoping that I can benefit from having reserves regenerating work let's see if we can you should trade very well there since we have chieftains making house sorry I do not mind that losing faith this is the first attempt ever I'm never playing some before huh squirrels champions we're fine with that we are absolutely fine with that still curious about these boyars how good doing actually trading in stores I hate this chasing those trail units I feel like we haven't gotten any snowball going on anyone maybe three TC has to be the play and even faster and maybe not Vikings at all thank you nurse the hate is so much when they keep chasing that freakin tray cart running across the map I'm still alive Miko is untouched but I think they grow stronger by the minute [Music] would love to get a cat ah stop chasing the gut and tray cards you're driving me nuts [Music] those are still castle age crossbows I'm fine fighting they're here I'm sure this caster will stand where's my popcorn all right we have we lost this those honestly those trade units are so annoying they ruin all the flow with the push you want right I want to have a push for all my units charged into this area and then I see half of the time you're chasing freaking trade cars running across the map and get a meme XD thanks for seven months quick where everything's for two months the yeah sure thanks for that seven months this is looking good he says okay I don't believe in like this anymore it needs to be something something goth like melons Thanks to put a prime when I call my herbalist I tried that I got up against Eagles and got wrecked I tried Mongols already we got wrecked with Mongols as well you have any plans of continuing campaign sometime ial I do definitely want to continue the campaigns I just don't know when I will get back on that horse alright not Vikings and you won't wanna be three first yeah that's why we are on one before right now Frank's a Coomer elephant doesn't work it's too expensive and they have monks they have pikes it's just too expensive I'm thinking something like Franks could maybe be an option Frank's like Frank's paladin xmin like this no but yeah I'm thinking we need fast units I tried humans with the cat the feudal age Scouts and I ran but then try humans pure boom and would have fast unit to a Kip Chuck is infantry paladin unique humans is the way [Music] human boom saracens there's a lot of Koreans with defense but you cannot play defensive here if you play defensive you end up with 200 population against and 800 population and they have trades you need to kind of kill one or two guys in early amp to see if we got the furthest which so far is golf no question about that tons was also occasionally though with the torque and play there Holcomb Mike thanks for 13 sneaker routine and things for two months Teutons EcoPlus path Teutons is an interesting one isn't it you get two extra Mele armor very repellents are slower which means they might not chase the trade cards as fast but you don't arrange in it why don't you try to play versus chosen saves before you start to play against random I'm sorry babe thanks for five I have I've always had random on them I don't want to change that team or like how we've been doing thing that's right but maybe if I get very desperate else I'll probably lower the map size and pick the sins for them if I get desperate of course monks each Mayans Celts Celts with seed RAM board Raiders long thing you can afford CJ Andre Harris corpse etc you'll be like counting on the siege ramp push to really snowball and then later maybe switching to proper siege spanish conquistador it's too fragile we don't do enough double castle around by and sounds interesting and paper but it won't work written as written is written Britain's Britain's doesn't work either guys I want to try the cumin thing I'm not try to man's will do a little bit bomb with humans to TC we we got a really strong [Music] early in and then after that if it fails which I'm expecting it to it I will give golf and I'll try that with Commerce corpse nothing has happened with them they're just too expensive and we'll try to have inefficient then you have to think about how the AI fights as well like a human being will find fight with his army grouped up mostly which makes scorpions most of the time good options against humans or very often but the AI will just come from every single angle with spread spread everywhere that your scores don't get the hits you're searching from what's your favorite unit I don't really have one at the moment I would say I don't have one fan kill things for a whole year by the way yeah s shell criminal thank you for the Serb Turk villager my favorite unit is the chimera farmer there you have it what about thank keep sucking Castle age and raid flanks and pockets you'll have a super strong echo still you'll be able to go in already have a castle up will already be good to go pretty much why not full staff Lancers know the castle age I mean you can raid villages with that well you're not gonna kill anyone with that right and we need to actually kill people that sounds very harsh I don't want to kill people but we need to actually do damage proper damage ratings should slow them down Congrats on your a Olympics win Mayans vs Goths in semi finals was the best you showed you a gold boy rather than silver boy lalala Kolby boy Thank You snake away panic reach to the 5 I still disagree with how he played that bracelet for his game I don't think you should go aggressive keep it in Castle age not focusing waiting just doing too fast input to T season kill 20 minutes wait lets me evaluate here for a second I would have to TCS I love good boom no matter what why don't I try to kill one or two guys with Kat Graham and nights in Castle age I don't try that now you have so many options I want to try out I almost hope whatever I do doesn't work so I get to try out the next thing okay let's try that I will try that actually instead of the room I will try to go for Catholic kill a guy or two with nights and Lancers castle age the crack should be really good but loose spaghetti thank you for the prime x07 things for the two months we're defending with multiple castle in the same location - good runs out work or a choke point sort of that sounds extremely cheesy and but you need a ton of patience for that I'm not sure if I am the guy to provide applications I don't know if I don't know how the AI works I'm not sure if you can just completely abuse their their brains that playing actually doesn't this yeah if this is walled off and I can just walk all the way here I feel like at some point they do always start attacking your walls anyway even though you prepared like a choke or something okay my build is extra quite better I shouldn't start walling it fast stupid I mean it's fine we'll hit a few layers without a fairly strong feel it they go up without room here that too risky without you take the risk you can get rid of one and darker to reduce shame they can't react it's very big investments for taking out one guy though I do not think that's a great idea that must say so myself actually why am I doing this turn a quick ball to a I like they would ever fall for that harach sitting for nine months to 90 fan thanks for two months as well how dare you come here as a t9 fan when you know that me into 90s hate each other how dare you come to my chat knowingly I'm a I did I even beat at most I don't even know myself at this point [Music] hey I should have that ball there and they're just fine let's chase down that face another token thanks for the two months as well yellow first you can't wish thanks man scout should be still lurking around here now yeah hello was he the guy that hits a few little hello hit me hit me come here come here come on come here [ __ ] come on Ian thinks for two months up in a good day thank you I am hope the same for you row shank in three two months as well thanks man detainment you're welcome I'm glad you like it I mean it sounds like you do that face wait what happened to that brush by the way did you just go back what and confused slightly they just complete it back yet what I'm complaining just wondering with offensive stand helped with trade problem not really though I mean I would want to patrol I think when you patrol even with the offensive stance it will still be annoying for you like they will still chase them quite a quite a distance I could be wrong though might help though yeah the Berbers first not sure who to go first I haven't checked ourselves it open in Indians Indians is going to have to be something we need to take out we cannot deal with their trail camera what is this farm okay so Indians should be one flank Teutons and Indians are put in making the early militia life is great a bongo beard thank you for two months indeed yeah I like that that is wasting time and I appreciate such an act we should hit castle age before 20 minutes for around 20 minutes ish and be ready to absolutely dominate ya Indians close that's good I will do the Knights and kept rhymin Indians first in 94 exactly would they come to get a mark it up use a little bit of market views it is not you're not supposed to attack Mata Zico all things for two months go by bruh it has to work at some point as a I mean I hope so with each try I get less and less convinced [Music] [Music] they're gonna be annoying now and hit the house probably no I need to get a barracks I should probably actually focus heavy on picking up relics as well in castle eh oh I thought they got through there because with this a sledge play should also mean that we need to sneak a villager to make some Rams fairway or Seabrook shops pervert I will have my presence I can probably get a lot of the relics [Music] okay let's hide that a little bit although I would like to have it in the middle of a map sort of because I obviously would like to hit more people than one let's go for it there can we get that up actually even looks like the stable is on fire is extra the wall behind well I should be able to get it up still Queen is making tunnel nights that was not part of our calculations I was inside did they break through or did I just not wall that oh my god this is falling apart I lost my Sidra shop as well without deleting it Oh red everyone is making an army all of a sudden their play styles are so inconsistent which is probably good for the game but not for me I wonder how much to eco get slowed down by investing though that's a question on my mind right now and I actually take a convincing fight against them ever if I can really snowball one fight [ __ ] how'd it go it's 23 minutes is not that fast what is the men arms killing me under my tongue Center it will find out how this feels sort of through this game because depending on how this feels now you would have a really good feeling for how good it might be in the future what did east use I think it's no doubt in my mind anymore that's extreme sniping right there [Music] I'm gonna go for like a final fight I would like to heal them up because I have so many low HP ones I really want to reset with the exact same map almost because this [ __ ] up there should not happen I mean I'm fighting off older armies with my human boom right so the boom definitely feels strong question is can I restart is it right does it feel to [ __ ] it to really like I feel like I should restart with a different map that makes sense or like because it feels like cheating cuz I will know the map layout and everything right let me try a little bit more here cuz I mean I'm holding I still have a good equal I still want to see this through a little bit well it probably doesn't make sense now this pipe yeah let's go for a new one I'm not trying again this felt like it could be good let's go again Turks Berber Spanish Incas okay you can live with that I think there's potential there raft number seven thanks for the two months I know you want natural games but is it even possible to do if you pick the same sieve for all a eyes and then pick a strong counter sieve if you do that this should be fairly simple I think because oh yeah I think that would be easy way to choose it and you should be fine then right thank you for five I think doing it like that would make it easy not easy but definitely way very very possible these easy things were subbed by the way I am Sultan are things for two months yeah I still I still felt good about this though to be honest it felt really powerful so I think there's a lot of potential here but then again I felt that about every other thing we've tried as well it just gets worse at every attempt but we'll see I like the idea of going the with the cap tram I just gotta find a way to sneak a siege workshop up and make sure I'm walled so I don't have to be with the pressure and what it's so weird like the last game not the last one but the one before they just boomed and now all of a sudden all four of them made military and were aggressive right it's just so inconsistent that which makes it difficult to play against unpredictable but also very interesting I'll get commute I have kept track for that so I'm not too concerned about that especially and maybe because it's a guy we can take out in Castle age even some we shall see I think I'm gonna make more of an arena wall as well new scripts so I make a smaller wall this time like here there there to the town center think a little bit more easy control this AI have mapped revealed it should not but I don't I don't think so left for five minutes what happened either they broke through my wall and I didn't notice or we had a hole in the wall and but either way it went full disaster I have 1100 the API on my mouse 1,100 1,200 I'm xj1 wasn't sure think is 1,100 I should have already been going for a second for a little bit sooner that's on me do you think you can do this challenge in arena arena might be tough is arena everyone is starting again stone walls right then again I also stopped in stone walls maybe it's even that advantageous for a human so to say actually don't know yet Incas counted them all mmm I would imagine we would have quite a tough time finishing because my dad DZ your dad a boy boy I do want to make that happen um the Kizza thank you for the prime lo [Music] hopefully sure this is isn't a 5 AI game or robot just we're gonna have to take my word for it let's this garden here makes me scared whoa gift subs coming in so what do we have we have bins with a prime and RDX with two months thanks for great content love ocean games and discussions think man glad you like it did and we had Falcone gifting a sub to Carlos thank you very very pleased for that Falcon please be my dad easy thank you for five I take your request into consideration okay I'll get back to you in a week what I do a TC here can shove it up there maybe even on the gold go for woods thanks enough for another five DS air netherworld bf thanks for prime and SK tasks are thanks for prime as well okay I want to walk this like to the town center provide some security for ourselves today's day I day we're not gonna play that playing is there the whole day we will play against AI for for a fair amount I'll probably do this one and then maybe one more after we failed this one and then I'll probably switch to ranked teams or teams with the boys if they're still playing that's this use your product secret project going on nothing is happening right now yes I am gonna be a little bit busy over the next few days and over the next week so I will make more progress on it probably starting in a couple in a week or two we'll see I have a lot of faith in the products I think project I think it can be really cool obviously I shouldn't talk about because I don't really want to reveal and details do you guys yes I will see if we can make it happen the fun really enjoy watching your great content by the way can you be my dad is easy thanks for another five man I said I got back to you in a week man I appreciate it man you're weird dude wall wall wall can you type it more on capslock please maybe I notice it then I am like this part here I'm not too worried about because this is close to town center and they I don't want to attack me in the town center but I am getting there okay so we are archers with Turks coming my way maybe my goal isn't with the most safe home right we just run in and take out this guy yeah should secure this gold more you kids wanted to leave but my talent is always there so he kind of freaks out I guess all right well I was not expecting I should have been expecting I was not counting on archers coming from both sides just yet so Turks and Berbers are flanks I think that's good for us suppose the other ships Spanish Incas you guys could be scary though with Eagles to be fair this is okay I don't have loon oh I could have been so scary looma huh let me see am i Walt let's test okay I should be what why did I know I debated the arches you can see they actually use the market bastards okay let's deserve a feel better about this so far though try and find out if one of them is making Knights or something along those lines this is gonna be annoying man always going cost how do you feel about Kong's how do I feel about that I don't know myself yet I feel about that can be scary actually I lost my unit there some summers my eco feels like it worse this game not sure exactly why it could just be my imagination how long is this guy gonna survive inside my base this would make it to cast edge without open walls [Music] yeah the cons can be scary though I don't have a seat ready I don't feel like I could have broken up anyway yet Adam [Music] Estrella all things for two months t-bird thanks for three months don't be my dad please you don't have to worry about it I think James thanks for two months fear of fiery dragons instead of crying only one stars Instagram as well yg twelve eleven thirty three long months thank you very much for that alright I'd like to just get take care of these archers or they're making spearmint most are gonna wait I would like to mix in steppe lancers help with the Pyke's because we get that extra range right should be good that's would even just counter-attack I don't want to lose my stable I think this is the time to attack man have so much wood [Music] actually pretty strong these nights there to clean up everything there without losses we can pikemen man we listen to everything there [Music] he's actually separated now without full upwards yet yeah this is this should be a good enough for me to actually snowball and kill someone I haven't seen anything of the conchs yeah there could be like that other game where I was playing as a Portuguese guy who made a castle but he didn't actually make any units that is a chance here okay okay okay now we're kind of in the direction where we wanted this game to go to begin with yes you're really there alright looks more interesting this time you just repair to mark with a little bit please attack before to get him I will I'm just waiting I need to prepare to I think two captains should be enough to actually make a bowl already we had clean up most of Reds army as well so I don't fear military so to say yeah let's go how's it go enough build it there oh yeah do my second attack on that bouncer so we're hoping to completely eliminate Louie from the game that very much if we could defeat him there will be a nice bonus not gonna lie that would be a very nice bonus indeed and take like all of his resources will be very nice as well it's pretty solid I also have over 100 bills so it's not like my transition is far far away as well let's see I'm not gonna I'm not gonna ever say that I feel good about it still yes to watch how you use keyboard and mouse while playing would you consider casting from that POV Ardex one second I will address your comment in a sec [ __ ] as the ink goes right Oh God we're in for Eagle to them it's not the way to run blue all right well blue blue is dead I need to get in I'm gonna have evils in my face very very shortly yeah blue is gone our pikemen back my base correctly I've been around pushed oh [ __ ] no we cannot sir no sir maybe we can buy a lot of time with this attack that what the Eagles don't actually rate is too much of the kind of my oh god why do you have some remarks [Music] I feel like we're not doing enough though that's the problem here still feels like we're not getting enough done okay okay trading well trading well if we can keep trading there I'll go there's the conchs all day even on spends traders gain profit that as well stop chasing trade cards for the love of God and want to put these guys on defensive stance conks are gonna be annoying what I never said you guys back oh I'm gonna bowls off that's pretty but these guys counter infantry very well that's something yes still trading goodness Eagles there so the early eagle purse didn't do anything we are playing three before right now three versus four and bread is an issue you need that fault still feels like our equal isn't exactly where I would like it to be well sinners read Berbers okay don't think this is working out as in attendance should add a sec you Castille therefrom [Music] I'm actually doing myrtles what you just keep pushing we still have a healthy population I do worry though the fact that they have Spanish trade and we're gonna lie we do worry about that I only got one relic I mean I do have blues bass that with my disposal to the fair where's the monk I heard a monk my population is dropping and my position is disappearing as well all right clean up the first wave it's fair not this is merely what I just need some cavalier there though that we're sort of holding register Castle is pushing get some Stonewall do it now the funny thing about the kyumin's sir or dude is that they don't have stone walls that makes that very request quite difficult to pull off sir dude okay still feel like we're getting over around here though my population is racing we're gonna clean up that but I don't have a leave to keep a checkers as long as well is just making skirmish that's fine just get that Trev why you're making like are they out of gold Jeff that's just wishful thinking from my part [Music] yeah red is awesome now eleven hundred thousand I can only get a big kick Chuck will help a lot huh are they out of bolt like the Eagle spam has slowed down a lot worse plays I'm getting optimistic when things slow down but I know it's just false attack red I don't know if you can tell it's a little bit hectic right now I can't do everything at once sir loon has a market there so trade might run through my castle limits potentially your dreaded paladin here I mean paladin I think that's might made a mistake though I can't do paladin's too expensive oh [ __ ] yeah I don't ever get pressure this is non-stop Kip checks do feel like a good unit though to hold if they also do good against Rams I'm still feeling like the golf is probably the way to go here it comes till he has been in the Technos for a while all right it's just it has been slowing down a little bit I need to find a way to afford elite kit check its kind of next thing that just doesn't stop does it only had population or it'll be a fun patch actually you could have yeah you can yeah just have to go all out there and try to get its picture it's falling apart through some cast as left and right [Music] it's falling apart get finished upgrade at least come on please please please pretty please pretty please no yeah it's it's over I wonder why they're playing so aggressive all of a sudden let's call it in the pierce attempts it's been it's been usually only the flanks making some archers and then yes Brutus 1100 the flanks make some audience curves and the pockets just boom yeah it's way more aggressive in the interval this is so tough it's golfer only answer yeah probably asking the reason we're fighting for is because we already beat me blue looks like he has zero villagers yeah blue was actually defeated you didn't have anything so blue was completely out of the game yes one month of it Oh is he converting a real sick hey I'm an sick what extend that all just turtle for 70 minutes you can't turn the load they have trade totally doesn't work and you play with 200 pop against 800 I could try and I had a cold for air to try to convert wheels when I don't have any ah I can't see promiscuous that's it looks like that that's what they're doing I'm thinking goth might be the way of course I could try and make some walls and like just have a channel straight through to a cat to a castle or two and see if they I stupid them no instead of killing flank kill pocket yeah the other guy one of the pocket did a castle drop though and anyway Incas who go for fast MP Eagles and we were a little bit unfortunate again with the fact that Incas was pocket because the Eagle spam came so fast with other on our pocket probably yeah maybe killing a pocket for first whoeverís was extremely unfortunate yeah maybe dad is moving really fast guys it's really hard for me to catch all your messages well I don't think you can do that no but I would have been really cool if that was possible are the ex donate five euros saying we would love to watch how you use keyboard and mouse playing would you consider casting from our point of view do you mean putting the camera on the keyboard I don't know where my second camera is I mean I could do a I could put a Maroney on the keyboard you want to for a game and it's kind of - it never can have a pole on that you guys want to see there I'm gonna do a pole you pull and keyboard or face keyboard face start pork can you do both I don't have my secondary camera or I think we loaned it to Debbie's mother or for the time being because she needed a camera to do some teaching from home during Corona people don't like your face doesn't look like it what does that mean I have to put on pants as well mm J soon with the two months hope you meter robustly I'm trying man trying ESCO thanks for 17 months fruit on your loops since when five Richard de thanks for two months hey hey Viper özgür acoustic or Cobra make 63 thanks for the nineteen months as sky 7 - 2 months appreciate it and heavy-duty upo thanks for the rhyme Oleg's okay looks like keyboard is winning so we'll try to switch to keyboard air for a sec all right position list though what I used to support it I'm gonna try to arrange it something here always with your teeth I put there yeah does it look like I would have to the see how it looks in-game that's probably not great little bit unstable is that good has to be from top I'm not sure how much further you need it higher Eagles I arranged II like and build up a wall he'll hear this better this is good like this is my position for you let me this it how I would sit playing I'll sit like this it's good I'm you can't see the mouse do you care about the mouse do you need to see the mouse I can put it further back if you need to see the mouse remove cam overlay this is so demanding man actually I shouldn't show the mouse nevermind I'm not allowed to show mouse little carry-on and so we'll do it like this alright and one go for God and we try it with try god I'll do it it'll be the last last AI game for today don't make fun of my hands I suddenly feel very I what's called self conscious all of a sudden when the camera is on the hands compared to when it's on my face it feels very weird you feel weird washing the hands I don't blame ya I feel weird showing my hands for some reason I can't you show your mouse I'm shouldn't talk about it below don't bring it up you might have something to do with sponsors let's just leave it at that this is too weird please stop but you guys voted for this you voted for this you guys voted for this you all voted for this sixty something percent of you voted for this you have yourself to blame for this what is with me and playing saves that only have power sidewalls by the way coughing humans is like the two options we're going for and none of them are stone lost so we're just going for a boom hoping for the best Engelberg Cocteau Tinkoff is the only thing we have come remotely close to my boss so far has to be bored there right in the darkness is a promiscuous by the way people were people told me it was a good host when I passed all my viewers on to you if they had a good time watching your stream and getting questions asked answered and so on that was good doc Einstein thanks for the two months my pistol bang thank you bats I did things for the sub as well elbow next stop cape man with 442 wipe your finger game is awesome I will leave it at that thank you I appreciate the compliments that no no I have all my sheep we think I have on how to train yourself to press the buttons like Jay okay how do you train yourself by clicking them a lot I guess I know it's not something I've been like aware of training hey how do I reach that button and that button right those are things you just do I'm so many hosts ginger mountain thanks for getting yourself to miss Kazue all this you got wall down here I want to take those deer as well Maggie oh sure you think manga cabbage will be I mean I don't disagree this should be a great unit but oh wait what about mangers with characters and you can make magihour huh start for free well not for free obviously but not costing it even funny if this is the winning attempt with this overlay 11 what good fun indeed all we needed was to get some power to the hands what Sims do they have Turks Persians Britons a sticks wait Turks could be rough with the other t36 I'm fairly satisfied with must say not too shabby [Music] let's do this trick right inside and stay inside por tres sins for two months have our product organs at one about a cup of frozen earth and some special maps any tips on how to do this best honestly get in touch with [ __ ] five Malaysian rush trihard and get in touch with a robo borrow or someone that usually normally host tournaments and they have obviously contacts and the means to tell you what you need to do to make a tournament successful so I would say that's your best chance there rui-zhi think so too much happy birthday of IP thank you man Kate man Thanksgiving a sub to Sonic unseren thanks for prime and do Road donut or weight or [ __ ] thank you for the prime there as well hope they're not smart there's a chance to come in here obviously it's just something I'm hoping they were [Music] couch share things with bits except panel maybe it's not this best idea to use buildings like this in the wall because that's what they will attack right I don't want them to attack my blacksmith even busy man it's a job they just stay there the rest of the game I mean that Dennis fine right I knew you know they want we have to attach what I have some titles like I just wanna boom in peace is that really too much to ask for this might be very annoying now is brush from the Aztec player but hopefully it stays within the TC like this and just never gets any progress it would be very much appreciated he says as they come in on the gold well it's just one guy though you can you can come stop it and this is so annoying frisk is why I say of actually I mean I did it actually but then I failed stay there even up with my norms I guess should be very a good thing for me okay let's see chorus on things for 25 months just passed him a little bit there cuz I wanted to finish after horse caught a heavy plow not sure where those units are anymore though I mean I have I have Thomson as everyone knows who should be fine well I should take stone as well considering that and might get pressures I would like to probably have a castle don't forget the relics first need to get my food ago and so I can maintain full village reproduction oh my god you're kidding many times do we have to go through this dance finally ok next town center oh [ __ ] you got teased a little bit lower here because I wanted to be in range to protect the walls a little bit and maybe what you're kidding sneak you an arm you can't reach anyway I need to get a castle up there probably maybe just one month is enough we'll find out soon enough I mean your buildings anyway for going to him all right that's nice you have two relics very close give me the ego well is he going back now to hit castle age I guess the spot of our castle has been determined all right I would say so far so good no I've been the smoothest right so it's not too bad either I'm in this big house right now it's not very good we have a castle almost there well your debts yes you know that works feel so low that I should be clicking up why are you out there Wow prepare look good and should play more often he is a good hand we what we fear here young persons Britain's Aztecs Turks still say that will be the most scary Theory mistake opening that way still think all in all it's going pretty well I'm also scared to say those words and know how they usually end he's running in wait I see one actually that scares me a little bit don't want them to just run in like that should you be more annoying I should let's stop I don't want to produce here because they get cheaper in him all right boys Showtime almost while all your opponent so disrespectful I'm not anywhere as an ax relic that I want to disappear but we have two relics it's not too bad let's go and I hate monks with a passion there's one unit in this game I hate you have it right there right [Music] house that's actually a stupid castle serves no purpose that's a nice Hill you should be anyway are they trading already man you kidding me these guys can I just build a cast in their face I swear these tray carts never mind monks the worth the unit I hate the most in this game or tray carts all the monks to be fair hey we let's just take uptown centers [Music] yeah sticks relics as well boy we just got him I was lucky I would've gotten these empties there red is in hey what stop chasing the tray card actually you know what I'm gonna start targeting the frickin market man like the first building I'm gonna take out from every opponent is the market not even kidding that's my worst enemy it's the frickin market [Music] that's the honestly the best unit they have the tray cart yeah that's the bass in his face which means hope that I can take his resources it's not one in the face stone there what's going on there [Music] of course he has one Archer there to rule them all yeah yeah the stairs to market what the stairs Castle oh it's actually gonna go up I'd like to send these guys to help fight but knowing this game correctly I'll probably start chasing look bodies I probably start chasing and trade cars instead [Music] what sieve is red Persians make sense mix-ins all right where's my arm even joka where's my preparation we don't let them finish that's a good trait for us we can grab a relic or two I think we cleaned up most of the calorie from read I wanna make more forward barracks here oh this market in the corner apparently oh these guys get rid of that thing [Music] I mean I've feel like red and not red teal is pretty dead Green is struggling big-time I don't have siege at the moment to follow up where she's living my biggest problem with the trying were trying you know he is gonna start they already grabbed the relic is really bastards are you guys knowing this kind of a tough it's not a gun powder there gun powder there as well the guts of damage in fast enough [Music] I miss you missing a big boss ignore that stop chasing the tracker I swear no promiscuous can you cold the day I to not make fake words I swear on God I lost Augusto I swear to god man [Music] my gold income is starting to look less impressive we may say so myself oh no tray carts looking good no credit cards is when I start to believe this is pretty much my only goal I have this as well I'm not sure how long those goals will last how I stopped goes [Music] and this base layout the one tone I'll throwing Luongo that's not how it works one longbow everywhere no matter where you go you're gonna be hit by a freaking long ball castles everywhere gunpowder everywhere I'm going full helps to deal with this I swear to God the the unit and is killing me the most is the trick part I swear to God [Music] [Music] [Music] better run boy oh here we go again yeah there's a military there but let's chase some trach hearts and peaceful guys running carrying a wagon makes sense let's follow those guys it's another one what they're actually fighting villagers the main issue we have right now is that gold is going to start feeling low for us I can keep a healthy population you know it's just gold is even at a long-ball number now where it's gonna be starting to be tough to deal with actually especially cuz they all run we never get on top later they start running like mad [Music] I needed to take down this Kessler they're all stuff I'm still thinking maybe even on a bigger casters play with huh skulls can be the way like if you go for a salacious girls intellect if I imagine a rush screen in cast later I could probably take off both teal and green and castle age and I will still be able to hit em to not have to worry about purging the Turks in this game oh [ __ ] that's a lot of hanging Gunners hey at least I'm killing losing all my barracks here actually that's sort of my biggest issue right now is that I don't have production it's all sudden we're snowballing in green but that I have to send my units home that was the last bit of Golding whom you have not mistaken mixing his curves could have been an option but it would eat in it would eat up my population right don't think that's gonna be an option either all things considered population where have you gone that's so much gunpowder okay that's it I will never be able to break this stop this gunpowder they're gonna probably see it was missing her if I have seizures earlier I can probably push the do way more damage actually took out all their markings here as well colleges don't work because they have such a big spread in their units anyway I still think Golf is probably the way to go but I'm playing with the idea of going for and yeah I could trade with one of their markets to be fair doesn't make sense I'm thinking about probably killing one two people in Castle age they'll get like a 3tc boom drop a castle start spamming house corals in Castle age that way I can probably like the worst part is that he gets those castles up right suddenly has three castles depending but if I can take him out mid to late castle age maybe that's better he's got the house costs will still do really well against buildings even in Castle age maybe that would have to be the play is it humanly possible to one be seven extreme AI depends a lot on the map and setting but unlikely will you try them Black Forest you could use the choke points Black Forest no I'm I am committed to the Arabia strategy right or not strategy Arabian map that's where we are gonna stay probably they're just been made the markets anyway Sophia cough is the most likely way of succeeding but I am thinking now towards playing Castle age rather and maybe you could even rate the pockets in Castle age just to idle them a little bit yeah I think Castle age is is the way let me see the time when there's a teal obviously we take him out completely but unfortunately unfortunately we were not able to do enough to green sue and green was a green britain's he had kept to a mushroom population we could also wipe him from the map sort of like teal then we would suddenly be only against red and blue although the Gunpowder armies they had at the end was also really tough yeah I still feel like feels like Golf is the best way to go here so with that said that'll be it for the AI stuff today so I'm gonna wave with my hand because that's what you see now apparently Rose watching on YouTube hope you enjoy it I'm gonna give it another try with goth probably next week or week after we'll see it slow and steady to make our way make the progress
Channel: TheViper
Views: 62,061
Rating: 4.9433627 out of 5
Id: HMcav6wbRJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 43sec (7303 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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