Ao-kun surprised by Akirose's sexy HoloDown screams ends up in the same bed after some ups and downs

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Aki: But we could try HoloUp once more! Ao: Nice, let's go! Aki: Shall we do HoloUp for the last practice? Ao: Good idea! Kanade: Oh, where is it? Ao: On top, seriously? This way! Ak: Alright Kanade: This way? Aki: It's dark...isn't it dark? Aki: I can't see anything! Aki: This is scary! This is scary! This is scary! Save me! I can't see anything! Why? Aki: It was that dark! Ao: It's somehow really dark isn't it? Mel & Aki: It's dark! Ao: It becomes night! It's dark! Aki: Scary, scary, scary! Ao: It suddenly became scary! Aki: It starts to look like a Horror Game! Aki: Wait! I can't see! Aki: Eh, wait! a moment! Where is everyone? Ao: You can do it! Aki: Where are you? Aki: Where are you? Ao: This way, this way, this way! Aki: I can't see again! Aki: I can't see! Aki: I couldn't see anything! Ao: I'm so skilled! Ao: I'm the highest up! I'm first right? Aki: Really? Ao: Hello! Ao: Excuse me, you jumping here scared me a bit! Kanade: There are people falling from the skies! Aki: There is no one over me! Ao: It's practice... Ao: I fell all the way down! Mel: Look, I'm waiting! Aki, where are you? Aki: I'm up here! Hurry and come! Mel: I'm waiting for you down here! Aki: You're lying! Come up here! Mel: Eh, but that would be my second time! Aki: The second time? Aki: Did you really see the view from above, Mel? Mel: I did! Aki: This one is scary! Mel: Are you dead? Aki: I'm alive! Ao: Where are you! But you are still pretty high up! Aki: I thought I was dead! Ao: There was a pretty loud scream! Mel: What is happening? Aki: I can't do the small jumps! Ao: We can see! We can see! We can see your spot! Mel: We can see you! Ao: Amazing! Ao: But looking from this low angle it's a bit sexy! Mel: But you can't see the sexy parts, it's too small! Aki: I fell down! Stop it! Ao: You can use the bed? Aki: I'm falling again! I'm falling again! Mel: She fell down! She fell down! Ao: Mel-senpai! Ao: If you touch your bed you will turn back to the last bed you touched! Mel: Eh, what? Aki: Wuah, really! Ao: Amazing! I didn't know! Aki: I didn't know! Ao: I wonder if I can make it there? Ao: Ah, I made it! Mel: Is the "byon" important? Ao: The "byon" is important, isn't it? Mel: Eh, Ao-kun? Another checkpoint? That's a bit... Ao: Hooray! Ao: But I can get back with the bed! Mel: There are some people falling down! Here! Kanade: Mel-senpai, did you even touch a bed? Ao: You didn't? Mel: I touch my bed everyday! Ao: It probably has been updated! Ao: More than we did! Ao: Did you just try to touch the bed and fell? Aki: I fell. Isn't the pink bed difficult? Ao: Certainly! Aki: I don't need it? Ao: Your HoloDown voice right now was sexy! Mel: It was something like "iyan" Ao: It was a perfect "Iyan"! Ao: It was wonderful! Aki: Stop it! I'm trying to concentrate! Ao: This is also a way to train your mental level! Mel: That's right it's mental! Mental! Aki: You added mental training? Seriously? Ao: You can't give up even if you get teased for your HoloDown voice! Mel: You can't lose! Aki: I think Ao-kun needs this the most! Ao: Certainly! I'm screaming "Wuaih"! Aki: No way! Aki: I fell! AKi: Yahoh Mel! I came to meet you! Aki: I came for you! Mel: You came for me! Aki: Here, take my hand... Mel: I'm gonna aim for you! Aki: Dangerous! Ao: She came for you! Kanade: Ah you are the highest up! Ao: That's right! Ao: If Kanade would cheer me on, I would be even higher Kanade: Fall down! Ao: Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Ao: We are in the same team! Kanade: Isn't this the goal? Ao: Ah wait? It's the goal! Mel and Aki: You are kidding me! Kanade: Can you make it from here? Ao: Can't I make it from here with a big jump? Kanade: You can make it? Ao: I totally can make it! Ao: See! Ao: I did it! I did it! Aki: Amazing! I see this for the first time! Ao: Greetings! Ao: HoloUp Pro Gamer Hiodoshi Ao! Ao: You cleared it once! Ao: I made a mistake! Ouch! Ao: That surprised me! I decided to make a pose and fell! Ao: This is wrong! This is wrong! Kanade: What did I just watch? Ao: What am I doing? Ao: Why? Ao: Isn't it difficult to reach the goal within time? Ao: Hello! Aki: It's close, isn't it? It's close isn't it? Ao: It is close! Ao: You can do it with a big jump! Aki: Really? Then lets try! Aki: That was dangerous! I got surprised! Kaede: That surprised me! Ao: What happend right now! Aki: I don't know! I absolutely have no idea what happened! Aki: The trident betrayed me! Ao: Is that what happened? Mel: The traitorous tridents? Ao: Again? Ao: What does this mean? What is happening? Ao: Traitorous Trident? What is happening? Mel: What is happening? Aki: I made it! Ao: It was perfect! Ao: There were fireworks! How spectacular! Ao: Eh, please wait! Aki: Eh? Ao-kun? Kanade: She fell, didn't she? Aki: She disappeared before my eyes! Ao: Why? What happened? Aki: The bonus jump is difficult! Ao: I'm happy HoloUp gets so much love! Ao: What? Are you kidding me? Ao: Ah, good day! Aki: Good day! Ao: It's our shared bed! Aki: Shared bed? Mel: Shared bed? Aki: Sharing a bed? Are we sleeping in the same bed? Ao: That's right we came at the same time here! Ak: We came in at the same time! Mel: What's going on with that unpleasant language of you two? Aki: The problem lies with the interpretation. Stop that Mel, it's not good! Mel: I'm peeping from down here! Aki: But we are not lying! Ao: Certainly! Subaru: Ao-kun was nice the whole way! Subaru: So I think I want you to just stay as you are! Aki: That's right! That's right! Ao: Hooray! Ao-kun is fine as she is! Aki: She is ok as she is! Subaru: I get it but why are you getting mad at me? Aki: She is nice so you don't have to interfere! Aki: She is good as she is, Subaru! Subaru: You are way to angry! What happened?
Channel: Murasaki Ringo Vtuber Stories
Views: 1,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aki rosenthal, hololive, minecraft, hiodoshi ao, yozora mel, oozora subaru, otonese kanade, vtuber, yt:cc=on
Id: HfXgQm0cUSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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