AnyTone 878/868 TX Expand + 1.25m Band | Add Value To Your AnyTone Radio!

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howdy everyone this is a video on a couple of modifications we're going to be doing to the any tone 878 as far as i'm concerned this is also compatible with the any tone 868 and all the variants so uh what we're gonna be doing today is we are going to do two things we're going to open up the transmit so we're going to be able to transmit on any band we can receive on and second we are going to open up the 1.25 meter band on this radio now a fair bit of caution here doing this could brick your radio um and you may never get it to work the same way or you may not even be able to get it to work at all after this modification but nonetheless i've i've done this on a couple of radios so far uh different uh hardware versions but they've all worked um just fine after the modifications so first of all whatever cps or a code plug you have on the radio make sure you back it up um i went ahead and wiped it so i'm starting from scratch if you bought the serrated united states you'll probably have the um the current uh the code plug okay so the firmware in the radio has to be in the correct mode for you to do this and the code plug software in the computer has to have the same mode enabled so what we're going to do first is we are going to change the mode of the firmware on this radio now this will wipe everything on the radio so make sure you have everything backed up first thing we're going to do is we want to plug it into our computer with the programming cable that was included with the radio if i can get this little hatch open okay we're going to plug in uh switch to the computer real quick and what what you're gonna want to do is you want to download this uh this folder it's got the links give me the description below and i'll uh i'll tag the source of where i got this um so it's called at options probably from the manufacturer but uh this is a this could break your radio right here so what we want to do is launch it up it gives you a nice warning and then um we are going to open up the com port here and read from the radio um now first things first we see the frequency mode we're in mode 7 which is the amateur us mode and it tells us and what we can transmit on and what we could receive on um and this is the band setting password you're gonna need this later so make sure you write this down or just remember it if you can uh for me it's 878 hash uh i've i've seen other people having different passwords depending on the manufacturer so just make sure you write this down here another thing we want to do is we want to change the mode here now to transmit on every band uh you have to uh go to mode 14. obviously this is a longer piece of text right here given that we have the 220 megahertz band here 1.25 meters and it says that we can transmit on basically everything the radio is capable of receiving besides hd radio so we're going to go ahead and click that there's a bunch of other modes here i don't suggest any other mode because unless unless you want to do something unless you know what you're doing so um we're going to go ahead and write to the radio and i got right complete which is good waiting for the radio to boot up all right we're booted up so uh we're gonna go to the cps here um now what we want to do is we want to go to model model information and here uh this is where we have to input the password that we got from the at options so we're gonna go and do that it should be eight seven eight hash for me uh then i'll put a couple of the other uh potential passwords you you might have uh in the description below so we're going to check password password is pass i'm assuming that's password is password so we're good there uh and now we should have the mode 14 here maintenance mode i'm assuming this is probably a mode for testing and now we can see here uh it shows us all the bands we can transmit and receive on so we're going to go ahead hit okay so you will have to make a new code plug for this however you can still import everything you've had before which is all nice and dandy so we're actually going to go ahead right to the radio all right now we're writing to the radio all right so we can see here it looks a little weird i'm guessing this is the stock code plug that came with the cps so uh what we're actually going to do is we're going to go into the vfo real quick if i can manage this all right so i just set the key binding here it's going to be too long all right so we're in the vfo here um if you all can see that on the camera we're gonna go ahead and type in uh 220 all right so we've actually dialed into 220 and we're just going to transmit here real quick um in digital let me switch out of that real quick all right i'm just going to transmit and as you can see we have transmitted um and another thing we can do is we can go let's see let's um let's go to one of the one of the frs bands here so let's do four six two i believe it's um 750 we go transmit and of course we can transmit um it doesn't really matter basically anything besides uh fm radio you can transmit on which is super powerful you can get a lot of the value out of the radio like this and it works on 1.25 meters now the only caveat with 1.25 meters is that the power output on this thing it's not great it's probably around 1 watt and i guess the reason why this radio could do this uh is because the any tone 578 the mobile brother of this radio the bigger brother of this radio has a capability of transmitting on 1.25 meters so i'm assuming some of the hardware shared so the software shared you know chinese radios so that's going to go ahead and conclude um this video here if there's any questions leave them in the comments below i'll answer them to the best of my ability or point you somewhere where you can find the answer um so yeah guys i appreciate any of the comments that you may have on this video so um yeah thank you all for watching uh you'll have a good rest of your day
Channel: Kendall
Views: 9,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anytone, any, tone, bridgecom, bridge, com, systems, 878, 868, tx, transmit, expand, unlock, 220, mhz, 220mhz, 1.25m, ham, radio, amateur, baofeng, uv-5r, uv5r, dmr, tyt, tytera, md-380, firmware, mod, modification, modifications, value, hack, hacker, hacking
Id: vlp_KfzLWDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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