AnyTone 878UVII Plus Quick Start Guide | DMR For Beginners

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welcome to your anytone 878 uv2 plus quick start guide i'm cody w3 amg with bridgecon systems and today in front of me we have the brand new any tone 878 uv2 plus the purpose of today's video is to share with you everything that you need to know to get your 878 uv2 plus up and running right out of the box we'll walk you through exactly what to expect in the package and go step by step through programming your 878 uv2 plus let's see what's inside the box so here we have the brand new 878uv2 plus and you can see the packaging is actually different it looks more fancy and is definitely a lot cooler than the old packaging on the old radios so let's open it up first thing we are greeted with here is a couple of any tone stickers set them aside and then let's see what is this it would appear as though here's some information on how to get on bridgecom university that that will include your your custom code to get on bridgecom university okay and that is definitely a resource you're going to want to use unless you have a plug-and-play package that is going to be the best and fastest way to get on the air with your radio then we have this bluetooth user guide is as well as the manual for your radio itself the bluetooth guide is pretty simple for getting the bluetooth set up uh the user guide can be a little bit confusing so we would definitely recommend bridgecon university if you need more help after this next up we have the radio so we'll get it out the package here we're going to need that for programming it up in a second okay then here we have the programming kit a little bit further down in the box so we will also need that so i'll take that out the package real quick then we have a wrist strap then another usb cable so this usb cable has just a regular end and then two micro usb ends on one side now that will be used for our bluetooth push to talk button if you want to charge it and i believe the second usb cable uh is made so you can charge the q8 headset the bluetooth earpiece at the same time there we go and then here is a little wrist strap or not wrist strap but a steering wheel strap for your bluetooth push to talk button these are great you can actually strap them right on your steering wheel in your vehicle and that way you can be driving down the road totally hands-free talking on your radio then we have a belt clip for our battery let's see then we have the charger there's two portions of the charger we have the the drop-in charger itself as well as the wall wart here and we have a battery take it out the package here real quick there we go now one of the great things about this charger is you can actually charge the battery as you would expect with the radio so we'll get the battery out real quick here attach that to our radio we're going to need that in a second you can drop the whole radio in here like you would expect but what you can also do is take the battery off and just charge the battery itself uh that way you can have i like to have two batteries so i keep one on the charger at all times and then it will stop charging once the light turns green so it can just sit there and be ready and then whenever it comes time to change the battery you just take the battery off slap it in your radio put the old one on the charger and it's a highly efficient way to do it let's see what else do we have looks like the last thing we have in the box here is our antenna and we will need this as well so you get that on the radio so these are the items we're going to need for the initial programming and setup of the radio so let's get started so let's go ahead and program up our first channel into our radio and see if we can get on the air uh so make sure your radio is turned on and we'll find out what firmware it has here in a second now what you want to do is take this programming cable and get it ready one side of this is going to plug into your radio the other side will plug into your computer so let me plug this in real quick to my computer and then on this side of the radio there's a flap and you'll see it has the headphone and the microphone jack be careful you don't mix it up with this side you don't want to accidentally pull off your push to talk button because they won't go back in so open up your programming port over here there we go and go ahead and pro plug in your programming cable just like so uh you can just hit confirm on the time that there's a much easier way to calibrate the time with the gps later and we'll wait for it to power up here now at this point no matter what radio you have it's always good to check what firmware version it's running that way you can download the correct cps so as we can see it doesn't have much of a timer right now it just times out immediately so go to menu and then we'll go to settings there we go select settings and then we can go to device info and scroll down until you see firmware version so firmware version 1.00 there we go perfect now in this case we may not be able to get one that old so we'll see what's available so so what we want to do now is go to and from here you will click on support up in the top menu bar and now here you want to scroll down now there's a lot of information on this page which is great a great resource but you will want to find this radio so in this case the 878 plus uv2 so i'm just going to scroll down until i find that okay here we go there's the older 878 here's the uv2 so go ahead and click on this the firmware and driver downloads there we go now we can see what versions available it looks like okay so it's telling us cps is compatible with all the firmwares here so we can go ahead and download this current version of the cps and it should work fine with this radio so we'll just save that to our desktop there we go wait for that to download it's complete so i'm going to go ahead and x out of my web browser here and now we can see we have this zip folder so what you want to do is right click on this folder you just downloaded and any windows computer will have this ability then you want to click extract all and from here we can just extract it directly to to the desktop dish where we have it located so just click next and we'll give that a second to extract this is just decompressing all those files and here we go here's all the files it opened up that folder for us so we don't need everything here immediately what we want initially is the cps so we want to double click on that and go ahead and install this application now i'll walk you through this it's pretty simple just like any other application but there's one step we actually need to pay attention to in order for it to work correctly so it has it'll come up with this message just click on more info and then run anyway go ahead and say yes allow it to make changes and select your language then click next now this is the the part that's important it will automatically try to install it on the d drive which is really not what you want even if you have some computers now don't even have a d drive and even if they do it's meant for recovery purposes only it's not really used for the system so you simply want to click browse and change it over to your c drive just like that and everything will be just fine after that so click next and next again and i like to create a desktop icon so go ahead and make one of those and then click install and there we have it so i'm not going to launch it there so finish that now we can get out of this folder so as you can see there is the cps and now this folder also includes the new firmware so if you wanted to update the firmware you have all that information here but we are not going to do that today and it's not necessary to start using the radio so go ahead and double click on this application we've just installed and here we go so this is the the programming software now we should be able to since we have our radio turned on and plugged in if we click on this com port button up here we should be able to see the radio oh there we go so we didn't actually have it plugged in all the way on the radio so that's definitely something to look for if you don't see it make sure it's plugged in try it again and make sure it's actually plugged in all the way on the radio because it can feel like it is but it's not so there we go com3 so we found the radio now at this point you want to click on the button just left of that that says read from radio click on that and then we'll go ahead and read we just need to read the other data at this point since it's brand new there we go read data completed so this is everything your radio currently has on it now we don't really need to do too much here so i'm actually going to get rid of these initial channels because i don't really have any use for them and there we go we have a blank slate now so we need to go gather a little bit of information so we are going to need to find a local repeater we need to find out what our own information is our call sign and if you don't have one already you will want to register for a dmr id if you want to talk on dmr now you can also just program in regular analog repeaters they work fine too but today we're going to talk on the dmr repeater so let's open up our web browser and you'll want to get a you know a piece of paper or a digital notepad whatever you prefer ready just to write this information down so first let's go make sure we have all the info that we personally need so go to radio id dot net and from here go to database and if you already know your dmr id and your call sign we don't need to do this so then go go to user dmr id search and this is really handy so you can just type your call sign in this section where it says call sign there we go and then press search and it will show you your dmr id so i have mine written down here so we have that and i know my call sign so we've got that part taken care of now if i go back to the cps we can go ahead and add that information in so you will go to digital open up the digital tab and then from there you will want to go to radio id list now it has a blank one in here by factory and if you don't actually have something in here it will not work so make sure you put this in now if you don't have a radio id yet you're waiting on it and you just want to use it with analog systems you can just leave this this blank information in here that it comes with so i'm going to add my id in here and then down here typically i like to put my first name and call sign there we go perfect and there's one more place we really should add this information you don't have to by any means but it makes your experience a lot more interesting so go to optional settings on the left hand side and then go up to power on and change this from default interface to custom supposed to be custom character and then in here what we can do is add our name just delete the information that's there and our call sign there we go and that way when the radio turns on it will actually show our call sign there's one other thing i want to do here and you don't have to but let me change this real quick if you go to work mode i want to change this display mode to display the channel instead of the frequency now you don't have to do this but it will make it a lot easier for you what that's going to do is on the display it will actually display the names that we're going to add in for our different channels as opposed to simply displaying the frequency or the the the channel number which we'd never really be able to remember so make sure you do that and then i also like to turn off sub channel mode it kind of just gets confusing and you can still use the sub channel without it displaying it so personal preference but that is what i would recommend for you there we go so now we need to go get our information for our talk groups that we want to program in and our repeater so open up your web browser again and go to and then select your your location your region so in this case i'm in north america so we'll select that and this interface is great so you can just select wherever you are on on the map so i'm in missouri we'll select that and then i'm looking for a dmr repeater so i can filter it down by dmr oops looks like we have an ad here and then from here you can just go through and find one that looks good for you but in this case i know what i'm looking for so i'm going to do a ctrl f and search for it for the kci repeater which is actually moved up north now but it's it's close enough for us to hit it from here so go ahead and click on the frequency over on the left hand side and it will open up that repeater with all the information so now we can see our uplink and our downlink frequencies right up here we can see what that makes our offset obviously and then we have some other information so we'll need the uplink and downlink we will need the color code which is four so i've got that written down and then we will also need to find out what time slot we should be on so down here under notes it says use time slot one for all other brand meister talk groups so that's what we are looking to do we're looking to go on you know all these different brand meister talk groups so in this case we want to use time slot one but this may be different for each and every repeater so you want to make sure to check this okay so we have that information so go back to your channels in your cps and we're going to create our first channel so double click on one in your channels section to create a channel and in this case we want to make it a digital channel which it already is and so we can put our receiving transmit frequencies so the uplink is going to be your transmit frequency so in this case that is 449.4625 and then the downlink frequency is going to be your received frequency it's coming down from the repeater so that's what we're receiving 444-4625 perfect and all this looks good you can select your power generally high or turbo is pretty good for local repeaters just so you can be guaranteed to reach them but if you are setting up a hot spot for example in your home you wouldn't need to be transmitting that high power to it then from here we want to select color code 4 and time slot 1 which we have selected and there's one other thing which we haven't talked about yet that we need to select which is the contact so we if we click on this you can see the contact one there's one in here but that's not going to do much for us so we actually need to create a talk group list now you can download tocryptlists or import them from other locations or you can just add some talk groups yourself so that's what we're going to do today just some basic ones so i'm going to say okay here but we will need to come back and change that contact so open up your web browser one more time and i'm just going to do a google search for bram meister talk groups oh there we go bram meister talk groups so here we go pi star dot uk looks like they have a list this is a pretty good resource for finding them there's quite a few out there so i want to look for the parrot so do a control f and there's the parrot so we can see the talk group number here this is what we will need so 9990 so i've got that written down now i also want one of the essential talk grips you'll need is disconnect you won't be able to get out of anything if you don't have this one so disconnect that is 4 000. so i've got that written down and then i also just for today i want to put in my local state talk group um so here we go looks like that one is three one two nine but there's a lot of different talk groups all the states are on here uh there's international talk groups just about everything you can imagine um so you can have a lot of fun with this but today we're just going to go with these so i'm going to get out of here and from here we want to go into digital and then contact slash talk group and then we can get rid of this the first one in fact i'm just going to take it over and we'll change the name to parrot and parrot where it doesn't really matter but i'm going to make it a private call and then enter the number nine zero and don't need a call alert perfect say okay oops at least one tall okay well learn something every day so you can't actually create a um a private call without having at least a group call so we'll come back to that now we're going to enter our missouri talker and enter the number for that which is three one two nine now this one is important that it's a group call because we're getting on there with lots of other people on the missouri talk group so that will need to be a group call i'm just gonna go back and change this to private like i said i don't know for sure that that matters it's kind of a preference thing and then we also want the disconnect and that is going to be talk group 4 000 perfect there we go so we have some talk groups now so now we can go back to our channel and what i'm going to do here is simply duplicate this so i can copy and then come down here and i can paste and you can also do control v for this now i have three of these that work with that repeater and now i just need to give them names and select the contact so open up one of them this one we can make this the parrot and we already have parrot selected so we are good now this one give it a name up here we will make this missouri and change our contact to missouri say okay and now this one double click on it let's make this one the disconnect the last one and change our contact to disconnect perfect there we have it so we were almost ready to go now there's one more thing we need to do or else none of this will work when we write it to the radio so you want to go into zone and create a zone if you don't have a zone you won't actually be able to access anything and if you don't have your channels in your zone you won't be able to see them either so go ahead and create a zone so i'm just going to do uh local we'll just call it local it's our local repeater and we'll add everything over here now in this zone you can have primary channels whenever you turn on your radio and go to that zone it will automatically populate so we'll just make that the parrot for now and the secondary will make the disconnect that way as we add more it's really easy to get to the the parrot to test it out it's working and the disconnect so say okay okay so i believe we have almost everything there's actually one more thing i almost forgot about this uh you want to go ahead and change this dmr mode so open up your channels and change the dmr mode from simplex to repeater now this is important uh it will not work correctly if you don't do this so we'll go and do this with all of the ones we've created so far luckily we haven't created very many so there we go perfect so now everything should work just fine so at this point make sure your radio is still plugged in and turned on and then click on this com port button up here make sure it's selected which it is and then we're going to click right to radio click ok and then in this case just the other data now at some point you will want to enter that digital contact list there we go it's complete and that will allow you to see everything okay let's see it's powering up here the digital contact list will allow you to see all of the the name and call sign information for everyone you talk to out in the dmr network now you can download that list and import it into the cps but it's not essential for getting on the air so we won't talk about it today so as it powered up we could see the cool uh name and call sign that we added to the the front screen so now at this point we can try it out so because we're kind of in a valley here i set all these to high but for this particular test we're probably going to need turbo so just click on on menu and then go down to settings and you can assign buttons to actually change the power levels just about everything on here you can assign a button for so channel set and tx power but there's always a way to do it manually as well which we're doing right here and this will give us the best chance of hitting this so we can see our zone is there the local zone we created and then we have repeater uh the repeater or or i'm sorry the talk group up top so those are all the channels we made that are inside of that one zone so we'll try the parrot real quick this is w3 amg trying out my newly programmed radio okay didn't oh we got the tail end of that so we're a little bit uh short on reception just because like i said we're in this big building down in the valley it's not great compared to where the repeater is so i'm going to get a little bit closer to the window we'll try it out again this is w3 amg trying out my newly programmed radio this is w3 amg trying out my newly programmed radio there we go it works great so it's really that simple to get on the air you know if you want to expedite this process we offer a variety of solutions for that with plug and play package and a supercode plug and that will get you on the air immediately with no extra effort like this but it's really not too difficult so if you want to learn how it works this is a great way for you to do so you should have everything you need to start making digital contacts with your brand new anytone 878 uv2 plus if you're still having trouble go back through the video and make sure you've completed every step after you've completed this quick start guide click the link down below to learn how to program digital contact lists into your radio thanks again for watching i'm cody w3amg with bridgecom systems73
Channel: BridgeCom Systems, Inc
Views: 73,744
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Keywords: AnyTone 878UVII Plus, AnyTone Radio Guide, AnyTone Quick Start Guide, 878UVII Plus Quick Start Guide, 878UVII Plus Beginners Guide, AnyTone 878UVII Plus Quick Start Guide
Id: PzFZ37S7I6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 26sec (1526 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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