ANYTHING You Can CARRY, I'll Pay For Challenge (Fishing)

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he said whatever you contending on welcome to fishing norm YouTube channel common today is popping up down below so make sure you guys have subscribe button in the Bell leave a comment down below this video for your chance to be next videos comment of the day you see that little academy sign behind me right over there that's because we're doing a little challenge here today with low jet fishing so you get my bass TV and we also got it my main man Andrew every year's gonna be helping us fill in this video so huge shout out to these three guys they all got channels they're gonna be linked down below I was trying to let this video be a surprise but they kind of figured it out man cuz Noah actually had the same idea I know are you literally both at the same time the other video we did 60 seconds and I'll let you go in the store for 60 seconds grab whatever you wanted and that's gonna be linked down below and he had no clue what was going on but this time they know what's going on but I'm gonna tell you guys to get anyways so basically we're gonna go to Academy and whatever you guys can hold you can buy or I can buy I'm buying for you whatever you can grab you get for free you guys ready though I mean lures for the whole entire next year man you guys are gonna be set yeah probably so make sure you guys have that like button please hey not to mention while we're walking into Academy here guys there's gonna be a giveaway at some point in this video I don't know when it's gonna be so you gotta you gotta watch to figure that out and it's gonna be different rules than normal so yep just saying just saying alright folks were in the store we're about to go over the rules for this thing because I can't let you guys just grab everything like no consequences no chance of you maybe losing it all okay guys so here is the rules the rules are simple man you can grab as much stuff as you want there's a little bit of a catch also if you drop something you got to put everything back so you go one opportunity so this is where you guys okay your kids so after we put it back we can't grab more so now no doubt we're out if you drop one thing offers gone off the tables this is where you guys got to go for it did you grab a ton of stuff but if you grab one too many things you lose all of it so you gotta know when to stop I'm worried guys cuz these guys probably got some you're done bro just wait till you see those owners what I'm about to do oh no all right so I'll go first there's no time all right correct we know no time limit suey the thing is you got it and I want to give you time guys because if I give them a little bit too much time they might try to grab even more stuff on top of that time and they drop something like I'm hoping that they drop stuff but this is gonna be interesting guys it's gonna be saucy I know these two guys are probably gonna hurt my bank out they're probably gonna grab something for big money items who's gonna go first right you're going first right now let's do it man right now all right exactly hey you know should be double bucketed should we go ahead for like five grand what he said whatever you can carry so Noah can carry two buckets the show I thought these guys were my friends man here we go he works a dream or closure doesn't even need to go this is no how much are those doughnuts man oh no yo get on him because if you drop some one thing we're ending this way man you know I could play norm really dirty right now for the two buckets but I'm a nice guy norm you know what I'm actually going to only put one bag so yeah let's go do that real quick um do you know if they sell any of those like $200 swimbaits I'm thinking of like a $10,000 maybe $15,000 cut out after this low joe mackelway might send us the sponsorship what's the most the market right now nella Oh the jack harries the Jack here $20 chatter beats let's fly those bad boys and get all of them you know what I really you know I love the chatter donkey man and no need some swimbaits bro so I want to be you know we're not shopping all you grab a whole different color sometimes you know these clothes are really seven dollars man old Gary Yamamoto I mean they're so soft just do you make other stuff to Cowboys like I'm not think this one through man that baby the best fraud I didn't think about a bucket although they're gonna have to hold him in their hands hop in pickles man yeah you just know some of those the buckets barely even full and he's darn throw $9 or the stuff in there that's how I usually shop for poppin pickles if I see my you never know what place you're gonna go to you know whether it's clear water dirty water whatever and so you always got to be prepared guys always have to be prepared so which means usually when I go to a store you don't want to buy ten of one color man you want to buy one of every color so you know let's think this through no black and blues just the juices actually know that black and dude he's just so you know what about the black and blue I think we just need a halt if you snap one off you just got a house you know you never out to me fishing just a note these are $16 a pop norm I'm just letting you know but I'm a sweet guy so we'll grab one of the $4 ChatterBait stuff off thanks to that it's just the ugliest frog ever but I just have to have gonna use that man just I need two white one - oh they have white and like I said I got two of the other ones so I just have to you know do that no you do that dude that dude he was even halfway full with his don't it dude is my face red I'm actually I'd chill smile dude I was freaking out I was about to flip because I didn't think about a bucket grabbing up that was a smart idea on your part I stole it out of the corner of my eye and like man this is perfect no joke all you saw were whispering about sometimes Wonder Woman I was thinking about the backpack - man third backpack on yes yeah oh that would have been sorry but this this was so safe until I decided yet drop ugliest frog of the world but I can't believe you dropped that but because if I thought of anything because when you said nothing can touch the ground I would have accidentally like set the bucket down yeah I could just saw that happening and I dropped the freaking dumb frog it you know how like you throw a basketball so no has lost all of these lures he had the potential to have the best fishing tackle out of any fishing youtuber ever no over here your favorite baits man I hate to do it to you but I really don't can't put the pickle back I'll put all the pickles you can't put a bit more like I know I'm not friends with you anymore bro I'm telling you man you kept a bigger bag give me at least one pickle yeah I'm done okay first of all he was rubbing an end man don't even don't even know you're rubbing it in when you're grabbing these things and I can't believe I'm putting them back man because this is the thing about the potatoes norm you can't find the people in many places while they pickle they not only have three rows of pickles boys but they have some miniature pickles they got baby pick up baby pickles you know you're gonna get roasted row by kids saying you drop something they're gonna be they're gonna be so angry at me I can't believe you did that so no I just found this bucket we keep our voice down because normal well number yes it said no bucket happen container I'll tackle my bucket but he's gonna try to change rules on us again if he sees this so let's go what's that in your hand I said no buckets what could it be here that you get a darn backpack oh there's a tray or something you didn't say anything about Troy says should be fine right is it actually a tray no I'm just saying I'm hypothetically if it wasn't right you didn't say anything about training all right but can I say my life am I allowed to see you now three other vessels transport of lures that we can't use kayaks okay all right what else we're gonna finalize this right now what city freakin fine what's gonna be it's so simple you got a buddy there's buckets these there's trays there's my ax right I I guess whatever else is fine all right what is it oh it's a sport utility box now like it's nothing was said about a sport utility box and we're gonna deck this baby out yeah I'll let it slide I'll let it slide Arlo's you're free to get started man I'm gonna give you a tip said it don't frickin go super fast like Noah was know is freaking going fascinated not excited yeah it's not there's no time limit I don't even know I'm telling you this I'm doing it I'm not gonna drop everything promises this thing has like a ceiling top so what's oh oh you've out drop the box don't drop anything man since norm has been talking so much smack about the pickle we're gonna go ahead and put another one I got you I think cinco's one of those things that everybody loves and if there are beginning fishermen you probably need some green pumpkins to kill you would you agree with that grand pumpkin cinco's yeah plugging it working which all of us do that dude I won rattle be careful shaking it like that man you could throw it lightly place them in the box close right yes go ahead and close it we gotta get a chatter dog in here for sure I won't hit you with the jackhammer cuz I'm not a big fan to be completely honest with ya up now these these are like a step up from the regular demands but they're not the jackhammer so black and blue Noah for sure for the wind pressure put that in there so you say you were gonna still buy this right because it saved your life so I think we should go ahead and put that in there too just out of respect to the bag man you just gotta do it you know what it was re-rig it is that he's doing I don't need to be in the frame anymore I don't think you do what you guys have ever used this have you the bait ball I haven't no it's like a mini Alabama Rig it's freaking crazy as heck it's really clean okay that's also $12.99 I mean we got a hit norm in the pocket here alright he he's trying to get out of paying a lot of money not today not you I'm trying to think what color spinnerbaits you gotta have a spinnerbait I mean you know what has lures I don't have an idea for you well if I can find it I'll touch it I saw it earlier is the knuckle bait where's the knuckle baby oh oh yeah oh that's a cool color look at that it's on clearance you're lucky norm look at ya it's kind of like a spinner Bay but it's got a big ball that freakin the vibrations of all kind of crazy stuff I'm like it just depends where your feet looks yeah do that one yeah that's a good square bill isil's bluegill square bill $9.00 the most striking one dude it comes with three the trailers to see that's a better value no there's not putting this juju on me look at that was just like sitting there no one planted that right there No check that out Power Bait fish hold on 18 times longer how in the world do they know that how do you kind of research do you do I'm asking Berkeley I'm not saying it's not true I'm just saying how do you possibly figure that out you were running out I know I think this would make more sense so what was the color chatter babes black and blue black and blue let's pair up the swim baits I can't grab them these are these right here careful here putting this back I mean the gods guarding me know all right we're great we're good yeah you're right this is gonna match if when I try to put this thing in there it like pops like there's no more room in this box and I feel like if we try to put anything else in here yeah who's gonna risk losing it lose fish yeah I can't put the bucket on the ground either yeah I'm just gonna hold this like a baby we're ready sir are we walking to the grounders yeah so here's the rate I take this box for me so you're so you're so with what you got I mean I have to be because you don't have any more room okay and you've already you already kind of ran on a few close calls on drop and stuff well that is about as close as it gets right there did you imagine if that they just open all of the stuff dumps out on the ground all right no come over here to help make sure enough to know this falls on the grounds I'm in the or he's gonna try to like it's nice and easy nice and easy oh I can't believe I blew the whole thing man I gotta run to the car grab my wallet you got your keys legit was a good thing your wallet no joke you're by me you're buying me a monster there oh yes yeah man yeah that's gonna drink what do you want out right yeah I'll take one [Music] we got the tackle folks and that is a frickin that's a that's that's the supply sacrum and we got some drinks apparently that was part of the deal I didn't even know boys get thirsty like really quick man thank you for dropping that I just a fat bullet right there blows yo Connie I mean you didn't go easy on me because that was $99 way to tackle man and that's all a lot of really good tackle in here this is what I want to say to you guys so these two guys before we went into this they said whatever I grabbed man whatever I buy I mean we got a lot of tackle man we're we're good we want to get back to the subscribers for show subscribers of all three of us however so what we're doing is a giveaway and all you have to do to enter this giveaway is like the video and subscribe to all three of our channels kicking their best TV fishing yo norm load your fishing so you got dude you don't even have to leave a comment and really that bale - yeah hit that Bell baby anyway so just subscribe to all three of us leave a like on the video you were entered to win I'm announce the winner like next week probably that way enough you guys can get entered but I mean that's cool $99 with the fishing tackle in year in handpicked by lo Joe like some good stuff man so also make sure you guys check out Andrew behind the camera his channel is gonna be down below as well make sure you guys check him out this is fun man this is fun I was worried I said wait a little bit dude and lo Joe got the bank off and pigley and I said yeah I always drop was going through a rollercoaster of emotions in there I was happy when I walked in do URI actually was price then you grab the bucket and I was like oh no I need to call my bank just to make sure and then he dropped it I was happy again and then load to grab the dark rate and I was like crap and then he filled it up and he got some good stuff in there and now I give it away to you guys who ended up working out in the end let me know if you guys have any cool comments like ideas down below drop them for me because I mean we'll do whatever we've been talking about we'll do any cool ideas but thank you guys so much for watching the fishing of norman channel and until the next time fish ball we're out of here [Music]
Channel: FishingWithNorm
Views: 350,728
Rating: 4.8364058 out of 5
Keywords: challenge, anything you can carry, anything you can carry ill pay for, anything you can carry ill buy, shopping, shopping spree, fishing, bass fishing, fishing challenge, anything you can carry ill pay for challenge
Id: uM6E-h2SRvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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