"Anyone Can Trade For A Living" - Ray Barros | Trader Interview

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see what you did right see what you did wrong and then say okay this is the things I didn't do that I would like to have done I should have done correctly make some action to change it keep a record of what you did see whether or not it worked and then change it again if you have to so if you keep doing that six or seven trades especially for beginners yeah you have to improve [Music] welcome back everyone Anson entity with ray Parris in Hong Kong well thank you for welcoming me here I appreciate a lot oh you're more than welcome it's awesome I have been here more than a year ago I think that's your office is identity together well link that below you guys want to get out but I'm back word to rate the talk about how to really succeed and what people sometimes do that doesn't work how can they fix it I know you've had a lot of issues with that and from people nothing you would not tell people what you do who you are and just bit about gone about yourself sure just very briefly I was a private hedge fund manager limited partnership from 1990 to 2010 2010 and set up the schools for traders which is what I've been doing since that's it's awesome and so you all look mean the fact that last year you can't have took a break is one to listen more how traders succeed and what they have to do succeed yeah well my goal was to make a difference you know there's this horrible stats where 90% of newbies fail and I've been running these seminars now since 2010 and what I found was they felt students fell into three groups you have the guys who would pay up and never do any work you had the guys that would succeed no matter what because they always find a way of making it work for them but there were a group of people that put in the work but just wouldn't get the results that he wanted and that bothered me so I took a year off last year to try and find the solution and like most teachers your students teach you I had four students that came up because I still did individual coaching and we put these four students into a group there's a guy called Joe he's in the Sydney but from China we had a guy from Jody who's English but living in Singapore International International group yeah and they taught me that the problem is that you know that the method has to suit the personality doesn't I've learned through the years and the problem is goes through the mechanically orientated methodology cannot take or some something or some cannot take the series of consecutive losses that within the system so your system says you're gonna have twelve or thirteen consecutive losses they have three to five and they start to lose the discipline then the discretionary rule based trader which leans on a model of how the market works for example Wyckoff market profile which is where I come from find it difficult to convert those ideas into rules and even if they can someone teaches them they find the comp the complexity so much that they can't apply the rules within the degree of discipline because the discretion becomes a lot of your experience comes from the experience so I spent a year and these four students taught me that the best way around it is to create this full face frame or what I call the four phase framework which is reading the Wycoff model but separated into four individual parts each with its own simple rules each section has about five rules so no question about being able to apply so we eliminated the consecutive or limited a lot of the consecutive losses of course is a drawback like anything else when the rules are so simple you're gonna miss some moves but what we did find was that people didn't mind missing the moves they didn't mind missing a big move as long as they didn't have too many consecutive losses things just human nature right yeah I don't like the fact that people would prefer to avoid the loss then to get tough again yeah and so that's why I took a year off and then we did for beta tests too with institutional traders - with retail traders applied it for the first time in Bangkok just came back from Bangkok and ice I was happy as Larry David it was a really good session awesome I think one thing that could be a problem here for people that do this like so say people they have a system system system they know the whole thing the whole rules but maybe they don't understand the system do you give them the stats or is it something that they have to do in their own no I prefer to I have the set of stats that there are back tested I have to do it another mechanically I'm not a mechanical traitor I'm discretionary rule base hmm the problem I think with providing with some stats is the fact that if they don't adhere to the stats especially if they're not getting what the stats say they should they start getting really unhappy and they start to noodle and I think what I try and do with the stats are say look this is a guideline use it I don't say that you you will definitely get these results just have these as a guideline produce your own stats and I think it's where the journal comes in and another thing that I find difficult to get across so she lives with a group of people that don't want to work suddenly they think oh my god I've got to keep a set of journal I've got an equity journal to keep I've got a psych journal to keep I don't want to do that yeah yeah but it's so important you know you learn so much from the mistakes you're making and you know as I said to you last time I was here I you're here I believe that traders have three phases they're in a p-- stage or everything they do is wrong they're in flow stage everything they do that's right and then you just go back to normal you have your win normal wins and losses so when you're an ebb stage like I've been in nip stage since about the middle of January hopefully break out now but we won't know for sure until the end of the month but when you're an ebb stage you need to look back to your journals and see okay what do I start reducing my exposure or what am I what trades are not working for me that used to really work they're not working now and what I found for example in my case that I've got to reduce the time frame because there's just no I trade the currency as many at the moment there's no follow-through you know you get a big year $1 yeah we had it's the movement up when the non-farm payrolls came out how you looked at that look like it's going to the moon right next thing home all the way down again oh it's gonna crash back up yeah it's also pretty tight in a pretty tight range right I mean you can I mean it's it you're making it's going from I can't I can't remember the numbers but in terms of pips you're talking five six hundred pips yeah the rain you can still make money out of it provided you don't hold it for three and four days no so I started taking the trades today and cutting them tomorrow yeah and then hopefully we'll have broken that that that situation when the market eventually get back to normal I hope maybe when the British parliamentarians decide they know what they're like little kid yeah look at the u.s. at the moment that Trump thing yeah with Muller you know mother was very clear he said definitely no collusion however there could be obstruction but we're not exonerating him you guys have to make up your own mind and of course Trump comes down says I'm totally exonerated the Lib the Democrats say he's still guilty look at facts anymore yeah yeah and that's what happens with traders when they don't keep a journal you know they don't know okay what am I doing wrong what am i doing right what do I need to change and that whether your mechanical trader or discretionary trader because it's a mechanical trade you have to ask yourself a question okay is the set of stats coming out or the losses coming out such that it's normal losses so I just keep executing the system or have the assumptions change so the systems no longer operating yeah so to me keeping a journal is absolutely essential I think it's also need that kind of look big from the side when you look at it in like you didn't do it before for me I kind of pushed back the mineral for years before so to do one and then when I did when I saw that the the effect of it and how could kind of use the lessons I got to become better and kind of improve mm-hm and that's where I kind of start to do it and never stop after really it doesn't take honestly and unless you're you're doing three or four hundred trades a day that might be a bit more difficult I've got some students who yeah you know but most of us are working you know and so we might do what two trades a week or even if we're day trading two or three trades a day it takes you what 20 minutes yeah yeah I think the people you don't do it because you don't want to go through the pain again if you've been having a real oozing run you don't it's about being honest with yourself yeah exactly that's hard that's that's hard that that's really hard especially if you screwed up you know yeah read a really interesting book called daring greatly forgot the author's name but one of the things she says there I think applies to traders the three major psychological issues when it comes to dealing with uncertainty I'm not good enough in the moment you feel you're not good enough you need someone to blame usually yourself and that blame then turns to a bit of shame so you start avoiding it and you're starting making excuses and when I'm teaching I thought yes that's true I see that pattern all the time because you know you should follow the rules with benefit of hindsight you always know what you should have done mmm-hmm and when you don't do it you start to blame yourself and then get some shame and then say okay let's find another set of rules yeah find another system so I thought that was very interesting that's right so what does your journal look like exactly what you put in it this for a four phase framer which I'm sorry with the journal well the journal to me the two parts right you've got your equity journal I think you know more it's right yeah it's er here equal edge one I had one fabulous piece of equity software because there you'll it what I like most about edge one is especially for the newbies is the fact that it can quantify some of the psychological to what I call the song issues it allows you to quantify something aschoff also very good as a spreadsheet so you've got that kind of journal the only thing that I would like to see more of which might be difficult in each one is that it's very limited in terms of the qualitative stuff you can comments are very very limited that you can put in so you need a psych journal which is your I use Evernote because of the search functions and they were known even in the free version so combination of those two things provide my one journal equity and site and you know for your readers what I would suggest to to help with the improvement is you do maybe six or seven trade see what you did right see what you did wrong and then say okay this is the things I didn't do that I would like to have done I should have done correctly make some action to change it keep a record of what you did see whether or not it were and then change it again if you have to so if you keep doing that six or seven trades especially for beginners yeah you have to improve and that to me is what goes in the journal so in the journal your your equity Journal of course the circle and your interactive setups etc and then your psych journal is just any qualitative event that might have impacted your trading I think I mentioned this to you last time we had a student who kept a psych journal buried and he was hired by prop house and they wanted him to smooth out his equity curve because he was a very good trader sometimes and sometimes it was just a Bominable and they couldn't understand why they're about to let him go and they said see if he can help this guy and then we looked through his journal and so on and what we found was every time he had a fight with his wife do you think he had a profitable run or losing room yeah okay who thought and the reason why I say so I'm just gonna show his wife I'm gonna show you that I'm a really good trader so he was really disciplined after ah okay so we then worked out a way to get the discipline without having a fight with his wife so that's interesting so how would you do that how will you achieve that discipline of how did getting the result without having a fight well you need to see what he was looking for because he if when he fought his wife he had to show his wife he was going to be good so we said to him okay what circumstances can you think of without having to fight with your wife to show her that you're good and yeah a couple of things he came up he came up with I didn't come up with it and I won't disclose it because it's personal to him but huh he came up with a couple of things that would lead him to show his wife his wife was happier the boss was happier and he was accurate and that's only because of the journal yes you know it's such a contra intuitive right everybody says oh yeah the fighters left me he had to have bad results right all right totally the other way or anything so what I found for me is that kind of a fruitful writing of whatever I think about then can be helpful like some people prefer maybe more structure more question they ask themself all the time in the journal but I don't know do prophets just write whatever you think about or I think you I think you can it that would depend on your character on your personality but whatever you do however you start off the journal you need to I think Calissa into a learning experience so if you're free-flowing mm-hmm after the free flow look at it and say okay what what have I learned from this what have I learned from this free flow and then that has to be a little bit structured some people already structured right so yeah but you must always have at the end of your entry what did I learn from this even if you said I learned nothing from this at least you've given it some thought yeah I think that's what's key it's like journal and that practice helps you become better with them yeah so even if it's not this trade it's gonna be the next one exactly it's perfect and I think that helps really well when you management for people also to find out where you screw up and where you can get better yeah absolutely because at the end of the day one of the first things I learned if you're trading for other people if you have a very bad loss you get on the phone yeah and you tell them had a really bad loss and they'll eventually ask they'll ask you why and if you can say this is the reason and this is what I'm going to do fix it it goes down really well yeah yeah yeah that's dressing how do you find solution to kind of fix a mistake is it only yourself or you're talking someone outside perhaps all right well I believe in groups we are a being in a group now I've been in the market since 60 so probably about 19 but mm I think we formed a group displease group of for myself and for others we're spread out in the UK Australia and the US and we meet at least once a week and I find that they're very helpful they keep you honest you got to be honest first off you're not gonna be honest you know forget about it basically they do keep you honest they'll bill and the good thing about the group if you're in a group important that they're not over critical that they're supportive yeah they don't let you get away with things but they don't run you down because they their egos of course yeah so you get a group like that I'm very lucky with these four guys you get stick to them and they will really help I think working with a group especially if you are a retail trader see that that's what the banks have over over retail traders they have groups they have supports put it that way especially in prop houses we don't have that as retail trader so you have to form your own support group I think this is important how did you find that group well that's you very hard I mean I'm lucky because I not only in its a to not only retail but institutional yes either this group of four three institutional traders ones retail retail you just you look for them and you encounter them so yeah right example you know more rich that certainly you know if you your personality jobs with this I would certainly include him yeah a group he's a smart boy yeah of course yeah that's what I found for me to create my own group kind of reach out to people stuff yeah but I feel people have a hard time with this most of times and afraid I think more than anything else people are afraid to reach out yeah and then also the discipline of meeting once a week is yes that's not that's not easy especially if you've had a losing run you know because you you've got the pain of losing now you gotta admit to the goof you've lost especially if you have lost because you haven't kept your rules yeah and that that part of it you need that comes to you oh yeah I think so if you're going to form a group most of us will go to seminars we learn it there or we go into chat rooms or whatever that's where I would start yeah but I figured that the problem with people also the fact that they might go with lower people like people that are just beginners when they are sent um to get better traders instead of going up to like better people that's true that's true and you need to be willing to find people who are willing to mentor but you know through the years that I've been I've been in this game now since the 60s I found that people nowadays are more willing than when I first started oh yeah yeah I think maybe the technology is better yeah yeah you don't have to meet in person you don't know exactly so I think if you reach out if you can just overcome that reluctance it's like seeing a pretty girl in a bar and you want to say hello to her and you think ah what if you should know right yeah it's the same with this it's it's you're afraid that they'll say no they say no so what yeah and the other fear that I see quite predominant is the point you raise is that they find that they've formed a go into the group with some people within these some of the people don't get along with him maybe the personality or back off yeah just finding out it's fine you can always adjust you know you find a group of people that meet suit your personality and suit your trading style you and try and keep them for life yeah oh yeah yeah that's why this these four guys that I mentioned to you that helped me identify this four face framework they've now formed a group I think they'll do very well I hope they keep keep it up mm-hmm and in general Oh Christian oh so what is that for faith framework like for faith frame will it be really just the Wycoff approach if we like off starts with an accumulation distribution so we'll put that to one side after the breakout that's what he calls a markup phase trending phase right so to me that is the first phase that's the first phase framing you got rules dealing with directional moves these are moves where the market moves in one direction there's no pull back and you have to form a set of rules to trade them now the one thing you can say is that most people don't trade this I call that the IPM the initial price movement I took that from market profile which is exactly the same model and the thing with that most people don't trade that well because what happens is let's say they buy somewhere near the lows and they see the market go all the way up to whatever target they reach and it gets there they do one trade that's it and they think oh how clever I am but really what Pete taught me Pete Stottlemeyer he says that's the face where you need to be aggressive and accumulate your positions you know so instead of doing one maybe you should be doing five or ten yeah and the whole idea is to accumulate so that when you accumulate you'd no longer have a risk on the open position that you had to start off with that's that's the that's what I teach us okay so that your IP em face the next base is what Peter called the pause face which is a correction if you will within the the strong directional move you get the strong directional move then it pauses and there's a guy called Galen woods came up with this idea a three-bar congestion which I found useful I adapted it to my own I adapted his idea and I found that that really works as a strong continuation with a low risk this high probability of success then we get into the mode those two I think of very easy phases then we get to the more difficult phase or if the markets been moving up you get into a distribution phase where you then have to question is the market likely to break out continue to the upside or is it likely to change its trend and we need to here I relied mainly on market profile okay third ology to identify that's a third phase which is breakout continuation and then breakout change in trend breakout change in trend was mainly the white cough patterns combined Michael market profile and why coffin and setup as I said each phase has only got five rules and you're either there or you're not you know it's it's simple but what it does do is does two things it eliminates some of those trades which discretionary trade is got well maybe it might do this and maybe it might do that in in this next year either in this phase or you're not that's one and secondly it has what I call soft stops so for example if you take a 3 bar congestion breakout and the market comes back into congestion you immediately exit you will now just stop being triggered soft stop good market comes back closes within congestion after breakup you're immediately out of the trade now remember this is a very narrow band of congestion that's why Kaelin calls it a 3 3 3 bar congestion so it's not not huge trading ranges right so you you find that what I'm having an interface for example instead of losing you know if your daily range is 80 pips that are losing 80 pips you're losing 20 or 30 yeah makes a big difference but couldn't you losses yeah that's good so you you keep your losses like in in this ed phase that I had and I am trading this myself I think I had 23 trades which 16 were lost if you're risking 2% and we had 16 losses 23 trade 16 losses 4 winners and the risk of what I call scratch trades mm-hmm less than 100 bucks so if you think about it if your losses that's 32 percent of it 16 losses 2 percent 16 losses for the month of February we had a 1.6 2% loss mm-hmm after 16 losses yeah and 4 3 4 winners so you know you're never gonna get that if you just rely on use your heart stops but that that to me is very important part of the system and as I said the other part is that it does eliminate a lot of the problems that discretionary traders have because they're - it becomes a bit too complex these are very clear you either take a trade the the setups either there it isn't there's no ifs and buts the the drawback is that you might miss a couple of minutes on it so the other thing people might do also for reducing their losses is moving this stuff to break even but I think that's that you wish better because you have a rule like if it goes there it's likely not to work and you know you're managing a trade the question is Pete always taught me was windy and make you move your stop to break even if you move it too early you know that's - you on your that's the hard part yeah so one thing I could never do with with with Pete Pete oh that's where my stuff stops came in Pete never used hard stops never put stuff in the market who was always based on what the market was doing and whether or not it was doing what he thought it should do if the trade was good and that's all right for Pete but you know what's fun yeah so I have a hard stop the beyond which the market gets if the market gets there I'm out of the trade no matter what and when you're having an ebb stage invariably the market if you don't get out early enough the market will hit the stop and then go your way that's the way the hip state works right but I'm not prepared to I've seen Peter sit through some horrendous and he'd sit down look listen up this is gonna come back yeah okay in my memory it did come back but I wouldn't have sat through that yeah yes the thought of oh my God look at it oh it's going it's losing its gonna I'm gonna get wiped out it takes a lot of courage and how would I put it fortitude also you've got to say something with people in the market no matter how much the loss was when he decided that he was wrong and then the market was not doing what he wanted he would cut it mm-hmm so you know so I decided to have soft stops and hard stops and I felt that that works for me now how does it work when you tell someone who's really discretionary to use that framework do they kind of repel it not one use it surprisingly it hasn't been the case that this is what's happened to Bangkok not so much I got some ideas I sent a survey to the people had some idea were there but the the students that what I call the beta test students I they I knew because I sent them to a psychological test you can and had some idea where their leanings were okay I had to confide to fears the discretion the rule-based trader would not like the discretionary element because there are some discretionary woman and the discretionary trader would not like the cage that they were kept in yeah it looks actually there is enough in it for both at least as far as these groups are concerned that's why I say when we do the seminar and we do 4050 people no more but at this stage because we did a group of 416 about 30 people in total four groups we had about 40 character group and so far the discretionary in rule and the mechanical traders had enough in it to be able to manage this thing without freaking out okay yeah this is also how I reacted when I first heard the principal so I got this from Stan Winston first yeah it which is a similar thing but I think you're just more detailed and for me I didn't look at that before at all so I was only looking at any kids and cross-sections a little bit candlesticks okay but when I included that I felt just better and I felt more in control of the whole thing which I think is what most people are going to face with that framework they did kind of like a part that the ECD lack and then they use it and they feel better yes exactly so that's interesting are there any mistakes people tend to make with that framework anything you've seen common comment it's I can't I haven't done enough at this stage to see a particular pattern the only thing I would suggest is that there is a fear of adding two positions yeah that to me if there is a common element among the 30 odd the tests that would be the common there's a fear of adding to the position because that's they've never been taught that they've never been it okay if I if I add to my position now okay I can't lose on the trade but then I'm gonna get back on my profit but the other side of it is that if you've got a directional move and that directional no look at the stock index your stock index inside bottom right now that's what we call a directional move yes it's starting to now we're saying it it's trying to pull back switch I would say we I would call a false face but this has been an exceptionally strong upward move not in terms of momentum but in terms of grinding grinding up we've if you put a one period swing on a weekly chart you haven't had one single pullback so that's massive yeah imagine buying the low and say okay getting out yesterday and say well the day before when the market tanked you've got your entry and you've got your rigs and let's say you're trading one contract yeah contract yeah when you could have pyramid it all the way up yeah with benefit of hindsight you look back and say oh yeah I should have right with benefit of hindsight but what people are afraid of they'll remember the times that they added and it didn't work out right but that I think is probably going to be the most difficult part that's something I feel also myself because I never really added to trade I only take a trillion that's it and my strategy doesn't really do well for that but I could still have invented some way for sure so how would that work for someone setting up with this would they add when there's some pluses to break even or would they or I win with it would they make sure they don't have any loss first there's the rule the rules first you got to make sure you got a couple of things the way the work is you identify the trend you got identify the time frame you're trading mm-hmm then you identify the trend of that time frame and then you go to your for phase framework and then you say okay I'm in an uptrend the directional move I mean a directional phase so then you enter the trade when the market moves certain distance you could you can do one of two ways of making sure you don't have loss in the trade you can have what I call the rule of three where you exit the first third the moment the market has twice your stop you need to stop the original location and then you exit one third leaving two thirds okay to run the other way is to bring the whole thing to break even after the market is done a certain to show you how to do that get this the the problem that there is that if the market it doesn't work out for you then the market will how would I put it you won't make any money out of the trade after being probably probably in good place if I can put it that way I actually prefer the rule of three okay because what what I tend to do is that I will exit the first third and then as soon as I can I bring the stuff to break even so I can add to my position I treat each position separately so exit the first sir I can now add another position when I can exit the second position first third I'll bring the stop to break even on the first set of positions okay slowly accumulated that one huh if you if you get a move like you did in the stock indices yeah do it that way you picking up dollars all the time even in some girls pairs that have been training for a long time yeah we surprising yeah there's a limit of orders you can take on a portfolio we have a portfolio risk management and this is a function of initially the stats because off we don't have we don't know what they're trading but it's a function of the return on capital per annum and the probability of consecutive loss and how much you're prepared to give back that's a personality okay so for example if your return on capital for argument's sake is 20% and your probability of consecutive losses five and you're risking 2% of trade so you prepare to get back fifty percent you're saying now not then you could reduce the amount of dollars that you risk so if you are risking 1% per trade and you've got six open positions and you can lose all of that lose on all of us you can give six percent of twenty percent that you're making are you happy to do that mm-hmm so we do it that way too okay it's so it's also about like we talked about before understanding yourself and what you're likely to do when were you likely to fall short exactly what you get from journaling also yeah exactly so interesting thing with trading is that it's not just what's out there it's not the system or the markets it's you yeah it's Pete used to have a comment he used to say mark and understanding and multiplied by you that's your personal yeah equals success and I couldn't agree with it more so so many people tend to have this idea for example all I needs a mechanical system and I'm gonna make make my capital return and forget the you element and you have to do that because you will always sabotages self if your methodology and your rules of risk management and your money management rules do not accommodate the way you feel in the way you build or you what you experienced now how would you go about it for someone starting out to understand themselves that's a hard question the the easiest way to go about that is to first get a methodology and then start applying it and get a coach to help you see where you fall short you see we have for short is like you know one of the things that I didn't I don't think I've ever told anyone this is the first time first for your listeners I actually spent about ten years with because when I first started trading I couldn't make any money it took me over ten years in that period I actually went and saw a psychiatrist with the idea saying okay I understood that sigh you needed to understand yourself and I said well obviously doing something wrong and dr. George Leanna says is an ami he was very helpful I actually learned a lot of myself about myself through him no I'm not suggesting everybody should do that but then the path that I told okay you need to be you need to be two things I think you need to be committed to your own success and you need to be honest so if you journal a lot of the self-awareness will come yeah I've listened ooh there's a thing we may have mentioned this to you last time a CT acceptance and commitment therapy I would certainly learn something about that pick up the happiness trap and learn how people develop insights if you will because as you know with the a CT there's the right brand lift brain which is your goal setting and so on but the right brain deals with mindfulness and deals with acceptance and diffusion those concepts which treat thoughts not as reality but something we are having how you interpret the meaning of those thoughts in tells you a lot about yourself so if you can catch yourself thinking about it and journaling it and say okay markets going down I interpret that I'm going to lose a bundle or I'm interpreting that that I'm going to be able to system withstand a loss and no matter what but it tells you what what you tells you about insights of your character and that bad I think would be important and this is amazing because most people only can I have the thought and then act and that's it that's the only thing they have well if you just take an effort to have the top thinking about it write about it maybe act after or take your decision after that's the huge step you thinking absolutely and that's I think the genius or the biggest contribution that a CT has you can have the feeling but you don't have to act on it yeah don't don't push the fleeing away because it's gonna sabotage you accept the feeling for what it is but you don't have to act on it in fact understand what the feeling is and you learn a lot about yourself so to me a CT has been very useful yeah it's awesome I think it was Andrew manicure that proposed this idea of like writing down what you want to do or what you did and then why the whys you're right the why is really critical uh-huh farfel anything you want to tell people that we didn't cover so far anything that any lessons maybe you got the past year or so that you want to pass on to people well like all I think that is the best thing to say is that we never stop learning yeah you know I've been in the market since 60s my first trade was early 60s that's 50 years now I learned something last year for goodness sake you never stop learning and you can't stop learning anyway because it's a zero-sum game and the people that you're come at the end of the day the people are competing with you and are your the people are making money they're always improving they're not sitting back on morals now so I would suggest that you did adopt the mindset of constant and never-ending improvement mm-hmm fantastic I want to have you back I want to show you glasses with you possible do a webinar together she's special event for you guys we'll put the link below for that it should be in a few days when you see this live or in a few weeks we'll set out the date later but that's awesome so working Pro find you if they connect with you Ray ww trading success calm and ramon barrel set trading success calm I can just properly align fantastic yeah thank you very much I appreciate and we'll catch you guys pretty soon in the webinar with Ray catch you guys [Music]
Channel: Etienne Crete - Desire To TRADE
Views: 348,302
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Keywords: desire to trade, forex trader traveling, forex, forex trader, swing trader, forex trading, trader interview, trader interview forex, ray barros, trade for a living, trading for a living, hedge funds, currency trading, forex traders documentary, ray barros the nature of trends pdf
Id: k_0yfMF6t2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 20sec (2240 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2019
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