anybody else emotional wrecked by this ep? FIRST TIME WATCHING THE LAST OF US EP 8 (2023)

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no no [ __ ] this [ __ ] this show just gonna keep making the show but oh So today we're gonna be watching The Last of Us episode eight and I swear I don't even know what to expect with the show anymore every week I feel like my feelings get hurt and I don't know what else to do anymore especially since we saw a preview for this week and I don't even know what to expect a lot of people who have played the game are probably like oh my God this is gonna happen and all this stuff but yeah I have no idea what to expect I have no idea who those people are what they mean or anything like that so I guess we're just gonna find out I heard this episode it's really sad I heard it's sad and I I don't know why I do this to myself I don't know why I decide to watch this so early in the day by the way people are talking it seems like you can't really have a normal day after you watch it so I guess we'll find out yeah we're just gonna get right into this complete side note I'm super excited to see succession it's coming out this month and man oh man the month of March has never popped off this much of media Maybe I'm Wrong maybe March is the month that it pops off but succession is coming back Shadow and bone is coming through and I don't know I feel like I'm missing more too but I don't know there's a lot to watch Daisy oh Daisy Jones came out this month too so a lot of content that I'm so excited for anyway we are gonna get started right we'll bury your father in the spring as in the winter you can't bury them until the spring what do you even do with the bodies like that's kind of crazy what I mean I guess if it's cold enough nothing will theoretically happen but my God still you can't even get like full closure until the spring I still believe I don't think he does I'm also sensing a little doubt not that it's unreasonable because if there is any reason to doubt because of like all the things that are happening with the rations and the leadership and of course he's gonna have doubts of course but damn he kind of seems like a scary person to have doubts around so we're just gonna leave that there this is kind of crazy she did that though she saved the man well I think she saved a man I hope Joel's okay if if he dies in this episode or next episode I don't I don't even know how to even I don't I don't even know how to deal with that I my brain cannot even compute could think she didn't like wait no this this doesn't feel like this feels like Bad News Bears okay is someone gonna grab her before she shoots this deer wait how we how did that deer survive that shot how how how how if we I feel like that deer was shot in the chest too how no [ __ ] way Shelly why any sudden moves I put one right between your eyes wait what is happening why would she do this why would you why would she confront them what do you need we have boots medicine like for infections this seems like such a bad idea this is actually a setup this is actually a setup an unintentional setup because they didn't come out here to find her but this is a setup nope finding this so entertaining because she's a kid too it's not code James do as I said this guy is not it I hate this so much keep going three four five six that's why you're out here on your own he's trying to probe for more questions uh some oil and matches in my hack we could big shelter Ellie don't do it it's hard to trust strangers I know but I honestly mean you know harm that's what they all say that's literally what they all say so you went from the teacher to preacher because what it [ __ ] rhymes yeah exactly Ellie please what was that what was that joke that crazy man was traveling with a little girl no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] work everything happens for a reason oh no she is the one who killed Alex she didn't kill anybody lower the gun listen okay it's not that I was starting to believe his act or anything like that but it was starting to creep in I was starting to feel a little bit bad for prematurely judging him and now I don't feel bad anymore I don't feel bad at all because what's the way his face turned so Sinister this this is a Sinister this is a Sinister smile because he knew all along that is a man that knew from the moment he saw that girl that is a man that knew from the moment he saw Ellie that he had the exact person that he was looking for not that they were actively looking it's just the face of someone that knew before anybody else and I'm so mad I'm so mad that I kind of fell for it did you bring your medicine yeah just throw it to her this is where the doubt comes in he is doubting him so hard to get away he's not gonna let her get away I think they're gonna follow her I'm pretty sure they're gonna follow her or he knows where they are already ah why would wait why would you put it directly into the wound I mean I guess that makes sense logically but what I don't want to see it oh no absolutely not Joel is fighting through it though he is fighting through it like a champ okay so they went back to town they didn't actually follow her great good for now I guess unless if you've heard a rumor yes we found a girl who was with the man who took Alec from us how did that rumor start so fast what I thought they just came back what why would you slap her like that it wasn't even a light slap you could just hear the thud what why are you just taking it no he is an evil man what the hell what what the [ __ ] was that why is everybody not saying anything don't say you're her father now father in Christ you're saying that he you're saying that he said he's saying that he is her father now please oh my God oh my God and of course he gets the biggest [ __ ] plate out of everybody everybody else is like scraping their bowls but he gets the biggest plate rude what kind of leader is that I still don't know putting it directly into the wound with a needle is the best choice I don't know if that's because I'm squeamish or not oh I forgot they had the horse too they're sensing trouble yeah maybe that's God's will oh man is he gonna slap him too that can come Joel's still down oh my God Joel is gonna definitely fall asleep I hope they don't shoot the horse that'd be really [ __ ] up but they might to try and feed these people I don't know I don't like this one bit he's the one working mad hard to get her no no I was starting to like the horse why why do they always have to kill the people the things that I like in the show is he gonna shoot her my God terrible girl go stabby stab is he gonna smile again with that Sinister smile oh my God I really hope they don't find Joel wow Joel rolled away really fast maybe he crawled you would have never thought Joel was down because what oh my God Joel still got it just when I was feeling bad and thought he might die soon nope Joel still got it my God I can help you he's got a savior complex and he's gotta stop oh my god get over yourself my guy I guess Joel recovered real fast I don't know any girl oh speedy recovery for him my God if there's a will there's a way with this man I believe oh my God Joel wow wow what a guy that was so intense never [ __ ] with Joel what does she see what does she see a dead body oh are they eating the dead bodies no no no no no it's always so disturbing when they do this in apocalyptic stuff because I swear when they did this in the 100 I I was sick sick to my stomach expect me to keep them safe who love me yeah maybe I don't think they love you not that she knows that but I don't think they love you bro and you know what I see when I look at you me stop don't do not do not compare yourself to Ellie stop it stop it get some help sir cause what let's go not her buying into it don't buy into that yeah exactly let him know what does cordyceps do is it evil no it's fruitful it multiplies not him standing cordyceps like that I'm a Shepherd surrounded by sheep and all I want is an equal friend sir there are so many issues with that statement there are so many issues of that statement I can tell the others to stop looking for him I mean they won't but they will be very grudging against you they will just let him go they do what I tell them to do they're going to turn on you my God they are literally gonna turn on you oh he is terrible we grow don't don't be tempted by This Ellie don't be stop Ellie stop don't be tempted by this these are false promises it imagine the life we could build ill is she gonna trick him please Ellie Ellie turn this around oh thank God Jesus oh thank God that was a little scary that was scary territory is now oh my God you are literally such a loser sir she feels like she [ __ ] up honestly after all that maybe you did if Joel wasn't coming through maybe you did well Joel is hanging in there through a freaking blue too you know what it is me be with him it's pure adrenaline running through his body at this point it's not Ellie's body it's the horse yeah this is foul oh my God oh my God now my adrenaline is oh my God oh my God this is scary oh my God what the [ __ ] is happening you mother trucker temp to that fire because what you've been ousted unless is gonna let it burn oh my God oh my God he's so annoying he's actually so annoying it's the same injury that got Joel though to be fair Tit for Tat tip for tats oh my God oh my goodness there's something oh my God that was a lot she's been through so so much oh my God I'm deceased what let's just hear back again what it's okay baby girl oh my God oh my God what no no [ __ ] this [ __ ] this show just kidding keep making the show but oh what are you even supposed to do after that I'm gonna cry I don't want to cry but I want but I want to cry it's coming out oh my God she did so much oh my God okay let's look at this preview how am I supposed to live laugh love in these conditions what I have a little tear in my eye I feel like if I was watching it by myself I would have passed out because ah wow wow the performance by Bella was so good in this episode that shot where she's in the fire and she's like stabbing David who's very violent but it was also shot very well I feel like that's the turning point for her she's definitely shot people and done violent things but most of those were an acts of defense and this time I feel like yes it was in an active defense against David because David is terrible but at the same time she didn't have to stab him that much so I feel like that was like the tide turning and her kind of like her youthful innocence going away now a full adult she's yeah I don't think she'll be the same anymore after this which is kind of crazy but the fact that oh it's all works so hard and also too like so she works so hard to take care of Joel but then at the end Joel still ended up coming to her finding her to protect her and you cannot tell me it's because he's protecting his cargo they literally at this point it's like father-daughter relationship and I I'm pretty sure that is the point and that's what's gonna make it that much harder in the future in the finale next season whatever but oh my God I literally cannot I cannot I don't even know what to expect for the finale I'm kind of scared and yeah I feel like I'm gonna cry so much and I'm really scared um anyway that's it guys uh I don't really know what else to say a lot of the shots were very cinematic and it was so like the shots were beautiful the story was so good I just felt things like it felt like very psycho thriller which was definitely the point I'm pretty sure and it was just it was a great episode it was and the cherry on top was okay baby girl yeah yeah anyway that's it guys let me know if you guys have seen the episode what you think about it and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Just Hana
Views: 1,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1296AaEqa1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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