I hate him | The Last of Us | "When We Are In Need" Ep. 8

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Hello everybody welcome back into another episode of The Last of Us we've made it to episode four when we are in need and I am very very nervous to start this episode because this is likely going to be the bulk of the winter chapter of the game and the winter chapter of the game is in my opinion one of the most emotionally taxing sections of the entire series it definitely is something that I really never look forward to playing through and that's not because it's a bad setup gameplay wise it actually has one of the most tense fights in the entire Series in my opinion but um I just don't enjoy it I find it emotionally taxing I find it draining but at the exact same time I am very interested in seeing how they choose to handle it and what changes they choose to make because this is a very heavy part of the game so I imagine it's going to be a very heavy episode so without further Ado I say I stop stalling and we jump straight into episode 8 of The Last of Us it's so pretty but I'm already on edge did they make David's group of religious cult oh okay when we are in need he shall provide okay the title neither sorrow nor crying neither will there be any more pain for the former things are passed away is this supposed to be David because he's already giving me an ick and he hasn't even done anything yet Barry who wrong is too cold to dig bury your father I think most of us know why they're not going to bury him and because the ground's too damn cold you can light the body on fire you can cremate them oh it's Troy Baker oh my God it's the voice of Joel I knew Troy and Ashley Johnson had roles I just didn't know when I was going to see them I sensed doubt in there Gaslight Troy Baker faith in you David you're just scared not from them but I need to know you're with me oh it's starting to get [ __ ] she has kept him alive for this long but that's that's definitely infected uh the way he cried last episode when he thought she was gonna leave and then she came back and now she's going off to try to find food for them man she's really wishing that Joel gave her hunting lessons before this at least she seems to be looking for tracks you know she's part of the way there there you go nice shot it's getting away though oh hello I think we can just take it no Ellie [Music] we're not asking for charity we we can trade you for some of the deer we have what do you need we have boots medicine back in our village you're welcome to follow us I'm not following you anywhere buddy boy can go get it yep Never follow creepy men into the woods it's gone you the one that's sick don't engage in conversation with her and for what it's worth there's room for you in our group if you want you're inviting me to your hunger Club thanks it's true we're hungry but we're still here I'm a decent man just trying to take care of the people who rely on me they chose to follow you just say you're Nicole some weird cult thing yeah it's a cold well you sort of kind of got me there I am a preacher but just pretty standard bible stuff before that I was a teacher math talk kids about your age so you went from teacher to preacher because what it [ __ ] Rhymes oh those two things make me so uncomfortable knowing what I know okay I hate this it's good development though but when the Pittsburgh QC fell in 17 fireflies in fedra oh he's from Pittsburgh I left with a few others and that's how I ended up with our flock please don't call them A Flock God I hate that word no I I believe everything happens for a reason it does it does I can prove it to you oh the line delivery is so good but I hate it we didn't expect this winner to be so cruel nothing will grow game's been hard to find so I sent four of our people to a nearby town to to scavenge what they're doing and only three of them came back and the one that didn't was a father he had a daughter just like you it sucks to suck turns out he was murdered by this crazy man and get this that crazy man was traveling with a little girl like I said sucks to suck you shouldn't been swinging that baseball bat everything happens for a reason James lower the gun oh there's the creepy David look I've been waiting for did you bring the medicine back away I know you're not with a group you won't survive for long out there I can protect you I bet she'll be fine okay just go just go and try not to make obvious tracks home okay I have no idea either I would just stab it and hope for the best I actually have no idea how to give like a shot of penicillin you know we're really banking on the idea that Joel is not allergic to penicillin he could be a lot of people are imagine the irony of you spend 20 years fighting a global fungus infection and then you die because you're allergic to penicillin which is made from a fungus oh um I hope that's deer meat what is it oh she hopes it's deer meat too I hope you're boiling that enough you're just throwing that raw meat right in the pot no that's the deer did you have venison or did you lie oh I wasn't listening in the beginning when Troy's character was listing off the different meat they still had left they might have had leftover venison or maybe they didn't if you've heard a rumor yes we found a girl who was with the man who took Alec from us when the Sun rises I'll lead a group out to pick up her Trail won't be hard to find in the snow kill him you should kill both of them that's a daughter oh that was a wicked back hand how do you think you don't have a [ __ ] but the truth is Hannah you will always have a father and you will show him respect when he's speaking I hate this gaslighty creepy religious cult [ __ ] oh my God this adds such an extra layer just to his character that meat was not cooking long enough and y'all know it I hate watching them all eat I really hate it some of them are hesitant like they know but I don't know if like everyone knows it does look a little bit better but not by much stay alert this man's not already dead he's dangerous about the girl we bring her back with us oh open eyes but if anybody makes it down here you [ __ ] kills them you got it oh Joel please stay awake no no shoddy eyeballs don't shut your eyeballs [Music] ow baby you could have at least aim and got one of them while you had the element of surprise you could have at least aimed and got one of them oh callus I got her I knew it was coming but I didn't want to see the horse die two of you with me drag the horse the rest of you stay here go door to door oh you so hungry for vengeance deliver it I mean okay it's Joel against what three knock-offs from Duck Dynasty I I think Joel's got this at least they're taking the horse back too I mean I would prefer if they didn't but they're not gonna let the meat go to waste that way they don't have to eat Bobby down the road I wonder if they draw straws or if they just wait for someone to get sick yep yep yep Joel opened the mess okay he did manage to get up nice yes Joel you got one for three it's ill sir stop fighting just accept it go to sleep stop making this worse than it has to be ew I think that's one of the scariest shots of the show so far besides when Grandma was freaking out in the chair episode one that was pretty creepy I started worrying you wouldn't wake up hungry no say no because make afraid of you the others they want me to kill you for all that's happened did you hear me say the others want to kill you I'm sure she wants to kill them too okay it's Tit for Tat why don't we just start with your name that's interesting on your birth certificate oh nice one Joel you already got one [Laughter] Ah that's great he's done caught him the cast of Duck Dynasty how many times have you just sat there hitting him please I don't know any girl oh he can't help you you focused your [ __ ] kneecap off this is one of my favorite moments in the whole game you're gonna point to where we are and where your Resort is and it better be the exact same spot your buddy points to you better be accurate too I'll read maps I wouldn't be able to be accurate go ask him he'll tell you I'm not lying don't really matter if you are no why the [ __ ] did you do that he told you what you wanted [ __ ] [ __ ] you I ain't telling you [ __ ] okay no I believe him no that's one of my favorite moments I love that it's like you kidnapped my kid and now you want me to be merciful absolutely not what do you see oh that's what you see if you want to judge me judge you an accurate response to cannibalism yes there are only a few of us that know it was a last resort you think it doesn't shame me obviously not let them starve these people who put their lives in my hands who expect me to keep them safe who love me and you know what I'm sure if you told them probably some of them would have rather been dead too and you know what I see when I look at you me you remind me of me gaslighting was a character stat this guy would have it maxed out I've always had a violent heart and I struggled with it for a long time but then the world ended and I was shown the truth that is super uncomfortable given the fact that he was a teacher cordyceps border steps do is it evil no it's fruitful it multiplies it feeds and protects its children and it secures its future with violence if it must so does he worship quarter steps and then he's playing it off to the rest of his group like he's religious in a Christian way but in reality he just thinks the fungus is God if you like quarter Subs so much why don't you go let yourself get bit save us all the trouble this place perfect oh my God I hate him so much wow yep yep break it break it tell them that Ellie is a little girl who broke her [ __ ] finger yep that one right there God he gives me the biggest ick I think it's even worse here than in the game because there's like there's context and subtext to the way he acts and the positions of power he used to be in and the position of power he is in now because he was not religious in the game so this is a really interesting twist that I'm I like it mm-hmm I mean I guess in that weather it's a natural meat locker so oh come on yep bite them there you go yep that's the one and now sorry roll up my sleeve look at it that was a bit too close yep okay there he goes you're also a really bad shot but you know what I'm happy with that oh she's already in the restaurant grab a knife okay I guess that works too babes what was that no babe you should have grabbed a knife I know you're not you're not infected no one infected fights this hard to stay alive you don't know how good I am hmm you don't know what I could have given you so gross okay stab him please right in the neck yep stab him right in the neck oh my God the biggest ick I've decided you do need a father so I'm going to keep you and I'm going to teach you can't we just give him over to the quarter steps if he likes it so much why would you yell like that but also good job I thought you already knew fighting is a part I like the most don't be afraid there's no fear in love oh my God I hate this David more than the one in the game seven seven there we go there we go yep yep [Music] that's me it's okay baby girl no there it is I hate that sequence so much because she's just uh she's just never the same after this point I feel the exact same way about this episode as I feel about the sequence in the game it is just so well done from a technical standpoint from a storytelling standpoint I just personally hate it I hate David I really hated that fight in the game where you had to sneak behind him because it's one of the scariest moments in the game that first time you play it and David literally stalks you around the restaurant I hate getting caught by David I hate how Justified Ellie is and the way that she kills David but the fact of the matter is that after that point she is never the same and it really seems like to be a combination of what she went through what she had to do and what almost happened to her those three things combined Ellie just never very even like in the second game and I realized some things happened in the second game when you are very first starting the game that there's some background to that you don't really get into like the end of the second game but even at that point when you do get the background of um the flashbacks before everything happens in the second game there's just a solemnness to Ellie that just she is a completely different person than the kid that we got to know in the very beginning of the last of us and that can just be attributed to all the things she's gone through all the things she's had to do and the things that could have happened to her along the way it definitely hardens her and after this point is when you really have to notice that but despite hating his guts David was very well portrayed these this actor did an amazing job of once again delivering video game lines that sounded very natural to this character and how he was being portrayed and I love the context in the background they're giving to some of these characters because we really don't get that in the game with David we just know that he's like the leader of this cannibalist group they're not even really looked at as a cult they're just looked at as a group of cannibals who live together and they hunt animals and then they also hunt people there's not really this cultish element to it but here there's so much more to David and the full body chill that I got when he said that he was once a teacher to people's Ellie's age and knowing um what David is like and in saying that he's a preacher he definitely is supposed to be a reference to people who have very predatory behavior and people who are predatory in that sense often seek out positions of power that they can put themselves in that make them easily accessible to their potential victims and David definitely fits that Predator archetype where he was a teacher and then he saw the opportunity to be a preacher and to like lead this group of people and make himself give himself that position of power that he would need to abuse people in a way that wouldn't have previously been as easy to him because when he was a teacher there's no way he would have really got away with slapping that child across the face the way he did this episode but because he is in this position of power he's this cult leader everyone looks to him for guidance no one second guessed that and it's just it's so disgusting and it just gave me the biggest ick that I have felt in a very long time just full body tingles of disgust but once again it was very well done in that sense that it truly was disgusting and it added a new layer of hatred that I have towards David and it was so interesting to hear him talk about how he sees quarter steps as this God and His Viewpoint of quarter steps how it is fruitful how it multiplies how it protects its children that is definitely a like mindset that he has enveloped around quarter steps so that he can be preaching about quarter steps and how much he loves what cordyceps has given to the world but then mask it as if he's talking about the Christian God so that his followers who are likely true Christians aren't thinking any of the wiser they don't know that they're being played and manipulated in the sense it was well done it was just disgusting and had one of my favorite scenes of the entire series which is Joel questioning the two guys showing them the map stabbing one and then just killing them when he gets the information that he needs that's one of my favorite scenes in the entire franchise and it reminds me a lot of one of my favorite scenes in the entire taken franchise with Liam Neeson when he has that one guy strapped to the chair and it's like he's built his own little electric chair and he's asking the guy for information I think out his daughter I think it was the first movie and then when he gets everything he needs he just leaves the guy there like I've gotten what I need you're not making it out of this buddy so I don't know I enjoy that I I liked that scene I like how it was shot I really enjoy once again Pedro Pascal he's up he's ready for action again but yeah like I said in the beginning of this little throwback it is I'm not sure what to expect going into the next episode because once again after this point in the game Ellie is just no longer a happy go lucky kid and some of that can be attributed to the fact that after this point they're much closer to their destination they're closer to Salt Lake City she's closer to fulfilling this Grand purpose so she's probably a little bit stressed out about that but it definitely seems more like a trauma response to everything she's done everything she's gone through and I'm a little bit worried it's going to be a little bit hard to watch I'm once again this show gives me so many mixed feelings because it's like I really want to see the next episode I really want to see what happens next I want to see the differences and the similarities to the game but then I'm also really worried because even knowing what happens in the game going back and replaying it still hits me really hard and the writers are just doing such an amazing job of adding things that are going to hit you even harder so I'm excited for the finale I oh I'm excited for the finale I'm really excited for the possibility of season two and seeing what comes out of that because I know just based off this alone they're gonna knock it out of the ballpark and the second game in my opinion improves on the first game in a lot of ways including storytelling wise because there's a lot of just nuances and really interesting character development there so I'm interested all the way around but I hope that you guys have enjoyed the episode and I hope you'll join me again and I'll be seeing you very soon bye now
Channel: Cyn Reacts
Views: 8,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5vLCi5Cjlvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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