Anxiety Bridge

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[Music] [Music] all right over it and I are in opa Louis's Louisiana one of my favorite old truck stops here the Chevron station old Reds doing great old jack is too we're heading over to pick up some spicy spices and popcorn spices and stuff like that here and then we're going to get out of here and get on ten but as always the trickiest thing is just getting loaded it's tricky in Louisiana because of the caverns in the roads as I say so often but I I won't beat that dead horse it's a beautiful day here in Louisiana especially if you like to truck somebody was telling me there's some kind of spice company here and this where we're going might be that spice company I don't know it's supposed to be world-famous but I've never heard of it maybe that will be the theme of this video is to find out what my friend was talking about the spices here in Opelousas 49 South if you're following along the map we only have five miles to go and believe it or not this morning I dropped off there but this load wasn't on the board when I was over there this morning I hope the load goes as easy as the unload went so let's get on bumpy 49 here and get the truck and welcome by the way I'm Indiana Jack [Music] all right we got a door here and we're gonna back in we don't have a lot of room up front but we'll get her in [Music] [Applause] [Music] alright well we got back in no problem there now we just have to wait as usual here in Louisiana [Music] [Music] all right we're all loaded got to put a couple straps on we'll be good to go it didn't take them long at all all right we're loaded driving along with the Train here and we got a scale out up here at this scale and they say over and over and over here they do not do axle weights so we're not that heavy anyway so I'm not gonna worry about axle weights we'll just get up wait of what it is it says it's 40,000 it's not that bad [Music] all right we have a problem Houston we are on the anxiety bridge I've talked about this before if you're going over a bridge and you have to stop at the top it gives you an odd feeling and we're doing 8 miles an hour right now I can go over a bridge at 60 or 70 miles an hour and it's fine but if I'm going 1 or 2 miles an hour then it's not so fine because you can feel the shaking with all the heavy trucks on it and the trucks coming the other direction plus I I think I remember reading this bridge is unsafe anyway it's either this one are the st. Charles one one of these two great big bridges is unsaid they have declared that it's unsafe I just hope it's not this one but I should be okay if we could just keep rolling and not have to stop there's a lot of trucks that are heavier than we are right now so well a guy a guy just said on the CB that there's a breakdown on the other side so that means everyone on this side is slowing down to look at it come on red come on red you can do it we're almost to the top if these cars would merge like they're suppose to get over here and don't just linger and we're doing all right she's getting a little hot [Music] Oh No come on go go like if we stop now we're screwed oh boy I hear the suspense music look at that green truck did you see that this likely makes it only time I don't remember I think it's it is exit only all right we are at the very very top right now driver No 1 2 2 1 weight percent Wow oh man not a coffee Oh Oh No all right we're going down the other side Taron 40,000 pounds of 40,000 pounds of popcorn oil whoa we're shakin well we've arrived at how truckers home for the evening this truckers home for the evening anyway Gulfport Mississippi and hopefully we'll have a place to part seems like I always get if not this place the one next to it here at flying Jay well looking at this paperwork it is popcorn oil all the different flavors of popcorn oil it's kind of interesting I didn't know they shipped it this way now we know you learned it here on adventures in Truckee Boyle is shipped in different flavors [Music] remember how last week or a couple weeks ago I talked about know people being inside the truck stop it's not just TA and Petro it's even here if you go by that break room that's inside the Flying J here no one's in there everyone is in their trucks there's got to be 200 trucks here right now and there was what two people in there watching TV everyone has gone inside where everyone is inside their truck watching TV including me tonight so good night and we'll see it tomorrow continuing on our way down ten or over on ten rather to Florida you're watching Adventures and tracking with Indiana Jack I don't even know who that is well we're here in Florida waiting for this guy to finish he's been about a half an hour same old story don't know what he could be doing in there that would take a half an hour but he is and I do need to get some fuel so they're three-deep here at this love so I can't back up when I say three beep beep that means those three people waiting so one and then me and then one guy after me for all the lanes a few islands here we wait all right after half an hour he came out and now he's fueling so I don't I don't know I guess he had a problem with his card in there or something that's just great said the grumpy truck driver having to patiently wait for this I'll call him a until I find out what his problem was somebody's a until I find out otherwise he could have been his fuel card or whatever he could be loves fault who knows [Music] [Music] now let's get going here we're in good old Tallahassee I've been playing tag team with these oversized guys all morning they passed me and then I passed them and so on and so on especially when we went in the scales they would all have to go in the scale there's about six of them all run in with those oversized loads we're getting out of the pilot here and my deliveries in Kissimmee Florida in the morning at six o'clock so I'm not sure how I'm gonna work that there's no place to park near there so we're either gonna have to park on the Turnpike or toll road whatever they call it here in Florida or in Wildwood I'm pretty sure if I get up at 4 a.m. I can meet a kissimmee by 6:00 [Applause] [Applause] sleeping on the Turnpike that's what we're doing and hopefully oh yeah there's lots of room sometimes there isn't on these these fill up fast these Turnpike's slowing would rather know if those are for long trucks no they're not you know like doubles and stuff [Music] it is a tandem staging area so forget that we're right in the middle of a region so my truck smells right now it smells like exhaust I'm not going to explain to region anymore I'm so tired of explaining it we're regen is when your trucks burning off all of its excess small that's the easy way to look at it we are in Wildwood according to the computer Wildwood Florida right on the Turnpike a night on the Turnpike [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well they got a place for a dog they're a couple of dogs you can walk in a dog walked and I went in there specifically I wanted a bowl of chili today you know when you see a restaurant you think oh I want what they have and Wendy's was closed wouldn't you know that's all I had to get chicken that's some cool fish too kind of nice to close out our day on on those cool-looking fish and I'll see you in the morning as we make our final delivery on into Kissimmee in the morning hi I'm geared Sam and Mike you're watching adventures in Truckee with Indiana Jack well it's 4 o'clock I'm letting her warm up and sure enough someone parked in front of us like I told you a week a couple weeks ago sometimes people block and block us in I'd have to wake that guy up and that Ford Ranger there let's get going man I slept it imagine that guy in that Ford Ranger is asleep in there laying down if that is a ranger it looks like an old Ranger well it's an f-150 how do you like that or maybe an f250 Wow it's gets close all right we made it Ranger was my favorite truck when they were making them I hear they're starting to make them again I haven't seen the new ones but I'll have to check them up used to get a new one every two years all right [Music] see all these trucks lined up on along here there's no parking shortage [Music] I remember a day like 10 years ago when you could pull in you and usually get a place like right along there to just pull in and get a coffee and go [Music] you know how I know that is because they used to have Starbucks in here that's how I know [Music] they lost the account Starbucks didn't put they put [Music] well they're already done here we arrived this morning and now we're done so that means [Applause] man I can't believe how fast things I wish every place where this fast in fact McClane is right up the street but McClane that I always complain about they're the slowest place in the planet and I wish they could take lessons from these guys so we're done [Music] all right we got to get out of here now and this street where we're getting out on is is a nightmare to get out it sometimes takes it could take up to 10 minutes to get out especially now because it's rush hour so keep your fingers crossed that will get right out on this street not this little Street but the Main Street I could actually have slept here on the side of the road there they have enough truck parking so I don't usually like to sleep at the customer location or on the street like that but a lot of guys do that building you see straight ahead is a plate a place that makes Gatorade here in Kissimmee Florida I think this guy's letting me out yep it's a miracle so I used to get Gatorade get empties from that Gatorade all the time sometimes I'd get loads from there but man are they heavy same as a Tollison Arizona's known for their Gatorade loads 45,000 pounds going to LA old red doesn't miss that well we did a lot of things in the last couple days we went over a tall bridge we saw some cool fish and we got our truck load delivered this morning thanks for riding along with me I'm Indiana Jack trucking really is an adventure we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: indianajacktrucker
Views: 51,346
Rating: 4.942184 out of 5
Keywords: Opelousas Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Truck Driver, Trucking Videos, Trucker Videos, Popcorn Oil, Interstate 10
Id: ViLK2HYjY4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 38sec (2018 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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