ANUNNAKI KINGS 2021 | The Devil. War Of The Gods - Dragons & Serpents In The Bible. Documentary

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The 5th Kind - i've been a preacher for more than  30 years i've studied and taught through the book   of genesis many many times in churches all around  the world and i've trained pastors in the skills   of interpreting text you translate elohim in  the plural it all makes sense that what we   actually have is a conflict among the sky people  among the powerful ones over how intelligent the   human species is to be if you listen to the  epic people of nigeria they have the story   of abbasi and thai who are very worried that  their ability to govern over the human population   will be very diminished by the progress humanity  is making and in that story they release devices   into the environment that will diminish  the mental health and mental acuity   of the human beings it's curious isn't it  that the creation of the female of the species   is an afterthought that's how it appears in  the way the story is translated at the moment   there's a pattern here that you can find in  other ancestral narratives and the pattern   is this that we begin with a society of all males  so that's not a species that's what we would call   clones each directly genetically  engineered go to the book of revelation   and there's a verse there that talks about a  dragon being cast out of heaven and it says that   dragon is clearly the bad guy is that ancient  serpent the one known as satan or the devil   all of a sudden there's this equation of well i  only know of one serpent in the bible that's the   one in genesis 3 so it must be the devil but that  really is not a correct equation at all the bible   is full of serpents and that text in revelation  reminds us that by serpent it means dragon   check out our official  website at fifth kind dot tv for more than two millennia readers of the old  testament the hebrew scriptures have interpreted   these ancient texts as stories of god a seamless  narrative in which god creates the heavens and the   earth botanical and animal life and eventually the  human race however a number of anomalies in the   stories themselves along with intriguing questions  of translation point to another possibility   in the beginning god elohim created the heavens  and the earth and the earth was formless and empty   tohu the deep waters were covered in  darkness and the spirit of god the ruach   was hovering over the waters and god said let  there be light and there was light are these   verses a poetic account of creation how in the  21st century is this story to be interpreted   well it's not a story about creation and it's not  a story about god it's the story of the elohim   the powerful ones who came and terraformed our  planet in the deep past that word elohim which   often gets translated as god is a masculine plural  form noun it often takes plural form verbs plural   attributives it demonstrates plural behaviors let  us make let us make the humans to look like one   of us and it demonstrates plural agendas we have  the wars of the elohim in the hebrew canon this   jealous conflict among the elohim as they compete  with one another for hegemony and resources   so first off it's not a story of god if by  god we mean the source of the cosmos and   everything in it the elohim was the hebrew word  for the sky people of the mesopotamian stories the mesopotamian stories from the ancient  cultures of sumeria babylonia arcadia and   assyria speak of the arrival on planet earth of  advanced extraterrestrial people in our deep past   these stories curated by the world's oldest known  culture with the world's oldest body of written   texts speak of anunnaki sky people who colonized  planet earth genetically modifying our hominid   ancestors and governing over planet earth  for tens and hundreds of thousands of years these mesopotamian stories are not religious texts  nor do they speak in any length of an almighty god   they are the stories of plural advanced  beings not from earth and not human   enki is the commander of project earth  his younger brother enlil is the commander   of this region of space other  entities nama ninhusag kingul   maduk all play their part in a story of conflicts  over their agendas for our planet and our race   the stories of the elohim the powerful ones  of the bible appear to be a summary form of   these even more ancient recollections of sky  people the moment you put elohim back into the   plural and read these stories as the stories  of the powerful ones you realize what we have   is the summary form of the mesopotamian stories  about endial and enki and the sky people   so are the early narratives of genesis  creation stories only giving the credit   for that work of creation to a different kind  of entity or is something else being recalled   the reason i'm so confident this is not a creation  story as we imagine it to be is that before   any word of creation is spoken before the let  there be light and the advent of the sun and the   moon and the stars planet earth already exists  and it's flooded and shrouded in darkness now   some would say you're over interpreting the order  of the sentences that we've been told that in the   beginning the earth was in a chaotic state and  now we're going to be told how we got there   the reason i don't think that is the right  reading is that almost every ancestral narrative   concerning the origins of our civilization begin  with a planet that is flooded and shrouded in   darkness we find it here in genesis i am saying  this is a restatement of the mesopotamian stories   which begin with the descent of the sky people to  the flood waters which then have to be separated   using vortices of wind you go to the philippines  and you've got stories of the tagalog the hawk   hovering over the flood waters using swings to  create vortices to begin clearing land so that   the planet can be terraformed you listen to  the ido people of nigeria and they talk about   the almighty one above the waters who arrives  and begins terraforming you listen to the   story of the arrival of viracocha over the  waters of lake titicaca it's the same thing   now here in genesis we have the arrival of the  ruach and again the root meaning of that word   implies something that creates a wind and that  is the story of terraforming we find all around   the planet so that's why i'm confident that the  order of sentences in genesis is quite correct   our memories do begin on a planet that is flooded  and chaotic and the phrase in the hebrew tohu bohu   implies the planet has been devastated by a  cataclysm and that is when the powerful ones   show up these correlations among ancient  narratives in which our cultural memory begins   on a flooded and devastated planet hint at the  possibility that these stories have their roots   in the ancestral memory of earth's most recent  planetary cataclysm the global impact of the   clovis comet an extinction level event along  with the trauma of the younger dryas cold period   from 12 800 to 11 600 years  ago these planetary changes   would have caused sky fires rapid freezing  and immense tsunamis on a global scale   other anomalies in the stories of genesis raise  questions about the departure of homo sapiens   sapiens from the array of other hominids occupying  planet earth in the distant past from genesis 2   then the lord god formed a human  from the dust of the ground   and breathed into his nostrils the breath  of life then the human became a living being   the lord took the human and put him in the  enclosure at eden as a worker and caretaker   then the lord god said it is not good that the  man is alone i will make a suitable helper for him   now the lord god had formed out of the ground  all the wild animals and all the birds of the sky   god brought them to the human but for the human  no suitable helper was found so the lord god put   the human into a deep sleep and while in this  deep sleep god removed a part of the human side   and closed up the wound with flesh and from the  extracted part the lord god made a female the   human said this is bone from my bone flesh  from my flesh well it's curious isn't it   that the creation of the female of the species is  an afterthought that's how it appears in the way   the story is translated at the moment how could  an almighty god leave it as an oversight that adam   would need an eve that there would need to be male  and female if this was to be a happy human story   curiously there's a pattern here that you can find  in other ancestral narratives and the pattern is   this that we begin with a society of all males  so that's not a species that's what we would call   clones each directly genetically engineered  and then we have males and females   but they're not fertile again they're directly  genetically engineered much as we would   hybridize a mule and then the mules can't  reproduce that was us in the beginning and then   there's a conflict in genesis 3 over whether the  humans should be upgraded to be a proper species   not clones but fertile able to  reproduce and become a society and the lord god commanded the man you are free to  eat from any tree in the garden but you must not   eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil  but when you eat from it you will certainly die   now the serpent was more wily than any  of the wild beasts the lord god had made   he said to the woman did god really say that  you must not eat from any tree in the garden   the woman replied to the serpent we are  allowed to eat from the trees in the garden   but god did say not to eat the fruit from the  tree in the middle of the garden you must not   even touch it or you will die the serpent said you  certainly won't die god knows that when you eat it   your eyes will be opened and you will be like god  with knowledge of good and evil when the woman saw   that the fruit of the tree was good for food and  pleasing to the eye and also desirable for gaining   wisdom she took some and ate it she also gave  some to her husband who was with her and he ate it   then the eyes of both were opened and  they understood that they were naked   so they sewed fig leaves together  and made coverings for themselves   the lord god said to the serpent because  you have done this you are cursed   and i will make the woman and her  offspring hate you as an enemy   to the woman the lord god said you will now bring  forth children in severe pain with painful labor   you will now give birth to your children to the  human he said cursed is the ground because of you   through painful toil you will eat from it all  the days of your life and the lord god said   the human has now become like one of us  with knowledge of good and evil he must   not be allowed to reach out his hand and take  also from the tree of life and so live forever   so the lord god banished him from the garden of  eden and placed at the entrance to the garden   cherubim with a flaming sword flashing back and  forth to guard the way to the tree of life now   the way it's translated at the moment the god  character is the one against human progress the   god character is the one who wants to keep the  humans so unintelligent they don't even know   they're naked and it's the serpent who wants to  upgrade the humans for a better human experience   to be conscious to be aware to be able to make  their own decisions and it's quite clear that   the god character feels very threatened by that  idea and says if you do that they'll be like us   so again you've got that anomalous like one of us  as if god and the serpent are the same as if god   is plural again you translate elohim in the plural  it all makes sense that what we actually have   is a conflict among the sky people among  the powerful ones over how intelligent the   human species is to be and that concern  about being overwhelmed or overpowered   by a multiplied human presence with higher  intelligence where you can find that in   stories all around the world but if you listen  to the epic people of nigeria they have the story   of abbasi and a thai who are very worried that  their ability to govern over the human population   will be very diminished by the progress humanity  is making and in that story they release devices   into the environment that will diminish the  mental health and mental acuity of the human   beings which is a rather odd little story with  echoes in genesis as we'll see a little later   traditionally the story of the forbidden fruit in  the garden of eden has been told as the fall of   humanity from a state of innocence seen in the  context of a plural elohim the narrative flips   far from being a fall the conflict is  over an upgrade to the human condition   pluralizing the translation almost reverses the  meaning of the entire episode what we have here   is the bible's version of the conflict between  enlil and enki over how intelligent the human   beings should be reading genesis 3 as the story of  an intervention in the process of human evolution   and as an upgrade to human intelligence reframes  the whole scene casting the serpent in eden as   the good guy of the story for some this is a  disturbing and controversial interpretation   it represents a 180 degree change from the  traditional religious reading of those texts   for centuries the story of yahweh elohim and  the serpent in eden has been read as a moment   in the cosmic battle between the almighty  and satan a fight between god and the devil   however the names devil or satan are nowhere  mentioned in the text and if this is really an   elohim story then we are certainly in the realm  of plural visitors powerful ones conflicting over   project humanity moreover the source narratives  from ancient mesopotamia on which the genesis   story would appear to be based point to a  completely different framing what i would say   is that the source of this story is not a god  and the serpent story at all it's the story of   two brothers enlil and enki who have this argument  over how intelligent the human beings should be why then is the serpent of genesis 3 so often  equated with evil with the devil or satan   nothing in the genesis story itself makes that  equation so where does that association come from   the answer lies in a correlation with a  verse in the new testament book of revelation go to the book of revelation and  there's a verse there that talks about   a dragon being cast out of heaven and it  says that dragon is clearly the bad guy   is that ancient serpent the one known as satan  or the devil the text says and so all of a sudden   there's this equation of well i only know of one  serpent in the bible that's the one in genesis 3   so it must be the devil but that really is not  a correct equation at all the bible is full of   serpents and that text in revelation  reminds us that by serpent it means dragon in fact the bible contains 34 mentions of dragons  translation choices throughout the centuries   have often obscured the presence of these dragons  in the biblical texts one word more commonly used   is serpent so there are many ancient serpents  to which the revelation text could be pointing   moreover there are plenty of clues remaining in  the texts to indicate that these serpents are not   snakes indeed in the book of revelation the words  for serpent and dragon are used interchangeably   one episode in which these  enigmatic serpents appear   occurs in the hebrew canon in the book of numbers it speaks of a time when the people of israel  are starving in the desert and they ask moses   for food on hearing this yahweh decides to  punish the starving people for complaining   this he does by sending fiery  serpents to attack the people why are the serpents described as  fiery what exactly is a fiery serpent   the words for these fiery serpents are  saraf and seraphim the book of isaiah   describes in some detail what these  fiery seraphim looked like each set of   had six wings with two they covered their faces  with two they covered their feet and with two   they were flying then one of the seraphim  flew to me carrying a live coal in its hand the root meaning of the word seraph or seraphim  in the plural is burning or one that burns   another entity in the bible is the cherub or  cherubim in the plural a cherub or is far from   the cute baby-like figure we often imagine the  bible describes them as terrifying entities with   four faces like the seraphim they also could  fly the book of job is believed by many bible   scholars to be even more ancient than the books  of genesis it describes an entity called leviathan   any hope of subduing leviathan is vain if you  lay a hand on it you will remember the struggle   and vouch never to do it again i will  not fail to speak of leviathan's limbs   its strength and its graceful form who can  remove its outer coat who can penetrate its   double coat of armor who dares to open the doors  of its mouth ringed about with fearsome teeth   its back has rows of shields tightly sealed  together its snorting throws out flashes of light   its eyes are like the rays of dawn flames  stream forth from its mouth sparks of fire   shoot out smoke pours forth from its nostrils  as from a boiling pot over burning reeds   its breath sets coals ablaze  and flames dart from its mouth   when it rises up even mighty men are  terrified they retreat before its thrashing   the sword that reaches it has no effect nor  does the spear nor the dart nor the javelin in the new testament the book of revelation  describes a fearsome entity which it simply   calls the beast the beast i saw resembled a  leopard but it had feet like those of a bear   and a mouth like that of a lion then i saw  a second beast it had two horns like a lamb   but its voice was like the voice of a dragon it  would be easy to dismiss these descriptions as   fanciful imaginings of mythical beasts except  that among this panoply of non-human entities   an entity carrying the name of yahweh is  described in startlingly similar terms   the prophet isaiah reports the entity  yahweh describing himself in language which   comparison by comparison prefigures the book  of revelations description of the beast i will   come upon them like a lion like a leopard i will  look by the path like a bear robbed of her cubs   i will attack them and rip them open like a lion i  will devour them a wild animal tearing them apart it would seem strange that the writer of  revelation would describe a beast with a   voice like a dragon in exactly the same language  as the book of isaiah's description of yahweh why   in the book of job would yahweh boast of his own  strength by comparing himself with the monstrous   fire-breathing leviathan in the book of 2nd  samuel king david describes yahweh like this   in my distress i called out to yahweh  from his temple he heard my voice my cry   came to his ears the earth trembled and quaked  the foundations of the skies shook they trembled   because he was angry smoke rose from his nostrils  consuming fire came from his mouth burning coals   blazed out of it he parted the skies and came  down with dark clouds of smoke under his feet he   mounted the cherubim and flew soaring on the wings  of the wind bolts of lightning blazed forth the   valleys of the sea were exposed in the foundations  of the earth laid bare at the rebuke of yahweh at   the blast of breath from his nostrils multiple  texts in the hebrew canon speak of yahweh's   wings and pinions and in almost every text where  the nostrils of yahweh are mentioned in the bible   the length of the nostrils is mentioned and almost  invariably destruction by fire quickly follows from another part of the world the mesoamerican  account of human origins reported in the pope   vu speaks of early humans being produced by  those who engineer their chief genetic technician   is referred to as kukulkan or kukumats he is another dragon-like entity in  our ancestors memories of beginnings   quetzalcoatl is described as a feathered serpent  his job is to engineer a new kind of hominid   his instructions were simple make avatars for us  to work for us and bring us our food in the bible   yahweh presides over a human population who serve  him follow his instructions and bring a continual   supply of edible offerings for example numbers 31  17 reports that after one raid on a neighboring   community yahweh demands that his human avatars  bring him 675 sheep and goats 72 cattle 61 donkeys   32 virgin girls and 420 pounds of gold  the humans he says can keep the rest   this would seem a strange request if yahweh  were an almighty god but what did the entity   yahweh want with all those edible offerings  was it possible that they were intended to be   consumed not by yahweh himself but by his priests  from the septuagint to the greek translation of   the hebrew scriptures comes a surprising clue  in it a book called bell and the dragon mocks   a competing society who have all the same  pattern of worship that surrounded yahweh   including the regular task of providing their  powerful one with continual edible offerings   the joke in the story of belle and the  dragon is that the huge tent supposedly   holding their dragon is empty the priests are  pretending the powerful one is still in the tent   pretending to visit him as  the people's go-betweens   in reality it is the priests who are eating  all the edible offerings brought by the people   this story is told to contrast the competing  people group with the people of yahweh the people   of yahweh had a real powerful one who really was  eating the offerings himself who really was kept   hidden in the furthest recesses of an enormous  tabernacle hidden in darkness and surrounded by   smoke but does that sound like the story of  an almighty god could these ancient stories   of a fearful dragon ruling over his humans have  been mistakenly translated as stories of yahweh   how can a name associated with almighty  god also be associated with such a fearful   fiery figure in the final edit of the hebrew  canon did the editors paste the holy name of god   over stories of completely different kinds of  entity i think it's that translation confusion   that has really muddled the picture now there's a  very broad consensus among bible scholars that the   final edit of the hebrew scriptures was done in  the 6th century bce and one of the main agendas   was to present the stories of the hebrew canon  as if it was a seamless story of almighty god   the cosmic source from the very first verse of  genesis onwards but unfortunately what that meant   is that they pasted the holy name yahweh over  these other texts that are about something else   what i argue in the scars of eden and escaping  from eden is that we should use the root meanings   of the words in the text so that the stories of  the powerful ones are the stories of the powerful   ones the stories of the dragons are the stories  of the dragons and that when god the cosmic source   makes an appearance well let's call that god but  if we model them all together and call them all   god we end up with a very distorted picture  where we're all laboring in fear and terror   of an almighty entity that will torment us forever  if we get it wrong that is very unforgiving can   turn on a dime terribly violent and has no  empathy towards us that's all a confusion   that has resulted from our forgetting that  many of these stories are our ancestors   memories of the traumas we suffered when  we were invaded by extraterrestrial forces   in our deep past the beginning of the story of  the people of god goes back to another episode now   expressed as a yahweh story the progenitors of the  hebrew tradition are named as abraham and sarah   their role as the patriarch and matriarch of many  nations begins with an anomalous close encounter   yahweh appeared to abraham near the great trees  of mamre while he was sitting at the entrance of   his tent in the heat of the day abraham looked up  and saw three men standing by when he saw them he   hurried to meet them and bowed low to the ground  he said if i have found favor in your eyes my lord   do not pass your servant by let water be brought  for you to wash your feet and rest under this tree   let me get you something to eat so you can  be refreshed before you go on your way then   one of them said i will surely return in about  a year by which time your wife will have a son   now sarah was listening at the entrance of the  tent abraham and sarah were already very old   and sarah was past the age of childbearing  so sarah laughed to herself as she thought   worn out as i am and old as my master is will i  now have this pleasure the stranger's words prove   true the elderly couple gave birth to isaac  and isaac produces two sons jacob and esau   but how ancient is this story does it come from  far further back in the lineage of homo sapiens   the story of jacob and esau would appear to  describe two different kinds of human being   one is smooth-skinned and highly intelligent jacob  the other esau is considerably less intelligent   he is as strong as an ox and his body is  covered in thick red hair in fact his body   hair is so thick that his blind father is unable  to tell the difference between the skin of esau   and the height of a goat the smooth-skinned human  learns to manipulate and control the hairy one   with offerings of food and despite being the  younger manages to gain the upper hand and take   control of their environment now that clues me  that we might be looking at a far more ancient   story than we think we are and indeed if abraham  and sarah of the hebrew tradition are in fact   the same as brahma and seraswati of the vedic  tradition then we really are looking at a more   ancient story because brahma and seraswati are  the progenitors of humanity in the vedic tradition   now that's a nice story in which we have a  benevolent encounter with sky people who are   very attractive and look human in that encounter  abraham and sarah just think that they're three   guys at the beginning of the encounter now when  those entities then go and visit sodom in the   very next chapter we're told something else about  them and that is that they're drop dead gorgeous   in fact they're so attractive that the locals are  driven wild with passion for them and so that's   a clue that those sky people those powerful  ones looked human and were very attractive   but we have other passages other ancient stories  that seem to depict human colonies being governed   over by entities that look and sound more like  dragons and so when you get to the transition   king the first human king over the people  of god you've got a story of the human   beings saying to yahweh we don't want you  governing anymore we want a human king   if yahweh is the name for almighty god  that story doesn't make any sense at all   but when you realize the name has actually been  pasted over some of these other more traumatic   memories the picture begins to resolve  and you understand what you're looking at   bible scholars believe that the hebrew canon  formed through a sequence of writing amalgamation   and redactions or edits originally a disparate  collection of scrolls and books the leaders and   scribes of the hebrew tradition brought them  together to form a library of sacred texts   genesis 1 to 11 comprise the stories of  beginnings possibly dating back to abraham   and sarah who brought a summary of their  folklore from their family's ties with the   sumerian-based cultures of mesopotamia through  the centuries that followed new books were added   and the collection harmonized to teach the stories  of moses and to authenticate the mosaic law this   collection became the pentateuch further books  were added and the expanded collection harmonized   to authenticate the laws and institutions of  yahweh the monarchy and the priesthood this became   known as the deuteronomistic history similar  processes continued until the 6th century bce   with a final redaction which appears to have aimed  at distancing the entire collection of writings   from their mesopotamian roots expunging their  memories of dragons and sky people airbrushing   out the problem of too many gods and presenting  a story more in keeping with the developed   monotheism of jewish faith in the 6th century  bce so there is a very broad scholarly consensus   that the most recent redaction on the hebrew  scriptures occurred in the 6th century bce with   the agenda of turning all these ancient stories  into a seamless story of almighty god the source   of the cosmos and it's a wonderful very positive  message that there is only one god the source of   the cosmos and everything in it that in which we  all live and move and have our being it's a very   empowering vision to have but paste it over those  old stories and it doesn't quite work the shape of   the old stories remains and in the scars of eden i  argue that we should use the root meanings of many   of these words instead that we tell the stories  of the elohim as the stories of the powerful ones   and begin to understand the true nature of our  origins as a species and our place in the cosmos   the final edit of the old testament  of the bible the hebrew canon   included the layering of some beautiful and  profound theology over the top of ancient texts   unfortunately mistranslating traumatic ancestral  memories as if they were encounters with god   is a choice with far-reaching consequences  belief in a violent xenophobic hierarchical god   has been used through the ages to justify  violence wars and all manner of abuses   however the fidelity with which the ancient  manuscripts have been curated in the hebrew canon   by countless generations of priests and scribes  means that in our generation we can now return   to these fascinating artifacts of our pre-history  and ask how differently they might be translated   i think it's very important that we do this  translation work because if we're going to confuse   god and a dragon that's a pretty serious  kind of confusion to come up with if god is   the source of the cosmos and everything in it that  in which we all live and move and have our being   i find that a very freeing and empowering vision  but if god is like a fire-breathing dragon i'm   not so sure and it's not just a matter of  picking the image of god that you prefer   it is a question of what do the texts say and  in the scars of eden i argue that the texts   are very clear they carry the memory of our  ancestors encounters with extraterrestrials the fifth kind check out our official website at  fifth kind dot tv where you can sign   up to receive our latest newsletters chat  and share ideas in our online community   and select featured content that is  only available on fifth kind dot tv author and researcher paul wallace probes the  world's ancient mythologies for clues about the   origins of the human race and has published  several books in the field of mysticism and   spirituality in the last decade his work  has probed the world's ancient mythologies   for the insights they hold on our origins as  a species and our potential as human beings   work in church ministry has included training  pastors in the interpretation of biblical texts   working as a troubleshooter for communities of  faith and serving as an archdeacon in the anglican   church in australia his background is a senior  churchman makes it all the more surprising that   paul's latest book argues that human origins lie  in our prehistoric contact with extraterrestrial   species go to  for information about paul and his books you
Channel: The 5th Kind
Views: 309,414
Rating: 4.8531537 out of 5
Keywords: Documentary 2021, documentary 2021 history, ancient, ancient history, bible stories, ANUNNAKI, Elohim, devil, god, enki, enlil, gods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 54sec (2634 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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