Ants vs Termites: Two Bugs Facing Off Since Dinosaur Times

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ladies and gentlemen we're all here to see these two skillful and powerful insects go head to head one of the strongest animals on this planet despite its teeny tiny size mr ant will face a termite his name is termy by the way he has one of the most notorious and fastest bites around but no worries humans this fight's going to take place in the woods so your cities aren't in any danger these guys are so small that no human would notice them anyway the ring is about the size of a bottle cap and the whole stadium's about the size of a cookie um which kind of cookie chocolate chip never mind and now let's see the profiles of the athletes first up ant kingdom animal class insect type n age two to what weeks weight around five milligrams distinctive features head antennas nasty sing phobias peppermint no chewing gum for this little guy and now kermi kingdom animal class insect type termite age two weight as rebel refused to weigh in but a whole colony of termites can weigh up to a thousand pounds distinctive features head tubes that squirt acid ew phobias sunlight turmeric just can't stand it and no amount of spf cream is going to help so in the blue corner and ants have been around for over a hundred million years and are famous for being one of the most successful heavy lifters in the world only a couple of incredible animals like the dung beetle are stronger but the ant smells better if a regular human had ant size lifting abilities they could easily lift up to 6 500 pounds that's like half an elephant you pick which half or your neighbor's pickup truck they're also long livers and hold the world's lifespan record among insects these tiny guys can live up to 30 years and they don't really care where the only place they're not really into is antarctica why did they name it that then antarctica and now in the red corner turmey the termite termites love to sneak into your house undetected by biting through wood paper and even some other materials they aren't really interested in fighting people though all they need is food and either fresh grass or your brand new sofa will do just fine they're small and you might not even notice them but there are way more termites than people in the world if you got every human together and every termite together guess what the termites would outweigh the humans we don't want them in their houses but they're our friends thanks to termites people get better crops the intricate tunnels they build in the soil help water penetrate better and just like that our crops grow bigger termites also hold the record for being one of the world's fastest animals out there they don't run fast but they can clap down their jaws faster than almost anyone round one size both ants and termites vary in size some are actually pretty big some are tiny but on the average ants are way smaller than termites 1-0 termi takes the lead round two strength most ants carry around 50 times their own weight and even though the smallest termite is bigger than the large ant a single ant could easily take on a termite any day ants tend to be much more aggressive and usually roll in a big group you never see just one ant walking in the woods there's always an entourage sorry termi you lost that round ants on the board and we're tied at one round three let's call it special gear this thing's getting heated ants tend to act like one of the relatives the notorious wasp yes a wasp and an ant have more in common than you might think mr ant is ready to use his sting just like any wasp would do dermy's feeling pretty powerless he doesn't have any kind of special gear anyway even if mr ant decides not to sting poor turmeric his bite might hurt just as bad some ants bite so hard you don't want to know no matter what ant bites you or stinged you it could end up pretty bad the worst definitely the bullet ant scientists say it feels like you're walking on burning coals ow despite having the world's fastest jaw a turkey's bite isn't powerful enough to beat out mr ant some people say termites can bite through bricks that's how they get into your house that's nothing more than a rumor they squeeze into your house by finding teeny tiny holes and the only thing they really chew through is paper or wood yeah termy loves that stuff it has his favorite ingredient cellulose mr ant's about to win this round he's this close but hey look at those tubes right on turmey's head those things squirt acid yeah mr ant can gear up for a sting or a bite all he wants but he'll never get close enough mr ant might get lucky with a sting though he can release a paralyzing acid to stun germany but not today turmey squirted himself to a victory this round and it's two to one turmey retakes the lead round four endurance hey looks like mr ant's getting tired he's going for a power nap he starts moving slower craving sleep but terming seems unstoppable he never stopped gnawing on that wooden peg he brought with him and he doesn't feel tired at all the endurance of termites is incredible they just never need to sleep the only thing they crave 24 7 is food turmey leads three to one but the audience is impatient but sorry guys mr ant's gotta wake up before we continue morning ant all right here we go look up in the stands posters everywhere and you're the best termy's the toughest well they can't wait to find out the winner round five poison turmey's all relaxed now he's sure he's gonna come out on top and seems a bit confused he's supposed to be one of the strongest in the world but he's about to lose to this never sleeping endlessly eating tiny beast or is he turmy gives ant a little push just to sort of make fun of him but he doesn't know that mr ant's got an ace up his sleeve well in his backside right after that friendly push he starts releasing poison drop by drop dermy's terrified he wasn't prepared for that he thought his tubes were the best but those droplets look really dangerous jeremy has no idea if he can tolerate the ants poison or not and he can the audience shocked some of them even start to boo terming the ref blows his whistle mr ant gets one more point time to start the comeback turmey now leads by only three to two round six all of a sudden termie feels full power he's in the lead and it's all good he speeds up run towards mr ant but it's a trap the ant just lifts turmy up and throws him onto his back it's the shortest round of the tournament and it's all tied up at three time to see who's really the toughest insect out there final round termy seems unstoppable he strikes but mr ant is a total ninja he moves out of the way at the last second jeremy goes in again but it's not working ants are tough they've got a super strong exoskeleton and as long as he doesn't get crushed no amount of blows are taking this little guy down mr ant doesn't really feel any pain if you have the same ability you could play a game of chicken with a rhino and walk away with your head held high in the ring or in the wild ants are survivors and if one ant goes down you better believe it's gonna tag in about a million of his buddies the audience is cheering everyone's on the edge of their seats who's gonna be the next champion who wants it more right now it looks like termi just found a new gear and some new energy he's not giving up he wants the title he probably just wants to put it on his cv maybe get promoted to a more delicious tree turmey's tried to finish it twice but no luck so far mr ant suddenly strikes back and ouch he slips and falls right on the floor turmey's starting to strut around the ring this thing's over but no and manages to get up this thing's going down to the wire and it's all over a whole lot of action but no direct hits the final round's a time so is the whole tournament ah guess we'll need a rematch
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, bright side videos, animal facts, wild animals, interesting animals, rare animals, nature facts, all about animals, bright side vs, ants vs termites, termites vs ants, termites look like, how to identify termite, how termites get in, what termites eat, what ants eat, what ants look like, what ants bite, do termites bite, termite colony, ant colony, strongest animals, fastest animals, facts about insects, strangest bugs, strangest insects
Id: In9RpqB7RUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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