Anton Krupicka - Purpose

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[Music] [Music] [Music] you you're out in the mountains kind of working hard I don't know like all your emotions are like really just right beneath the surface down is something that keeps me like very grounded in my like emotional life you know kind of in touch with how I'm feeling at my poor being rattlesnake here before yeah yeah I grew up in Niobrara Nebraska which is a very small village of 350 people very rural part of the country I grew up on a farm that's probably been the biggest impact in my life and growing up close to the land on my family's farm because it gave me this outlet to be really active as a young kid you know I was always in the forest like building forth building trails I wanted to be a mountain man which was kind of like like Jim Bridger is this iconic mountain man here in the United States but he's like a fur trapper it was mostly I think my parents instilling and myself and my two sisters the values of appreciating the land and the you know the land has inherent value of the natural world has inherent value and living close to it and that came about through living a pretty self-sufficient lifestyle we're definitely trying to be self-sufficient and self-reliant and having a low impact on the world and that's something that I think continues to influence me to this day I just think you have to have some kind of intention with your day every day I mean I have an injury right now but I like always have an injury [Music] I was running Yeshua down flat I just like dark chocolate and that's like kinda my muscles just don't do this right now but why I broke my leg five years ago that was in the major shift occurred that's when I shifted from being completely and like mono maniacally focused on just running you know I was running 200 miles a week I just like had my best season ever like with Western stage light river and you know you know time on the top of it all but then I broke my leg in 2011 and I was forced to think about like what can I do that still satisfies or need to like get outside every day but isn't quite as abusive as running is then I kind of reconnected climbing it's something I've done for previous way in college start doing a lot of that scrambling the flat iron and then you know last year I started biking and skiing became a big thing a couple of hours ago 42 and and this is these all grew out of like not being able to run but they really like enriched my life like you know whenever you're just one-dimensional or something sure you get really good at that but it's also it becomes uninteresting at some point [Music] [Music] curiosity is a key part of having a rich life [Music] one that we are like challenging yourself and growing as a person and not just staying stagnant or stuck at a certain level I guess [Music] being in the mountains has been as a venue for my curiosity like what I'm capable of in the mountains what I can do is experiences I can have that the emotions you can have there and I just think it's essential to always kind of be trying to learn new things try new things questions not just assume make assumptions about the world but instead like go and have your own experience and then draw your own conclusions and that's really like what my entire career is any kind of mountain athlete event you know is just trying new things and games being inspired by something and wondering if I'm capable of doing that you know and then giving it a shot mmm waking up at 5:15 a.m. to run 12 miles with 13 years not even them 12 years old this is the inside cover of the very first vlog and I guess I wrote here because a little like chart of why I love running from 1995 it's very early on I was like making like training plans kind of crazy and then the first entry is April 12th 95 warm sunny with moderate wind every 80 miles I started running I think was in the 5th grade we had a PE class physical education and every spring we would do a one-mile time trial just as part of the class and I think in the fifth grade I won and I have won most years but in the fifth grade I decided okay this year I'm going to train for it by running one mile per day like the months before the test you know and I just never stopped [Music] something about running really fit my personality in that I'm pretty introverted so I'm finally expending a lot of time alone which running lends itself to but also I really from the very beginning I was drawn to the fact that if you just like worked really hard if you learn a lot you're going to improve you're going to get better and you're going to have success [Music] running is just kind of a structure of life how to live your lives you know and and so there it's going to affect every aspect of your life spiritual social emotional physical mental surprised that I was kind of aware of that got it on I guess but I think it is just a testament to like how deep into the activity I was from a baby you know it's something that resonated with me a lot earlier [Music] when you're in that early teenage years that's just like your whole world all you want to do is belong to something you know somehow and it just got to where like I don't know I feel like I was like well I don't I just don't really identify with the people that you know my peers so I'm just gonna do my own thing and this is who I am and that's in was running and like I just threw myself into it you know I definitely drew like an identity and confidence from that kind of obsession maybe a July 20th 96 is my entry for mileage 26 and a half I must have ran like a quarter-mile warm up or something I got up at 4:30 a.m. and dad and I broke camp we drove 15 minutes Pike's point where it all started it was awesome I got number one because I was the only one of my year I was 12 I stretched well an old man played the bagpipes crazy stuff they're lined up in about the fourth line of 65 people very small race ran easily at about 9:15 pace 213 miles talked to a lot of meat people along the way it was fun meeting runners eventually sped up and passed a lot of people from 13 to 22 miles and then came the wall at about 23 miles yeah hamstrings and calves very painful worse than I've ever felt it was very hard I probably walked about 400 meters altogether and so I must have walked a little bit [Music] for me especially over the last five years it's really expanded beyond just running and it's more of just kind of like moving your body in the mountains scrambling there's two things it's your entire body you're fully engaged all four limbs one and then two there's consequence and that heightens extent it's not an adrenaline spin it's just like it's a requirement that you're like focused and present in the moment and you can't just spaced out I don't know thinking about other things and what you're doing it right in the moment though it's scrambling because of the consequence because of the terrain you're on you have to be completely present in the moment when you're doing being present is sort of this cliche thing but it's a pretty meaningful experience or seems like a meaningful experience or it's happening [Music] [Music] well I'll protect that Traverse for you a rich life for me it involves feeling like I have a purpose every day for me that means being out in the mountains and having I mean I had to take these wooden tents but having experiences that kind of affirm your existence you know I worry about like wake you up and realize that like you're living life you know you're not just sort of coasting through life or you're challenging yourself you're feeling emotions you're having your experiences those things comprise a rich life for me and that's definitely my motivation on a daily basis for spending a lot of time outside moving in the mountains really [Music] you [Music]
Channel: La Sportiva
Views: 202,514
Rating: 4.9554167 out of 5
Keywords: ultra running, trail running, mountains, Anton Krupicka, La Sportiva, mountain running, scrambling, Ultra Marathons, Lavaredo Ultra Trail, UTMB
Id: x32CSodbbS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2017
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