Anton Kreil's BRUTAL Message! How Good Traders Manage Their Personal Lives

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so final day and we're just having a Sunday pub roast lunch in London and everyone's heading out tomorrow back to their homes all around the world yeah it's a bit of crazy two weeks I think you know we're really making an effort to cram in as much time with the mentors as possible yeah everyone flies back yeah they've come from all over the world as you say and so it's ping quite a hectic schedule maximizing the time with everyone yeah is it always this intense you know as a trader I mean life as a trader it's it's it's not as it Tet intense as this I mean we're on a business trip here okay so like we've obviously had really hectic schedule with conferences all the mentors flying in from everywhere trading life is very different trade trading is actually a very simple lifestyle you have to cut all the crap out of your life because really your personal life has to be empty so you can actually make very well-informed decisions over and over again multiple times if you think about it like this if your personal life is really hectic or your business life is really hectic all the time it's going to affect your trading decisions and vice versa actually if you have an extremely complicated very hectic trading lifestyle then it's going to affect your personal life so your personal life your trading life need to mirror each other and decision fatigue is a big thing in the industry that you need to avoid because it creates scenarios where you can make bad decisions and it can cost a lot of money so every professional trader knows that you have to absolutely have a personal life that's simple and a person in life that mirrors your personal life and vice versa and you know you look at all these guys their mentors you know in real life they've got you know very simple likes you know guys like Raj for example how does a guy become the head of options trading its Bank of America by the time he's 30 well he doesn't get to that stage at such a young age because he has a very hectic lifestyle he gets to that position at such a young age because he's got incredible focus and he's organized and he concentrates on making sure that his life is extremely simple and manageable so he can make good decisions and always has a clear head and you know Raj himself he'll be hanging around later on the final day you should actually talk to him about it it's something that he has a has an incredible insight into so chat soon he'll give you some good insights on that with this kind of outlook of organizing your personal life in your trading life I'm creating a scenario where things are quite simple okay think about it like this when you put a trade on you're looking at the trade in a way of does it add any value is it going to make me money is it high probability to make me money and it's the same in your personal life you know personal relationships for example like if you go on a date with a girl twice do you see yourself being with this girl long-term is she adding value to you is she adding value to your life if you meet new friends are they adding any value to your life do you family members add value to your life or are they a liability on your life you know making sure that your personal life reflects your trading life and vice versa is extremely important because if someone's not adding value to your life in any way and they become a liability you have to cut them because that's going to actually affect you're trading decisions and you could end up with decision fatigue and make bad decisions in your trading life because your personal life is not organized just look at it like this people who screw their personal lives up screw their trading lives up and vice versa people who screw their trading lives up always screw their personal lives up they have to run in parallel with each other and you have to manage them to be really focused and really straightforward and simple does it add value or does it take away value and if you manage that well you'll be a great trader
Channel: InstituteofTrading
Views: 619,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anton Kreil, Raj Malhotra, Jason McDonald, Chris Cathey, ITPM, Institute of Trading, Goldman Sachs, Trading, Retail Trading, FOREX, Instutrade, Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management, Ben Berggreen, Stock Market, David Perlin, Ross Williams, Anthony Iser, Million Dollar Traders, Hedge Funds, Investment Banks, Training, Coaching, Mentoring, Business, NYSE, NASDAQ, Day Trading, Swing Trading, Hichem Djouhri, Stocks, Commodities, Interview, Wall Street, Finance, Millionaire, Billionaire
Id: hDP1W-t2-PU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 2sec (302 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2018
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