Antiques Roadshow UK Series 24 Episode 4 Hayward's Heath, Sussex

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this particular painting doesn't look quite as early as 1750 I think we've got something a little bit up the coloring looks good the porcelain is absolutely right for serve but he didn't look like this when it someone changed it looking very closely at this panel of figures lovely figures in the saguaros style got a little ghost I can just see little hints of green in the back plan of the panel that's part of a little leaf spray of the original decoration which was flowers this had little flower sprigs all over it and when it would left serve in 1750s flowers on a white ground was simple everyday decoration but in 1830 when George the fourth was collecting the ser for the royal family he was paying a fortune to pieces with bigger subjects on a turquoise ground Fleur Celeste grout and there wasn't enough real safe to go around so instead what they did they bought the tea sets which are simple flowers and changed them when he looked closely up their decoration there are signs underneath his painting there I can see her hint there was something else originally as often diggsy a little scratched right across the middle of the turquoise I'm if you can just see their line that was a scratch in the glaze on the original cup and saucer and when they put the new turquoise over it it's gone into that scratch and replaced the new decoration and at the same time it burns his black speckling is a sign that it was burnt in the kiln and went long but that affects the value a real one you're looking at more than five thousand pounds for but even as a woman even as a copy it's beautiful the quality of this when it was made as a fake was superb and nowadays even as a fake it's probably worth six or seven hundred pounds goodness thank you it's lovely well I love it she is Amy Sawyer and she was an artist of some considerable repute yes yes not just a painter but an artist in all forms in all forms you mean she carved I know she can embroider yes and she wasn't eccentric as well but she has pain things to an eccentric in what way was she an eccentric who didn't believe in gas or electricity she cooked in a hay box and she lived in Ditchley she lived in big swing in the blue house well of course them I suspect you may know more about the resident artists of ditch Neiman I but I mean I've always known it as a great center for artists not necessarily talking about the commune that Eric Gill started there it was a place that the artists went to live because they enjoyed their each other's company wasn't so much a colony or a communist as a place that artists enjoyed living at all so there was her and there were many many others yes yes Louie Jeanette who who did the portrait it's clearly signed by him down here yes this I think is a very penetrating portrait don't you I mean I do feel slightly fixed by the gimlet eyes boring 3d you're standing there well I think it's a wonderful portrait really telling I'm not quite sure what it is about it but it's Frank and it's powerful and it seems to get to the heart of the woman's care yes it's got a few problems you know in the sense that it's perhaps rather thinly painted around here and something seems to have happened to the paint sighs damn it's probably restorable yeah but at any rate at the moment it's looking just a little bit ropey just around the edges here you want that done but as a very good portrait by an artist who is quite well known as Louie Jeannette then I would have said that it's probably worth about 1,200 to 1,500 pairs this has been in my husband's family for about 100 years and his great-grandparents were great travelers around the world he thinks that this was picked up on the continent and we've been told it may be Flemish right but I think it's actually French what do you use it for well we haven't used it to put anything in it it's just really an ornamental piece if it was meant for bread we're curious to know why it's got a key for instance right they're called Panettiere yes so bread cupboard the key looks like an early key it's certainly an early escutcheon here this lovely asymmetric typical to lure 15 shape not convinced about the lock which seems quite cruel the hinge is glorious though isn't it ah yes I think the lock is a later lock so it may not have had a key originally but this is a typical original longshan EA or hinge for this glorious shape absolutely typical all over central France to see that what about the carving because that's rather interest you've got the study this serpentine outline which would have become popular in France around 1770 or from the night there that fits in nicely with this type of carving which is transitional you've got Rococo filling to the foliage into the shape but a neoclassical urn here or vars so it's exactly this transitional period when the newer the 15th was starting the discovery of Pompeii in 1754 everything was going away from this mad foliat idea of Rococo engineer classical and has had nicely made expensively made a piece of furniture in walnut and that's much more typically of France had intervened Flemish which is not quite right for the shape anyway be more likely to be an either beech or more likely in fact oh yes I've got to value it which I must but I don't found easy you don't see many of these around I mean I can see it being in a French antique shop retail for about 5,000 pounds something like that but more if you want to insure it yes okay oh I'll tell you what he must have been in there a good few years he absolutely pawns well I think if you and I have been in a box that long maybe is that bad as well he's really musty and yeah how long has he been in the well I would think he's probably getting over 30 years since he's seen the light of day anyway honest yes yeah he's quite an extraordinary creature isn't he he's a bit yes quite sure how old he is have you any idea yourself my father bought him in 1956 for me when I was about 10 from a theatrical shop in Nottingham and we used to go round do a few shows locally in old people's homes and that sort of thing and my father used to do a magic show with my younger brother and I used to do a ventriloquist turns I would think probably he was made in the 1920s by an individual maker of endor Anika's dummies the eyes in fact of probably real full-sized really but yeah they're not painted they are very very good eyes and that's what really makes the difference between a poorly made dummy and a really well made dummy so he would have been made for a professional I should think he's he's gotta have a value of 200 to 300 pounds today yes he's a very very nice object it was in the late 60s and we were in Paris and we want it was the winter time and we wanted to light a fire so we lit and the smoke was coming back all the time so we realized something was working the chimneys so we extinguish the fire and then we pulled out all sorts of things they were all books and Challinor silver bits and pieces and those two coffee pots I mean they're obviously not very valuable scepter mr. piket but I like them and I think they're lovely and they remind me of my yes this was in Paris could it have been someone hiding family bits away from us we don't know we have great ideas or maybe they were from the French Revolutions or something like that you know and no but anyway that's what is left and it's a great memory for rub this the genie will tell us everything fully it's a doll book where you press out the the dolls and then dress them in different clothes for different occasions so this relates to Charles and Diana that's right I'm remarried and their first baby and who we got here Barbara Cartland Margaret Thatcher mm-hmm teddy bears a boomerang why is it gonna be used I bought it five pence and satin had many hours just browsing through never never use well that's the great thing about it because obviously any child this was given to the first thing you want to do tear it up cut it out and play with it and this has never been played so for a bit of raw momento if nothing is fantastic it must be quite rare and even more rare because it's in fantastic condition you paid five P for it I wouldn't sell that for less than fifty pounds now you know give it time and it'd be worth a lot more looks like a typical mid 18th century English side table right is it English now look at this overhang here and this this here this very wide overhang it almost looks like the top has been replaced it does look a different colour but as far as I'm aware it's always been like this it's not the color I love the colour by the way but it's the overhang which fascinates me it's very exaggerated with this lovely re-entrant corner here and this molded feature here cabriole leg is fairly normal leading to this very unusual foot with this little line here very very unusual this so truffled foot I think it could be American well that would fit in with the family background my great-grandfather lived in psyches in New York stage and he was actually in Music Hall he was an acrobat and juggler I know they did buy quite a few things while they were in America before they settled back into England again that's really fascinating see the draw the draw lining is very like the English drawers of the mid 18th century very thin you know with a lovely little rounded top but it's not quite the same it's got a little Dutch thinness and quality to it I'm not almost it's more sophisticated almost in the English ones but in the eastern seaboard especially Philadelphia Delaware that sort of area they did use oak linings this again you see you see this sort of knob here in English William Ameri furniture in the late 17th century circa 1700 it's unusual to get this in what is probably 1750 shape and again I think this slightly attenuated drawn-out shape to the brass knob is American not English this is not an English casting if you just look at the drawers with the frieze and trying to ignore everything else you've got a position here of this normal drawer but a bits short he wanted a bit deeper normally and this funny little thing here is not nothing at all in this great empty space you know what I first thought of when I first saw it I thought English mid 18th century though something rang about and that's what first drew me to perhaps being American it's always like a shaker and feeling yes there's no doubt about it for something like this American furnitures completely different discipline I don't know of any experts resident in Europe who know about American furniture at night we'd have to take photographs of it send it to New York or decency board to get an expert there to verify what I'm about to say if that's English mid 18th century it's worth two to three thousand pounds but if it's American a minimum of 15 to 20 thousand pounds that's wonderful lovely well at first glance this appears to be an innocent silver topped walking stick but with a twist to the handle and flip of the wrist we have nearly two feet of deadly Toledo Spanish steel where did you come by this lovely object it's been in the house ever since I can remember and when my father died it was just one of those things that I particularly wanted because it was just part of the household I believe he probably got it from his father before him this is the sort of object that would be carried by a Victorian gentleman for self-protection and it's blade is made in Spain and Toledo which is a great Spanish sword cutlery capital they still make them today and they've been making blades there for hundreds of years and we can see on the blade very nicely etched it says fabric kado paddle a casa Sangster and company limited laundress and that means that sank stirs whoever they work would have had this made in spain and then brought over here the top is silver it's si marked and there's a nice little london mark on there for 1891 so that gives you sort of time period in which this this was used just at the end of victoria's reign it's a very very nice object the body is cane and it's absolute top quality and there's also a certain amount of interest in it from the point of view of its legality at the moment and that sort of come into your mind when you brought it I hesitated even before bringing it because of the legality I really didn't know how I stood on that one although sword sticks are prohibited weapons there is an exemption for those which are over a hundred years old so your home and right ating that yes it still remains an offensive weapon for the purposes of wandering around in public with it you would have to show that you had a reasonable excuse for doing it but I can't believe that any sensible Court would say that bringing a beautiful thing like this to the roadshow wasn't reasonable excuse have you thought about what it might be worth a thing of this quality which has the cachet of being over 100 years old and consequently not prohibited that banks the value of and I think somewhere between 500 to 750 pounds thank you it's a lovely thing it's been with us for the last 70 years I remembered hanging on the wall as a child and I used to wave to pastors in the hall every day every day yes and what I love about this soulful portrait it comes straight out of Lancer who is without doubt the sort of champion of the almost human-like portrait of the dog if it's a sort of 19th century Disney vacation yeah where where the animal becomes totally and for more videos better what makes life really interesting about this subject which is certainly by pupil of lancer I would say is the signature which we see on the bottom here and for the life of me I cannot read it I never been able to it's it's impossible isn't it I mean a lot of artists could could draw but could not write their name and it looks like George Irwin or possibly Fred or something like that but I can find no record of the artist but whatever it is it's a picture that you just have to love and it's doleful sort of look at you it's just so wonderful but I think its value because it's always commercial was around thousand pounds 1,200 pounds and it's mazing deep but how wonderful you can salute it every day thank you I wasn't even sure when to bring it in I'm really glad you did so am i it's come down through the family from my great-great uncle who had a payment bill in crook mm-hm that's really about all I know about it also he's actually on the list of subscribers he did yes Charles Venables of the mill Cookham they are made in here that's right and he'll probably pay quite a lot of money to subscribe to a pair like this but it's absolutely fabulous a monograph of the outside in EDI or family of kingfishers by RB sharp and it's published by the author between 1868 and 1871 now books of this quality with these wonderful wonderful plates in are incredibly expensive to produce and by the late 19th century these sort of books adversely become extinct formers because they were so such high quality none of this coloring here could have been done by an amateur it had to be done by a professional and they are absolutely beautiful quite incredible look at this one this one's just absolutely glorious but what has happened with this book and what I suspect with the handling over the years is I mean the reason I've actually put it on a block here is so that I don't have to open it up completely which will put an added strain on the the gutta-percha binding this gutta-percha binding was an early form of glue that came from Malaya and they thought the idea was that they could actually bind books quicker by using this glue and they would thrust the books here now all the single page is just trusted him and inevitably it rotted and they always fall apart so this book although it looks in poor condition is in fact not in such poor condition it can easily be put back to get again yes it will cost you a bit whatever the binding is holding yes it does need refurbishing but a good book binder should be able to do that for you it's worth in the region of five thousand pounds was a christening bowl lovely well what went in it punch well no no partly it held rum butter which was handed round at the christening it contained rum obviously um butter butter for the facts of life rum for the spirit of life sugar with sweetness and spices for spice of life and everybody presumably had some and then once the bowl was empty and presumably cleaned it was handed round and people put in money for the child what a wonderful idea and we got the initials haven't we so it's a family piece but it's rather more than that isn't it we've got Nelson's glory August the 2nd 1798 which is the Battle of the Nile or of course a great defeat of the French they're all on a bowl has it any associations it doesn't look strategy to me it belonged to a north country family phil was a great family of potters in Newcastle and these glorious colors they're all under glaze and that took a lot of doing their high fived colors but this is one of the finest examples that I've seen it so bright and beautiful it won't have a mark on I'm sure it's just a look look at the outsiders it's mirror earthenware it's pearl way out but 1798 that would have been about the date it can't be before it maybe just hour after something but a bowl like that I would have thought is certainly worth four to five thousand pounds it's the finest bowl that I've ever seen in earthenware I'm a porcelain man but that really turns me on picture wax when did you collect this from about 20 years ago I stopped touch thing about 10 years ago because frankly I just never saw anything as good as this everyone I have to go along with that actually I mean if they're very rarely the one sees such and good examples in this case what we got we got the harem we're looking at a date there around with 1750 and parents are rare it is sought actors been one of the Jacobites firms who's supposed to declare that you're a Jacobite in England and the mid 18th century was a hazardous thing so they had all sorts of secret Jacobite societies and they had their symbols by which they were were no but the teapot I mean I can't remember when I last saw a teapot that is one of the great rarities a little bit matron Dave we've gone on to the Old English after 1716 when did I last see a Masonic I mean that is just so rare just in one of them I would be quite excited about say I mean today those I will be thinking certainly well in excess of a thousand pounds for so The Herald's at least six or eight hundred pounds the teapots there's a got to be two or three hundred pounds each now how come you've ended up with a little Puritans fruit in the middle of a collection but I just bought it because I thought it was old it was incredibly dirty and I thought what I've I have seen that shape before somewhere but I just couldn't remember where right and I've been trying to find out who made it but the library hasn't been hard right yes I've got a makers mark AG now that a CH is one that we haven't tracked down to actual location yet we're about 1650 with this appearance this particular form it's the transition between the early English and the more modern and spirit lovely condition what did you pay for there was he was next to nothing yeah I would say that student day you're looking in excess of seven eight hundred pounds in such a pleasure locale and if you're keen to know more about silver and hallmarks in particular you could log on to the BBC website for Ian's Pickford's complete guide to silver hallmarks I've always fancied using one of these to shave with I think it would be your mom listen away you wouldn't it a family tradition of using them no no they've only ever been on a wall I'd hanging up from the holes in the top resume they go back an awful long way to the end of the 17th century in fact we're looking about there were three hundred years old these were made in about 1690 1700 yeah and curiously they were made as far away as Japan not sure I thought maybe China though he's a Japanese one and that's what makes them rather more special oh the design in the Amari colors which is this red blue and gold is the typical in Maori colors of old Japan yeah so this one is in lovely condition no cracks so worth at least a thousand pounds it's bad that one's got a little crack but so we're gonna be 600 pounds there I mean I just enjoy them I think they're lovely well actually I bought these on an auction in New York all right and when you bought them what did the catalog say they were just ivory pieces they did give them a contractor you know right what did you pay for them just over $1000 700 pound out well hmm what they're trying to be is Japanese these are the seven gods of good fortune and this one is obviously a fisherman but they are of a time which is actually being carved in China and they are absolutely new and we knew when you bought them you know there is a convention ascites convention against trade in endangered species and one should not be buying ivory at all unless you can be absolutely sure that what you're buying is of age fifty years old a lobby now when you brought them from New York did you declare them yes and what did they say well wouldn't it say that I brought them into the country I'm pay for the shipping from them to be shipped from the stage so they would have had a foremost certificate yes as far as on the way really well I mean you know that's really an outrage because the person that signed this one allowing each movement across the the ocean was breaking the law I mean he could lose his certificate by signing these of age when they're clearly not yeah when you buy something you see supportive of the fact that we liked it yeah and you use the reputable firm or what have you and you go through the various channels you are free from blame you bought them in good faith you're on you're not at fault my daughter was given subject about six or seven years ago just as a gift really it's an immaculate condition do you know what it's for I believe it's for debutantes for writing their partners names in the next dance I think I disagree slightly with that because I think it's more likely just an aide memoire which opens up like that and it has these little ivory slips inside and what you couldn't write with the pencil and rubs out afters but usually at a ball they used to have a little printed paper card rather than something like this or this was more likely fish in your reticule then they'd be carried on your wrist it evolved but it's a beautiful thing all made of mother-of-pearl and gold and these beautifully as well oh yes mother of pearl back lovely luster on the shell and little turquoise is which represent forget-me-nots and the period would be around 1840 oh they're glass so it's really quite old it has survived in the recent amazing condition but it's not a ship or a mark or a scratch on it which is I think really quite extraordinary probably should be insured for around a thousand pounds absolutely amazing now here we have a 20th century antique a Barbie doll a speaking Barbie doll so listen carefully and she will say which new dress shall i wear it's my voice what's the story the agent called me one day and said that they wanted a voice inside a doll and would I go along for an interview so I went along to a recording studio in Greek street in 1968 in March and my voice was chosen for the doll and I had to go back a couple of weeks later and record 15 different sentences and six were used for the Barbie doll here's you 1968 saying the same old thing which new dress should I wear I can't believe how bright and colorful a funeral possession is here is the carriage of Her Majesty the Queen and two of Her Majesty's suite and we go on this is thick so colorful the British Army the Highlanders looking as bright as they possibly could you must have kept this extremely well out of the way and look at all this color it's just absolutely magnificent for a funeral service and here chief mourner did youcould wellington well at this of course is the Duke of Wellington's funeral and here is the man himself look at that for color that is the most incredible plate isn't it fun you know all this is some cast iron this is all cast iron when I was a boy you can actually go and see this in some Paul's Cathedral where he was buried and so the legend goes that this was also heavy but they couldn't get it up mud gate hill he was two hours late for his own funeral which i think is a wonderful wonderful thing to be why not and so it goes on it really is absolutely magnificent so tell me about it well my name just get the right number of greats I think it's two greats great-great grandfather through a friend had a ticket somewhere on love James Hill in order to see this procession and I think I'm right in saying this was only produced about a year afterwards he probably took quite a long time to produce it absolutely forties afterwards I think the receipts as you see that's right absolutely right I find this absolutely fascinating because I've never seen a receipt from a commence of war one panorama Dukes funeral not Dukes of Wellington's funeral 31 and six dispensing it's incredible and this note here my father James Passmore saw this possession from a window in Landgate Hill and paid 20 guineas for their seats to buy a house in 1852 for that for that sort of money I just think it's quite incredible it does need some repair inevitably as time has gone on it has fallen apart in a few of Foles but it is an absolutely wonderful thing and of course stretching out to 10 whole feet well I suspect that even in the condition it's in now is probably about 1,500 to 2,000 pounds but it is magnificent thank you so much thank you this picture is by a malika who paints it's in Napoli Naples in 1888 so how did this Italian picture get into your house my grandmother went to a house sale around the 1920s I gathered that she bought it home by pony and cart but that's about all I know well it is a huge picture and it's got a typical 19th century Victorian frame to make it look grander and bigger what I like about these sort of pictures is they're very honest they're beautifully painted look at the quality of it it's absolutely beautiful embroidery on her shoulder here and this wonderful Shore is so beautifully painted for an artist that in most dictionaries gets one line or two lines of information he's actually caught a Kili Monica and we know that he was from Naples and really didn't move that often outside his native town he did exhibit occasionally sometimes insurance sometimes in Rome and he is known to be exhibited in London you would never get this subject matter in the 18th century it's a very much a 19th century phenomenon to see a work which is rather trivial in a way it's like a sort of a snapshot of a passing moment and I think he's captured it beautifully the slightly lecherous expression of the man and the demure expression of the girl are without fault and for a minor Italian painter I think we have a superb word works like this are highly desirable and although Naples is a particularly poor part of Europe they they're very proud of their art and there is a big market for Neapolitan works of art I think if it came up for auction it could make between five and seven thousand pounds and how much does one have to pay for six monkeys and a jackal saying in Sussex fifty feet comes to mind do you know I'm never at the right place at the right time and how long ago is this about 15 years oh well it makes me feel a little bit better I suppose because what you have is a very nice little group of schuko chimps made by the german company sugar made in about 1930 so they're perhaps older than you'd imagine by looking at their colors and so on and they've got these very sweet pressed tin faces which gives us all the expression and so on I think they're absolutely charming as you can see from this little selection they came in different sizes that being one of the largest and this is a tiny one being the smallest little chimp that they made I have to say they're all very collectible these days the little ones would be worth perhaps fifty to sixty pounds each and the large one perhaps as much as 75 you're fifty peas were is actually YUM I bought it for my grandmother's flat when she moved to a nursing home and we divided the contents between six of us and that's about it apart from I saw a vase of the one on your show early in the year right that is true yes in fact we have Judy as well and here's a very nice mr. punch and the simple answer to your question is yes he is the same in fact this one is a tad earlier than the one we had and I have to say actually a slightly better condition as well it's by Handel it's from the 1850s it's everything you want in a mr. punch so the one we had before Punch and Judy together I put 15,000 mr. punctures the more valuable of the two so the very good news is in fact there was one that came on the market very shortly after that one came up and that's sold at auction for just over ten thousand pounds and this one I have no hesitation in saying it's got to be at least that thank you very much we have it hanging at Christmas but Christmas yeah I can remember we just bring it out so you treat it like the Christmas decoration yeah it comes out with the DEXA Christmas well that's extraordinary I if I owned this I'd want to look at it all the year round but I suppose it's quite a nice thing to do in the way how long have you had this about 20 years I think my husband actually bought it from a book dealer in Edinburgh and when he died his wife wrote to my husband to say how much they loved having it in their family and we hope we get as much pleasure in our family well it's obviously a watercolor that's charm it kind of generates that kind of personal interest yes I think so do you know about the artist take Greenaway um a little yes I know she was a Victorian watercolor and I think she didn't she paint a lot of children I was absolutely her thing yes she grew up in London in Hoxton that's a very urban upbringing and it made her long for the countryside and a lot of her figures are of children in the countryside she has this very clever way of capturing the homeless and domestic of the life of children the the comfort and safety and and also the dreams of them I just loved that little detail of the child asleep and the way the light is falling on them presumably moonlight falling on her face and it's just caught the features of her face and of lovely eyelashes it's beautifully done really sweet she has a particular facility of watercolor I mean she is better than most illustrators in that she was classically trained and later in her life she was championed by no less a figure than John Ruskin and she threw his championship attainder stature in the world of painters that perhaps was denied to other illustrators and I found it interesting that it was bought from a book dealer because it is just possible that this was a book illustration and and then again it occurred to me that it might even have been a design for a Christmas card yes well we actually had a Christmas card made for yourself for ourselves and sent it ours such a good idea when you bought it dude can you recall how much for I mean I know it's 20 years ago I think a few hundred pounds it was 5 3 or 400 pounds possibly quite a lot of money really yes well in my opinion it's worth at least six to eight thousand pounds it's amazing goodness yes well that's wonderful well we've enjoyed our days out into West Sussex and if the local highwayman Jack Hayward had been around today his eyes would have been popping out of their masks especially but that lovely selection of silver spoons but to the law-abiding people of Heywood teeth our thanks and until next time goodbye a [Music] surprise birthday party down to earth continues here on BBC one in 25 minutes after a BBC news special next [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: UK VHS Archive
Views: 36,337
Rating: 4.8762889 out of 5
Keywords: Antiques Roadshow UK, Antiques Roadshow, Antiques Roadshow Series 24, Hayward's Heath, Sussex, Rare Antiques, BBC, BBC 1, VHS, 50fps
Id: pcoil-rG-60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 54sec (2214 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 23 2018
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