Anti-piracy screen games (Part 1)

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[Music] [Applause] w [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] ooh [Music] you got to do what I got to boots is a serious CR to copy pay of games that warning to copyright law if you you saw this screen my mistake we play instruction will CL for more information [Music] ouch the fun is over we will fix the problem piracy is no Geometry Dash please call 911 or message robtop who stole a game by rtop company it will lead 10 years in prison it will pay $1 billion fine and I will give you six chances for the information go to www. robtop Andy piracy close game why did you not close the game you should close that game close that game and we will fix the bug got it now you got five more [Music] chances now this is the second time that you didn't close that game you did not listen to times I swear don't turn off that game again then I will now I swear to [Music] God what the freak my guy you did not close that freaking game like three freaking times and I am now mad because you did not close that game please close that game right freaking now or at least I will be really mad I [Applause] swear oh my freaking God why did you not close that game now this is the millionth times that you did not close that game yet you did not listen at all this is your second to last chance if you don't close that de one more freaking time then I will in Demon mode and I swear to Hell ask [Music] God Geometry Dash is for good children children and not for criminals and why did you not close that game so many times and you did not list it all the time and then if you don't close that game one more freaking time then you will have 10 years in prison and pay $1 million this is your last chance that's it you have a scary jump scare ha that what you get for not closing that game a lot of times and not listening to me now you will get 10 years in prison and pay money for this goodbye criminal loser come [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh hi let's play hide and seek 10 9 8 7 [Music] 6 you got here [Music] [Music] you viory now [Music] w the [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is
Channel: R1V3RG4M3Z
Views: 17,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: em4n9MNnZ9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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