【抗日電影】 父親慘遭伏擊殺害,美女帶隊潛入仇人巢穴,一舉團滅他們! ⚔️ 抗日 #抗戰 #搶戰 #戰爭

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drive, drive drive drive withdraw father father Datongshi Xia He get my sister back And don’t be enemies with the Gu family Lead the Jinyi Battalion to guard the sea Dad, Datong Shi Chase is gone drive, drive Drive, drive, drive Kill quick Dad, I brought back the lion head. One more to go now Go to Gu's house The big family has arrived Get up It's obviously you and your son. Colluding with Lion Head to kill my father I'm going to kill you today Avenge my father Etc., etc Xia He, you are wrongly blaming me. It's all the young master's fault The young master was gambling outside and lost. Then he boarded Lion Head's pirate ship What did you say, yes yes yes It was Lion Head who seduced the young master with money The brothers who were fascinated by the Forbidden Yi Camp The young master did not know about it beforehand Later, someone called in, and he was frightened So I confessed to the master. When the master got angry, Want to drag him down into the river Unexpectedly, he almost stabbed the master with a knife Ran Ran With Bacao here, Guxon can escape. Xia He, the young master was holding a knife at that time It's like going crazy, almost hacked me to death You said he is a young master after all How can I do this to him? So where is he now? Now Xia He, I, Gu Qingfu, am sorry for your Xu family. If the traitor runs away, I will die. When I got underground, I didn’t have the shame to see the Grand Attendant. I stand on a thorn bush to plead guilty. If you want to kill me or cut me into pieces, it’s up to you. Xu Xiahe, this is all the fault of the young master. Master, you have no choice but to look at it Xia He, what we told is the truth. Xia He, don’t be enemies with the Gu family Lead the Jinyi Battalion to guard the sea Sir, do you want to eat steamed buns? Hello boss, I would like to ask Is this Yutian Village? Yutian Village, little girl, are you going to the wrong place? This is Niujiao Village Yutian Village is two mountains away from here. I see you are tired from walking too Otherwise, eat some steamed buns first But I don't have any money No money Little girl, let me treat you to food Really, what's your name? Wait until I ask my friend to return the money to you. You're welcome, let's eat Thanks Elder Jia, Datong Shiren is no longer here. Wait until the funeral is over Should we discuss it? Let’s see who will take over the position of Datong Shi The Xu family has taken over Datong Shi for hundreds of years Now Xu Weishan is dead This position cannot be left aside. But the ancestral precepts have rules Only men can take over the position of Datong Attendant This is the ancestral precept set by the ancestors of the Xu family Besides, Xia He is still young. I'm afraid she won't be able to convince the public. What the patriarch Nayi means is If you ask me, let’s set up a stage A capable person will take over the position of Datong Shi Yes, the patriarch is right, let’s fight in the ring Whoever has the ability will sit in this position What our clan elders mean is Who killed the lion head and avenged Datong Shi? Who will be the next Grand Attendant? Xu Xiahe is a descendant of the Xu family Secondly, she has already killed the lion head Avenged Datong Shi Between emotion and reason, she is the perfect servant of Datong. Let Xu Xiahe be our general attendant Everyone agrees or disagrees agreed, agreed agree Okay, since everyone agrees, starting from today Xu Xiahe is our Datong Attendant Anyone who disrespects her They are our enemies across the sea. Datongshi, Datongshi Jia Luosheng recommended Xu Xiahe as the minister of Datong This caused Gu Qingfu to hold a grudge. He brought Shen Jiang's troubles to himself The Jia family is in danger in Tonghai Datongshi, Datongshi See Datongshi Someone broke into the mountain, have you found out who it is? Haven't found it yet This girl is quite fierce Stronger is better, I like it Yosi Yosi Biting his tongue and committing suicide they are coming Prepare to retreat When they come, don't let them go. kill them all Yes Yes It seems that woman It took a lot of effort from you Okay, everyone, be careful and leave quickly There is a situation drive drive, drive Call, call four people Zhao Yueze observed the surrounding environment closely Combined with the position of the corpse and judgment of murder methods Follow human traces on the ground He vaguely felt These mountain climbers Probably already infiltrated The hinterland of the forbidden camp There is another woman in Jinlongshan Come to me if you have the guts Siya Si Ya, Si Ya, Si Ya, Si Ya don't let him come Si Ya, Si Ya, Si Ya Brother, let me look at Siya, let me go Brother, brother, let me go Let me meet Siya Let go, let me go elder brother Can't pass Siya I killed you I killed you It is my fault Sister Xia He, Sister Xia He You tell me this isn't true This isn't true, right? Sister Xia He Just let me take another look at Si Ya Just let me take another look at Si Ya Sister Xia He, stop looking Fourth girl likes you so much She definitely doesn't want you to see it What she looks like now It was me who killed Si Ya I'll pay for her with my life It has nothing to do with you It's those beasts We will definitely avenge the fourth girl revenge Drive, drive, drive, drive Drive, drive, drive, drive drive, drive Drive, drive, drive, drive They really couldn't keep their composure, we won Walk Cheng Jisi, in Keep an eye on me Once their traces are discovered Beating drums to send messages yes Hua Xiaoliu, yes Pass on the order Let all the secret whistles cheer me up Remember to stay alive Know Everyone is ready to fight yes Hey, hey, don't do it, don't do it Hey, brother, we know each other you forgot The one I climbed out of the coffin beggar Tie me up Take it away, hey Go, hey, hey Hey, hey, we have met Hey, we've met In Jinlong Valley, you forgot I'm the one from The man who emerged from the coffin Stop talking nonsense and go Hey, no, hey I've really seen it, hey careful careful Notice, Jiangjun Ridge Jiangjun Ridge, good Jiangjun Ridge, I want you to pay with blood. It seems they found us what are they doing The way of fighting nine hundred years ago? Maybe Akagi-kun is right We should get out first you are afraid Nakagawa-kun, it’s too late for him to die Bastard, you should be disemboweled for your cowardice I was wrong Our Imperial Japanese Army There should be no apology fight The game has just begun, action we were fooled Little tricks to make people laugh Let's be careful Walk Who asked you to shoot? This way we will be exposed What it is It's a trick they played careful careful Now that they've discovered us Why don't we just lure them here? They'll tear us apart like wolves Instead of wasting energy in the mountains with them It's better to sit back and wait for the rabbit They like institutions Then let's give them a taste The power of modern institutions Then let's start taking action, let's go You go and bring them here. yes Datongshi According to the tip, they are still in Jiangjun Ridge Are they surrounded? I can't run away. Capture these bastards alive, yes Wait a moment Wait a moment When the enemy was first discovered where is it It’s also Jiangjun Ridge How long is the interval between Three sticks of incense time so long They're still standing still almost The time spent on three sticks of incense has passed They actually stayed put This shows that they have set a trap Wait until you get in there But there are so many of us I'm also afraid of what the four of them have set up. What a bullshit trap You are so ignorant A sharp soldier can stop a hundred with one How many people are there in your forbidden camp that they can kill? For hundreds of years we have been in the forbidden camp Who hasn't seen it? Have you ever fought with Japanese elite soldiers? Did you hear it? This is the sound of landmines. If I heard correctly It should be a mine to destroy the tank. In other words, it can be used to blow up tanks. Of course, what is a tank? Maybe none of you know But I can tell you If this kind of landmine explodes people, Not even the scum is left I've heard of tanks, iron-clad vehicles that can run. I guess you still have some knowledge This is just the beginning Stop everything now, it's still too late Stop adding unnecessary casualties. Now the enemy is in the dark, we are in the open It should have been dark versus dark Whoever moves loses But you're better off He even tried his best to get his brothers to rush in. Doesn't this mean setting a target for others to hit? You are the Great Attendant of Jinyi Camp I have to be responsible for the lives of my soldiers. Pass on the order Shrink the circle and hit me hard yes Hey, hey Hey, hey Why are you so stubborn? Don’t you believe that they will all die? They all have a father and a mother. Fighting now is not the same as it used to be. You have to pay attention to tactics and tactics Do you know that you need to pay attention to strategy? Why are you like this? Damn it Don't play hide-and-seek with me Come out and fight if you have the guts Rabbit, it’s not going to happen if this continues Let's retreat first, retreat withdraw drive, drive How about it They are so cunning Running around in the woods We can't find their exact location not found Bullets are coming from all directions There seemed to be a lot of people, and Many of our brothers have fallen into their traps That sound is louder than thunder The lethality is simply terrifying how many people are they You all saw it when we entered the Golden Dragon Valley The reason why there are so many people It's because they are engaging in guerrilla warfare It's nothing more than constantly changing attack positions Take a shot and change the place You still have to narrow the encirclement and rush in. Darkness versus darkness, whoever strikes first will die first Untie him What do you think we should do? Risking one's life at every turn, this is the courage of a reckless man This style of play requires tactics versus tactics. Do you understand the method of fighting vs. the method of fighting? Just stop showing off. Si Ya is dead, and we are all on fire in our hearts. Datong Shi felt even worse I can help you, but I have a condition explain trust In fact, it is very simple to deal with this kind of tactics Just besiege and not attack It's that simple If you don't mind, Mr. Chase I want to see the map of Jinlong Mountain Be familiar with the terrain As soon as the critical moment comes, follow me like this Okay, I don’t care, think it’s all for nothing, okay? Find me a place to sleep quickly Or just drag me out and plant it. Or Shenjiang Anyway, that’s all you know Show him the map Oh my God How old is this antique? Take it down, take it down, I can't see clearly This painting has been hanging for hundreds of years and cannot be taken down. If you want to save the lives of your brothers You have to put your ancestors aside first Otherwise I can't help you Take off the painting for him Which is the way up the mountain? There are three ways up the mountain Two in front of the mountain, Tiger Mouth, Jiangjun Ridge A strip behind the mountain, Lei Gong's back Which road is the most difficult to take and has the most traps? Lei Gongbei OK, from now on Deploy everyone in Around Jiangjun Ridge, on the back side of Lei Gong leave a gap Once a fight breaks out, drive them here. In this way, they will be trapped by the agency No, I want to change my mind So many brothers died I'm going to kill these bastards with my own hands Avenge Si Ya and his dead brothers Are you addicted to killing people? You are a girl, why are you so bloodthirsty? How about it? Report to Mr. Datong. We killed one in the forest It was too easy for him to die so easily. Has the body been dragged back? Send a signal to Yamashita, yes Lock up the beggar hidden Forbidden Yi Camp is based on Zhao Yueze's arrangements spread out forces Encircle and suppress the Japanese from several different directions Encircle and suppress the Japanese from several different directions At the same time, constantly changing attack methods Caught the Japanese off guard Support the pillar, Okamoto-kun If you keep fighting like this None of us will survive withdraw Walk He's going to drag us down now He's not dead yet Fujiwara-kun help me unplug it Be patient and go Walk Fujiwara-kun, I can’t run anymore We finally got rid of them We can go down the mountain soon Go quickly quick Go quickly quick Notice, Tiger Mouth appeal appeal Surround the tiger's mouth drive Walk Report, Centipede Ridge drive appeal Centipede Ridge, go drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive we should be safe No They forced us here on purpose. They are a bunch of wild men from the countryside How do you know tactics? if we want to live You have to leave him behind I won't give up on him That's too late Go quickly Go quickly Bastard he's not dead yet Don't fight anymore Rukkakuguchi We will use his blood to sacrifice the four girls Another one ran over there chase after me stop Leave that beast to me Take away, yes stand up There is another woman in Jinlong Club Come to me if you have the guts Siya Three of the four beasts have died Killed the last one today You can travel safely You can travel safely kill kill kill Wait a moment Wait a moment I'm exhausted Finally caught up Still alive Keep this person for me I'm of great use What is the use I want to ask him a few questions What are you doing Xu Xiahe You've missed something important for me. Just ask correct There is someone alive at the bottom of the mountain right There is a living person at the foot of the mountain Stop that guy wearing women's pants Xu Xiahe, your words don’t count. We made a bet You promise to keep me alive Everyone listen up If he runs out again direct planting Thank God Take off his pants Burn it directly yes What for? Take it off Just take it off Walk drive Boss Chi drive drive Boss Chi drive drive drive appeal Boss Chi Datong Shi ordered You can't leave Tonghai Lao Bazi How could it be you Where is Boss Chi? Why are you wearing his clothes? how I like his clothes I took it off him What did you do to him? killed The patriarch has an order Those who covet the treasures from the sea and trespass into the mountains without permission Kill without mercy Besides, he is Japanese not Chinese How did you kill him? Datong Shi ordered To stay alive I won't kill him He will kill me I read It's not that simple, right? The patriarch killed him to silence him Boss Chi is his guest Who knows what's behind them What kind of shady business did you do? What did you say Stop pretending Starting from lighting up the lights last night I've been watching you Sneaking around at the door of the inn Have you been looking for an opportunity to make a move? As expected, master and servant are of the same mind Everyone is right to call you something. pug Yes, pug Yes, pug appeal drive drive appeal What's wrong, where are the people? Datongshi I let Lao Bazi's plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain be fooled. Ba Cao released the man Yes, this must be the meaning of the patriarch He had long ago asked Lao Bazi to bring the horse. Where did the people go? Walked along the river you stay here Datong Shi, be careful appeal Is anyone chasing you? have Boss Chi I can only send you here The water here is very fast Be careful, don't fall into the river If you fall into the river, you will die. Take this OK, right This is for you, if Gu Qingfu asks Just say what I tell you I know, okay Let's go, let's go, I'm leaving appeal Siya Bros I avenged you
Channel: 亂世之王
Views: 113,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 亂世之王, 戰爭, 狙击手, 特種兵, martial arts, masterSamurai, 战地枪王, kung fu, 动作, 少林功夫, Chinese drama, 中国电视剧, kung fu movie, 功夫片, 中国功夫, 菜鸟小拳 Fresh Punch, new action movies, Second Sino-Japanese War, MMA, 动作电影, 武士, 功夫打斗, battle scenes, action movie, 功夫大師, best action movie, war fight scene, 最佳打斗场面, 武打电视剧, MMA Fighter Kung Fu, Shaolin Kung Fu, fight, fight scene, 比武, 空手道, 玉海棠, 傅程鹏, 杨舒, 抗日游击队, 抗日, 八路军, 抗日神剧, 战争剧, 日军, 抗日剧2020, 軍旅, 抗战, 抗日战争, 中国, martial arts fight, action movies, eight route army, 战争片, 抗日电视剧, 功夫, best fight scene, 日寇
Id: ynWYgSmD2Es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 12sec (4032 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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