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yo what's going on ladies and gentlemen my name is Ryan r2d and today we're gonna be playing ourselves some balloons tower defense what's going on hopefully you're all having a fantastic day today I think today might be one of my first days streaming on the new setup how's everyone doing today it's a little strange to be doing doing some streams here it's been so many videos I've been super busy recently but it's going good hello everyone thank you so much we got our bomba nation we got Pakistan G we got Dora Justin we got ever dolberg we got gamer kid we got james whitey' we got darks Mick Spencer we got Christopher and better we got Christopher you got Luis we got the call of fairies thank you so much everyone for tuning in today stream if you guys are excited make sure to hit that like button subscribe turn on notifications and please guys you got to go and check out my brand new mobile gaming channel of the ryan channel in the description down below if you guys want to see stuff other than balloons make sure to go and check that out it's gonna be awesome it is awesome I won my basketball game Colby John thanks to the $2 super dad and congratulations my guy I'm sure you worked really hard with that played with the team and I'm sure you were awesome out there so glad to hear that you ended up winning your basketball game my guy so today's episode in balloons is we're going to be pitting the anti balloon gunner versus the legend of the night both of them is a variation of the super lucky tower and we're gonna figure out which one's better which one should you get is there better for certain situations is there a tower that's overall just better so let's play some balloons now Before we jump into it let's actually take a look at the towers themselves so the super-monkey is considered a magic tower now the anti balloon gunner is insanely cheaper than the legend of the night The Legend of the night is about three times as expensive as the anti balloon gunner so we have to keep in mind that the cost difference because there's always going to be a cost difference right so with the anti balloon gunner the one thing I like about the anti balloon gunner is you already get the epic range with it right so you already have the rain you can kind of do whatever you want with it so you can't really it is wool movement there's some Emma back so what map should we plan on guys what's like the most super monkey map to play on I don't know we could do there's carts and darts there's the moon landing what maps would be fun guys we got to figure out what map we want to play on shout me up bake it rawson thanks for the $2.00 super Chet you're amazing in your beautiful duck song is not a map okay it's not a map carved moon landing okay nobody's okay I'm playing my I'm just gonna do monkey meadow because you guys are all awful so we're just gonna go ahead and we're gonna play hard and we're just gonna do our standard because magic monkeys only I mean I guess we're doing super monkeys so we can do this anyways we got to get we got to get them anyways might as well go for it okay so we have our monkey we have our magic monkeys so wait I don't want to do magic monkeys only what am i doing I need to get banana farms guys I need all of the money we can get let's try this again but this time we're gonna play on standard because I need monkey farms we need monkey monkey money okay so first thing we're gonna do is we're just gonna start it off let's just throw down a door so she can kind of just deal with it and now we're gonna need a couple of cash drops because I want to get just a couple of banks and buy a couple of banks I mean a lot of banks because it's gonna be really expensive trying to get all of these guys alright it's gonna be really really expensive so let's just go ahead and we're gonna get a couple of banks so one and then we're gonna do two and then we're gonna do three okay so three banks right off the bat and now we have our three banks they're gonna start making us money and that's gonna be fine so what we're gonna do hey Mason man think to the $1 super chat oh my goodness all right let me have to shout everyone who's super chat Aiden thanks for the donation Mason man thanks a donation and asher plays thanks for the donation you're amazing can you sing the duck song please tell you guys what if we get 2,000 likes on this live stream by the time it ends I'll sing the duck song I so what we're gonna do guys what's your favorite color I don't know that's a great question I like blue and but I also like red I don't I like all colors I don't think I have a particular favorite you guys know okay so we're gonna sell this person and first off here we go so we're gonna put down our first monkey so this guy should we turn this guy into the legend of the night or should this guy be our anti balloon gunner so while we have the time we're kind of just waiting for these guys to compound and make as much money as possible so while we're waiting on that let's talk about the upgrades for the super monkey okay so the middle path which turns into the anti balloon gunner you have super range and epic range so these two things don't necessarily give you any damage but it gives you a lot of range which I consider to be very important for your super monkey because if you don't have range you're not gonna hit anything and one of the great things about a super monkey is he has huge range because of these upgrades and now you get Robo monkey which allows you to shoot two things at once which gives you double the firepower and then the tech terror which gives you the ability and then the anti balloon gunner which is also just super crazy and the reason I like this is because you can go anti balloon gunner and then you just get plasma blast and you have nothing to worry about right plasma blast makes your whole life just easier it makes everything super duper good so I think what I want to do is turn this into the anti blue and gunner I think that's what's gonna make it really awesome okay do you like baby Yoda baby Yoda is it durable I don't think I like baby Yoda as much as I think the only reason I don't like baby Yoda is because everybody won't stop talking about him so it's one of the things like yes I love baby oh he's cute he's adorable but everybody needs to calm down just a little bit everyone needs to tone it down just just just a chill okay - dee how do you get xp for your monkeys I just bam them I just go I'm gonna put all these monkeys down and then we're gonna be good double speed we are playing on double speed right now okay how are we doing we're at 3,000 we're gonna collect all of these and were just gonna put down even more banks right yo what's up Birds the bird and spoke I respond to you my guy okay hit send me Sonny is such a cool guy the more I hang out with Sunday and the more like I learn about him the more I just like him as a person because like we used to kind of just film videos together it was like I was kind of an added but now I've started doing like more stuff like we stream csgo when every once in a while and he's just such a fun genuine guy um hmm baby Yoda is 51 years old yeah I mean he is 51 years old because of the very beginning they're like here's 50 I wish there was triple speed actually this is technically triple speed I know it's it's technically supposed to be triple speeding and not double speed because yeah that's that's apparently what I've heard so let's see we've made this is this is almost maxed out and again about to give us a whole lot of money which is gonna be really good because we can just put down even more banks all of the banks okay there we go so boom they're now just all the banks do we want banks no we're gonna start I know it costs a little bit more money to go this way but this route eventually in the long run is worth it I need a mmmm let's just get two banana farmers I saw super chat one second let me read that real fast the super Chet Beckett Ross thanks for $3 super jet and just goes chimps that's it that's all I said okay chimps okay we're making more money and this guy I just realized I haven't leveled him up we're probably I don't want to turn this guy into the anti balloon gunner so what we're gonna do is we're gonna put this village down bigger radius is he in the radius okay cool and now we're gonna do radar scanner and monkeytales with bureau so it can pop all types of balloons and now we're gonna start turning this guy into the anti balloon gunner so we give them super range and Epica range eventually we want to turn them into the Robo monkey which i think is gonna be really awesome okay ask to be in crazy craft i I don't know I'm not really a huge fan of Minecraft guys I love like the idea of it but it just never really goes well for me like I've always done like Minecraft stuff but it just people just don't really want to watch it in the channel I didn't so I mean that's kind of what it comes down to right play with your own I do want to play with Jerome I haven't I haven't Oh My look we have Oh for just a second we had exactly $25,000 but it was all like uneven amounts it was cool okay $45,000 so we are we are doing just fine right now so we want to turn all of these guys OH $20,000 I forgot since we're playing on hard everything costs more money I'm so [Music] I should not play it on hard I should have played uneasy what I want to do is I can't wait for the third plants versus zombies to come out like it's out I've seen people play it but I can't get up myself and I'm really really upset about it okay let's get so we're gonna to get ourselves the Robo monkey now guys what do you think is the better upgrade for the anti balloon gunner do you think it's knocked back ultra vision or do you think it's plasma blaster I personally think plasma blast is the best way to make the ultimate anti balloon gunner right that's what I would at least think I hope you guys agree hey Bank it thanks to do is to protect you do a co-op with me so I do co-ops with fans pretty regularly on when I do I you just need to tune in I don't pick favorites though hey LM 10 frosting to do a super chat you're amazing okay plasma everyone saying plasma I'm glad that we're all on the same page with that because I think I was gonna go plasma regardless of what you guys say so there we go now we have plasma blast but we're not picking favorites because today like I said we're trying to figure out what is a better tower in general now I know everything oops I didn't put that in the right spot I wanna put this all the way up here everything has you know its its pros and cons right everything has something that it's good at something that it's bad at right so word today trying to figure out what's better now I think personally legend the knight is just okay this is this is what we're gonna do I think we're gonna start voting as a community because we have all you guys here it's not like I have to say guys comment down below and then we can figure it out now since you guys are right here we can literally just vote on the tower so let's do this right right now right now since we haven't done anything type 1 in chat for legend of the night I actually know let's do this way if you think legend of the night is better type night in chat if you think the anti blue and gunner is better type anti boon gunner and chat okay now think about this though think about the cost I'm not talking about the overall tower legend the knight is obviously a better tower but you have to think it's super expensive it costs $250,000 I'm talking in terms of cost and overall but everybody's saying the knight right now literally everybody's saying that hope as soon as I said that more people are sending anti blue gunner but a lot of people are saying legend of the night a lot of people are saying that interesting this is very interesting information okay maybe maybe at the end of this you guys might be convinced otherwise okay we're gonna sell this how is this oppa like that again alright $80,000 do we want why not let's just get actually let's just get banana central real fast then once we get banana central we're gonna be good but people are convinced that legend of the night is a superior tower you know what maybe you guys are right there's a very big possibility about that so the night a lot of people are saying the night is clearly better well we're about to find out guys we're gonna will we're gonna try okay so now we have this and now so we have this guy he's doing pretty good so far but now we got to start making ourselves the legend of the night okay can I put him right here I cannot okay well I guess we'll put the legend of the night where do we want to put the legend of the night I guess we'll put the legend of the night here for now or oh I have a plan I I have a plan ladies and gentlemen we're going to do this we're gonna get a support tunic and we're gonna move them we're just gonna we're just gonna we're just gonna cheese it okay and Boop okay oh can I not put him there cuz he's already there all rights kind of annoying so I'm gonna move them and I'm gonna put them there and I'm gonna wait for his ability the ability to refresh and then we're gonna move them back to his spot I know it's a little bit silly but it's totally gonna work okay how we made doing for money how's this already as only at 3,000 we're just I'm just being very patient because we're gonna swap so we can have two two like oh no we can't get camera balloons right now well that's really awkward oh yeah that's really annoying okay here we go so we're gonna put this guy here we go so now we can put him there alright now we can just sell this and now we can get our other legend of the night is he and rage no he's not in range stop it oh we're fine everybody calm down okay there we go now we can turn this guy into the 9 okay Dark champion so now we have the dark champion before we get the legend the night though what is the better upgrade for legend the night do we get plasma blaster legend of the night or epic range so plasma is gonna give us more damage right that's gonna give us more damage but I'm not sure what's her but what's the best bet here plasma everyone says plasma alright so he's gonna have much less range like look at the anti blue gunner compared to him much less range but he's gonna be doing a lot more damage that's true that's for darn tootin sure so now we turn this guy into tech terror so the anti balloon gunner is 97,000 which we can get and there's also this ability which cost 250 so yeah that's gonna be kind of a difficult thing how long she gonna be I hope we'll figure it out we're gonna we're just gonna wing it thanks for the only 2000 live viewers you guys are amazing thanks for coming out and supporting me today guys you guys are amazing I love all you guys you guys are just awesome ok hey everyone thanks for tuning in ok plasma hey what's up Michael Levin van wait wait Van Kirk what's up my dude ok no you're amazing no you're a me no you're breathtaking oh my knee gotta make sure we collect our $28,000 oh look at that I love how he pushes the balloons back I think that's one really good thing about the legend of the night just because of how he pushes all the balloons back right so all the cash I'm sorry to hear that you're sick and not feeling well hopefully you feel better soon my friend just take it easy get some nice chicken noodle soup my friend chill out on the couch or the TV wherever you're comfortable spot is and just just do whatever you want to do my guy you know just chill out unless you got some things you got to do do that and then just just chill out get better soon ok that's the whole plan ok um duck song no duck song unless you guys get 2,000 likes I mean there's 2,000 people watching so if every single person oh alright here we go so legend of wait what alright so legend of the night let's do this and bada bing bada boom so we now have the legend of the night he's spooky guys he's spooky he's spooky alright so we have our legend of the night and he's doing a lot of work but the anti balloon gunner seems to be hanging in there right he's lit another night and the crowd goes wild okay I really don't need these anymore they're like 5,000 each so we gonna sell them I was probably a waste of money by selling them because they're just gonna make money they're me they were gonna make more money anyways but I want to get the anti blue and Gunnar very soon and we're almost there so we're gonna about to get the anti blue and Gunnar see this guy's already made 180,000 so he's made his money he's made its value back and boom the anti balloon gunner so now we have a both towers we have our anti blue toner and we have the legend of the night so I think the best way to go about this is we talk about their abilities what they do and why I think each tower has its own special thing well honestly when when it comes to sheer raw power it is undeniable legend of the night wins right absolutely legend night just awesome he's just it's it's it's a Batman or bat monkey or whatever you want to call it it's amazing but two hundred and fifty thousand dollars guys that's not cheap that's really really expensive is that worth it guys like can you get that in a normal game I don't know and on top of that the anti blue gunner can shoot anything he can shoot different directions to directions at the same time and on top of that he has more range than the end the super monkey and on top of that he has an ability that basically just wipes the screen of all the balloons right he just pushes the button and everything in that circle just gone boom just boom okay does he not have you right he doesn't that he doesn't even have the village buff look at this now with the village buff jungle drums and boom okay now look at his range look how far he shoots compared to this guy so maybe this like right maybe there's something to this okay but you need night to get the dark temple well you need the night for you need both of them for both temples right what is the passive ability for the knight yeah what is the passive ability for the night guys what is this set legend of the night just wrong well I mean it doesn't matter cuz you can't even shoot anything all right I have a plan I a new plan guys okay this is a great idea a great strategy we're gonna we're gonna change this up we're gonna turn we're gonna get a support Chinook and then we're gonna move this guy so this guy can shoot too like right here so we're gonna we're gonna move them so that at the end wait wait he makes portals wait wait wait you can make a portal wait dark portal at the end that eats balloons you know what that's a thing he makes portals um it's because that reaches the end yo let's try I wanna but how how big is the portal that's the real question like what can the portal absorb he can't lose life of the portal wait for something to get by well nothing's gonna get by because we have the to one of the two strongest towers in the game right no limit anything you can absorb a DDT what it's a black hole all right so we'll be at level 80 linz go into sandbox mode and we're gonna get to the bottom of this friends okay we're gonna figure out why that what what the point is okay y'all chill there let's do some research guys I'm doing some research right now well I mean I guess you guys can do some research with me okay let's all do some research guys wait oh all right so this is what we'll do let's do some research all right we all right here wait here we go round 80 so Wow we beat it so we already beat that but we're not and we're not ending the stream just yet guys because I have questions I have questions um d6 legend of the night let's figure out what's going let's figure out what this is so it can absorb okay okay so here here I have an idea I have a plan where is boo boo boo boo I have to full I'm gonna put my stream libs all right here so if I add this desktop one second I need to find display captures this one bedsores okay boom don't don't ignore that ignore it it's fine guys don't question it transform stretch the screen okay so this is what I'm reading up on now so legends at night is the last cup grade for the third path of super monkey balloons it gains a passive ability that someone's a black hole at the end of the track of any balloon including all Moab class balloons even be a DS escapes the black hole ability absorbs the first balloon that leaked and prevents the player from losing any lives for 7.5 seconds before disappearing it has a long cooldown of two minutes the tower also becomes much stronger with a slightly longer range plus 15 beers from 7 to 22 base damage increased by 3 from 2 to 5 and dealing 8 damage per hit to Moab class balloons what yo that's crazy I never knew that so that's like insane ok so that's the case I didn't I did not know that so if that's the case ok ok ok um so we're gonna head back home let's try this out let's try this out let's try this out let's I want to uh blip it a blah blah winky meadow easy sandbox that's insane blooded herobrine minecraft says guys should I donate 400 or $500 you should not donate and instead donate that to somebody who needs it like a charity if you're gonna donate that money you should that's what you should do okay you should donate that to a charity of your liking okay so let's take let's I want to see this in action I've never seen this in action so we get this guy and now we're gonna turn them into the legend of the night okay now we all legend of the night let's see what happens so let's get count one hundred spacing zero so spacing zero so this is one hundred DDT's boom so let's see what happens so there's yep there's the hundred of them and we lost no lives I did not know that was a thing that's insane that's super duper crazy so it instantly just what hey dragon games what's up my guy so but it has a two minute hold on does it say where the cooldown is so question can you refresh the cooldown is there a way to change the cooldown so it doesn't change anything fortified bad ones okay well but it takes two minutes no that's the problem who is the best player at this game the best player that I can think of is probably like the really technical people right like super bomb Jambo I think super John Bombo is that his name he's really really good like I'm not the best balloon youtuber by far there is many other much more talented balloons youtubers than I am but that's okay is a B is probably the best like I think I think is a B is like an ironically the the smartest and best cuz like you can't even argue it because like you can go on like the leaderboards and he's always like way up there right I can't even get to the leaderboards if I tried he's a much more talented player than I'll ever be at balloons but with that being said I did not know that though that black that that Michael like everything how did I not know that what else what else am i what am i what else am I missing wait and don't know remember me don't tell me that you can just buy and sell this tower and just never die right I didn't know know it now that I know that legend that does this it's way better um let's try something so boom so it stopped everything so what happens if I sell them put them back down and then I was whoops I didn't mean to do that so I sell them let's put them way up in this corner and then let's do this again so it normally has a 2 minute cooldown right so if you buy and sell them does it change it mm-hmm so you just boom wait wait I keep doing it wrong so wait wait now the other question let me try this oh no I said to her I didn't mean to do that I didn't mean to whoops ok so what happens if you sell it while the portal is active the portal stays wait okay what is the super-monkey what's the super-monkey button s4 super monkey okay so if we do spacing of 1 let's do fortified bad balloons okay they're really slow oh my gosh look at the spacing that's a little ridiculous okay but let's do let's just send like a bunch of balloons okay so and okay so whoops that's not gonna work um so I need to put this guy like way over here so but can I here let's do okay so if we level this guy up all the way and then we sell put it down and then oh no I didn't do it fast enough I did not do it fast enough wait oh but we still lose lives use the cooldown reloader to have oh yeah you can use I know you can use that but that's like cheating um okay these balloons are giving me a lot of anxiety I want to get rid of them that was too scary for me okay so what happens so we put this guy down we max it out and now wait cell so as soon as you sell it it the portal stays there but you don't get the effect so that's so that doesn't work like that but let's try this let's try this let's sell this guy and let's let's just put these I have an idea so let's get some of these guys okay so we're gonna turn this guy into you and turn them into dude turn them into you okay so what happens if you try this so what if we do so we do the DDT's speed it up okay and now so we need to so there's the portal is absorbing and then what if we sell this and immediately do that it makes another portal what you can do that holy cow so you can so what you can do its costs a lot of money to do it where but if you have the right things you can buy um do you know if you get absolute zero the range is a track I didn't wait what okay I did not know that's how that works okay so what we can do is you can actually you can basically stay alive forever with with nothing with no problem literally its invincibility we're gonna have to do that guys okay that's that's exactly that I want to definitely do that okay guys but that's all we have time for today everyone thank you so much for tuning in to today's stream I know it's a little bit of a shorter stream but it's I'm getting back in the swing of things thanks for the three thousand live viewers you guys are amazing you guys are beautiful I love you guys get ready because I'm definitely gonna do a video on this very soon okay love you guys and I'll see you guys tomorrow for some more awesome content thanks for stopping by guys bye everyone
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 368,527
Rating: 4.9229546 out of 5
Keywords: Funny, tewtiy, iphone, mobile, live, livestream, steam, action, funny, upgrade, bloons, op, vs, secret, hidden, bloons td 6, hack, glitch, cheat, hero, crazy
Id: w6U9QpX88KI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 18sec (1698 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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