Anthony Mackie talks CAPTAIN AMERICA: NEW WORLD ORDER & WE HAVE A GHOST: Happy Sad Confused

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hey guys thanks as always for watching my channel look as as you guys know I like to do folks in person when possible but sometimes it's actually better if there's some distance and I think that's don't you think this is better this way Anthony we need a little space even though I would prefer for you to do me in person let's move on uh Anthony Mackey uh remember to subscribe to the channel that way you'll enjoy this conversation with the one and only Anthony Mackey Anthony a three-time guest on the podcast he's just a glutton for punishment welcome back man it's good to see you buddy it's good to see you man you look great look like you've been working out you see here's the thing I know your trick by now we've known each other too long look at that chisel chin look at that dude I mean you look you're looking good here's the reality I actually have I actually have lost a little weight and I am in shape but you've been saying that to me for 15 years when I haven't been in shape so it's worthless to me I'm on team finally so wait wait wait before we got started you mentioned something about a bar mitzvah history should we just get right to the main event the the headline here it's the funniest story of all time I'll give you the Abridged version okay okay so 2005 I'm in Toronto shooting a movie I'm staying at the Hyatt I come down I ask the lady where the gym is I'm in a tank top and shorts she goes walk all the way to the end of the hall make a right go through the double doors and you'll see the gym so I walked down and you know I'm listening to my music I go through the double doors and there's like 200 kids in shiny suits and yamakas this kid on stage in all these dads and the kid on stage grabs the microphone and he goes dad you got me Papa Doc comes off the stage he runs up the Eight Mile themes he drags me up to the stage he was like come on let's battle like what are you talking about get I'm in a tank top and show us this dude in the audience runs up and shoves a wad of cash in my hand he goes I don't know who you are but you just saved my ass and I was like dude this is amazing so the kid starts rapping like some 13 year old awful rap and then he goes now tell these people something they don't know about me and drops the mic like he had been prepping this oh just in case you never know just got to be ready yo so I'm I'm kind of a Mitzvah Legend man you you've been to more Mitzvahs than I I was never Bar Mitzvah so when I get bar mitzvahed Anthony will you come in maybe the Captain America we're gonna do it together one day we will be men together we will finally become men laughs um all right a lot going on with you as always my friend uh the new film is we have a ghost it's delightful it's on Netflix but I also notice like on the IMDb you have like 12 projects in various stages of development are you are you trying not to spend any time with friends and family or vice versa what is up with you like where are you at right now man nah man my golden age is 20 is up 55 so at 55 I'm fading the black you know what I mean so I got to get it all in now like I own two the only two things I do is Dad and work that's the only two things that's it right but is there some you're joking and you're not joking about the 55 thing I assume but is there a sense of like look you've been hustling since you left left Juilliard you've been working solidly straight but you know the last five ten years especially you know the Marvel stuff helps now you got the juice to produce potentially direct Etc star and stuff does it feel like now is the time like if I'm not gonna do it now what's what's the point I gotta I gotta capitalize on all this yeah definitely I mean as in in anything you have your Peak moment you have your moment where everything comes to fruition and you know opportunity meets you know uh determination and education so it all comes together and for me that's that moment right now so it you know it's funny when looking at it and I'll tell you the specific reason when I see you in person because I can't say it on camera but is is that it's that moment now where you know we're I'm past all the other stuff of trying to prove myself or trying to get Awards or you know trying to you know get be you know Denzel's friend like I'm past all that stuff you know like now I just want to focus on the work and do good diverse interest and work and everybody comes to that point in their career you saw it with Will Smith you saw it with Eddie Murphy you saw yeah you know with Robert De Niro like you know Robin Williams you saw it with all their careers where they got to that point where they're like you know I want to do some interesting fun stuff and that's kind of where I am now and that's why I did this movie was there was there a film career in particular that when you were starting out or even in the last 10 15 years so you were like okay I'm not gonna have their career but like they're approaching it in the right way like that's the way to to do it because there are different ways to go about it right like is is it worth emulating a strategy can you be strategic about it well you can be and from the beginning of my career I always uh emulated and followed uh Don Cheadle and Samuel Jackson uh Samuel Jackson has had a very interesting career because it started so late um and he was so uh late into the game before people knew who he was and you know if you look at him and Don Cheadle and Laurence Fishburne they really built a resume they really tracked their roles they really like chose roles that showcase them as individuals to put them in a room with other people to give them other roles you know and when you do it that way I feel like when you're strategic about it it gives you more of an opportunity to be more diverse because I look at acting the way I look at investing like you want to diversify your portfolio right you don't want to put all your chips in action movies you don't want to put all your chips in atnt you know you want to invest in a little bit of everything so you're not put in a position where there's only one thing you can do you haven't put your chips in one part of the career in a while well uh correct correct me if I'm wrong it's been a while since you've done theater right it was a 2012 was that a banding in Spokane was that the last one yeah yeah here's by the way to make it about us for a second here's a fork in the road and I feel like in my life I remember meeting you I've seen you backstage at that one and we had a nice moment as always and then you invited me to your into your car to like go out on the town for that night and I said I passed and I feel like if I had gone with you I'd probably be dead dead right now God all right but okay we're talking about the diversity of the career and that speaks well to this current project okay um because look you've knocked off a lot of different kinds of films uh on the resume uh this is New Territory and like let's not diminish like the the challenge of playing of grounding a character like this a story like this right like is this in its own way a challenge for you even on it on on the face of it it's like oh this is kind of easy he's the dad he's just playing a guy talk to me about like what's the challenge of we have a ghost for you or what's the excitement you know the challenge is being when you're when you're a parent there are certain things that you have to you're learning just as much as your kids are learning because my kid went from being a baby to a child to now a a teenager right so I want to treat him like he's a child I want to hug him and kiss him and like sit on the couch and watch scary movies and I want to do all that stuff with him but now he's a teenager so those aren't the needs and desires he had has any more for his father so the frustration that comes along with that for me are the same frustrations that come along with that for him so we really had to communicate and re-uh learn each other at this next phase of his life and that's something with this movie I learned uh you know from jahi and uh just reading the the script and talking to Chris Landing about what it is we wanted to convey like I didn't want to just have some you know book some bruising dad who's you know kicking in doors and all this [ __ ] I really wanted to have a dad like I had a dad who did his best but at the same time didn't quite understand those different transitions you know it's not something they'll give you a baby with a handbook you know when you have a baby there's certain things that you got to just figure out as you go and there's a few months where it's pretty rough in every transition and then after those months it clicks you know like my we had like six months well it was rough and then about a month ago I was like oh but then by the time you figure that out then it's on to the next stage and you're like oh [ __ ] here we go again exactly exactly and it's funny he's had like a nickname for every stage and I realized like he wasn't my buddy anymore now he's my little man you know and once once that happens once that that kick in you know it makes things a lot easier I'm a little upset you always called me your little man and now I find out you call your your son your little man too I feel betrayed you're my child told me you've called me worse um are you are you this show is sponsored by betterhelp guys I generally feel at my best when I'm confronting the issues in my life I'm not avoiding them and that's where something like therapy can come into play and can be of help it's helped many people I know it's helped me in the past and it can help you because when you're at your best you can do great things sometimes life gets you bogged down it happens to the best of us and you can feel overwhelmed you can feel like you're not showing up for yourself or for others well working with a therapist can help you get closer to the best 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me look no matter how swole or how famous or how whatever you become I think they're they're guys that you can look at and emulate and say that's the guy I'm betraying like everybody deserves you know representation and I think there's some friends that I have who are massive men who are just like humble you know regular guys yeah you know but to to the the visual aspect of it they're very intimidating but when they get outside of that intimidating surroundings you see they're just regular guys they just don't fit in chairs [Laughter] [Music] on a more serious note you mentioned representation and let's not diminish the fact that like the center of this story is a black family and in this traditional kind of story it's not it's that's just not the case and it's crazy we're still we're still talking about this like this is a novel idea but this is a Netflix movie this is a mainstream like four quadrant like everyone should watch this movie and enjoy it and that has to be factor into it too and be a source of Pride right like we're just a family it's the family and I didn't I didn't watch a lot of these growing up where a black family was in the center of something like this right oh it is and that's something I talked to uh Chris about and you know we're we as opposite as we you won't find more people more opposite than Chris and I but we have so much in common and you know one thing we always talked about it was the the idea of everybody's human we just dress different you know and I feel like for me when you look at the history of film and the films that are being made you know people don't care what race the people are everyone gravitates to a great story and the wonderful thing about it is I feel like this is a great story you know the ghost is scary you know David does a great job you know Erica Ash is a great wonderful movie wife awesome person you know I have two great kids you know Jennifer comes in and turns the whole thing on his head like it's just it's something for everybody no matter what their background and race is and it just it just works on every level a lot of your background and close to your heart is New Orleans which is a notoriously uh spooky town a lot a lot of talking ghosts and spirits Etc now I know you to be an intelligent rational man tell me Anthony you don't you don't believe in this stuff you don't believe God of your mind yo of course I believe you don't believe in ghosts no come on are you serious oh I also don't believe in Bitcoin a lot of ridiculous things since I've known you you don't believe in ghosts I mean what are we talking about get specific here what are we saying about go ooh ghosts we're not talking about Casper we're not talking about damn the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man or Slimer we're talking about ghosts you have some experience in the matter what do you got what do you got give me some proof being from New Orleans I've seen some crazy [ __ ] I've seen I'm not talking about your drunken nights out on the town I don't care I can't wait to get you in my car I'm just saying for me I've seen some very crazy spooky things man and a lot of it just happened to be like my house was built in the 1860s right so every now and then I hear upstairs you go upstairs and there's nobody there like I have a friend one of my good friends from Brooklyn right he comes to New Orleans he's like yo I'm gonna stay at your crib because that's how I do this from Brooklyn talk I'm like I bet so he stays at the crib so I come back later this dude has literally built a fort in the living room because he's afraid because he heard noises upstairs come on are you a superstitious guy generally like do you have like little I'm I'm very superstitious I'm very superstitious like if I go to a football game I have to be there five minutes before the game start have everything ready in my seat I have to be ready and prepared either on my couch in my seat wherever ready for the game because if I get there one second after they kick the ball we lose that's just fact no this is just about like gambling now this is just about like I'm gonna lose my bet and I'm gonna blame it on something external that has nothing to do with me you know ditch your psychiatrist your team of psychiatrists I'm guessing and focus on Josh I will help you I'm just saying man when you think about it like the supernatural it's called the super natural yeah it's called Superman he's not a either he ain't there he's not real what do you talk what is this natural so you take it natural which is here now 3D bang bang now when you super fire that [ __ ] all right let's talk about important stuff like the state of the relationship of you Sebastian and Evans which I'm trying to you know as you know I've been trying to drive you guys apart for years now and I put the challenge to you guys a while back you and Sebastian uh to see who Evans would text back first right and then we discovered the postmortem was no no don't don't gloat we discovered you cheated Evans told me you cheated and gee you didn't say what to text him you prayed upon the innocence of poor Sebastian sweet Sebastian who wouldn't think that doesn't have a like an evil bone in his body like you and you went dark you went conniving there's a golfer named Jack and he says if you ain't cheating you ain't winning all right that's all I'm gonna say but I saw Chris Chris was here shooting uh something and uh I saw him two days ago man he's he's turned into a a a couch potato what is it what even talking about like he's gained 100 pounds what he's watching Real Housewives that stays at home and don't do nothing I'm like yo what we doing you wanna go to dinner he's like I'm kind of making a kale salad and like what are we doing what are we doing what are we doing him and Sebastian they've turned into Old Men this is look post Captain America you got look you put a lot of miles on and then you'll want to take a rest you want to sit back and eat a kale salad yo I'm the only one outside they're not outside no more I called Sebastian last week I was like yo we're doing it we're doing it I'm coming to New York and he's like well you know I I just I I kind of have to I'm working on this thing and what are you doing we outside all right so what what is the definition of we doing it at your at your Elder Statesman age with Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans what does that entail the finding a nice neutral location having a great dinner laughing and joking about the good times foreign okay is the next gig okay I'm out of focus that's how excited I am um is the next game is the next gig for you look at the cycle look at Barbara Walters filter on me the next gig for you wow you are yo I'm a ghost yeah exactly the vein in your old age okay um it's the next kid Captain America is that the next shoot yeah that's in March all right do they actually show you a script this time are they just going to improvise this whole thing what's happening I've seen a script I just think it's a lot of flying and um yeah a lot of flying and fighting that's all I'm doing but I'm gonna curse a whole lot in this one finally NC-17 let's skip right past R and go unrated you have no idea I'm going straight Wesley Snipes and blade I am I'm throwing every curse word in there so yeah instead of I'm Captain America it's I'm I'm Captain America [ __ ] we don't know how to take that printed a billion dollars right there I'm there and the kids gotta learn the naughty words at some points so the kids know naughty words that you don't know they've made naughtier words for themselves okay so no so for the record not that we can talk specifics because you haven't even seen the script but no Evans this time around we don't need Chris we had his time is Sebastian gonna is Sebastian gonna sneak in there are we gonna let him in I don't know I don't we're going to be shooting at the same time so I think you know we're going to replace Chris with uh a new member of the trio and we're gonna we're gonna do it who's the new member we're gonna have a new member of the trio Chris is going out to pasture he's an old man now is it is it Harrison Ford who is Harrison who has to here's my question who has to explain to Harrison Ford the history of the MCU is that on you you know what I've been thinking about and I'm gonna share this with you I've never shared this before at least I think I'm gonna try and pull some Diva [ __ ] like I'm number one on Harrison Ford on the first day and let everybody know this is my set and I'm the star I don't care who you cast I I'm the man what do you think no no [Laughter] my friend no what are you doing it's finally the Hollywood Homicide reunion we've all been waiting for after all these years that's why I'm like I finally get to work with Harrison Ford again um okay one or two more things on this I know you can't say much but Isaac I go ride in motorcycles on the weekends with Harrison Ford no I I want you to be happy go for it I have to do that right yeah does he ride motorcycles to you geez Harrison Ford he does everything sometimes they crash too you don't don't get in a plane with Harrison Ford yo yo he crashed the plane and walked away the plane was never heard from again is here's a semi-serious question Isaiah Bradley that's such a fascinating aspect of the story are we going to see more of that story told in this next one I don't know dude okay okay a script I I think I don't know if the Isaiah storyline was finished with a falcon winner soldier um because it was kind of a finite M when him getting the uh the statue in the museum right so I don't know if they're going to bring him back I don't know okay but timeline wise that's next time this is all I'm gonna tell you about cap I've had about four costume fittings and the Round Brown is looking delicious in the spandex baby that's all I'ma say your Horowitz that's all I must say this is the first Marvel movie first Marvel movie I'm skipping I'm good I think I'm good yay you're like make you as happy the round brown gonna make you as happy as peanut butter and jelly on a summer day baby you know what I'm talking about yup you're just asking for it to go tighter a little a little less no no I mean I'm talking about straight like solo shots like as I go running by the camera is going to be here right you know what I mean yeah it's like the whole Batman nipple thing all over again but now it's yeah that's it this time it's not about diameter it's about radius okay I don't know why I bother to be serious I want to talk to you guys about performance apparel and our sponsor this week viori because guys I have become so sick and tired of the traditional old workout gear it's not comfortable it's not functional it doesn't look good that's where viori comes into play Everything is designed to work out in but it doesn't look or feel like it it's so comfortable I guarantee it it's more comfortable than whatever you're 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about the Ambitions of the career and the evolution over the years but here's a question for you I don't know if I've ever asked is do you remember when you had the um luxury of starting to say no to rolls and was that a big shift for you because you know the impulse at the first is like give me more give me more I'll take it I'll take it but that's got to be a bit of a shift no no not at all because from the beginning I've I always had the the ability and the luxury to say no like we um I mean you know my team I've had a great team for the past 22 years and you know it was always that thing of instead of trying to be the the lead of Star Trek let's get you small rolls and build on that build on that so the more you build you know the bigger those roles become to where when you get one of those major roles you know what to do you know how to handle yourself on set you know how to work yeah you know so it was always the idea of saying no no no no no no but you know taking those small roles as they came and independent roles independent film was basically the you know the the ushering and the birth of my career you know if it wasn't for brother to brother if it wasn't for half Nelson if it wasn't for so many I mean Hurt Locker was the independent movie you know there were so many independent movies I did Night Catches Us so on and so forth those are the movies that really propelled my career forward because it gave you more of an opportunity because it wasn't Denzel's best friend it wasn't that kind of thing exactly it's it's like you're not up there trying to hit a home run with against the best pitcher in the world you know it's your on base percentage is way higher just just being invited to the party yeah you know I did two scenes in Manchurian Candidate not because it was money or because it was Denzel but because I went to work with Jonathan Demi yeah yeah you know so those type of things are very very important when building your resume in your career because I can say yeah man you know I remember Jonathan I could I can say yeah I did a movie with Harrison Ford 20 years ago right even though I had an amazing role that was cut down to two scenes well it is that kind of thing where like when finally the opportunities catch up to the talent you're you're ready you're ready to deliver you're not you're you're kind of you're learning your craft not in secret but kind of on the periphery where people aren't watching the opportunity and you're ready and you know my teacher always used to tell me be bad in class but you don't want to be bad on film because film is the only medium when you're bad you're bad forever yep right so if you got two scenes if you got three scenes if you got one scene where you walk in and go it's Spider-Man cut can you just say it normal but it's Spider-Man cut like you don't want to do that but if you do that with that one line you have the opportunity to come back with another role in another world another world make up for it did the did though the Ambitions kind of like match the like were you frustrated at a certain point or did you feel like you were always progressing you were always moving at the right pace I was ever but before hurt locker for instance before Hurt Locker which is clearly a transitional point I would say right It's gotta change the profile yeah yeah okay in just a second just checking making sure because sometimes from the outside in it looks one way and yeah Tom Hanks yeah so if I talk to you prior like the year or two before Madonna's Oscar party Williams Williams yeah yeah it changed a few things why are you still even bothering to talk to me it's amazing um so but okay so prior to that slew of amazingness yeah where were you at were you happy prior to hurt locker or did you feel like you were ready because I was so naive I was just excited about the idea of working like when I came out of school you know it wasn't like Juilliard was the hot fast place to go pick up actors you know that happened after our class before our class people weren't really working coming out of school you would go do Poughkeepsie shakes or you would go do Alabama Shakes or you would go to the Shakespeare theater in DC but you weren't jumping off like with major projects coming out of school that would happen 10 15 20 years later you know so our class was really the first class where Lee Pace you know Tracy times Brian cogman wrote Game of Thrones you know we had a group of people who came out of school and hid it yeah big you know then the the other ones came and jumped on you know our coattail but we really had the opportunity to come out of school to work so our work kind of you know the more people would work the more people would build and it was never an opportunity of oh I'm going to be the next Denzel it's like nah I'm working yeah you know so it was more so just about working how many how many times over the years on a set have you broken out the you know I went to Juilliard line [Laughter] I never that's never been my go-to but people always throw it at me right oh Mr Juilliard I get it oh it's only the second hardest school in America to get into but yeah what is a what is a pet peeve on set at this point what gets under your skin uh pet peeve on set you know it's it's I would say which is crazy uh waiting waiting drives me when they say we're ready on set I put my cigar down I go in a set and we wait 20 minutes like man I could have been outside enjoying the air right you know it's just that or when people try to dictate to you what they think your celebrity is worth oh that bothers me wait wait come on explain that one to me give me an example prime example okay if um if celebrity of your choice if the rock is on set oh my God Dwayne's on set get him hella green or not Fiji oh my God you can eat sliced turkey and I'm now and I can't even get no fontus water we both out there working so you gonna tell me that his Fame is worth more than my fame right now we gotta fight cause you know I'm not past you know the f word so well and yeah and the whole nature of the medium look you're on it together and when you start to stratify and you start to once you once you're doing the work it's like I mean going back to we've been laughing about Harrison Ford the notorious thing about him is like he'll pick up the chair and move it he'll he'll he I think he's all about just getting it done like 100 and that's what's so dope about and that's why I'm so excited about working with them you know because Sam Jackson taught me a lot like from afar three of my earliest movies were with Sam Jackson and because of that my my set etiquette is a complete replica of Sam Jackson like he literally was my work dad it taught me everything about the business from afar and every now and then I'd ask him a question and he'd give me one of his answers shut up [ __ ] and I I would take that you know but literally when you see me on set it is it is a just direct representation of how Sam Jackson moved and operated with this business like with class and you know yeah people went the extra mile for him just because he was a cool dude are you do you subscribe to the same thing he's told me over the years like the whole thing of like give me different versions of a of a take he's just like no no because he's been screwed too many times in the edit where he's like he's gonna do it the way he does it always always because a director will tell you all right well you know let's do it again we can the way you want to do it we do it once and then we'll do it over and he'll never use that but I've never used that right at all because they have an idea of how it's going to work now you look like an idiot it comes out the everybody hates it and then you're like well he directed me to do that but the average person don't go to a movie and say the director sucks no the average person goes to a movie and say you suck I'm a little hurt in all our years the person you revealed your Star Wars Obsession to wasn't me I think it was James Corden I did I had no idea you were a Boba Fett nerd that you just yo when I heard they would do it this is the one and only time I call my agent and my manager and said it's gonna be a problem was when I heard they were doing the Mandalorian I was like yo now I ain't gonna make this no conversation I ain't gonna get on no I'm star type [ __ ] I ain't gonna yell at y'all but we need we need to come on come on I am the best I I have the helmet I can literally show up in my costume from my house ready to shoot what is it about that character or those kinds of the mandalorians what was so exciting for you I mean as a kid those were the most exciting mysterious that character so well you just never knew why or what or how like there was something so unique about the way he moved through that universe that no one else could could um could emulate you know like I always wanted to be Lando like growing up my nickname was Lando like that's what I made people call me you know but the the Mandalorian the reason wait a second when you make other people call you that is that really a nickname you're like this is my Nick you have to call me 100 100 when I go out you know how when when girls go out they have a fake name they give out at the club right right my fake name to this day is Lando checking into hotels under Lando Calrissian that's amazing okay sorry I derailed that so that was the dream did you get a meeting did you get any conversation have you ever met with the Lucas folks Star Wars folks what no I was working while they were set to shoot so I wasn't available is that is that real like do you like you could have had a conversation you were just working that's real I wasn't available where they're doing the thing and I take off my helmet and go that was a long flight that's it that's all I want is one see I just want everybody to know that I was one of them okay we can make that happen 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the cast like Samoa Joe is in this dude and if you've ever met this dude so he's not an actor right but he's a wrestler so we have this scene where me and him we going at it he just has to like slam me into the wall so I'm like all right cool so we go up to the wall and I'm like like that they're like yeah cool all right like that yeah cool all right action wow so I get up and you know if it was anybody else I'm like yo we gotta fight I get up and I'm like don't do that can we have a little talk because the next time you do that I can never right children or be Captain America again yeah exactly I think I'm on concussion protocol yeah Marvel like he would not be happy about that or are you a video game guy are you do you play games I'm an old school see my problem is this I like the old school games but from what I learned my son told me Playstation Xbox they're more gamer games right than like old I'm more like uh Pac-Man and Frogger uh Dig Dug uh I'm more like that you know what I mean like you're speaking my language I got you yeah so I don't get why like if I want to download fro like Frogger is one of my favorite games and it's literally a cube frog trying to get through traffic that's all it is oh my God yeah I don't know I don't know if Dig Dug is gonna be a billion dollar franchise I want to make the Dig Dug movie what is the plot of the Dig no Beto when are we going to get you in the director's chair and it sounded like you were getting close is it is it too much going on right now I've been working on the uh Claudette Calvin movie um and hopefully knock on wood will be able to do that at the end of this year yeah because she's a National Treasure and you know I want my sons to be able to uh hear and see and learn that story so hopefully you know this year we'll be able to knock it out once we finish the um CA are you still attached to the the Priyanka Chopra Jonas movie uh ending things I'm just curious on that one Priyanka yes yes I'm curious because I got to do a movie with her I gotta say a buddy old buddy of mine this was an MTV writer Kevin Sullivan wrote the script to that I'm so happy for him out of here well your old buddy Anthony Mackey rewrote the script oh no the bones were there right the muscles were there it was a great car it just needed a new engine hey that's okay teamwork like we said like we said that's all you can ask oh buddy okay so we have a ghost for folks that tuned out of the podcast 25 minutes ago uh great new film on Netflix um it works in all the ways you want something like this to work it's you know whether you grew up with Beetlejuice or Ghostbusters it's fun date night movie like if you and your girl just post it up you can turn it on and it's fun if if you with your kids and you want to have a movie that a spark a conversation but make you laugh and cry it works if you're just on the couch chilling you know it works it's just a fun easy going family movie without all the cheese and cornball yeah with some really good actors that's all I got to say I'm not talking about me I'm just saying you managed to to make David Harbor uh I don't know how much money you paid him to change his look like that the man was like recording all these fans as like the sexy dad bod and now he looks like the bowler from hell like out of what happened you know something that beats a middle-aged comb over because I was like yo to come over is fire like comb over to the back like a swirl like girls used to have them like finger waves I would take my comb over and bring it in the finger waves I can't wait as we as our relationship continues in the decades to come once my hair goes in the comb over I'm gonna bring you to the hood so you can see imma get your hair finger waved oh [ __ ] I feel like if if you die first you're gonna be the ghost that haunts me that's that's my incentive that's That's My Ghost tie into this whole thing um buddy it's always good to see you thank you for the laughs as always everybody check out the new movie uh and I do hope to see you in person one of these days soon I hope so sometime soon we got to go to the gym work out together you're looking smightly I don't believe you but okay running or working out what are you doing I'm doing both actually I'll send you my workout tips you need it obviously need your diet what are you eating how many guys are you we're doing the macros looking at the macros we're looking at the protein cutting down on everything how many should I be eating I don't know give me one tip give me one tip give me one tip one tip to go to the next level in my nutrition I don't know what you're doing okay I'm gonna send you my list they're they're begging me to leave I'm gonna send you my my uh my diet and you tell me what to do poop three times a day only when I think of you that's it okay and always drink your water hot in the morning like take a big glass of water put it on your bedside table at night get it room temperature and drink it it's going bruh go straight to the bathroom we have the classic it's Nature's Lube gotta go uh Anthony Mackey we have a ghost see you bud
Channel: Josh Horowitz
Views: 14,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josh horowitz, happy sad confused, interview, anthony mackie, we have a ghost, anthony mackie captain america, captain america new world order, anthony mackie interview, anthony mackie chris evans, anthony mackie sebastian stan, anthony mackie star wars
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 31sec (2611 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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