Anthony Joshua vs Wladimir Klitschko | FULL FIGHT

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has the torch been passed there is Klitschko gonna grab it back and continue his extraordinary career it's scheduled for 12 of course Joshua coming in at a career heavy at only 250 pounds that's only a pound heavy than he was in his last fight against Eric Molina he's been in the 240s for the last couple of years now has brought Klitschko we saw on the scales we've already touched on this Alex look s absolutely Sensational up to 241 and uh if that's a 41 year old he looks better than most guys half his age yeah he certainly does a week's fantastic the conditioner on his back his arms his tough sauce it's some sort of phenomenal for a man of his age and it just shows you that cow how hard he's watching in the build up to this well when you've been a champ as Champion as long as he has of course you're so motivated but this is a territory that he's not particularly used to in recent years coming in as the Challenger the underdog yep it will be a bit of a shock to the system but he has been here before he has experienced most things in boxing he has set the claw back from defeats before we'll see them do that for great success so to touch on the start of this boat the technical aspects here we're seeing a classic clutch Court fencing with his left hand to judge range in distance which he does unbelievably well his right hand watches a lever almost good defensive too and he'll throw his left hand from low he'll throw it from the side he'll throw it from high Justice give Anthony Joshua a lot to think about and he won't do anything silly early until he knows he has that measure and that reach [Music] very very very intelligent boxer a lot more there's a lot more going on than than the eye can see When Vladimir clutch court is boxing about a very good eye to put some of these things up his success with the lead left hand here for Joshua heading through down the middle the older man at Bay giving him something to think about as well certainly got to like you're saying that you got to give Klitschko a little bit of that back got to give them plenty of variety with a job you cannot be too predictable with clutch call too obvious I think that Tyson Fury showed that better than anyone you've really got to give Klitschko lots to think about if your patterns are typical and your attacks are ponderous or obvious you're in a lot of trouble because he'll make you pay so badly terrific footwork and balance it's one of the things people tend not to talk about with that in Memphis go as well is is footwork has always been exemplary yeah fantastic and you don't when I want to go medals for being a crude Slugger do you so let's go with a fast start here bringing the right hand into play there just to Court Joshua we didn't see uh much use of the backhand from either man in that range finding first round but you can see Josh we're looking to get the jab established he had some success with those Jabs that he kind of converted almost into crosses in the first round where we expected it to be very wary very tactical there's no way this is going to be some kind of crude slugfest as you say well there's that old saying in this game you get old overnight no sign of old age about playing me a Klitschko at all certainly not [Music] you see him again using that left hand as a defensive tool there's a lever there's a measuring tool as well he knows what he's doing that he knows exactly what he's doing here and it can be used as well to keep an opponent just at by an out of range I mean you use that so effectively against David hey you just never could get anywhere near him no again it was different with Fury a totally different experience because Fury just played such a different game but uh Joshua's gonna have to make sure he doesn't walk into the David Haye trap yeah and David here's a fantastic boxer as well and that's an absolute yeah see there you go out of range and a long way out of range there as well but that comes that comes with the turf if you're going up against Vladimir Klitschko you know you're going to miss a lot and Joshua moving well early as well here thank you real thinking man fight this through the first couple of rounds [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it seems like both of them just said I'm not even going to bring the backhand in yet too much respect for the opponent yeah and fear to be encountered as well yes but what will happen when it does land by Iron Man who will be the first to make a huge right hand on the other to that record a little bit three stoppages he always had that feeling you know big brother was one of those guys you know you could hit him with everything nothing nothing was going to knock him down but if you could if you could land clean me on Vladimir you could get him out of there and as I say some guys did Josh will be thinking if I can get my right hand Landing clean get this fella out of there early Vladimir Klitschko certainly knows how to protect that weakness if such it is sloppy sloppy right hand there for Anthony Joshua so much guys defensively there as well yeah in the back leg as well are we a little bit of these his actual hate his natural height leaves back in the back leg of course there's normally to Louisville position and so he can come back like a good count up you almost get the feeling that Anthony Joshua almost has to put them together Matt don't you yes one punch is just never going to be enough against Vladimir clutch was it and you're gonna have to give them variety on those combinations as well and you're gonna have to be patient because he's gonna make you miss a lot as he did there you know you hear the cheers from the back of the Arena but there wasn't much Landing there from Joshua you've got time to serve your energy into the bargain not an easy task taking on blood in your clutch coat we've got so much to consider [Applause] it's pretty good to me [Applause] as always lived the life as always temporary professionals yeah it was the gym that's working the little town that's working for Joshua and anything he just can't find the right names at the moment [Applause] he's showing that patience that he needs there's no way you can Rush your work against another one if you start rushing things and forcing things Klitschko can make you look really bad jobs [Music] Joshua just over reaching a little bit no questions he just bounces back yeah wonderful footwork Anthony Joshua and try and put the combinations together and we'll have to realize that he has to start a long range I'll just have to flow from long to Middle to short range and here's the tracking punching he's up close as well as difficult as that as against clutch cool who loves to just tangle you up and smother you he knows where to get up here hold your arms prevent you for working inside he's very very good at that as well as a defensive tactic and it is an effective one one that people think is just being used to prevent a fight breaking out but in fact he's taking a little bit of energy out yet foreign champion [Applause] oh good way this is how we started the second round it's almost like he thinks they can they think and Jonathan Banks thinks well we can catch him cold early and maybe he doesn't switch on for those first few seconds that one that had an effect one of the bastard the second round I think just more woke him up than anything but Joshua felt that one yeah it's really accurate well post as well there you see clutch Court taking Joshua's right hand away extended his left arm and just aluminum became full in his shoulders there [Music] 'll give Klitschko a little bit of encouragement knowing that he can land the right hand [Applause] the first right hand was blocked so he then disguised the second one behind her behind a jab as well and that did as you say get through yeah primarily in Germany of course you can't positively boxed in London before now you may well have done maybe possibly there back in the day so neither of us can remember that far back just because we're so young [Music] still on that let's go to the mission I've landed reasonably Big Shots now yeah it's starting to warm up now so it's starting to settle into a bit of a Groove what's going on with account of that trying to think Joshua's job see he's using his left hand to pull Joshua's jab down so he can throw the right hand over the top the classical race to do this when someone's on the way in threw on a job he pulls one left hand down with his left hand and he puts his right hand over the top it's uh it's built in his game foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all of them scored that's fine start from Joshua well this is a really positive statement here right at the start of this fifth round from Joshua who is up there at the tempo hugely and clinch guys what do you think he was who's this guy yeah good start to the round but the combinations go nice and quiet cautions down oh he's down incredible start absolutely amazing look at that this messed up as well as well but blood down type of blood Down Neck as well it is it's a crisis it really is early in this fifth round as well Joshua just jumped on him stung him early now can Klitschko draw on all that experience just to survive this round yeah he's using his legs amazing again Testament to his condition choosing a dance away rather than tie Joshua up and hold [Applause] is going to take the steam out him as well he doesn't want to fight with Joshua right now yeah look at him back it up yeah oh it's a big left hook Nick yeah jumped in with that left hook didn't he jumped in with that one as well didn't have so much success this time waving the right uppercut there I don't think he's got any intentions in throwing it but he's waving it living it around yeah he's wild enough look at him he's yelling him up messing about I think that the moment may have gone here for Joshua yep definitely has him he looks a little bit tired there Nick looks like he's maybe punch themselves out a little bit though he has to wait on his second one no Joshua because he's uh he's not looking too good here oh it's a huge right hand from Klitschko Joshua came back with a left foot but I think the the right hand from clutch got more effect these are Jaron stabbing another one backing up look at this Klitschko has turned this around completely here in this fifth round on the floor and bleeding from that left eye but he is definitely getting through here and Joshua's looking really heavy left here exhausted my goodness me what a dramatic fifth round this is Joshua started off with a bang but he couldn't get Klitschko out of there now it's the Ukrainian who's on top and in the driving seat and that was Joshua looking to hold yeah Josh I need to get a second wind here Klitschko that's coming on strong a complete turn around I mean you can sense it in the arena as well they were getting ready to celebrate the biggest winner of his career and now Anthony Joshua is hanging on a little bit a big uppercut getting through there as well he's absolutely ripped the initiative away from Joshua here Klitschko it's and there's an extraordinary response to being flawed wow what a round wow he looks like he was gassed at the end of that fifth round and it's Klitschko up on the balls of his feet really early here at the start of round six well it was a slow burner but it exploded into life in that last round and what's going to come now round six and as you say the important thing is can Joshua just refuel here yeah it still looks a little bit on the shaky side doesn't it still jumping with those left hooks Clips going yep don't look quite recovered I don't think Anthony Joshua yet this is good bottom of that time here no hurry to get back over there either is he definitely there's a no I think he's in good shape at all here Joshua I think the Sims puts the gun Shield back in and uh just doesn't look quite right here Joshua put a big shift into that fifth round couldn't get him out of there Still Standing he's running away with it in that fifth round Joshua now needs to just press the reset button here it really does just trying to get a bit back in his legs yet but it's not quite come yet oh Joshua down Anthony Joshua flawed and hurt here in the sixth round it's all unraveling for the Watford man unbeaten but now on the brink of defeat wow how does he respond to adversity we've not seen this before a bit crude leaping in there again from Klitschko but Joshua in a world of trouble has to avoid those right hands now what an extraordinary fight unbelievable Nick he's going to look to try and land the right hand again here Klitschko on that jump and left hook one or the other [Applause] two pet shots isn't it he can't take any more of those right hands flush always been a lethal punch from Vladimir Klitschko Joshua's got to be smart here just ride this round out give it up as a 10-8 round get back to the corner and whatever Plan B is put it into effect Klitschko though is thinking I don't want another round get this done right here Joshua rolls inside he's protecting himself well from that right hand yeah Klitschko find it again again the lead left hooks they don't work Joshua has done well evasively but all over the place look at that yes still looking for one shot really klitical here I love the stiff jab there but he won't put that many combinations together that's for sure what a gut check this is for Anthony Joshua now we find out if he's got the stuff that real champions are made of anybody can look good when it's easy when you knock him and they fall down what happens when they fall down and get back up again and then put you on the floor that's never happened to Anthony Joshua this is Uncharted Territory for him again no luck wow wow amazing isn't it yeah round seven Vladimir Klitschko threatening to turn back the years here against the young upstart Anthony Joshua in this battle of the past and the president heavyweight champions both Olympic gold medalists well this is a real test of Joshua's legitimacy now as a champion a legitimacy that's been questioned by some in the business after that win against Charles Martin and the defenses against Dominic Brazil and Eric Molina well his credentials are being checked out thoroughly here by the former champ and at the moment Anthony Joshua looks like this is a test he isn't going to pass it's still Klitschko on the front foot dictating the tempo here Joshua still doesn't look right yep but he is managing to avid the majority of klutch goes pretty obvious attacks now trying to double and treble up on the left hook not much leverage on those shots though that's that right hand that he has to watch from it and that leaping left hook those are the danger shots and he mixes them up so well yeah that is fancy life I'm waving it in front of Joshua's eyes trying to keep him almost hypnotized do that with that hand there he occupies brim with something else and then of course or that Overland right good job there again from touch and now Joshua engage again a bit of chit chat in there as well is that a sign of his confidence returning or is it a sign of a man trying to play some Mind Games here well if you want to play mind games with Vladimir Klitschko good luck with that he's seen it and heard it all the main games as I think Nick Vladimir understand that's not going to bother him it won't bother him at all recite the entire works of Shakespeare if he wants he's not going to bother Vladimir Klitschko one little bit good clipping their foot there from clutch Court um it doesn't look strong Nick he doesn't look strong but you heard Robert McCracken saying just get behind that jab but as you say it's it's more just trying to keep engaged at the moment rather than do any damage yeah I still think he's feeling the effects of that last round he's just trying to ride this out there's no Authority at all on Anthony Joshua's punches there is no Authority on them he's not going to get klitschko's respect he's not going to stop him pressing forward looking for a big shot is he just trying to regroup get his senses together good head movement from Anthony Joshua and a good response off the back end of that as well made glitch go Miss put a combination together yep that's just sending a message that's just telling your opponent I'm okay I'm back in this now well he wanted a no drama around there Anthony Joshua which is exactly what he got and I think Rob McCracken will be a little bit happier about that that's great but those guys should be making their observations during the rounds yeah and if the head trainer then John wants to jump in and use some of that that's great but you can't be hearing all those voices and you're sat in your stalls surely I think for the head trainer sometimes as well just ask the assistant trainer if he's got anything to add and then the head treatment is quiet for a few seconds I think he might have given himself something to build on in that last round Joshua he came through quite a crisis there let's look a little bit better as well yeah there's there's more of a bounce about him like I say he was chatting a bit in that last round as well it looks like he might have whether that storm the fifth round was not good for him despite that early knock down the sixth was uh absolutely terrible of course and now that he's got through looks to me like he's just come out of the other side of that that could be better is in such great shape and there's no denying that but it's also no denying Father Time Vladimir Klitschko is 41 years old and doesn't want to be getting dragged into a long drawn out dueling duel here it's fine very intelligent the big right hand there and Joshua is seeing them so much better now slipping inside no yep it's good to see Josh I even go for the right hand though well it's a bit more of what we saw in the early rounds with Joshua a bit more positive isn't it yeah but he's he's still being forced onto the back foot which is rare for Joshua spent much time in his career backing up I mean he's never met an opponent for this man's class yeah well coach is going to beat him at that game all day Nick isn't it the old fencing game standing on the outside pulling arms down [ __ ] gloves away scoring Jabs Anthony Joshua wants to be doing what Robert mcclagan suggested in the corner get the combinations off hands up nice and high chin down nice and low makes the combinations up that Klitschko Jam to allow a really good jab and uh Joshua answered it immediately and we settled back into the pattern of the early rounds here where it's uh raiding and uh drawing leads I could run cork something yeah I can't find it clutch because was it lightweis he almost puts a transfer in here spell actually really like [ __ ] on this guy now so the fencing continuing here [Applause] we're actually now getting into the territory where starting to look at how the judges might be scoring this one they've both had a 10-8 round and there's so many rounds have been close as well right now this one is up for grabs yep it certainly is well we've had one question answered about Anthony Joshua tonight how would he respond to being flawed I mean he got hurt in that fight against dillian white yeah but he wasn't flawed and he managed to weather that brief storm but obviously a very raw dillian white there's no Vladimir Klitschko and his enemy couldn't put him away despite putting him down that tells you something it's easy to be a bully in this business he's coming back at you how do you respond and Joshua's responded really well yeah yeah it's a different a different ball game all together he's been patient he's taking his time talk to Marathon but we leave him in a bad spot to get countered pitchco has been missing a lot with those right hands that's the smack tactics from Anthony Joshua that we're seeing as he almost just trying a low clutch Court slowly run out of gas is not a young man as Anthony Joshua thinking that throughout this whole thing go ahead put the shots on him a little bit [Applause] don't allow them to box at his own Temple all night you know Alex listen up to this one especially this week you've had one or two guys out there who should know better they've been saying this isn't only much of a fight Vladimir Klitschko is washed up unbelievably absolutely unbelievable yeah you're um you're putting your hands over your head if you were one of those guys right this is washed up my goodness Champion loses as his power as well [Music] Joshua he's picking some nice shots here Robert mcfucking screaming from all the way up asking for combinations [Applause] Joshua starts doing those combinations now [Applause] for only three fights against British opponents different points as well because hey he doesn't have everything his own way it's pure he couldn't do anything on this one it's amazing how quickly this one has just flashed by well we're in the championship rounds now Joshua of course never been this deep never been past seven [Applause] I think he was going to get past seven here let's go hand them all over the place he really has that to suck it up show some genuine Warriors heart here take this this deep now to the 41 year old legs still have a bit of spring in their step to get him through these three that last three rounds here glitch go or is this where youth will have its day over experience because I think these next three rounds decide to fight it's so close for me very very close he's responded well Josh with a getting caught bringing that right hand counter in over the top oh he's just a little bit shot with that managed to shut down the distance a little bit there take that right hand away I think he's very good at sense of an attack and closing it down [Music] got in first with the left hand inside a lot of Bounce and movement about Klitschko but uh doesn't seem to be an awful lot behind those patches from from the infection Ukraine in here punches and they're certainly there's a lot more purchase on them a little bit late in the day in it to be getting the good body shots on now I'm gonna get those in nice and early it's been a feature of the second half of this fight how many times Klitschko has swung that right hand and Joshua has slicked it yeah effortlessly and made him Miss it's been really smart work defensively from Joshua for the referee to Joshua overall it's been a fight that doesn't need a referee is it not really really a single jab there for Josh feeling if he doubled up on that jab like Robert McCracken was was asking for earlier followed by the right hand would be super effective but let's go again he's so good at shutting down that distance just marauding your attacks [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he's seen it really early Joshua [Applause] bouncing step as well plastic condition isn't it oh both trailer right hands there [Applause] I've seen one of them come up really badly yeah except they cancel each other out what's up what has been an epic battle so far that's seen both Corners Joshua off to the fast start again just as he did in the fifth round oh questions he's shaky look at this now can Joshua sense it and can Joshua find something else rattles the 41 year old right at the start of the round and Joshua is looking like he's trying to hunt him down here he needs to put them together Nick scope showing all that experience good well to just stay out of Harm's Way there as youth going to come in he played on that well it is can he just keep the pressure on but don't forget when he did that in the fifth round he gassed himself out Joshua he's just taking his time here looking to measure Klitschko up but that was a terrific right hand at the start this round whether that little crisis [Music] [Applause] [Applause] it was that first uppercut that did the damage clinchco down for the second time over the place in a world of trouble he's on his feet now he's getting a few more seconds here from the referee but Joshua is on the brink of the biggest winner shot now Ken Klitschko rally again is there anything left it doesn't look like it Joshua's gone and that might just be that a brutal two-punch combination let's go down for the second time in the round and looking in serious distress will they let this carry on they are the Atlanta go on or are they well again he's been given a lot more time he's in trouble there's still a long way to go in this round as well can Joshua put the exclamation point on his performance tonight and get the stoppage he's in big trouble pinned in the corner here can't get free Joshua unloading and that'll do it oh absolute relief on the face of Anthony Joshua he doesn't even have the energy to smile what a test of his character
Channel: DAZN Boxing
Views: 1,626,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anthony joshua vs klitschko, anthony joshua vs wladimir klitschko, anthony joshua vs klitschko full fight, anthony joshua vs wladimir klitschko full fight, anthony joshua, klitschko, wladimir klitschko, anthony joshua vs klitschko fight, anthony joshua vs klitschko highlights, anthony joshua vs wladimir klitschko highlights, anthony joshua klitschko full fight, anthony joshua klitschko highlights, aj klitschko, aj klitschko full fight, aj klitschko highlights, dazn, dazn boxing
Id: 2YldvGs4pk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 11sec (1991 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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