Antediluvian Civilizations: The World Before the Great Flood

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as we stand at the crossroads of history and mystery a compelling narrative unfolds this is the story of pred deluvian civilizations societies that may have flourished in a world before a great Deluge swept across the Earth these ancient cultures shrouded in the midst of time beckon with a siren's call promising to reveal secrets about our Origins and the true nature of human history as we embark on this journey we tread a path aligned with myths Legends and archaeological enigmas each offering a piece of the puzzle of our forgotten past in this episode of ancient civilizations courtesy of Gaia we dive deep into the Forgotten past of the human civilization a past wiped up by the great flood that swept across the [Music] Earth planet Earth according to radio ometric dating this planet is roughly 4.5 billion years old modern-day Scholars claim that civilization began roughly between 5,000 and 6,000 years ago geological records show that severely erratic weather patterns were present on the planet roughly 12,000 years ago countless myths and legends from around the planet depict a time of complete chaos that destroyed all civilizations on the planet the delug the cataclysm the event the end of the world along with these great fables ancient sites like gockley teepe in Turkey Easter Island in the South Pacific South America Giza Plateau Japan and India contain a level of sophistication and design that baffles the minds of of Scholars and scientists most of these sacred sites have foundations composed of stones weighing in excess of 30 tons that defy our human understanding if civilization only happened roughly 5 to 6,000 years ago then who built these foundational wonders in pre- deluvian times that were designed to survive the end of the world and what were those beings who inhabited the Earth long before the flood trying to tell us about our connection to the cosmos we turn to science for answers to help unravel the mystery but when we look below the surface the laws of physics appear to have been mastered long before Humanity began to figure them out science is a living body of information it's not static it's not fixed it's designed to be constantly updated when new discoveries come to light we've got to incorpor orate those discoveries into the pre-existing scientific story we're writing a new story right now we have to because the evidence no longer supports the story of the past the evidence no longer supports the theory that Civilization for example began between 5,000 5500 years ago the evidence no longer supports that civilization's rise has been linear that we began with primitive settlements and and primitive ways of Building Society and have gradually come to where we are today in a linear fashion so when we're thinking about our past we have to constantly update the story there is a continuity in the stories that cannot be dismissed one of those continuities is the story of the great flood this is where our new Story begins so when we're talking pre- deluvian times do we mean anti- deluvian because deluvian means the Deluge the great flood and pre of course means before but when we say anti deluvian it is ante as an anterior in front of you know the anterior chain of your body so when we say anti- deluvian it is in front of the great Deluge so when we say pre- deluvian anti- deluvian we know that this is a time period before the great flood they're one and the same in the beginning after a great Devastation according to the Sumerian text the gods came and manifested humans again and this is a theme that we see repeated many times in many cultures all over the world that there was a creation of humans there was a a massive flood and the Earth was repopulated you know that's reflected in the Babylonian text in the Hebrew text in the Egyptian text they all mention something similar when you do a deep survey into the midst from around the world you actually find that there are two different flood narratives that happened and so in the very first flood narrative it talks about a dark world or a beginning and the end of an age and then there's this cataclysm and this flood occurs and the individual escapes the flood with the seven sages the seven abigailes and then after that it is the beginning of this golden age and this new period of time with Noah flood there's civilization that is occurring and the flood happens because they are trying to wipe out the wickedness from on the planet you know like you find in the biblical narrative and Noah survives the flood and there's no mention of these seven sages or seven abigailes so in South America we have the tradition of vosha who is a builder God that suddenly shows up mysteriously after a global flood wiped everything out and he appears in specific locations uh with a group of seven Specialists they're experts in their fields because wherever civilization appears on the face of the Earth After the flood and is always one charismatic leader who leads seven Crafts People experts in their field throughout the ages in mythology and spiritual Traditions there are several common themes that keep repeating but the ancient Cycles encoded in nature as well as embedded in myth remind us that if we we are to survive on this planet we must be prepared to change and adapt they're common themes that run through all of these stories one of those themes is that Civilization is cyclic rather than linear that there have been previous cycles of civilization that have lasted for approximately 5,000 years something happens those Cycles come to an end a new cycle begins this is where it gets really interesting because even though the Cycles change there appears to be a continuity of knowledge a continuity of wisdom when it comes to the end of one cycle and the beginning of the next the Mayans divided one precession of the equinoxes 26,000 year cycle approximately into five 5,125 year long cycles each of those Cycles when they begin something happens to the civilization during that time and one of the questions that historians have asked is could there be something that drives these Cycles is there a cosmological phenomenon is there a climactic phenomenon is there a geologic phenomenon maybe it's a convergence of all of these phenomenon something happens every 5,125 years well if we take the year 2012 is the end of one 5,125 year long cycle and we go back in time to the 5,000 years previously this would be the time that we traditionally have been taught that civilization began 5,500 years ago now new discoveries are revealing the remnants of ancient civilizations that predate that 5,000 years many many [Music] times one of the things that's echoed in the ancient stories around the world whether it's not it's Plato talking about Atlantis or the the ancient Egyptians in the temple of sa is that we find that they discuss how these events have come in many different ways they discuss how the the civilizations have been destroyed from periods of great flooding but also extreme heat and fire so it's not just about one thing it's about a totality of all of these different catastrophic events that have led to The Disappearance and destruction of these predian civilizations and the way that we have The Telltale evidence is that a lot of these ancient megalithic structures from the pred deluvian civilizations that left behind is that we find what's known as vitrification on the surface whether not it's Egypt or Peru or turkey and what that means is that those Granite blocks and the quartz that was in them literally melted from such a extreme heat event that in order to do that you have to have temperatures on the surface that would have exceeded 2,000 de researchers and mythological Heroes on a journey have long looked to the sky for answers to explain what happened in the past but most spiritual traditions and mythical Journeys carry core messages that Inspire us to also go within to find our answers starting in the early 20th century scientists have been studying ice core samples from the polar regions of the planet from 1989 to 1995 the Greenland ice Corp project conducted EXP experiments to understand the climate patterns in that area for approximately the past 100,000 years again in 1998 the collaborative ice drilling project at the Russian VTO station in East Antarctica uncovered the deepest ice core ever recorded revealing climate data for approximately the past 420,000 years then in 2017 an ice core taken from the blue ice field in the AL Hills of Antarctica revealed ice dating to roughly 2.7 million years old these studies provide geologists with a clear understanding of the cyclical nature of Earth's climate and weather patterns geologists refer to the past and current epics as the Pine and the Holocene the Pline epic began about 2.8 million years ago and this is the sheets of ice that we often talk about covered North America the Greenland northern Europe that period that epic ended about 11,500 years ago as we began the current epic that we're in now which is called the holos scene however when we go from one Epic to another it's not a clean break there's a transition period there's a buffer between the two and that buffer is the mystery that helps us to understand what happened in these ancient civilizations between 12,800 years ago and 11,600 years ago that little window of time is an extraordinary period of time that geologists call the younger dras there are plant species that only exist in cold one of those plants is called the dras and this is where the term the younger dras comes from there is evidence of the younger dras far down into North America and down into northern Europe suggesting that these were cold temperatures during this period of time and when the temperatures began to warm the plants disappear from that period of time in the late Pline the time of the ice the Ice Age peaked about 20,000 years before present and the temperatures began to warm the warming melted the ice then something happened that is a mystery to this day the warming stopped and all of a sudden the temperatures dropped they plunged about 5° C over the entire Northern Hemisphere and in that shift the temperatures plunged for a period of time about 1200 years there are many theories around what caused these drastic climate changes of the younger dras period one of the prevailing theories is named the Clovis Comet hypothesis claiming that fragments of a large asteroid or Comet struck the Planet another theory involves a cataclysmic event in our solar system currently between Mars and Jupiter is what is referred to as the asteroid belt throughout Antiquity numerous astronomers and researchers have speculated that this is a result of a previously existing planet that was destroyed in the ancient Babylonian uniform text the enuma Elish this watery Planet described as being similar to Earth is referred to as Tiamat throughout history this mysterious planet has been given other names such as Planet V faton mulc and mulge if there was a planet that was destroyed could some of the debris from that massive explosion have fallen to Earth creating massive changes to the balance of our planet recent evidence has revealed that Earth was hit multiple times during this period of time with something from the cosmos It is believed to be a comet for this reason if it were an asteroid the asteroid would have a single impact that would be more localized what we're finding is that whatever it was that was coming into Earth's atmosphere was fragmented and that broke up and Scattered across multiple continents at the same time the mineral Platinum for example is relatively rare on Earth but you find it in comets as far south as South Africa there are remnants fragments of platinum from this Comet breakup that match those that are found in northern Europe a large crater has been found in Greenland for precisely the same time so when we look at the theories of what triggered the younger dras it may be that the impact of the Comet and the heat generated by that impact thousands and thousands of degrees created a rapid melt to cool water in the North Atlantic one of the things we find is that ocean levels dramatically Rose from before the pred deluvian period of 13,000 years ago and we know that looking at geologic and climatological Records whether or not it's ice cores or looking at geologic evidence what we find is that during this time period we had glaciation in North America and in Europe where we had massive ice caps so when we combine cataclysmic events in our solar system as mentioned in the enuma Alish with massive amounts of rain as well as melting of the ice caps all that water flooded in the ocean raising sea levels up to 400 ft flooding in and submerging ancient cities and structures around the world the Atlantic Ocean is home to the global conveyor belt starting from the surface water around the North Pole this circulation system pulls water from the North Pole and Cycles it all throughout the planet so when we're looking at the mystery of the younger drives what we know for certain is that there was a dilution of fresh water and cold water that changed the thermohaline properties of the ocean conveyor of the Atlantic we know that because of the proxies and the temperature the mystery is what single factor or what multiple factors may have contributed to that cooling the Melt water water from North America from the ice melting was behind a large ice wall and the evidence shows that that ice wall broke and when it broke there was a tremendous onslaught of that cold water a massive flood in a relatively short period of time what may have triggered that could have been the impact from the comet as the mystery continues around the origin of the Deluge what can ancient mythology tell us about the changing relationship between humans and the gods around these chaotic times prior to the flood there is this Global narrative that occurs and the stories are extremely consistent regardless of the culture that you're looking at post flood it changes into more local myths or the perspective of the myths change in the earlier myths it's the stories of the god you know they're vying for power with each other and fighting and you're part of the action of the Gods once the flood happens it becomes stories of humanity and their connection to the gods and so it's just a really big change that happens one thing that is starting to crystallize among researchers of our ancient past especially the pre flood times is the number of places of temples that are rebuilt on previous Temple sites we find this in Egypt uh we find it at Stonehenge and we also find it at dwarka and what this suggests is that the Ancients knew of the original locations of temples in the pre flood times marked those locations and then after the flood or after this great cataclysm returned to to those exact same sites this suggests that there is something inherently special about dwarka and some of these other sites that was known to either the the ancient gods that inhabited it or they passed this knowledge along to humans prompting them to rebuild on these specific sites we know that the Ice Age essentially ended about 12,000 BP before present but what is often missed is that when the ice age ended not only did the Ice continue to melt but there was a tremendous shift in the climate and with a shift in global climate comes a shift in local weather the shifts in the weather were called unsettled weather patterns that lasted approximately 4,000 years so beginning from 12,000 years BP before present to 8,000 years BP this was a period where Earth saw torrential rains in some places extreme drought and other places and with those torrential rains from the storms torrential erosion that left uh impacts and effects that we're still seeing today that impact not only archaeological remains and remnants of archaeological remains but also the the land form itself this mysterious time in history continues to challenge mythologists Scholars and scientists from the erosion patterns around the Sphinx in Giza to the sunken cities off the coasts of Japan and India water has played a major role in The Evolution and destruction of civilizations on this planet when we begin to study the sites around the world that were built before these great cataclysms archaeologists continue to discover that they were built with a purpose that is beyond our understanding powerful Clues point to a strong Cosmic connection with the builders and the locations of these archaeological wonders leaving behind carved connections linking these ancient pre- delvian cultures from all over the planet so this is where we get to the work of David Talbot who noticed around the younger dras period that there were some major cataclysmic electrical events going on all over the planet that there were these plasma discharges that could be from solar flares or other form of celestial activity causing these plasma bursts throughout our atmosphere and they noticed that mendra daro they recorded those exact same shapes of those plasma bursts and it didn't stop there there are petroglyphs all over the world with the same exact shapes telling us that this was a worldwide plasma event that was documented and recorded by countless cultures including the people of Easter Island in the rango rango script we begin to look at ancient cosmology and archo astronomy what we find is from the Mayans to the Egyptians to the aboriginals in Australia to an ancient European site and all through meso America there was a knowledge of our relationship to the cosmos that exceeded anything that's been known in history until the mid 20th century constellations feature throughout alignments with ancient sites the two go hand in hand it was look into the Earth for her energy system and look into particular constellations so I think the the river of you know space if you will the the the river that flows from Orion especially Orion is the focus Point here between the Milky Way and between the celestial River an understanding of the constellations around the planet provides solid evidence in deciphering the possible time and purpose of these sites when modern researchers began discovering Cosmic connections to powerful ancient civilizations the evidence began and guiding us to the stars as our major influence in the evolution of civilizations on this planet as the archaeologists and Scholars examine several of these sacred Celestial sites around the world there is one unifying clue that teaches us the power of interconnection massive Stones when we look at ancient cultures around the world especially those that we can identify have the prediluvian megalithic sophistication on those foundations when we look at the stories that are left behind whether or not it's written in Kun form tablets or carried down through oral records they all seem to tell a very similar if not the same story of these great set of catastrophes and floods that seem to have destroyed those civilizations and left behind those megalithic Foundation bases for us to find thousands and thousands of years later whether or not it's all way from Asia and places in Japan all the way across the world to Peru in Bolivia in Egypt and turkey we find a very specific style of building that is present on almost always the lower levels of ancient temples and structures where it shows a high level of sophistication that's unlike anything that's above it something that truly stands out with a sophistication and style that is almost perfect and something that we may not even be able to do today with the tools that we have available something that's so precise that some of the blocks that are in position a human hair can even slip between them comparing the pred deluvian construction from all over the planet not only challenges the mainstream theory of the origins of civilization but solidifies the evidence of an interconnection of knowledge between cultures long before the great Deluge who were these beings with this Advanced building knowledge that could move these massive Stones the question is no longer if these sacred megalithic sites around the planet were built before the great flood the greater mystery is how long before the flood were they built in a number of myths one of the things we find is that there's no cultural memory in humanity of how they made these megalithic structures there's no recollection of the engineering technology that's required to create these structures and lift stoned a certain way because it wasn't their technology it was the god's technology and so that's why we can't do it again etched in the human psyche are stories of struggle and pain to conquer and Rule different sections of this planet separation Division and control became the dominant Benchmark to gauge the success of a civilization making it easy to forget how everything is interconnected most Western maps have been arranged around the prime meridian showing the Americas on the left but as the connections between ancient civilizations become more apparent the map must shift back to the time where the unification of the planet can be seen and felt as the one divided into the many the ice melted creating new islands and covering old ones as civilization began rebuilding building the division on the planet grew stronger turning back our Celestial clock we discover that whatever label Humanity tries to put on this Deluge period in history there are foundational story points that connect all to a very volatile time on the surface of the planet but when the hands of time go back to the time before the end of the world the clues in archaeology and tales told in Hero's epic Journeys around the planet show that most civilized structures eventually fall but to uncover the fundamental ancient knowledge that ties the whole story together the hero must return back to the foundations where the Story [Applause] begins we'd like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Gaia for sharing this enlightening episode with us for those who are intrigued and wish to explore further a treasure Trove of knowledge awaits you Gaia offers an extensive Library brimming with documentaries and series covering a wide array of fascinating topics to embark on this journey of Discovery simply click the link in the description below there you'll gain access to a world of profound insights and captivating content on gaia's platform dive deep and let your curiosity lead the way
Channel: Universe Inside You
Views: 286,184
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Keywords: pre flood world, ancient civilization, antediluvian period, pre flood world technology, ancient technology, antediluvian civilization, antediluvian period what was the world like before the flood, prediluvian history, prediluvian, prediluvian civilization, graham hancock, ancient apocalypse, lost civilizations
Id: MrRZ-0mZFus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 10sec (1690 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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