Unraveling the mystery of the Younger Dryas: Ice Age, Megafauna, and Human Civilization

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foreign [Music] world of countless climatic shifts there is a period in Earth's history that continues to Captivate researchers 12 900 years ago a time when mammoths and saber cats roamed the lands and Humanity was on the brink of a new era something changed just as life seemed to be flourishing a remarkable event unfolded transforming the World As We Know It in a period of decades temperatures plummeted icy winds swept across continents and vast sheets of ice once again advanced this period lasted for over a thousand years before subsiding as quickly as it arrived but what caused this sudden and drastic change how did it affect human populations and was it even that remarkable after all today we will thoroughly discuss the younger trius leaving no stone left Unturned it is an extremely complicated topic and as always my sources can be found in the description the younger driest period has been known of for a relatively long time it was easily distinguishable in paleobotonical and lithostatographic studies of Scandinavian sites the name younger driest refers to the Wildflower driest octopatala a plant which thrives in Alpine and Tundra conditions its presence in sediment layers indicates a typically colder glacial climate the younger part of the name refers to the fact that it was not the only climatic fluctuation during this period it is called the younger driest because it is one of three colder periods called statels which came after the last glacial maximum the younger dryas was indeed more abrupt than the older or oldest triest though not unprecedented it essentially reversed the warming of the earth back to glacial conditions but keep in mind although it was cold it was not colder than a few thousand years before when the Earth was in the last glacial maximum analysis of Greenland ice cores provides accurate estimates for the beginning and the end of the younger trius it is estimated that the period started around 12 900 years ago and ended around 11 550 years ago meaning that the period lasted between 1150 and 1300 years though the actual timing of the event introduces us to our first mystery the younger driest did not start synchronously across the world and even varied across the North Atlantic region the region which was affected the most evidence suggests that cooling occurred as early as 12 900 to 13 100 calibrated years ago along the latitude of 56 to 54 degrees north in at least northern Europe cooling further north between 60 to 58 degrees occurred significantly later between 12 600 and 12 750 years before present cooling did not reach Northern regions of Europe for hundreds of years when looking at regions outside of the North Atlantic the onset of the younger Trias becomes even more confusing analysis of Lake sediments from Japan and other records from Asia report a substantial delay in the start to the onset of the younger trials the temperature in Japan only appeared to decline around 12 300 years ago this is of course around five to six hundred years later than much of the northern hemisphere data from Chinese sediments also confirmed that the younger driest of East Asia lags behind the North Atlantic cooling by at least two to three hundred years in the Philippines analysis of stalagmites found that the younger driest conditions did not reach the region for nearly 600 years after they appeared in northern Europe and even these conditions appear to have been quite mild this is another interesting fact about the younger dryas and by no means affected the world equally regions in the northern hemisphere especially around the Atlantic were affected the most even though the younger dries did not occur at the same time all over the world in much of Europe the conditions changed dramatically in only a few decades in some areas the onset of the far colder conditions may have happened in less than a decade people living in Europe would have certainly noticed the colder and much drier conditions in Greenland temperatures drop between 4 to 10 degrees Celsius or 7 to 18 degrees Fahrenheit in the British Isles Beetle fossils indicate that the annual temperature dropped to negative 5 degrees Celsius or negative 23 degrees Fahrenheit though the winters would have been cold multiple studies confirmed that localities in Europe experienced quite short but warm Summers an extensive study on the vegetation of central Iberia found that the effects of the younger dryas were actually quite mitigated at least early on from 12.6 to 12 000 years ago the conditions were dry and quite warm while from 12 to 11.7 000 years ago they were wetter and cooler the Middle East appears to have been affected much less though drier and colder conditions did occur even starting before the younger trius and Lasting after it conclude in other places North America in particular was the other region most heavily affected by The Frigid conditions this is not surprising considering its proximity to the Atlantic which appears to have been a large factor in the cooling though there is evidence of cooling that predates the younger dryas by hundreds of years particularly in the East which of course is in direct proximity to the Atlantic the rest of North America did begin to cool around 12 900 years ago though some areas were affected much less than others in the Northeast United States temperatures dropped by around 7.5 degrees Celsius causing frigid Winters and cool Summers with little rainfall change in conditions was disastrous to forests causing the spread of tundra in the northern interior the massive laurentide ice sheet which had been decreasing in size for thousands of years once again advanced the Great Plains in general became much colder with tundra-like conditions except for areas closer to the Gulf of Mexico the Rocky Mountains seem to have been isolated from much of the cold west of the Rockies conditions became two to three degrees Celsius colder and saw increased precipitation and the expanse of glaciers the Gulf of Mexico appears to have been slightly colder while the Caribbean experienced swarming when we moved to the southern hemisphere we see a much different effect of the younger dryas many regions appear to have been more or less unaffected and many even experienced slight warming Venezuela experienced cooling though much of South America seems to have gotten warmer glaciers in both Peru and Bolivia were treated Africa seems to have been affected in a variety of complicated ways North Africa which at the time had a very Lush Sahara does not seem to have been affected much Western tropical Africa slightly warmed while the East slightly cooled various regions of Africa do appear to have become more arid during this period though significant cooling appears to have been absent Asia was also affected in a variety of complex ways Oceania appears to have hardly been affected by the climatic event there is even evidence that Australia became warmer and wetter During the period since a younger Trice was a return to glacial conditions for much of the world glaciers expanded this caused the sea level to lower at a rate of about two to four centimeters per year until the end of the period from the start to the end of the period sea levels decrease between 20 to 40 meters this is a significant amount though keep in mind the oceans are currently rising at about the same rate and it is hardly perceptible to most overall the younger dryas was a strange period that temporarily put the world back into glacial conditions during a time when the Earth was steadily warming The Frigid and dry conditions undoubtedly drastically affected the human and animal populations of the period but before we talk about how our populations reacted we must first discuss the cause of such a peculiar event the cause of the younger dryas has been quite a Hot Topic especially in recent years multiple hypotheses have been proposed with various degrees of success in explaining the phenomenon that was the younger dryas perhaps one of the most essential things we must first understand about the younger dryas is that it lasted for over a thousand years any complete explanation of the period must have caused sustained Cooling and not just a momentary climatic change and this brings us perhaps to the most likely explanation of the event the sustained cooling of the Northern Hemisphere and the warming of the Southern Hemisphere suggests that the event may have been caused by a change in the ocean's currents more specifically the shutdown or reduction of the North Atlantic conveyor the Atlantic maradonional overturn in circulation or amoc for short is part of a global circulation of currents which brings warm salty water to the North Atlantic and Carries cold Waters Southward into deep Waters two things to keep in mind about this circulation is that it is based not only on temperature but also the salinity of the water this process is well studied in the modern era though many aspects about how it functions remains enigmatic one thing that researchers have identified is that it is anything but stable not only is there evidence that it was heavily varied in prehistory but even in the modern era evidence suggests that the amoc is weaker than it was prior to the Industrial Revolution many have hypothesized that the younger tries may have been directly caused by the influx of cold fresh water into the Atlantic Ocean first we should talk about what was happening prior to the younger dryas the world was gradually moving from a glacial period into an interglacial period this of course means that glaciers were melting and the world was warming deglaciation caused the sea levels to rise but also the formation of massive melt water lakes all over the Northern Hemisphere one of these lakes lake egasi was absolutely massive the lake covered as much as 440 000 square kilometers or 170 000 square miles it has long been thought that this body of water may have caused the sudden and perhaps sustained influx of fresh cold water into the Atlantic which would have undoubtedly affected the amoc further research has identified a pathway along the MacKenzie River that would have brought the glacial melts all the way to the Arctic and thus the Atlantic you may say but the Arctic is already cold why would this change anything you must remember that this was fresh water fresh water is much less dense than salt water the influx of massive quantities of this less dense water into the Atlantic would have disrupted the delicate mechanics of the amoc water may have also flowed eastwards straight into the Atlantic though this has yet to be proven though a singular flood of fresh water into the Arctic and Atlantic would have not caused sustained cooling for over a thousand years it is estimated that the amoc would have recovered in less than 100 years from such an event instead a large sustained flow must have been present to cause these conditions for most if not all of the younger tries period though all this may sound hypothetical much of our evidence suggests that this was the case changes in microscopic life within the ocean suggests a significant change in ocean currents not only do we have evidence of where the water entered the ocean but modern studies on the amoc suggest that cold fresh water would have certainly been capable of causing prolonged Cooling other studies suggest that a major ocean flushing event may have been an important component in the reduction of the amoc right before the onset of the younger driest several CO2 records show a sharp increase and a subsequent decrease the saltier ocean of the time may have accumulated geothermal heat and built up potential energy it may have been released rapidly perhaps catastrophically affecting the amoc evidence suggests that this event occurred and it may have been caused by an influx of melt water though this remains enigmatic evidence also suggests that these events May have occurred at multiple points in the past even more compelling our evidence suggests that the younger dryas is merely one of 25 similar events that occurred over the past 120 000 years similar events almost appearing identical in ice core graphs called dascar Oscar events are thought to have been triggered by melts water and variability of the carbon cycle a 2020 paper proved that the younger dryas is statistically consistent with the other do events with this evidence at hand the younger driest does not appear unusual whatsoever it may simply be a small part in the larger climatic variation that is regularly occurred on Earth since the start of the Ice Age 2.5 million years ago the what may sound like we have the younger dry assault figured out we must not forget that we are talking about climate climate is endlessly complicated and many other factors must be considered various researchers have suggested that a reduction of the amlc would not be enough to cause such a sudden and prolonged cold period variations in solar radiation and complicated atmospheric circulations could have played just as much apart in the cooling these explanations are most commonly cited in the scientific Community as the cause of the younger dryas however there is one that has gained a lot of traffic in pop culture of course I am talking about the elephant in the room the younger driest impact hypothesis or ydih for short first I must preface the discussion of this topic by saying that it is neither an outlandish hypothesis nor anything close to a proven fact there is certainly some evidence supporting aspects of the hypothesis though most experts reject the hypothesis based on a lack of repeatable testable evidence the younger driest impact hypothesis posits that fragments of a large extraterrestrial object air burst and disrupt various areas of the world around 12 900 years ago it hypothesizes that the impact may have caused widespread fires and impact winter the younger driest period and the extinction of various megaphones species evidence comes in the form of various hypothesized impact markers and layers data to the period and also black mats widely distributed dating to this time approximately two-thirds of the site stating to the onset of the younger dryas contain black mats these mats are a black organic Rich layer found across multiple continents they were considered by proponents of the impact hypothesis as evidence of widespread fires that occurred after an impact s such as these have certainly been found in some cases to represent volcanic eruptions and extraterrestrial impacts however for this to be the case clear evidence of synchronous deposition must be found or in other words it must be clear that they were all deposited at the same time a 2020 study found that the c14 from the younger dryas boundary are inconsistent with synchronous deposition the authors concluded that the synchronous deposition of the younger driest boundary is extremely unlikely furthermore black mats are known throughout many time periods and appear to simply be characteristic of wetland environments evidence from both the Southwest United States and Chiles show high levels of iridium and magnetic sediments in various sites between 6 000 to 40 000 years ago these supposed impact markers are found in these mats regardless of age or location some of these layers do appear to be evidence of wildfires but not necessarily impacts a 2009 study suggested that wildfires did occur during the younger driest boundary though they were a natural consequence of the rapid climate change of the period another study found no evidence that these hypothesized fires were impact induced the existence of these layers of the younger dryas boundary is only natural considering the younger Trias featured a dramatic change in precipitation and moisture in general considering these mats are not deposited at the same time they cannot be contributed to one event such as a comet strike besides easily visible evidence researchers have also looked into small signatures and layers dating to the younger driest boundary Nano diamonds are one of the most important forms of evidence that have been used to support the impact hypothesis since its Inception in 2007. though nanodiamonds can be found in sediment due to wildfires volcanism or even occasional meteoric debris a 2014 study about nanodiamonds based on 49 sediment samples from a range of dates did indeed find a spike during the younger dryas however it also found similar size spike in the Holocene around 3000 years ago and in modern topsoil of course a massive climate-changing asteroid has not impacted us recently and neither did it happen 3000 years ago another analysis of a similar younger dryas boundary layer from Belgium display to carbon crystalline structures such as nanodiamonds while the authors came to the conclusion that they did not show unique evidence for an extraterrestrial impact Platinum is another source of evidence which is often used to support impacts in general though other explanations such as volcanism can explain its presence a 2019 study found evidence in South Africa of a spike of platinum and layers dating right before the younger dryas the site is now one of around 25 sites in Europe Asia and North America which have reported Platinum the authors of this paper suggest that they impact hypothesis could be a possible explanation though critics were quick to point out that volcanic activity could be responsible we will talk about this later magnetic microspheres are another main form of evidence used to support the impact hypothesis first of all there is no consensus about the origin of these microspheres or the significance of their concentration various Studies have found evidence of spikes in younger driest boundary layers but have often been heavily criticized for not being reproducible an important 2016 study conducted a blind test of two different labs to identify magnetic microspheres from layers before during and above the younger tries boundary both Labs found very low or non-existent levels on either side of the boundary one exception from 11 500 years ago had a spike in microspheres though keep in mind the younger Trice ended around 50 years before this date and regardless if an impact was responsible we would find this evidence at its onset not its determination the study also found that reproducing this data even among themselves was problematic and noted that the purported impact proxies are not unique to the younger driest boundary perhaps an obvious explanation for the appearance of impact markers in various places around the world during the younger dryas is that there were impacts but the Earth is constantly bombarded by asteroids of various sizes and these signs are found in many layers where there wasn't a climatic shift one article pointed out that many of the impact markers pointed out by the original impact hypothesis study are not even consistent with a single impact here but rather from a diverse array of micrometeorites this is one of the problems for much of the evidence of impact if you are looking for impact markers in the soil you may find them but correlating an impact with a larger scale climatic change is much harder to do if there was a massive Creator dating directly to the start of the period a strong case could be made there is a crater in Greenland which was thought that could have dated to this time but it was later dated to around 58 million years ago though in regards to the impact hypothesis there may not even be one massive crater if the object fragmented across much of the world and mainly impacted glaciers well this poses a logical problem for the hypothesis embedded in it is a mechanism by which the evidence of the impact was destroyed or not preserved the only evidence found of an impact is spread faintly throughout the world resembling micrometeorite debris then where is the evidence that a climatic changing impact even occurred furthermore the best evidence put forth to support and impact suggests an iron meteorite instead of a comet such a dense object of the size being proposed would still leave a crater even if it impacted the laurentide ice sheet and if it Air Bursts it would likely not even distribute evidence as far as Africa or Asia critics have stated that the Earth certainly does not need an extraterrestrial impact to have caused the weakened amoc in the first place not only is evidence in synchronous and inconsistent but the younger driest appears to be simply a part of a repeating cycle of climatic changes and only appears significant because it happened to be the last major change before the start of the Holocene we currently do not have enough evidence to sufficiently support a large impact 12 900 years ago and we certainly do not have enough evidence to suggest it directly cause the younger dryas though I still advocate for not immediate denial of this possibility there certainly could be definitive proof out there but our evidence as of 2023 supports the conventional explanation of a number of factors including a weakened amoc people often accuse mainstream Academia for not being accepting of new ideas or controversial ideas such as impact hypothesis but if this were true why are there dozens of papers advocating for this even papers that are not necessarily for the impact hypothesis advocate for its further investigation even in the late 2000s despite what some may tell you science is not characterized by old dogmatics suppressing new discoveries at the end of the video I will further address pseudoscientific claims though we must first discuss another possible cause of the cooling period volcanism volcanic eruptions although quite hot can actually cause the Earth to cool quite considerably a 2020 study found that an impactor could not reproduce The observed chemical patterns found in the sediment from a site in Texas and appear to be more consistent with that own eruption the paper also importantly mentions that other previously found impact markers such as Wildfire products and Nano diamonds could have certainly originated in large-scale volcanic eruptions a 2021 study on the lack or see a route Shin proved that it happened slightly before the onset of the younger trials researchers believe that it certainly could have caused Cooling in the Northern Hemisphere and be responsible for some but not all Impact markers this eruption alongside other factors such as a weakened amoc could have been primarily responsible for the cold period while further research would need to be done to prove this we have covered in significant detail what may have caused the younger Trice but now we must discuss how it actually affected the human populations of the time for many the onset of the younger driest meant a return to frigid glacial conditions this was certainly the case for those living in Europe and much of North America northern Europe appears to have been hit the hardest by climatic changes the tree line lowered Tundra expanded and animal populations contracted the British Isles which were connected to the mainland at this time were hit particularly hard temperatures in January were between 10 to 30 degrees Celsius cooler than today our evidence of human habitation decreases and the practice of burial seems to have stopped entirely at some times the area which is now the British Isles may have been mostly uninhabited northern Europe was very frigid during this time period and Scandinavia was almost entirely covered by glaciers as it more or less had been for thousands of years most of Europe would have been generally drier due to the colder conditions year round this also appears to have been the case for areas of Western Asia and North Africa as mentioned earlier a study found that localities throughout Europe would have actually had quite warm Summers although they would have been short populations in Iberia do not necessarily seem to have decreased though it appears that the younger driest period did stagnate growth a similar story may have played out throughout much of Europe though population studies currently provide no clear answers a decline or stagnation is almost certain I find it extremely important to mention that a population decrease associated with colder conditions is in no way out of the normal North America is the other region which appears to have been affected the most by the onset of the younger dryas it is associated with the decline of the Clovis culture and the extinction of many megafaunal species such as Mammoth Sabertooth cats direwolves and many more though evidence suggests that many of these species experience the population crash a thousand years before the onset of the younger trials the cause for this is unknown though it now appears to not be as directly correlated to climate as once thought a study determined that paleo-indian populations at the start of the younger driest did not experience an initial population decline another study found that their populations did decline significantly in the following centuries after the onset to the younger trials before swiftly rebounding and expanding right at about 12 900 years ago stone quarries appear to have been abandoned while the number of projectile points also decline in some areas by around 50 percent it is unknown how population numbers were affected because Stone use is not directly correlated especially considering a clear cultural reorganization that was occurring during this time depending on the region these populations appear to not only have rebounded but expanded in as little as 200 years interestingly the Clovis tool making tradition seems to have directly evolved into the Folsom culture during this period at least in some places the Folsom culture appeared right at the start of the younger driest 12 900 years ago their sights appear simultaneously with Clovis sites indicating that both Traditions were still practiced though eventually through the younger dryas the Folsom tradition came to prominence despite the colder conditions the Folsom culture was able to thrive experiencing a population in Geographic expansion the Folsom culture is characterized by the creation of very Sophisticated Stone technology and a specialization towards bison hunting this specialization appears to have been a consequence of the extinction of much of the North American megafauna most of the Giants faded into Oblivion bison for whatever reason survived and the Folsom culture took advantage of this after all these years we still do not know why Mega final populations experienced this crash some evidence suggests that the human Hunters were really that deadly while other evidence suggests that climate played a large role considering their population began to collapse one thousand years before the younger trius an impact event could not solely explain the decline regardless of what caused the decline we know that it happened in both North and South America human populations from South America also appear to have been more or less unaffected by the climatic changes while many species of megafauna were lost as stated earlier the temperature and precipitation hardly appears to have changed during the younger driest and most of South America despite this the megafauna died out just the same perhaps suggesting that overhunting played a larger role than climate at least in this area moving across the Pacific archaeological records from Japan show little change from before and after the onset of the younger dryas population stayed relatively the same and ceramic Pottery technology was consistently used though after the younger driest period ended the quality of their Pottery did increase significantly North Asia in general appears to have cooled but not significantly and populations do not seem to have been affected significantly either same can be said about eastern and southern Asia in general we do not have evidence that these areas got colder or necessarily drier Australia in fact even warmed up a bit the populations living in these areas show no Decline and would have likely not noticed the change the megafauna in these areas had already gone extinct thousands of years before especially in Australia this being evidence often cited by proponents of the overhunting hypothesis that it was humans that made the megaphonic go extinct regardless they cannot be overlooked that the younger dryas did not have nearly the same effect on the Southern Hemisphere and Asia in particular finally circling back to Western Asia we find perhaps the most important effect of the younger dryas the less abundant times may have directly caused the Neolithic Revolution prior to the younger dryas utofian people of these regions were exploiting their environments so effectively that they could live in sedentary villages this is a big contrast from almost every other population of the time which has had to constantly move to more abundant areas they were able to do this by exploiting many animals and plants of their environment importantly grasses the region began to become colder and drier before the onset of the younger dryas and sustained this trend throughout the subsequent period the drier conditions caused the spread of grasslands and consequently led to a shift in their diet the Reliance on grasses and sedentary life is thought to have been an important step toward full-scale agriculture a discussion of the younger driest would not be complete without covering the events of its ending the end of the younger trials is very significant because it also marks the final end of the last glacial period oxygen isotope suggests that the ending of the younger dryas took between 40 to 50 years starting 11 550 years ago some areas even display evidence that significant warming occurred much faster than this other areas particularly in Asia show that the end of the younger driest occurred later with the end of the younger tries and subsequently the last glacial period the glaciers of course significantly diminished in size all this fresh water drained into the oceans causing the sea levels arise this rise is known as meltwater pulse 1B over a period of about 160 years the sea level Rose by around 7.5 meters or 24 feet that is about 4.6 centimeters or 1.8 inches per year that is not a lot but still significant over a long time span to put this in perspective the sea level is rising about 0.34 centimeters a year or 0.13 inches meaning that during these 160 years it was Rising about 14 times faster than it is today it is debatable if this amount would even be perceptible to Coastal inhabitants and certainly not to people living in land this rise in sea level occurred during the last two centuries of the younger trius and if you remember from earlier in the video during the rest of the younger dryas the sea level was actually decreasing by about 0.34 centimeters a year nowhere before during or after the younger trials was there a global flood or even evidence that the sea level Rose particularly quickly there were indeed massive racial floods and some very specific areas such as the channeled scablands of Southeastern Washington an interesting thing to note about the scavlands is that at least 40 cataclysmic floods have occurred there 39 of them not having anything to do with the younger dryas besides globally rising sea levels many living around the world would have hardly noticed the onset or the end of the younger dryas as mentioned previously human populations in most of the Southern Hemisphere were hardly affected and even animal populations were affected in a number of ways not necessarily correlated with the younger dryas the southern hemisphere happens to be where most people would have been living eleven thousand five hundred years ago Coastal shelters may have moved but keep in mind the vast majority of humans at this time belong to extremely nomadic groups it would have not been any problem at all to move a camp from an inch of sea level rise with a span of an entire year therefore no the younger Trice was not an apocalypse in any way shape or form for our species populations living in North America and Western Europe certainly had to adapt to the new colder conditions and the extinction of the megafauna did cause culture to change in an initial population decline as we saw with the Clovis Folsom transition though even this fast change in lifestyle for Paleo Indians subsequently resulted in a population expanse rather than a decline within the period northern Europe certainly did witness a population decline though not apocalyptically with our knowledge that the younger trius was one of many seemingly identical climatic changes calling it a cataclysm should be seen as exaggerated the megaphone collapse of North America may be seen as a catastrophe but again it cannot solely be linked to the younger driest as their populations appear to have already been declining more importantly the end of the younger driest we see the first emergence of agricultural and megalithic Societies in the near and Middle East this shift in lifestyle was gradual but put us on a trend of progression throughout the Holocene despite the facts I have laid before you pseudoscientific figures have become obsessed with the idea that the younger chives was a literal Apocalypse of which Humanity barely survived originally did not want to focus on talking of pseudoscience in this presentation but its prominence in the public conscious has made it nothing less than inevitable and I admittedly like talking about it as it can give us a good perspective of how science works in regards to the younger dryas not only has the public been lied to by charlatans but there are even researchers within Academia who have been accused of misconduct my research into this topic or conspiracy if you will has led me down a deeper and darker hold than I was expecting to find in this area of Interest and so my first ever investigation begins misrepresenting science has long been a tactic to profit since the Inception of the scientific method stereotypical scams such as the sale of snake oil has long been the recipient of false scientific claims though so has spectacle famous examples such as the Cardiff giant or the pill-down man have attracted curious crowds of paying guests the same can be said about many modern books programs and of course YouTube channels alternative figures often create outrageous claims and constantly berate the mainstream in attempt to gain views sell books or even tours perhaps the most influential figure in this Niche Corner would be Graham Hancock popular books appearances on podcasts and new Netflix series have undoubtedly changed how the public thinks about human history and prehistory importantly for our purposes today he has formed an obsession with the younger dryas impact hypothesis years before any evidence for the impact hypothesis had been found Hancock hypothesized that an ancient Advanced civilization perhaps in Antarctica was buried by seismic activity perhaps realizing this was far-fetched he latched onto the impact hypothesis as soon as it was first published in 2007. as in his mind it could explain The Disappearance of his Globe spanning civilization his book America before spends most of its time talking about this hypothesized civilization and how a comet conveniently obscured all evidence of it in his new archeology hit piece Graham tours the world looking for evidence of this civilization while conveniently ignoring carbon dating throughout the show he constantly blames archaeologists for being too dogmatic to accept new ideas even softly suggesting that they conspire to keep such evidence suppressed but what if I were to tell you the real conspiracy lies within Graham's series enter Allen West a guest Graham prominently featured in his show Alan is a consultant and self-taught geologist and is one of the main researchers who came up with the impact hypothesis and is also the founder of the Comet research group the 2006 book the cycle of cosmic catastrophes by West and Richard Firestone was the first mention of the hypothesis which was later backed up the following year with the first paper on the ydih this paper fires stone at all 2007 is plagued by contradictions logical fallacies irreproducible evidence secretiveness failed predictions contaminated samples and misrepresentations one of the claims made by the group in 2007 that has never been formally withdrawn is that hexagonal nanodiamonds have been found in significant quantities at the younger Terrace boundary in Greenland in 2008 an episode of the true science series Nova titled Mega Bee's sudden death ended up being removed from streaming after producers found issues with the evidence reported to them by the crg an additional trip to Greenland the following year by the crg failed to confirm their story and was never published after 15 years their claims remain unsupported and their raw data was never made available it is clear that the comet research group has a vested interest in proving evidence of an impact and ignoring evidence that does not support these claims furthermore the comet research group was also exposed in 2021 for digitally altering photos which were used as evidence for a paper claiming that the village of tall elham was destroyed by an extraterrestrial object a paper which has been met with harsh criticism from other researchers with physicist Mark boslow considering the paper unsalvageable and no amount of Correction would be sufficient to make it publishable this Village is believed to be the biblical city of Sodom which according to the Bible was a city full of Sinners that was destroyed by a fire and sulfur sent by God Alan West and eight of the authors of this paper are the founders of the crg a group which tries to prove ancient cities and civilizations were frequently destroyed by impacts their website directly says at crg our mission is to find evidence about Comet impacts and raise awareness about them before your city is next sounds like fear mongering to me though the biblical inclination may only appear as an afterthought Alan West's crg is directly linked to the rising Light Group a tax-exempt Christian Association registered in Allen's name furthermore another author on this paper received his education from an unaccredited Christian University located in a strip mall which prominently displays his book about the destruction of Sodom the point here is not at all to demonize Christianity but rather to point out that Alan West and the crg may not only have an underlying creationist agenda but also certainly confirmation bias in regards to comets Landing anywhere and everywhere that fits their narrative this is extremely problematic considering impact markers can be found in many places without necessarily denoting the severity of the impact or what effect the impactor had regardless of what may be suspected of their agenda the crg has routinely engaged in personal attacks on Skeptics inappropriate data manipulation withholding evidence and as mentioned earlier image tampering this alleged misconduct is known well as it can easily be found in their Wikipedia page or in dozens of Articles critiquing their work so why then in Graham's 2023 series does he feature the head of the crg in his documentary a man who was convicted of pretending to be a trained geophysicist to get money from taxpayers and attempted to escape Alcatraz okay that may be the wrong Allen West but the first conviction is certainly attributed to the biggest inspiration of Graham's best-selling book and Netflix series while this may all sound like ad hominem you are exactly right it is ad hominem and this brings me to another important aspect that I've learned in my investigation critics are also guilty in regards to their treatment of the impact hypothesis Mark boslow the man I mentioned who considered the paper on tall El hamam unsalvageable and no amount of Correction would be sufficient to make it publishable is himself guilty of unscientific ad hominem attacks on Alan West and the crg I bring this example up to prove the point that scientists in the mainstream are certainly capable of misconduct themselves though do not let this expunge the work of Alan West in the crg there's certainly still a questionable source with an untrustworthy history so one must still question why Graham Hancock shows the prominently feature a man and organization which Nova literally had to pull an episode off the air for well of course the answer is that Graham does not actually care to report science he simply cherry-picks data and ignores the ocean of evidence against him while constantly playing the victim card by claiming the entire field of archeology is against him his series is full of logical fallacies misrepresentations Reliance on faulty data confirmation bias straw Manning and flat out lies if Netflix had any backbone they would have denied the creation of such a show as Nova did years ago oh wait his son is the senior manager of unscripted Originals at Netflix and so the conspiracy deepens if you find yourself a fan of Graham's work the burden is on yourself to look into the legitimate criticism given to his hypothesis and demonizing rhetoric for the sake of time I could not thoroughly cover his misdeeds in this video but I have included resources in the description which factually dissect him as Mark Twain may or may have not have said it's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled I hope you are all critical of everything that has been discussed today and for anyone critical of the voice that is currently talking my sources are all in the document of my script for you to enjoy this video has been a very enjoyable challenge for myself and I am confident I represented the topic accurately more evidence will undoubtedly come out about the younger trius in general and I will be happy to make more videos about it in the future I want to take a moment to thank Sebastian from The Tell and Rudolph Wilkins for helping me with the research for this video this has been your host North O2 and hope to see you on the next one ciao [Music]
Channel: NORTH 02
Views: 767,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ancient animal, documentary, north 02, animal, fossil, evolution, paleoanthropology, human evolution, science, discovery, Proof of evolution, full documentary, history, fossils, videos, family friendly, learn, anthropology, paleo, paleonotology, ancient human, homo erectus, neanderthal, denisovan, human, humanoid, hominin, hominid, human history, prehistory, archaeology, education, human origins, younger dryas, younger dryas impact theory, younger dryas impact hypothesis, graham hancock, Randal Carlson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 40sec (2680 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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