Answering Google's Most Asked DANTDM Questions!

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hi guys down here and welcome back into another video and today we're doing something slightly different I'm gonna be trying to answer the most google surged questions about me so when you start typing something in google for example how to make good good spelling yep how to make it pretty much just gives you what's most searched on Google so I'm going to apply this theory to my name so we're gonna type in a bunch of questions and hopefully I'm gonna answer them and I'm gonna see what you creepazoids out there Google about me so first up let's try does dantdm have a brother have kids son wife oh these are some good ones let's start with the first one just dantdm have a brother yes I do he's two-and-a-half years younger than me I'm pretty sure he's being a vlog before not on this channel on the on the vlogging channel a while back so on some of you might have seen him those dantdm have kids no no I don't just an TDM have a son that's pretty specific hold on a second let me just hit this does it say anything about a son dantdm son don't hit him son how Don TDM stole my kid's soul and your kids is next I promise you that's not true do I have a wife of course I do her name is Gemma you most of you guys know that does that TM have a support or creator code yes I do it's dantdm and there's a big event no that happened yesterday there's a new season starting soon go and use that if you play fortnight does that again have snapchat no a voice in wreck-it Ralph I do but only the UK version and some of you would have seen my tweet on this but I'm not in any version on DVD or bluray which is which is great so you didn't see it in the cinema in the UK you'll never see it again which is okay how does dantdm make money record gaze boards Photoshop how does dantdm look like come on you need to fix your grammar guys edit his videos how does he make so much money make videos record his iPad make grim oh my goodness there's some good ones in here geez most of you know how I make money I just make it off of ads of views on YouTube how do i record i use obs to record which is free so go and check it out my mods are just from various places I always put them in the description how do I Photoshop I've done a few photoshopping videos but I've just self-taught myself I haven't done any classes or anything recording my iPad i use an elgato to do that make her this little thing you can use to make your iPad HDMI out where is dantdm from oK you've had that where is that see him now what let me see if anything comes up about that no no that's good that's good hospital biscuit imagine if we just came up with where I am to be honest most of the time I'm just sitting here anyway so you probably know where I am most of the time where is Darin TV I'm going on saucy even Google wants me to plug the tour I'll just do it quickly okay there's where is dantdm next tour as well all this information coming at you now I bring my show to the UK next month oh my goodness I'm scared and we force those in the UK I'm touring a brand's new never-before-seen show so even if you came to see the last one this one's completely different it's ten times more amazing so it definitely come along if you only get tickets they're running out pretty quickly please get them in the description below.thanks time TDM where is the baby the only baby I have is you this guy this is the only baby I have hmm I need some more question prefixes is dantdm dead great not yet haters I'm still here alive and well what happens if I search that dantdm is dead ace quick MUX quick wait I snuck into his house and you know excuse me dan TM is dead with proof Laurel he is alive if he dies I will cry not too many fake death videos but too many for me to feel comfortable is that real yes no yeah yeah I'm real is dantdm English I am I'm British so I met I've had two people yesterday when I was out and about and they both said they thought that I lived in the u.s. no I'm here in the UK still is dantdm left hand is know I'm right-handed why did don't EDM quit minecraft quit roblox stop died without engines changes eating show you stop clear of us quit YouTube oh this is a tragic set of events top to kind of back minecraft is definitely pretty well back at this point diamond dimensions changes intro I just got rid of it I don't like intros that much anymore and I'm still here not quitting yet and not dying yet okay how did Dereham TDM break his hand get famous make his intro met grim become famous how did dantdm get famous I wonder what comes up if I click this oh it just kind of goes to my Wikipedia page ah wait the untold truth of dantdm oh this sounds a little bit scary oh wait is this like facts of me Dan started out stacking shelves the test goes true here's the offer of a graphic novel true I would love to make another one Guinness world record holder yep I've got a few of those I think I have like 10 which is crazy it was announced as a playable character in the escape is its - wait what oh I see yeah so they added just random youtubers they didn't ask anyone I don't think they didn't ask me anyway they just put it in which is just kind of a cool thing somewhat happy the people they didn't care for what in the game is characters please give me an option to disable youtube scream Lord touch my precipice okay that could have been much worse okay I figured out how to make it autocomplete more so if you do what dantdm what's that DD of this phone number is the top two what on TDM is like in real life oh I'm scared to click this video we've covered this before this is not real this is this is lies fake news once time TD Ames middle name oh I don't think I've ever said that before can you guess it in the comment section I want to see if you guys know has dantdm died been in a movie eating dog food quit YouTube has tentative been shot I have not been shots actually I've been shot by nerf guns but not not actually shot my life isn't that crazy has a baby has a hat Jamal has a date I think that's for a video as a son where is the Sun come from why dance yeah white is damn tedium quitting YouTube wires dantdm hair blue and not quit quitting YouTube and why is it blue because I dyed it and originally because I asked people in Twitter whether I should and I did and it's been here for what like three years that's a long time well I think that might be enough of the internet for today so what we learnt I have never been shot I don't have a son and apparently I steal your your souls and I keep them in a jar over there I don't really that's a joke guys thank you for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it if you did leave a like that'd be greatly appreciated subscribe if your brands new for content from me every single day otherwise you're gonna miss it you don't want that do you bran thank you so much for watching have a great day and I'll see you next time good [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 6,443,582
Rating: 4.9379473 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, dantdm google
Id: ayMzEwlzZ9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2019
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