Answering 50 assumptions about me… | Justine Leconte

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hi everyone it's justine it's the first time ever on this channel that i'm doing a video on your assumptions about me because they are assumptions about people who make videos always but i've noticed for me that in the last months due to the fact that i'm a bit less present on youtube assumptions have like grown developed expanded and i want to address some of them because there is the stuff where i think well guessed how did you know and then the stuff where i think where on earth would you get that idea so i asked you on instagram your assumptions and i'm just gonna pick some and go through them i think that you like cheese it's the very first one so out of everything you could possibly ask this is what you came up with congratulations i do like cheese a lot i think that you love summer i do it's the best season of the year like what is there to discuss i think that you are a vegetarian no not strictly i do eat meat a little bit sometimes depending on the menu or whom i'm eating with at home not so much but i do eat fish eggs dairy not milk but cheese so i'm not a vegetarian or vegan strictly speaking my meat consumption however has gone down dramatically i only eat meat where i know where it's coming from how it's cooked and not shaped meat anymore you're a very positive person 99 of the times problems are not a problem for you there are an opportunity i'm a positive person 60 or 70 percent of the time but in the other 30 percent i probably won't film a video on that day because it just be painful to watch and problems are not a problem the opportunities that is true and there is no problem that can't be solved so if i go about it logically and rationally i'm probably gonna find that there are several options and then i will just go with one you can speak german well but you don't like doing so i speak german all day i speak english with you guys but in my daily life i'm in german completely i like speaking german why not i do i think that you drink a lot of water that's true i think water tastes amazing i love a glass of water you have a sarcastic sense of humor in brackets among close friends i do partly because i'm french and that's the kind of humor in the culture partly because it's me i think i'm more sarcastic than the average in france and unfortunately not only with close friends sometimes it comes out loud when it shouldn't in a context where it shouldn't your spanish is very good that's a very kind assumption i must say i'm a little bit rusty because i don't practice all that much i speak spanish yes i used to be fluent yes right now i would say depended you have never been in austria i have i've been to vienna i've been to at least three other places in austria i've been at least four times you are a very pleasant clever and curious person that's very sweet thank you very much pleasant i hope so i try clever it's not about the pure intelligence it's more about the mindset of wanting to learn new skills keep trying out new things in life curious for sure everywhere i go i want to know who is that what does this do how does that work i genuinely want to know about things and people your astrological sign is virgo and then we have capricorn wrong wrong i'm a libra you are happily single and then sorry if that was intrusive thank you for considering that i might not want to answer that kind of question it's true that i'm very private and i like to keep my private life and friends off the internet especially when they're not in social media themselves because it can feel very awkward to be filmed when you're not used to it i am not single you are married i'm not married you are more of a morning person look i'm the least morning person you will ever meet i i my brain doesn't work in the morning my happiness is not awake yet like i wake up as the day goes by so my best performance is in the afternoon or in the evening not in the morning no chance not a chance you are very introspective and a lot of alone time i'm seeing quite a few of these of this kind of comment i don't know if i'm introverted or extroverted i'm probably a bit in between i guess it's not that clear in my opinion i need a lot of time for myself i need time for myself yes relatively normally i would say i need that alone time to be creative to think about things to dream but i also need social time and i need to see my friends and when i don't like in the last year during lockdown i really really miss it so it's a good learning tool you're very focused consistent driven and don't take the easy way i am about the easy way it depends though because if i'm trying to push through a wall or push the wall it's not necessarily super smart maybe it's better to try and find a way around the world the chances of success are higher and it's less effort you know what i mean so i'm i'm not lazy at all i wouldn't say that but i try to be smart about things in strategical because why not you're very good at making plans and sticking to them i'm good at making plans that's for sure sticking to them honestly it depends i like to set goals that are very high and hard to achieve because if i don't achieve them but i achieve 90 percent of them i will have come further than if i set more realistic goals in the first place you know the the sentence if you reach for the moon it's good because even if you miss you will land among the stars so that's the kind of mindset i go with you prefer comfort than looking fashionable well i i ideally i want both but if i have to choose yes i will choose comfort you don't have as many clothing items as other influencers you probably have a lot less very likely i don't own so many clothes i keep sorting out i don't want to accumulate things that i that i'm not wearing you have days that you wish you weren't your own boss don't all entrepreneurs feel like that i hope so i certainly feel like that on some days where it's just not working the way i wanted to um yeah sure but there are also days when i think best decision i ever made and so i would never go back you like to challenge yourself yeah absolutely in all things of life i think that's how you grow and and come further yes 100 you have great ability and motivation for self-improvement and learning i'm very glad that it comes across this way because it's super true and it's also one of the biggest priorities in my life like that that brings me balance that motivates me that inspires me and i want to keep learning until the very last day of my life yes you're very intelligent and always planning calculating and optimizing your work career life given how this comment is phrased i will bet that you're the same way i'm like that intelligent not up to me to judge but thank you very much um i always plan calculate optimize yes because as an entrepreneur i think it's essential so when i have my business cap on yes i try to improve and optimize everything delegate when i can reorganize what needs to be etc however on the private side i'm completely able to just let it go and if i'm not in charge of something i have no problem letting the person lead who's actually in charge like it's not like i'm a control freak i'm completely okay with not being in charge so it's a mix that really works for me you're so secure in yourself and radiate self-love it must be great to be your friend thank you very much i'm not sure i'm a good friend my friends are spread all across the world it's not like i can have all of them around one table each weekend so it's a bit harder to keep up and i noticed in the last year i'm not so good at zoom friendships like i need to to see people in in real life like make common memories and stuff i want to get better at this because we don't know what the future holds right it's easier to keep a friendship than to to rebuild it once you've let it slip so it's one of my goals for sure self-love most of the time yes when i'm doing something that i feel confident in like talking to you guys i've done that for a few years now so i really enjoy the process and it's my hobby and i like sitting here and talking to you in business situations for instance it's a bit more nuanced i still have moments where people are not listening to me or not taking me seriously because i'm a woman and i'm young and i do things differently and they think they can tell me how to do my job without knowing me i mean there's there's feedback and there there is judgmental assumptions made about me feedback is fine the judgments from people who i've met five minutes ago and still tell me how to do my job that i don't like her you like berlin in germany but you miss friends i guess that's true i've been living in germany for for several years now and at the beginning i was not missing friends i also normally go to france like once a year for christmas at least except last year yeah i haven't seen my family since christmas 2019. it's about time things come back to normal i do miss friends now because i've been stuck here so i don't know if it's permanent or temporary but right now i do want to spend more time in my country yes it doesn't mean that i want to leave germany but spending a few months in france would be lovely and i'm looking into that indeed clothes in the wrong place in a store irritates you and makes you want to put them back in the right spots not like that but if you see it from the human perspective yes it's the job of the salespeople to fold everything back but also when you look at the top it costs you about half a second to just fold it back a little nicely and then put it back so they don't have 100 of the work to do you know what i mean like it's just friendly and polite when you're visiting a store you enjoy the life of an expat a true citizen of the world absolutely i'm very happy and lucky that i was born in europe and that it's the region where i live because in europe you have so many different cultures and languages accessible within such a short distance and it's extremely inspiring to me i'm very happy to be living in this region doesn't mean that i don't want to see all the rest of the world but i'm happy that this is my home base you always have it together if only you knew i try to sometimes i pretend to but really no i don't but also it's okay you can just go with the fluency where it leads you you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables yeah i crave fruits and vegetables i can't stand the smell of fast food it smells the way it tastes basically i really really don't like it so unsatisfying once you've eaten it i don't see the point whereas a nice melon in summer with a little bit of salt or like good strawberries from around the corner you're very picky in the bread you eat i i'm french i don't understand the question you don't have pets that's right i live in the center of a big capital city in an apartment it's not fair to the pets to live here and i travel a lot so well normally normally usually i travel a lot so i don't feel like i would be taking good care of them and i prefer not to have any at least for now you have this sparkle that brings people joy and great sense of humor thank you very much that's very kind so so many of these comments are extremely kind thank you you love people all animals the nature and your job that's pretty accurate yeah i do why not life's too short you're not entirely french i am completely french oh two related ones your type a and entj personality so the the entj thing this test i haven't done i don't know type a is that alpha is that the same thing if yes i think i'm more of a sigma but i'm not sure and in the disk model that i know d-i-s-c i'm super d a little bit of i like one point of c and zero s which means that i don't have a need for safety and stability and d means that i push a lot to reach my goals so i guess that makes sense aquarius no still libra i'm seeing a lot of comments saying that i'm an introvert do you do you think i'm an introvert because i think it's not that clear i see myself in between i would need to ask my friends what do you guys think you enjoy quality on a rainy day absolutely there's nothing better other people's opinions about you don't upset you it depends if it's mean for free with an intention to hurt that really annoys me because i'm like what kind of person are you to say that to me or to anyone when i say that in the comments under my videos i'm like breathe but in general like in in in real life people who don't know me but still tell me what to do what they think of me i don't really care because i know they're not qualified to have an opinion on me when it's coming from someone who i know has an expertise in what they're talking about i will always ask like what do you mean maybe i will learn something you know and after that i can still make my own decision on whether i want to follow that advice or not you're very independent and don't get emotionally attached to people that much i am very independent and for me that means being financially independent not needing people to have my own balance and i think that's essential not emotionally attached to people that's not true and i'm actually a very emotional person it goes like [Music] you are very confident not arrogant but you seem to have lots of self-confidence more than the average person yes but again i have to because i run my own business and i need this to work i need to be able to convince my suppliers my customers anybody i interact with that i know what i'm doing on topics where i'm less confident it depends but then again i have no problem with not being the knowledgeable person in the room and i'd be happy to ask questions that i can learn something from the person who knows more you know so i i don't have any issue with being completely new to a topic and just listening you're a bubbly person and make a lot of puns and jokes and only on camera you're calm and poised there are several reasons why the first one is english is not my mother tongue so i need to think a little bit more of what i'm about to say i can't be as spontaneous as in french also in videos i'm prepared because i don't want you to lose your time and i want the video to be as efficient as possible and useful and still a bit of fun i hope you're the wise responsible go-to person in the family i think my family would agree you are sincere and true in everything you do you know exactly what you like or don't like you're reliable thank you this is this is very kind i'm seeing so many super nice comments thank you i should do assumptions videos more of them sincere and true yes if something is not in line with my values or my ethics there is no way in the world you will help me do it i think it's a good guide to to abide by when making decisions in life i know what i like and don't like not always do i know what i like but i usually know or feel what i don't like which is a good start i can work with that reliable yes if i tell you i will do something you can 100 count on it you have three kids huh where when i don't have kids you have become a bit german i think i have i think i have and it's good like there is this thing that i always say if i have a team and i need to take care of a project i will probably want the creation strategy in the hands of the frenchie and i want the project management in the hands of a german and i'm very french originally but since i'm in germany i have indeed learned to execute properly and to manage projects in a much more detailed way originally i wasn't a detailed person i was more of a big picture person and i've learned the other side too which i think is an advantage okay i'm gonna stop here for today because we're in a heatwave and the sun is going to reach my window in about a minute i need to run away before that happens and find a fan and some shade i hope you enjoyed this video let me know in the comments which assumptions you thought were true and weren't or vice versa or if you have more assumptions about me i'll try to answer a few more in the comments when the video gets posted subscribe to my channel if you haven't done so already this channel is not about me it's about you but helping you with your fashion and your style so i'll see you very soon in a new video and until then take care bye you
Channel: Justine Leconte officiel
Views: 106,644
Rating: 4.9667773 out of 5
Keywords: answering your assumptions about me, assumptions about me, your assumptions about me, Justine leconte, Justine Leconte married, Justine Leconte age, Justine Leconte about, Justine Leconte Deutsch, Justine Leconte wiki, reading your assumptions about me, reacting to your assumptions about me, responding to your assumptions about me, Instagram rumors, Instagram survey, Q and A, get to know me, 50 assumptions
Id: 23lYsbBeGqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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