Ansible tower installation on AWS Ec2 RHEL Instance

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hello viewers welcome to easy cloud my name is arvind today we will be learning how to install ansible tower on an ec2 instance so for firstly uh we need to have a account in red hat in order to get the license since red dot ansible tower is a licensed version we need to get a license first for that we need to register in the red that customer portal with your company email address only then we will get the license so let me first begin with the importance of the ansible tower and the overview of ansible so ansible is an open source software provisioning and configuration management and orchestration tool application department tool so it is mainly used for the configuration management of the linux or windows servers where you update the uh packages or any of software in the server and and it has many other features as well we'll be learning in uh upcoming videos so next uh ansible tower is a easy to use ui passable tower is nothing but a user interface for the ansible and the dashboard where you can find all the related uh playbooks and jobs that was run playbooks that was executed and inventories that has been created you can see all the data in the ansible tower and it's a rest api for ansible ansible tower runs on the ansible control machine and it is this it just provides you the user interface for the ansible control machine so ansible list developed by python language and it hosts only on linux servers so you cannot host ansible or tower or ansible machine on windows server it is a dedicated to the linux based os so uh it is a push based mechanism and playbooks are developed in yml format and it is agentless and there is no agent reque required for the ansible so first uh what we gonna do is we need to register in a red hat quarter for ansible tower with company email address so let me just take you how to do that go to and just type in ansible tower in google okay click on the try free and here i need to click on the download ansible automation platform for red hat enterprise linux and here uh you need to give your company email address uh or if you do not have an account created you need to go ahead and create a new account here click create one now and once you create then you can sign in here with your company email address for example it can be your name name at microsoft or it can be amazon or any company that you're working on your email address you can mention here and we can login so after logging in you will be able to download the package a bundle ansible tower bundle so let me just uh take you there so for now i'm just logging in with my personal email address the reason why i'm telling you to log in with your company email address is that because only then you will get the free license if not the subscription you will not be able to get the subscription and once you log in here it will take you to a download page after downloading it then you need to go to your i read that portal where you have logged in with your uh company email address so this is how it looks after uh you know you log into the red hat portal so here you can check the subscription whether you got the free trial subscription or by clicking on the subscription tab over here and then you can go ahead and log in okay it's taking some time to log in here so once it is logged in here it will automatically download the package so once the package is downloaded what you can do is you can upload the package to the s3 bucket so that will be easy for you to download in the server so i've already downloaded and uploaded the package in the s3 bucket so i'm having it here it's already logged in okay let me just again try to download it see i'm clicking on download here once it is downloaded you can go ahead with the installation okay if you see here it says that change change your email address in your red dead account to your enterprise since uh i have logged in with my personal email address that's the reason it was showing like this error if not it will directly take you to the downloaded page and it will download so once after it downloads you need to go to your red that portal and click on subscription make sure you always know you log in with your company email address so if you click on subscription you can go here to active click on active you'll be able to see the subscription here if you see here it says 60 day evaluation it means the licenses value is for 60 days okay and after this we need to go back to the s3 bucket once you upload the bundle here you need to make sure it is it has publicly so that you can directly download with the link if not make the bucket public access and need to make public this particular object so it is downloaded now we have uploaded to the s3 and we have already logged in and got our package as well and with the subscription so what we need to do next is download the ansible tower package that is done and launch the ec2 instance so go to easy to launch a red hat and before that we have something we need to look into so uh there are three types of installation of ansible tower one a single machine wherein uh ansible tower and the database portion gray my postgresql is both installed in the same server and other two types of installation as well with external database wherein the ansible tower will be on one server and a database will be on different server and another one is high availability multi machine cluster wherein you have multiple ansible tower nodes and with the external database installed in the different server so here we will be using single machine as integrated installation wherein both ansible tower and database will be on the same server so the requirement for the ansible tower is uh you need to have red dot enterprise linux 8.2 or 1.7 or centos on point so the minimum requirement is 2 cpu and 4gb ram 20gb dedicated hard disk space so here since we are using an aws ec2 instance the instance type minimum should be m4 dot large or larger than that so let's go to the ec2 instance i'm going to launch a new instance now so it is red at i'm going to use red dot 7.7 7.6 version or 7.7 here i'm going to use m4 to search for m4 so there they will ask for m4x large or m4 large name for large so here we're gonna use m4x large so we need uh a better instance wherein we have uh you know 4gb ra 4gb cpu and 16 gb ram and i'm gonna use the default settings for network and vpc and subnet all will be default option and storage will be 30 gb and tag i'm just gonna give a name for the ansible tower and ssh select the key pair yeah now it is launching now it will take one or two minutes to complete the installation and next so here we're going to see what are the other requirements that we we required for the ansible tower installation here as i said earlier uh the three types of insulation is as integra dead installation and with external database and option three is high availability very near multiple ansible tower nodes and it is uses a postgresql as a database service okay now it is installed i guess so let's go ahead and connect to the server now so the installation of ansible tower would take approximately 15 to 20 minutes so the default username is ect user so i'm gonna switch to root and the first thing that i'm gonna do is update the server i'm gonna pass the server so that the server will have all the latest patches installed so here uh we learned today uh so uh how to register for the right at a ansible tower for the free trial license so make sure you always log in or use the company email address since the personal email address or gmail or mail it won't be working you have to login only with your company email address so download the ansible tower package once you log in with that and uh need to upload to the s3 so that you can from the s3 you can download to the ec2 instance and launch rhl ec2 instance in aws then uh you need to download the package in the ec2 instance and you need to install it uh there's a few uh procedure that we need to follow before we go ahead and install i'll show you what it is and since ansible is a agentless server so you don't need any agent to be working on any of the client node to execute any of the ansible playbooks and all the ansible playbooks are written in yml format so once the server is passed we can go ahead and download the package the server is patched now and even rebooted let's try to connect back to the server okay logging okay so now what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna download this package in the server so this pack is nothing but the one that we downloaded from the red hat package or a dot portal so uh first i'm going to install the dublicate command so i'm going to show you now of from the data portal where we'll be able to find the username so so click on this your name on uh there in the redact portal and click on user management and it will take you to the uh portal uh page where you can see your username through which you can activate your license and the subscription from here from the subscription tab so for this you need to login only with your company email address because uh even if you try to log in with any other email address you will not get the subscription you might able to log into the portal but the subscription you won't be getting it that's the reason i am reiterating and you need to use only your company email address so the duplicate is installed i'm gonna install the package here okay so i'm gonna unzip it okay it's done now i'm going to the folder here so there's something that we need to make changes to before we go ahead and install it so as i said earlier so there are different methods that we can install ansible tower in single machine and now external database and high availability machine so that we're going to learn here i'm going to show you what are the changes that we need to make in the inventory file so i'm gonna go to the inventory file so if we see here that under the tower it says that localhost ansible connection is equal to local the database it says postgre mysql okay so here what i'm going to show you is single node inventory file so this is what we gonna do so the local host is ansible local and the admin password is the whatever the given the password we need to we can give our own password as per our requirement and this is a multi-node cluster you see as you can see here um previously in our single node we have given local here they given the tower the different server host name same it goes with the external database okay so here we're gonna use the local so i'm going back so by default it'll be the local so what i'm gonna do here is the setting the password we need to set password for both ansible tower and the postgre mysql so i'm gonna go here admin password i'm just gonna give us password later we can change the password however depending upon our requirement even here i'm gonna give us password okay then save this file and that's it so next we're going to run the setup so just uh i'm going to execute the setup dot as such script so this would take around like five minutes to complete the installation so once this installation is completed we can go ahead and access our ansible tower through the web browser so let's uh wait till it gets complete and we will connect back once the installation is complete now the ansible tower installation is completed so let's go ahead and check whether that is completed or not so let's check by ansible iphone iphone version this year it is using ansible 2.9.7 version okay it's installed now so let's go to the server and address check it with us okay let me check the security group here okay we did not allow the http traffic so i'm gonna allow all the traffic okay now it is working okay here you need to give your admin username and password username password that you edited in the inventory file i'm going to give the default password now we need to activate so all there are two types so where we can go ahead and activate but then you can upload you can request for the license here click on the request license you can request for the license and uh for example if you have uh configured for the enterprise license then you will get the license file then you can upload the license file here click on browser and you can upload it and this is a method you can now download and get the license file and another method is we already done that so uh we're gonna login with our username and the password as i said earlier so how to get the username and password click on the name user management and whatever the name username that you have given while creating the account you can give the same name so i'm going to give the name that i have given and the password and once it is successfully uh logged in it will take you to the ansible tower home page dashboard where you can see all the information see if you see here once you successfully uh uh you know logged in with your uh reddit ansible username and password here it will tell whether you have a license or not so here it says trial 60 day evaluation of a data ansible automation so click on select you have selected the license now it will take you to the ansible tower dashboard click on agree and submit okay you see here it is taking you to the dashboard so you have successfully installed and configured the ansible tower in the amazon ac2 instance so what we have learned today is how to register in the red hat portal to get the free trial license for the ansible tower downloading the ansible tower package launching ec2 instance and installing the package in the easy to instance and login to ansible tower in web browser activate the tile license with the red that customer id and password if you want to uh change the password for the ansible tower you can use this command to change the default admin password and i will be pasting all the important links in the description will be able to find all the important information in the links in the description field and thank you for watching our video and if you like this video please click on like and subscribe to our channel thank you
Channel: Easy Cloud
Views: 1,892
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Id: JgtPGha2lmw
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Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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